I don’t *like* food; I Love it – A Solo August 2015 Dining Report - 10/20 COMPLETE

Aloha Isle
Order: Pineapple Dole Whip Cup


After a busy day in Epcot I jumped on the monorail to head on over to my park for the evening – Magic Kingdom! It only took four days to get there but I was finally in the heartland of Disney and couldn’t be more excited :hyper:

I had a super late dinner ADR (9:30pm) so I had plenty of time to fill in. I decided to use the evening to get through a number of meet & greets instead of wasting time during my MK day when I could be on rides. Three characters in (including a serious discussion with Aurora) and I was starting to get hungry.


It had been five hours since L’Artisan de Glaces and it was still pretty hot so I decided it was time to try a Disney icon – the Dole Whip.

I made my way to Adventureland and walked straight up to Aloha Isle (yay for no waiting!). I placed my order for the standard pineapple dole whip in a cup ($4.19+tax). Less than a minute later and it was in my hot little hands :woohoo:


I took my treat over to Aladdin’s Carpet and took a seat on the wall to tuck in. I'm glad the 1,000s of reviews I'd read weren't wrong because this was awesome! I loved the tartness of the pineapple flavour and the creaminess of the texture. The bonus is it is relatively low calorie if you watch your portion sizes! I ate about half and would have licked the cup clean if I didn’t know I had a three course meal coming up later in the night.

So definitely consider me a dole whip covert. It will become my one of my must do snacks if I ever make it back to Disneyworld (the dole whip with Rum in AK sounds super tempting as well ;)) and will be on the list of recommendations I make to others who are going!


LOVING your report! As soon as I saw your score sheet, well, I knew you meant business :laughing:. I'd be crazy not to follow along!
Love dole whips!! I fortunate the yogurt shop by my house has them, but the best are at Disney and of course Hawaii :)
Cinderella’s Royal Table
Order: Appetiser – Pork Belly Confit, Entrée - Pan-seared all-Natural Chicken, Dessert -Our Signature Dessert


We’re finally up to the meal that I was most looking forward to pre-trip. I booked my trip to the states in late April for an early August trip so I well and truly missed the 180 day ADR window. However I knew there were a few reservations that I was willing to keep an eye out for (as in obsessively check multiple times a day). And the main one of these was for Cinderella’s Royal Table. There was just something about the idea of eating in a castle with princesses that made me desperately want to do it. And about a month out from the trip I was lucky enough to score an ADR. Admittedly this was at a much later time than I’d usually eat dinner but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I had the most amazing meal and the timing was a key part of it.

But enough about the planning, because the day was finally here and I was super excited. The pathway that led up to the castle was blocked until around 9:25 while they set up Wishes. They finally let us is right before my 9:30ADR. The check in process was super easy and the CM doing the checking in was so sweet and gave me an excellent tip for the next day. I was going to say that it was surprisingly busy but considering how hard it was to get in I guess it should have been obvious how busy it was going to be! I was shown inside and into the queue for photos with the main gal herself – Cinderella. There were only a few groups in front of me so it didn’t take long for it to be my turn. Cindy was lovely, although she wasn’t as friendly as some of the other princesses I’d already met.


I then took a seat and waited to be called to dinner. It probably took around 10 minutes of waiting so it was about 9:45 before I made my way up the staircase and into the castle. I was seated at a two top table right against the window (which was secretly what I’d been hoping for).


The CM server was very friendly and chatty and was helpful with all my questions. I'd read the menu in advance so knew what I wanted but for those who haven't been here's a terrible photo of the menu!


I placed my order and shortly after the basket of bread was brought out to the table. These were standard dinner rolls but they were warm and crusty and went well with the butter (I may have eaten two and had to stop myself from eating a third but I’m a bread fiend!).


A few minutes later and my appetizer arrived. I’d chosen the Pork Belly Confit which, as per the menu, was served with Raspberry Habanero Sauce, Blistered Tomatoes, Micro Cilantro, and Radish. This was delicious. The pork belly had the right level of fat to meat and was super unctuous. The raspberry habanero paired surprisingly well with its mostly sweet taste and then a nice fiery kick at the end. All in all this was a great way to start the meal.


While waiting for the main (which wasn’t a long wait) I asked my server if I could get one of the wands and wishing stars and this was no trouble (so if you’re an adult by yourself just ask and they’ll happily give you one. And then it was time for the most magical part of the evening – being able to see wishes from inside the castle. The restaurant pipes the music in and I had the perfect position to see the fireworks over New Fantasyland. This was absolutely amazing – in fact I almost shed a tear because it was just so perfect- eating a great meal at Disneyworld in Cinderella’s castle watching fireworks – I’ve never done anything else like it. At the end of it everyone grabs there wishing star and makes a wish which was a perfect way to end it!

After Wishes it was time for the main course. I’d ordered the Pan-seared all-Natural Chicken - served with Farro Risotto, Seasonal Vegetables, Rendered Pancetta, and Poultry Jus. This was hands down the best meal I had the entire trip. The chicken was perfectly cooked and the seasoning was just right. Even better was the Farro Risotto – I could have had two bowls of this and it still wouldn’t have been enough – it was just that good! I’d definitely add this to your must eat list if you’re ever in the castle.


And then it was time for the Princess Parade. I really liked how this was done – each princess is introduced with her back story and then they follow a set path around the restaurant so you know what order in which they’ll visit your table. The only negative I had was that the princesses didn’t have handlers so there was no-one to take your photo if you were alone. Luckily the people I asked at the tables next to me were happy to help but it is something to note if you’re alone. In order I met Snow White, Aurora, Ariel (in human form) and Jasmine. They were all really good interactions with Jasmine and Snow White being my favourites.

After all that fun it was time for dessert. I ordered the Signature Dessert which was described as a Chocolate Tart with Caramel, Hazelnut, Chocolate Sauce, Raspberry Sauce, and Gelato. Now it wasn’t really a chocolate tart – it was more like a brownie in texture – but it was really good and the gelato was delicious. Not the world’s best dessert and I certainly had better elsewhere in WDW but it was good and was a nice way to finish the meal.


As it was a pre-paid meal ($73 including tax and tip) at the end of my meal I was given a receipt and headed back out into the park. I wasn’t rushed at all during the meal but was out of there at around 10:50pm.

Overall – this was the dining highlight of my trip. Two excellent courses (+ one good one), great service and an atmosphere that cannot be beaten. I’d do it every trip if I could get an ADR and it is now one of my favourite memories from this holiday that I’ll remember for a long time.


Awe CRT sounds so sweet!! I would love to solo dine there. What a magical and delicious evening you had :)
I'm woefully behind but all caught up now.

Bummer the pop food court was such a bad experience. 30 minutes for cold fries, no thank you. But at least the king cupcake made up for it a tad. And glad AoA helped compensate for the poor pop experience.

What a great time Biergarten sounds like and so many choices. Though I'll forgive you for not loving all that is grapefruit beer ; )

Thanks for the lesson on the french caramel. I'd never heard that before and not knowing (or warned) ordered it. Where were you before I got it ; ) But yeah for dole whip.

What a wonderful experience CRT was for you. I had no idea the food was that good. That pork belly alone sounds delicious!!!!
Great CRT review! I'm now even MORE excited about our ADR for that. And that appetizer is the one I've been eyeing on the menu - it sounds (and now looks) delicious!!

I hope you have a great time. I was super nervous as I know a lot of people don't love CRT but I really enjoyed myself. As long as your expectations are realistic going in (it's never going to be Michelin star quality) you can have a tasty meal :-)

Awe CRT sounds so sweet!! I would love to solo dine there. What a magical and delicious evening you had :)

It was definitely :wizard:

I'm woefully behind but all caught up now.

Bummer the pop food court was such a bad experience. 30 minutes for cold fries, no thank you. But at least the king cupcake made up for it a tad. And glad AoA helped compensate for the poor pop experience.

What a great time Biergarten sounds like and so many choices. Though I'll forgive you for not loving all that is grapefruit beer ; )

Thanks for the lesson on the french caramel. I'd never heard that before and not knowing (or warned) ordered it. Where were you before I got it ; ) But yeah for dole whip.

What a wonderful experience CRT was for you. I had no idea the food was that good. That pork belly alone sounds delicious!!!!

I was just proud of myself for actually ordering beer - I think it was the first time in my life that I'd actually done it :drinking1

And the CRT was pretty good - it's not the most spectacular food you'll ever eat (especially you with your chef husband!) but it was really well done. I'm sure signature dining like Narcoosse's is nicer (I didn't get to any this trip) but for in park food (and location!) it can't be beat.
i love Ghirardelli. have tried the brownie sundae, the cookie sundae and the berry sundae.
Bus is filled to capacity again, and then some. Strollers are filling up vital space.
I had a late breakfast at CRT on my solo trip earlier this month, and it was one of the highlights of the trip. There's just something about eating in the castle! And the food was quite good - not excellent, but good. My server and all the princesses were wonderful - overall, a very good experience!

I'm really enjoying your report, and am along for the ride!
really enjoyed reading your solo food TR. I am planning to go to WDW the last 2 weeks of Jan, first week Feb 2016, staying a long time because I am coming from far away (i am from Canada) and to escape our horrible winters. I have always traveled to WDW with my daughter, however, she has a newborn baby now, so it will be more difficult. I plan to go solo. I am a bit nervous and that is why I enjoy to read other solo trips. because of the length of my stay, I intend to do all QS and mostly kids' meals.
I had a late breakfast at CRT on my solo trip earlier this month, and it was one of the highlights of the trip. There's just something about eating in the castle! And the food was quite good - not excellent, but good. My server and all the princesses were wonderful - overall, a very good experience!

I'm really enjoying your report, and am along for the ride!

Thanks and :welcome:.

The castle definitely makes up for any deficiencies in the food :D

Enjoying your reviews & rating system.

Thank you.

really enjoyed reading your solo food TR. I am planning to go to WDW the last 2 weeks of Jan, first week Feb 2016, staying a long time because I am coming from far away (i am from Canada) and to escape our horrible winters. I have always traveled to WDW with my daughter, however, she has a newborn baby now, so it will be more difficult. I plan to go solo. I am a bit nervous and that is why I enjoy to read other solo trips. because of the length of my stay, I intend to do all QS and mostly kids' meals.

Sounds like an awesome trip! I'm thinking of doing a long trip too next year (like three weeks) - because if you think Canada is far try coming from Australia! :hyper: Although at least we don't have your cold weather :-)

I had planned to do a lot of kids meals like you but only ended up with one the entire trip. I can tell you that I didn't feel awkward dining solo anywhere at WDW (not that it bothers me anyway - I dine solo a lot at home and whenever I travel).
When do you intend to go? I want to buy the AP and go Jan - Feb and then go back in Oct Nov for the Christmas season. I used to go twice a year with my daughter, we used to go in the spring and the fall. I am missing it a lot, and from reading all the solo TR's thought why not go solo. By the way I have been to Australia, loved it, I went to Sidney and Cairns and of course the Great Barrier Reef, one of the 7 wonders of the world. I have also been to New Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii (all the islands twice) and almost every country in Europe (around 30 countries, including all the Scandinavians, all the Great Britain, all the Eastern Europe (including Russia) and of course all the Western Europe, have been to all the Caribbean, and Mexico. I love traveling, but keep coming back to Disney. I mean I love Europe as well, I have been several times to France, England, Germany, but just love Disney, have been several times to Disneyland California and WDW and of course I have been to Disneyland Paris. I love traveling like you do.
Be Our Guest
Order: Croissant Doughnut

I had managed to secure pretty early on in my planning a pre-RD ADR for Be Our Guest. I spent weeks beforehand stressing that the park hours would change and that I’d have to cancel but thankfully things remained as they were supposed to! :woohoo:

I was up super early because of this and was on a bus to the Magic Kingdom at 7:05am. I arrived at MK around 7:30 and made my way through the bag check and into the pre-RD ADR line. I had my name crossed off and joined the 200 or so people in front of me in line. The CM checking names did ask for times but it didn’t seem to make any difference so people who had 8:30 ADRs were in the same queue as people like me who had 8:00 ones. It didn’t make that much of a difference on this occasion but if I hadn’t been able to get a table once I got to the restaurant because people with later ADRs had claimed them all I would have been annoyed.

Thankfully that wasn’t the case. We were let into the park at 7:45 and I made my way up Main Street stopping only to take one quick picture of the castle with no one else in the background. I made it up to New Fantasyland and took quite a few pics of it deserted (it was super weird being the only non-CM up there!).


I was the second person/group to check in at Be Our Guest and then we were held at the gates to wait for our seater. At 8:00 they started letting people into the actual restaurant. I’d pre-ordered so all I had to do was go to the counter and pay. I think I was the only one to have done this as I was through into the ballroom before anyone else (yay for more empty pictures).


The ballroom and west wing were the seating options at breakfast and I’d read that the West Wing was much nicer to sit in so in I went to claim a table (which – spoiler alert - will come back to haunt me later in the evening). So by 8:05 I had ordered and had found a table.



I went up to the self-service beverage station to grab a hot chocolate and cup of water. I’d pre-ordered a bottle of Perrier as my drink and a CM brought it to my table shortly after.


My meal arrived in the trolley at 8:15am. I’d ordered the Croissant Doughnut as I do not eat eggs and this was pretty much the only non-egg option of the menu. I was also given a whole tray of the pastries to myself which included a croissant, a Danish twist, a cinnamon roll and two mini muffins.


But onto my entrée. The croissant doughnut was really pretty good. I loved the fresh banana and whipped cream on top to cut through the sweetness of the doughnut. It wasn’t the world’s best cronut type pastry but it was above your usual theme park fare. This also came with a bowl of fresh fruit which was very good even if it was mostly melon!


I ate about half the doughnut and all the fruit and was super full. I didn’t even touch any of the pastries. I spent about 10 minutes trying to get a CMs attention to say "please take it back I haven’t touched it at all" but no one came round. So at 8:30 I got up and headed back out into New Fantasyland to join the line for SDMT - but of course there was time to stop and take a photo of the gorgeous stained glass window.


There was one or two small groups already finished and we formed an unofficial line before the CMs standing around eventually told everyone else to stand behind us :goodvibes. We were allowed onto the ride at 8:50 and it was obviously a walk on. I was in the first cart of the day. By the time we’d ridden once there was still no-one else there so they let us stay in the carts and ride again. I could have done a third time in a row but twice was enough for me and I wanted to use the pre-RD time wisely. So by 9:04 I’d ridden the ride with the longest line twice which was the great benefit of doing a pre-RD ADR at BOG.

I’d go back for breakfast at BOG for the short-line advantage anytime and would recommend it as an unexciting but tasty breakfast option. Adults could easily share one entrée and the plate of pastries which would only cost you $19.99+tax.


I love CRT too.....sadly we aren't eating there this trip which in less than ONE WEEK! Oh gosh, just typing that gave me butterflies in my tummy! Anyway, I digress.....I never would have thought about a late ADR at CRT to see Wishes. Never in a million years....how absolutely magical! I knew that many of the window tables were two-tops as I'm thinking your table was the same one we sat at on our last visit there.

BOG breakfast......we also planned our trip inside of the 180 day mark but fortunately they hadn't released BOG for October breakfast ADRs until late in the game so I snagged an 8am ADR too. They just updated the Oct calendar and I was sitting on pins and needles also, but alas, we are still pre-rope drop! I had read stories of CMs forcing the pre-park opening breakfast goers back to the front of the park and not allowing them to hop in lines at 7dmt.....so I'm happy to read that it's okay now. We plan to do the same although I'm pretty sure I have a 9am FP+ for it on another day. Maybe I'll give that one up to someone who would appreciate it more than we!


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