I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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The people posting about the Delta miles got me all worried. It looks like immediately upon hitting my spend (I bought $2k in bathing suits.....sucks when you are 4 different sizes, 99% is going back, LOL), I got my 70k miles for the Biz gold card! So I've hit my spend on that.....now to find a new card to churn.

Is the Citi Biz route still, buy a mailer if you already had one (in the last 2 years)? I need to recheck when I clear 5/24. Might do the citi AA personal as I know I have done several cards at the same time in the past. And biz cards don't count in the 5/24, correct? So the delta biz I just got won't count.
AmEx Rose Gold limited Edition is live. TPG is reporting it's by support link only right now.

I wonder if you pull a better offer than a support one for the plain-Jane Gold if you could just request a replacement in the Rose Gold finish? I thought existing Gold card holders could do that the last time so I'd guess it'd work the same this time? But I haven't been following along with the incognito offers and whatnot so maybe the support offer still is the best offer (especially with a self support) so it's not an issue.

I'm seeing 40k after 2k, was there still a 50k incognito offer floating around? You can sometimes pull an incognito offer on a support link so that'd be the best if it's still out there.
I've been pulling the 50k incognito a lot over the last week
Good morning! I am fairly new to following this thread and wanted to give some info about me and ask for some advice/input.
Southfayette has already answered questions and been very helpful.

History on me and what I wanted to do for churning. I had a personal SW plus card for about 5 years. I recently canceled it when I heard about the 60,000 bonus offer going on. I applied for the SW biz and was approved. Now, I wanted to apply for the SW premier card so that I can go for the CP. I did not realize that it was best to wait 3 months between aps. In hindsight, I should have applied for the premier first before the June 9 cut off for the bonus points and done the Biz later since that amount is standard. I did not realize that when I applied. So much information, and not enough research on my part. So, my first question is should I wait 3 months to apply for the premier or try to apply before June 9 anyways? I am 0/24 for other apps other than the SW Biz.
My second questions is for my DH. He is also 0/24. Which is best for him to do first the CIP or the double dip on the CSP/CSR?
Thanks in advance for reading and any input.

Since you are 0/24....I would apply for the a SW personal card on 6/9
Have you looked at the Priority card vs Premier.....
With the Priority the AF is $149...but you get the $75 SW credit..net $74 and 7500 RR anniversary points..plus 4 A1-15 upgrades if available
Premier has a $95 fee and 6k RR anniversary points

For your DH....which ever way you go I would put 3 months between the applications...CIP or double dip....and would look at upcoming spend to see where the $8k and $5k MSR fit in best
So, my fledgling ebay-selling business saw its first sale today! But I clearly don't understand how the selling end works because ebay charged the (international) buyer a shipping rate (which I didn't realize they would do) and got the payment from him (I can see it went to my PayPal account) but then when I printed the shipping label just now, the shipping amount was different (higher) by about $11.

I don't know whether its strictly because it was international but I wonder if I am in way over my head. I haven't posted anything else for sale yet because I am waiting on mailing supplies but perhaps I should stick with domestic only.

On another note, my husband wanted me to ask the assembled experts here whether a 10-99 will be forthcoming for any sales we make on ebay. Does anyone happen to know about that? We know to expect a 10-99 for things like the UR on the CIP I just opened.

I haven't ever sold volume on eBay so I'm not up on all the various options, but I definitely stick to Domestic sales only because unless you're familiar with International shipping rules it just makes life easier. (depending on what you are selling there are certain ways it needs to be packed, declared on forms, addressed, etc.) There's a setting you can select on the listing to do that. Someone with more experience will probably chime in regarding that aspect.

Regarding the 1099 situation, I didn't think it was eBay who would send a 1099 because they aren't usually paying you anything. It was usually PayPal that would send it but with the advent of eBay GC's and other payment options maybe they do now. But it'd be a 1099-K and you'd have to do a good amount of volume before that happens. It's $20,000 and a certain number of transactions, I think 200 (but that could just be me matching the "2"s together. I'll never get close to either volume so I don't pay too much attention :) )

That said, the usual tax advice still applies - just because you don't receive a 1099 doesn't necessarily mean you do not have to report it. You'd want to look into income reporting requirements to determine if your eBay side hustle has reportable income (either positive or negative). Hope that doesn't scare you off, it's really not that bad once you get the hang of it.
When you list on ebay, you have shipping options in your listing. You can put a charge that you want them to charge, or you can put to have them calculate it based on the package weight (which you would have to enter in your listing) and the borrowers zip and your shipping carrier choice. They then do send a bill to the buyer immediately on closing with either your chosen shipping fee, or the calculated fee. I always just put in my own shipping fee, based on what I have calculated.
Ok. Going against the general advice to be cautious and space out your cards by 3 months when applying for a new card with Chase, I'd say you're ok to go for the SW Premier card before June 9.

The reason being you're 0/24, which means you haven't opened any cards other than the SW Biz in the past 2 years. That doesn't look like a risky customer about to "bust out" to me, and you shouldn't to Chase. Your risk factor is likely very low. Just give yourself adequate space with Chase after you're approved for the SW Premier.

Second, while Chase's guidelines are that you have applied for no other Chase cards in the 30 days before applying for a Chase biz card, you can have applied for 1 other Chase (personal or biz) card within 30 days before applying for a Chase personal card. So, even if you applied for the SW Biz card in the last 30 days, that shouldn't bar you from applying and getting approved for a SW personal card, like the Premier, now, before the 60k RR points offers go away.

@disfanforlife I agree with Lain's assessment above. I can tell you that I got the SW Biz in Oct last year and a personal SW Priority 24 days later with no problems (and I was at 4/24). It was smart to get the biz card first! And you should check and see if you can generate a self-supporting SW link for your personal app for an additional 10K RRs like @SouthFayetteFan let us know about.

This is the Chase RAF site to check and see if you can create that link.
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Can I generate a referral from my Reserve for the Preferred for my mom?

No, no cross referring of products on the Sapphire line like AmEx. Just this week they came out with a "universal" link for the Southwest cards but no clue when they might offer it elsewhere. And the Reserve still doesn't have a RAF link at all, so you couldn't even give her one for the same product. :(
Doing the Happy Dance!! Just got approved for CIP#3!!

CIP #1 - 8/9/18 SSN
CIP #2 - 12/26/18 EIN
CIP #3 - 6/6/19 SSN

All of them are still open. Will be closing #1 and #2 after a year. So excited. Used DH's card for Referral. Will try for DH's #3 in probably July or August as we will have Tuition and College fees coming up. So Excited. I applied yesterday and only called like 6 times. This morning I was approved.
Doing the Happy Dance!! Just got approved for CIP#3!!

CIP #1 - 8/9/18 SSN
CIP #2 - 12/26/18 EIN
CIP #3 - 6/6/19 SSN

All of them are still open. Will be closing #1 and #2 after a year. So excited. Used DH's card for Referral. Will try for DH's #3 in probably July or August as we will have Tuition and College fees coming up. So Excited. I applied yesterday and only called like 6 times. This morning I was approved.

Congrats party:
Since you are 0/24....I would apply for the a SW personal card on 6/9
Have you looked at the Priority card vs Premier.....
With the Priority the AF is $149...but you get the $75 SW credit..net $74 and 7500 RR anniversary points..plus 4 A1-15 upgrades if available
Premier has a $95 fee and 6k RR anniversary points

For your DH....which ever way you go I would put 3 months between the applications...CIP or double dip....and would look at upcoming spend to see where the $8k and $5k MSR fit in best

Thank you, I did look at it, that does sound good except for the fact that I am planning to book with points - so I wouldn't have anything to use the $75 on for SW. Otherwise, I definitely would consider it.
Yes, I will definitely do that in future!!!! Avoid all this hassle. I did NOT know that ebay automatically calculates shipping based on the dimensions and weight I had put in. What happens, I wonder, if I get to the post office to mail it and there is a significant discrepancy??? Seemed odd to me.

Oh.. well I definitely won't be making $20K! Thank you!

Good to know on the URs also, thank you.

Yes... no more international for sure!
I think the shipping charge depends on how you set up the listing unless something has changed recently. It's been a few months since I listed anything. I figure out what the max charge could possibly be for the farthest US distance from where I am. Then I'll usually charge that amount as a fixed shipping cost instead of doing a variable priced shipping based on zip. I have had at least one instance where I lost money on a sale because of shipping/ebay/paypal fees.
Rushing around here, so I haven't had time to go back and read. I suspect this has already been posted, but wanted to hop on and say that there are new Citi AA offers out. The Biz offer is for 70K AA miles with $4K spend and you get an extra month to meet it (I believe the MSR previously was $5k in 3 months). Fee waived first year.

I sure am loving my AA miles (for actual flights!). I so want to apply again . . .

Is this available off a mailer? I need to churn more AA miles.
AMEX chat just confirmed for me there is an ongoing glitch that is affecting many people, and a phone and chat rep this morning both say I have more than met my spend. UGH. They said their engineering is working on the issue :-(
And now he says my threshold won't be met until this months billing is complete, to which I told him, no my spending was met by last months billing. he agrees.

UGH, why do I need to wait for engineering to fix it? You can see I met the spend - regardless of which billing cycle, just pick one, there seems to be multiple :badpc: - put in the request to issue the points!

I wonder a lot about all this "empower" your employees to make this right and be "advocates" for the customer and how much of that is hogwash - but then there are these situations where I can totally see where this policy when implemented properly (which is key) would do wonders for an organization. If they had put a mechanism in place for reps to flag the account as a problem account, they could issue the points manually to keep the customer happy and then work on the problem in their own time. When they come to a flagged account with a manual disbursement, don't disburse the points again when they run the batch to fix the glitch. Much goodwill had by all in that situation. Reps, engineers, and customers all happy.

Now they have how ever many hours of phone/chat time taken up by a single issue and have a disgruntled customer exasperated at wasting the same number of hours of their time on your issue telling all their friends about it. Sorry you're stuck in all that and sorry for ranting about it :laughing:
Haven’t been on all day or much the last few days. We have family visiting and not a lot of free time. I’m heading to the news thread to get caught up!

Just wanted to let y’all know that my dh got a job offer! It’s a job he’s wanted for over a year. He interviewed last year in May but things didn’t work out for various reasons. Anyways, it’s looking like he will definitely accept! So excited for him but also really nervous as he will start traveling some. The job is a remote job so we can move anywhere but we won’t move for two years so we can let our dd16 graduate from here. But just know, for the next two years, y’all are going to be hearing about if we want to move/don’t want to move and if we do where!?? :P

That’s great news! Congratulations! :jumping1:
The people posting about the Delta miles got me all worried. It looks like immediately upon hitting my spend (I bought $2k in bathing suits.....sucks when you are 4 different sizes, 99% is going back, LOL), I got my 70k miles for the Biz gold card! So I've hit my spend on that.....now to find a new card to churn.

Is the Citi Biz route still, buy a mailer if you already had one (in the last 2 years)? I need to recheck when I clear 5/24. Might do the citi AA personal as I know I have done several cards at the same time in the past. And biz cards don't count in the 5/24, correct? So the delta biz I just got won't count.
Isn't it a "no no" to return merchandise purchased to meet a spend?
@disfanforlife It was smart to get the biz card first! And you should check and see if you can generate a self-supporting SW link for your personal app for an additional 10K RRs like @SouthFayetteFan let us know about.

This is the Chase RAF site to check and see if you can create that link.

@disfanforlife - I thought about the self-support news and applying it to your situation, but a support link from the SW Biz to the SW Premier will only get you the standard 40k RR points SUB on the Premier + 10k RR support bonus, vs. the elevated 60k RR public offer that’s good until 6/9/19.
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