I miss


<font color=FF00CC>Of all the things I've lost my
May 5, 2002
my children.
My 6yo dd says she doesn't remember what I look like.. "Mommy I remember the tangles (I have curly hair) but I don't remember what your face looks like" :(
Are your children not with you at this time? If so, I am so sorry for your pain. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be separated from my children for any length of time..... :(

I sure hope you can have a happy reunion very soon! :)
I'm sorry too. Those words must be very difficult to hear. Best wishes for a speedy reunion and comforting hugs.
It's been almost 2 months away and still 4 more to go. :(
They have pics but dh says they keep losing them around the house.
I don't understand
Are they away at camp or something with your DH?
Can't your DH blow up some photos and place them in frames around the house?

I feel so bad for you - my two are teens and can be surly and grumpy (well, so can I!:o ) but I miss them after 2 days, so I can only imagine your pain!:( :( :(
I'm away Ziggie from home for 6 months due to work. :(
The work keeps me busy for the most part but I miss them.
Do you have a camcorder? If not, you could rent one and make videos for them. Read a story, talk to them about what you're doing, how much you miss them, wear a silly hat or dress up in a cotume, etc. They would love it. They could make one for you too. My friend does this with the kids Grandparents who live 2000 miles away. It really helps them feel closer.

6 months is a long time to be away from your little ones. I'd be sad too. :(
Oh my, I can't even imagine being in your shoes. My heart goes out to you. (hugs) You said you've been gone 2 months with 4 more to go, isn't there any way, maybe in another month, that you could fly home for a weekend to visit?
:( Hugs, I imagine that would be sooooo hard!

Others had some good ideas, can you do that?
Originally posted by SnowAngel
I'm away Ziggie from home for 6 months due to work. :(
The work keeps me busy for the most part but I miss them.

I'm sorry this is so difficult for you SnowAngel :( Why not plan a super homecoming get-together with them? That should cheer you up :)
Thanks all for the sympathy. I wish I could go home for awhile but can't. Part of the job... I could get dh to send a camcorder (can't get one here) but now I try to send pics, letters and call as often as I can.

but found out some good news... We may get to go home earlier than planned. in 2 more months rather than 4 .. that is good news.. :D

I know this sounds biased but why does it seem harder for females to leave their children than Men. It never seemed to bother dh as much when he had to be away. Men at better at keeping softer emotions at bay I guess ;) It's fine during work.. too busy to think...

I am planning Disney trips in my off time though :) And I have plenty of time to think and read. :)
There is no job in this world that would mean my being away from my DD for that length of time! I would have to say that I would never have even accepted or stayed in a job that kept me away from not only my child, but from my DH too.

Unless you're in the military and it was active duty that you really did not have much choice, I'd be out of there in no time flat! I'd take a job at McDonald's before I'd be away from my family for more than a week or two at a time.

I believe SnowAngel is in the military. Am I right?

{{{HUGS}}} and I hope that this time flies by.
I'm sorry you are going thru this difficult time. I hope the next couple of months go by fast for you.


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