I Can't, I'm Not Wearing a Princess Dress! - New TR link!!!!

First - Great news on the MRI as I finally get over here. I hope things continue to be optimistic and you have the best possible outcome. I do need to go back and read but I did catch the last update.

She is so cute in her princess dress.

Tinkling at Fantasmic.... :sad2:

You made goods use of time at MK. Love the SM picture and your late night snack, or meal as it seemed to be.

Next Update Questions:

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)
Planning a breakfast during that time.

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

Journey into imagination

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)
Donald from Mexico

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)
Churro with caramel sauce

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)
Kaki Gori

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.
Sitting on the throne?
Meeting a Prince.

I think the mouse is my favorite part of this picture.
That or the princess invitation.

We noticed that while MK had shed its Christmas décor by now, DHS still had the tree up and they were playing Christmas music in the background.

Well, they were slowly (or not so slowly) getting rid of everything else, they had to keep something around!

Honestly, I didn’t spend a whole lot of time there. I didn’t want DW and DD to have to wait for me when they finished, and I wasn’t terribly blown away by it. I mean, it was cool to see some props from the films, and had I had more time, I’d have probably hung around the Cantina and tried to interact with the jawa that I saw. It was interesting to see, and I’m glad I went, but it just didn’t have much wow factor for me. I realize that the Launch Bay is kind of a constantly evolving work in progress and I went shortly after it opened. It felt to me like it was just a thrown together display of memorabilia. Don’t get me wrong, they had some interesting things there that were really cool to see, but I don’t feel terribly compelled to spend much time there in the future. I’d probably pop in to see new displays or characters, but the Launch Bay just didn’t blow me away. I was hoping there would be some neat exclusive merchandise available there, but $9000 storm trooper costumes weren’t what I had in mind.

I'm not a Star Wars person, but also ... I wasn't overwhelmed by it.
I think that if you're such a huge Star Wars fan that nothing else in the world matters, it's probably kinda cool, but for the average person ... meh.

I guess the Launch Bay is kind of like salad at a buffet. I’d rather skip it and get the good stuff.

You and I are complete opposites at a buffet.
I eat the salad, and then once I've had several servings of salad, I'll go for everything else.
But I'm also very weird. And eat like a rabbit.

DD had spotted some characters outside and wanted to meet them.

Super cute pictures!!

After the aisles around us finally cleared out, we headed up to the top of the theater and joined the crowd waiting to get out. We were almost to the sound booth that sits in the back of the theater, when I noticed a bit of commotion off to the side. There was a lady standing there trying to hide a probably 7 or 8 year old boy who was peeing on the side of the building while the masses were walking past about 2 feet away.

Keeping it classy.

Look, when nature calls, you gotta answer ...

Well, DD had heard it enough that it was stuck in her head. Rather than fighting the crowds to get a tram to the parking lot, DW said she was fine with walking so the whole way out of the park and through the parking lot, DD was singing Shut Up and Dance.

It could have been worse. There are plenty of songs out there that you don't want your 3 year old singing.

When we got into the room, we found a surprise sitting on our table. Someone had sent us a gift bag! There were some cups and plushes for the kids, but no note with them to let us know who it was from. Well, DW coaches cheerleading at a local HS. One of her cheerleaders had an older brother who was actually moving down to start the College Program the same week we were there. DW sent a text to her mom and found out they were the ones who sent it. It was very nice of them, and we made plans to meet up with the brother who was doing the CP on Friday evening at MK.

That is such a sweet thing for them to do!! So nice!

By this time it was after 8 and MK had EMH until 10. Was it worth even trying it??

Of course it was. Don't be crazy.


See, I said so! I knew you'd make the right decision!

I’d heard of Disneybounding. I’ve been pretty much oblivious to it in action. Honestly, unless there’s a blatant costume, I usually don’t get it. Even some of you who post pictures of yourselves Disneybounding on TR’s. Once you say you’re Disneybounding, I might be able to figure it out. If I don’t figure it out, it usually makes sense once I know what it is supposed to be. But it just doesn’t tend to pop out to me.

Honestly? For the most part I don't see it either. And I've done it. Some people go so all-out that it's hard not to notice. Those are usually the only ones I notice - I also tend to miss the more "subtle" ones.

Holy crap! Well, apparently evening EMHs that end at 10 pm suck.

Well, yes. But that's because there should be a law somewhere that MK is not allowed to close before midnight.

I had heard how great 7DMT is at night and how it is a different experience after dark much like BTMRR. I wanted to ride it. The wait was posted at 45 minutes.

It is different at night, and I really love it at night. But definitely not worth that long of a wait (and this is coming from someone who loves 7DMT and would ride it over and over again).

The woman behind you wins this picture. Seriously.

I ordered an All-American Sundae and enjoyed it as I walked down a nearly empty Main Street. Seriously, it was the perfect way to end an evening.

Ice cream and Magic Kingdom ... probably the best possible end to a night.

SarahDisney – 10 sympathy points for being this close to taking the lead back. Who knew public urination wasn’t uncommon at Disney World? :rolleyes1

Yay sympathy points!
And you have to remember ... I've been doing a lot of runDisney trips lately. Runners have no shame. (I've never actually seen it, but apparently it's not unheard of for members of both genders to urinate in the woods in between port-o-potty stops)
Also, kids will pee anywhere.

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

You forgot that World Showcase isn't open.

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

Spaceship Earth

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)


4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)


5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

Umm ... the one in Morocco.
I'm not great with food questions.

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

Margarita. Specifically, an Avocado Maragarita (from what I hear that's a popular one).

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

Something that doesn't have alcohol. I hope.

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

The obvious one is that you can't meet princesses when you're not wearing a princess dress. Everyone knows that.
I hope the answer isn't that you can't use the little girls room when not wearing a princess dress. Because while that does involve a throne, it's a throne that they let princesses in peasant dress use.
We were in kind of a hurry so there are no pictures of the room before we destroyed it, but I’ll sprinkle in a few pictures here and there throughout the TR.
Andy, just curious, what did you think of the Royal Room? My last trip we stayed in a RR. I thought the room was cute for younger girls who are still into princesses (although I am sure there are some older girls who appreciate them too), but overall the novelty of it wore off after a couple days and it just became a hotel room. I was happy to do it once but probably won’t again.

I’d probably pop in to see new displays or characters, but the Launch Bay just didn’t blow me away.
Interesting to hear. I’m a Star Wars fan myself and I imagine I would appreciate seeing the props. But I’m still a little disappointed that Launch Bay went there in the first place. I understand why Disney felt pressure to get Star Wars in the parks sooner rather than later. But I really enjoyed the Animation Academy and I was sad to see it go. Maybe it will find its way back again when Star wars Land is finished (in 2025!)

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

1. You thought The Seas with Nemo was open

2. Living with the Land

3. The new Soarin’ film

4. Baymax

5. Akershus

6. Frozen margarita – specifically mixing lime, strawberry & mango together (I think I read that is “a thing”)

7. Shave ice

8. Meeting another princess.
So I really don’t know what the issue was, but the CM quickly re-entered my credit card info and got us taken care of.

Weird. Especially since you kept checking to make sure.

She made sure to give DD a few stickers and an invitation from Princess Tiana to stay in one of her royal rooms!

And a free mouse too!

We decided to go on in to the food court to get our mugs and fill them.

I get my money's worth out of the mugs.
Although one or two times I wasn't thrilled with the refill delay.

We were in kind of a hurry so there are no pictures of the room before we destroyed it,

:laughing: I have visions of torn wallpaper and broken furniture.

Does the headboard do fireworks there too?

A princess posing with a princess.

Room... destroyed.

which is why I went to see the Star Wars fireworks from outside the park the week before

Forgot about that.

but now that we had a free evening DW requested going to see Fantasmic!

Not a bad choice if you've got a free evening.
Especially since I assume you're already planning on a Wishes night.

Thankfully a tram was just pulling up so we boarded and only had to wait a few minutes before we were on our way.

So you did purchase the VIP bus package?

We noticed that while MK had shed its Christmas décor by now, DHS still had the tree up and they were playing Christmas music in the background.

Odd. You'd think all the parks would change at the same time.

We entered the park and couldn’t resist stopping for a few pictures, now that we can get them with a view of the theater!!!

So glad that stupid hat is gone.

Once FPs were obtained, I decided to check out the Star Wars Launch Bay while they were watching the Little Mermaid show. I went in and watched the movie, which I enjoyed.

Don't know anything about the Launch Bay other than it's there. Had no idea there was a movie inside.

Honestly, I didn’t spend a whole lot of time there. I didn’t want DW and DD to have to wait for me when they finished,

Yeah, I get that.

and I wasn’t terribly blown away by it.

Too bad. I thought it'd be so cool.

I’d have probably hung around the Cantina and tried to interact with the jawa that I saw

Now that might have been interesting. But I suppose he's mainly there for pin trading? (which I don't do.)

It felt to me like it was just a thrown together display of memorabilia.

I suppose that's okay. But after glancing at them... then what?

I was hoping there would be some neat exclusive merchandise available there, but $9000 storm trooper costumes weren’t what I had in mind.

Not even a costume. You can't wear it. It's a statue.

I’m a Star Wars fan, and I’m excited about the upcoming new land. I guess the Launch Bay is kind of like salad at a buffet. I’d rather skip it and get the good stuff.

Good analogy.

But since the new Star Wars land won’t be open for a few years, I’ll have a few leaves of lettuce every once in a while to appease my Star Wars appetite.

That will appease it? I figured you'd just feel hungrier.

Actually, DW and DD had those FP+. I had Star Tours, TSMM and ToT.

:laughing: Atta boy.

Well, you really can’t walk past that when you have a little girl dressed up as Anna.

Nope. You risk being taunted by the CMs there.

She was captivated and just singing along with it all.


We ended up stopping by Rosie’s All-American Café to buy DD a chicken nugget kids meal to take into the theater with us.

Good thing you did considering your food choices inside F!

while we’d stopped several times at restrooms (more than I’ve mentioned in the TR, clearly), she just didn’t really seem to want to go, except for when we were back in the hotel room.

A little bit of "stage fright"?

This was a little bit of a fight, and it was kind of a turning point for the worse regarding DD and restrooms on this trip.

Uh, oh. Queue ominous music.

We parked the stroller and went and found seats about 15 rows up on the second section from the left about 20 minutes before the show would start. Not the best seats in the house, but we also didn’t have to show up 2 hours before show time so I’ll take it.

Wait. FP seats are way on the edge?

DD managed to stay awake for the whole show this time and I think she really liked it!

Good! :)

There was a lady standing there trying to hide a probably 7 or 8 year old boy who was peeing on the side of the building while the masses were walking past about 2 feet away.

Dang it! That was my first thought! It's where the whole idea of the balloons came in.
I imagined a boy peeing in a bush and the balloons being tied to his... uh... yeah!
Shoulda gone with my instincts.

we could hear the music coming from the stage near the theater, and they were playing some Walk the Moon. Specifically, Shut Up and Dance. I don’t remember what the other song was, but we kept hearing the same 2 songs, over and over in our few hours at DHS and in the same order.

Had to Google. Never heard that before.

At least people must have thought it was cute, because people were constantly turning to look at her and laughing as we’d pass.

::yes:: I can see how that would be.

When we got into the room, we found a surprise sitting on our table. Someone had sent us a gift bag!


By this time it was after 8 and MK had EMH until 10. Was it worth even trying it??

Heck yeah!


That's what I said!

I decided the bus would be my best option so that I wouldn’t have to take time to park and then take a monorail or Ferry. I’m not sure it paid off, because I had a 20 minute wait for the bus.

What I said about the VIP bus package?


And, no. I don't think it paid off.
Close one, though.

When I finally stepped off the bus at MK it was 8:54. Everything I planned to do was on the far back side of the park. I honestly contemplated just getting back on the bus and going back. But I’d made it this far, I’m not giving up that easy!!!

I would've gone in too.

My first priority was a night ride on BTMRR. To me, it is one of those rides that you have to ride in the day and at night. Both are different experiences, but both are equally awesome!

I KNOW! And some day I hope to actually see it for myself.
And if I manage a trip this year... it'll be down for refurb!

I’d heard of Disneybounding. I’ve been pretty much oblivious to it in action.


Honestly, unless there’s a blatant costume, I usually don’t get it.

Ditto again.

I got in line, figuring that if this was all I could do, at least it was one of my all-time favorites and a must do.


I had heard how great 7DMT is at night and how it is a different experience after dark much like BTMRR.

Oh? hadn't heard that. Good to know.

Sorry, it is a fun ride. I really do enjoy it. If I can FP it or ride with like a 20 minute wait. It just isn’t worth much more of a wait than that.

Yep. Agreed.

Needless to say, I’ve never noticed another Disneybounder around the parks since. :rolleyes1


Looks like you rode with kindred spirits.

It also hit me that I hadn’t had anything to eat since that Mickey Bar about 8 hours ago.

Whoa. That's a while without a decent meal.

I ducked into the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor, because what better way to end a day at Disney World than a late dinner of ice cream?

:laughing: Disregard the "decent meal" comment.

Several people pounded on the windows or tried to open the door to no avail.

Ha! Suckers!
I hope you at least waved to them or pointed and laughed at them.

I ordered an All-American Sundae and enjoyed it as I walked down a nearly empty Main Street. Seriously, it was the perfect way to end an evening.


I got to the bus stop and I had a feeling I’d be there for a while. It was packed. They ended up bringing one of the double buses and then 2 single buses right behind it and I ended up only waiting about 10 minutes, which I know is an eternity to @pkondz .

10 minutes! Is that even a thing???

On my way out, I stopped outside the River Roost Lounge for a moment to watch a Disney Legend perform a song…

We actually stayed at POR ourselves once.
Never even glimpsed him.

Pkondz – 5 points for losing kids with UP balloons, 5 points for a stolen chair at BOG.

Sweet! Thanks.

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

1. Thought Seas was open
2. SE
3. Farming?
4. No idea so I'll go with the majority. Baymax.
5. Akershus.
6. Jalapeno margarita
7. Kaki Gori
8. One simply cannot meet a princess without wearing a princess dress. How could one possibly do the classic "hold onto the hem" pose?
Yay for my bonus points!

She made sure to give DD a few stickers and an invitation from Princess Tiana to stay in one of her royal rooms!

How cute that you get a letter from princess Tiana, I didn't know they did that!

So cute, a picture with all the princesses!

Great photo!

These photos are so cute. DD looks so happy!

We enjoyed the show and as was starting to become a trend, we just watched. Between the 2 of us, not 1 picture was taken. DD managed to stay awake for the whole show this time and I think she really liked it!

That is the best when you just sit back, relax and watch the show.

here was a lady standing there trying to hide a probably 7 or 8 year old boy who was peeing on the side of the building while the masses were walking past about 2 feet away.

Keeping it classy.

:rotfl2::rotfl:, well when ya gotta go ya gotta go

Well, DD had heard it enough that it was stuck in her head. Rather than fighting the crowds to get a tram to the parking lot, DW said she was fine with walking so the whole way out of the park and through the parking lot, DD was singing Shut Up and Dance.

I have this song stuck in my head after reading this update lol


wohoo! :woohoo:

I ordered an All-American Sundae and enjoyed it as I walked down a nearly empty Main Street. Seriously, it was the perfect way to end an evening.

Sounds like the perfect evening, can't beat main street and ice cream!

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

1. you planned for Nemo, but it wasn't open for EMH
2. Spaceship Earth
3. The new frozen ride in Epcot
4. Baymax
5. Akershus
6. Jalapeno Margarita
7. shaved ice
8. You can't go to the potty if you are not wearing a princess dress!
1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

Living Seas with Nemo not open.

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)


3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

New Soarin'

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)


5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)


6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

Blood Orange Margarita

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)


8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

Can't go into the Norway restaurant
We were in kind of a hurry so there are no pictures of the room before we destroyed it
I see your thermal with a Colts logo....your room would look better with a Bears thermal.....:rotfl2:

Actually, DW and DD had those FP+. I had Star Tours, TSMM and ToT.
Excellent choices.

Keeping it classy.
:confused3 Ummm...don't tell Disney or they might increase prices to keep out the riff raft.

At least people must have thought it was cute, because people were constantly turning to look at her and laughing as we’d pass.
That's great! My kids would have sung with her.

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.
1. The seas isn't open for AM EMH
2. Spaceship Earth
3. Horizons
4. Baymax
5. Akershus
6. Maelstrom Margerita
7. Kaki-Gori
8. You can't eat dinner without wearing a princess dress.
All caught up. You are really maximizing your time. I do the conference thing annually and always try to get to Disney. This year it is New Orleans and Disney is after. Not exactly come but I am making it work.

I don't have a problem with the scooters. I think the biggest problem is that there are so many rentals. There is so much walking that people who might be fine walking in day to day situations can't walk as much as you have to at Disney World and they rent scooters. And when they're renting a scooter, they aren't necessarily operating something that they know how to drive or are comfortable driving. This leads to funny stories and some less fortunate accidents.

And this isn't my only scooter story from this trip. But it is the best.

They need a scooter tutor.

haven't shared too many details publicly about what we're dealing with, but since April 19 is CDH Awareness Day, I thought it would be an appropriate time to share some info about what our baby has.

Thanks for the Information. The situation is certainly daunting but it sounds like every bit of good news from an MRI helps the doctors plan. Once again prayers are with you and your family as you travel this road. My wish for you is a smooth road that is well travelled with love ,support and knowledge to comfort you and allow the doctors to forge a plan that is easily executed for the best possible outcome.
She checked and told us that our room was in fact ready, but there was some issue with our online check-in that it didn’t get completed.

Huh. That bites. And there's not really any way to know whether it went right beforehand.

She made sure to give DD a few stickers and an invitation from Princess Tiana to stay in one of her royal rooms!

That is just precious!

We were in kind of a hurry so there are no pictures of the room before we destroyed it, but I’ll sprinkle in a few pictures here and there throughout the TR. Most will be at the end though.

Cool. Looks perfect for a girl like her.

We had no plans to be in DHS during any of the evenings on this trip (which is why I went to see the Star Wars fireworks from outside the park the week before), but now that we had a free evening DW requested going to see Fantasmic!

I love when you can change plans and be spontaneous as opposed to planning every move 60 days in advance if not 180.

We entered the park and couldn’t resist stopping for a few pictures, now that we can get them with a view of the theater!!!

Well of course! Stupid hat.

DD and DW wanted to see the Little Mermaid show, so after our quick photo session we headed that direction. They were in the process of letting people in for the next show, so I took the stroller and sent them in to see it. After parking the stroller, I went to the FP+ kiosk near TSMM to secure FP for Fantasmic!

Nice multitasking!

I went in and watched the movie, which I enjoyed. Not something I’d necessarily want to see multiple times, but it was good I’m sure it could be updated as new movies come through the pipeline.

The movie was nice, but like you said, not something you see more than once. I think they could change it up every so often with all the new movies in the works.

I’d probably pop in to see new displays or characters, but the Launch Bay just didn’t blow me away.

I would say the same. It's cool to see the stuff once, and I'd go back if I had a friend who liked SW that was visiting, but I don't have a burning desire to go back now that I've seen it at my own pace.

I was hoping there would be some neat exclusive merchandise available there, but $9000 storm trooper costumes weren’t what I had in mind.

Other than my lamp, there wasn't anything there in the "must have" category. I'm happy with my $99 plastic talking stormtrooper.

Actually, DW and DD had those FP+. I had Star Tours, TSMM and ToT.

There you go!

We were walking along past the Frozen theater when the CMs were giving a last call for the Frozen Singalong. Well, you really can’t walk past that when you have a little girl dressed up as Anna.

I think that actually a law.

This was a little bit of a fight, and it was kind of a turning point for the worse regarding DD and restrooms on this trip.

Uh-oh. That doesn't make for good foreshadowing.

There was a lady standing there trying to hide a probably 7 or 8 year old boy who was peeing on the side of the building while the masses were walking past about 2 feet away.

Keeping it classy.


But now I kick myself because that was my first thought for the contest. I think you threw me off in the wording of the question. While it's not really common, living neat LA, I see more of that than I care to admit.

Well, DD had heard it enough that it was stuck in her head. Rather than fighting the crowds to get a tram to the parking lot, DW said she was fine with walking so the whole way out of the park and through the parking lot, DD was singing Shut Up and Dance.

Never even heard of it. I had to Google it. After watching it on YouTube it made me wonder why it was even played in a Disney park. :confused3

By this time it was after 8 and MK had EMH until 10. Was it worth even trying it??



The bus ended up taking longer than the posted time when I looked.

Really? You don't say? We never had the times change on us while we were waiting. :rolleyes1

When I finally stepped off the bus at MK it was 8:54. Everything I planned to do was on the far back side of the park. I honestly contemplated just getting back on the bus and going back. But I’d made it this far, I’m not giving up that easy!!!

Of course not!

I’d heard of Disneybounding. I’ve been pretty much oblivious to it in action.

I'd never really seen it until one of our last days at the Poly, maybe it was because I had just read your update, but I saw three girls who got off the elevator. I think they were Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather.

I think the posted wait time when I got to Space was 15 minutes, but I only waited 10. I always love Space, and I’m glad I had a chance to ride it.

You rode the two WDW rides I can't do anymore. I'm so spoiled by the smoothness of the DL versions, I'm only disappointed by their WDW counterparts.

I ducked into the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor, because what better way to end a day at Disney World than a late dinner of ice cream?

Sounds delicious!

I would have loved to have seen more, but being there by myself, I just wasn’t feeling it. Hopefully I can get back there sometime to enjoy an entire performance. I certainly enjoyed the small sample I got to watch that evening.

I've heard so much about YeHaw Bob. I would love to catch the show someday!

Franandaj – 5 points for posting while on vacation

Woohoo! :banana:

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

Seas is not open.

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

Spaceship Earth

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

The new Soarin

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)


5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)


6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

Though I don't consider beverages snacks, I'll go with the majority and say a margarita, the one layered with three flavors. On our trip one of the flavors was "down" so you could only have two.

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

Kaki Gori

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

Go to a princess breakfast meet and greet. :confused3
She made sure to give DD a few stickers and an invitation from Princess Tiana to stay in one of her royal rooms!
The letter is really sweet.

DD, however, was in no mood for pictures so we left her in the stroller next to the photographer.

What a sweet photo of you both. I don't think I have a picture of just DH and I since our wedding. LOL.

I was killing time walking around the store when DW sent a text saying that they were done with Little Mermaid. DD had spotted some characters outside and wanted to meet them.

I don't think I've ever seen this meet and greet. Where is it located? I MUST be prepared!

She was captivated and just singing along with it all.
I'm sure she was precious! I can't wait for this. My boys may not enjoy it, but I know my DD will love it!

There was a lady standing there trying to hide a probably 7 or 8 year old boy who was peeing on the side of the building while the masses were walking past about 2 feet away.


I got in line, figuring that if this was all I could do, at least it was one of my all-time favorites and a must do. It ended up being a 20 minute wait, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
I love BTMR at night.

I headed towards Main Street taking a few pictures along the way. With all the trips we’d been taking in December the past few years, this is the first time I’d seen the castle at night without the Christmas lights in a long time. Still beautiful, but I’m really glad we managed to see the Christmas version a couple of days ago.

It does look beautiful.

I ended up only waiting about 10 minutes

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.
1. Nemo's not open yet.
2. Figment
3. Frozen ride
4. Baymax
5. Akershus
6. Frozen Strawberry Margarita
7. Kaki-Gori
8. You can't twirl if you're not wearing a princess dress.
Sorry, I had a couple of chapters to catch up on. Oh man, that dude on the carousel. I'm sure I would've handled it like you did, and would have been fuming too. Hopefully an "Are you serious?!" comment would've been the worst thing I would have uttered.

I wasn't familiar with the term "Disneybounding" so I learned something -- that term, and that people have a lot of extra time on their hands.

Regarding the kid peeing while you were leaving Fantasmic....you know those news items that they link to from the Home page of the DIS? Did you happen to see this one: crowds-trash-entrance-to-shanghai-disneyland-ahead-of-park-opening? If not, go down to one of the last photos, where there's a circle around a certain in-progress environmental incident. People are classy all over!
Your update is giving me flashbacks!

My son Nate enrolled at UNH on April 11 and we paid the tuition deposit. But he kept getting emails reminding him of the May 2 enrollment deadline. We discovered over the weekend that our deposit check had been returned because it was an echeck from a Fidelity account, which they don't accept. A paper check would have been fine though.

How did they attempt to notify us?

By sending an email to Nate in his UNH email account that he hadn't activated yet!

Fortunately, we figured out there was an issue (just) before the deadline passed.
Oh wow... that's a little bit bigger deal than our problem was! :eek:

I'm glad you caught it and got it taken care of!

The note from Tiana is such a nice touch! And the Princess room is beautiful.
::yes:: They really hit a home run with these rooms from the presentation all the way up through the execution.

That's cool that you were able to do so much at Hollywood Studios at the last minute. Especially the FP for Fantasmic!
::yes:: That's the nice thing about all the shows there. It does make it easy to do some things in the later hours of the day. As long as you aren't set on riding anything.

Too bad Launch Bay was a disappointment.
I hate to say it was a disappointment. It was fine for what it is. I didn't necessarily have high expectations of it to begin with. The memorabilia/props stuff is something to me that is interesting to see, but it isn't something I tend to be all excited about. I'm sure some people really are blown away by it. I'm just kind of indifferent about it.

Although you experienced that you can lead a princess to water, but can't make her tinkle, there are bathrooms at Disney every 5 feet or so. Absolutely no excuse for allowing public urination by that family! Sheesh!
Yeah, it seemed a bit extreme. I get that it was crowded, but surely you can make it another couple of minutes if you held it through the show.

What a nice room gift you received!
It was!

Good for you to have some solo time at MK. Big Thunder, Space Mountain and an ice cream sundae are a great way to end an evening.
Not a bad day at all!

That's pretty annoying. This is good for me to know though, I'm planning on doing online check in for the first time for the summer, and I'll make sure to look out for extra emails just in case. Glad everything worked out ok!
It really didn't turn out to be a big deal, aside from not being able to pay with my band for that purchase. But it definitely was frustrating to be waiting for a text that was never going to come.

This is sooo cute! What a nice touch!:goodvibes

I am in love with these rooms! Gosh I really have to stay here!!:lovestruc
I'm sure you'd enjoy them!

Great picture!

See I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I'm starting to get more and more excited about Star Wars Land. It sounds like what Disney is going to do will be awesome! It's just going to take forever to get there!:rotfl:
Oh yeah, it will definitely be a while. I love Star Wars so I'm really looking forward to it!

Aw! Too cute! I love her Anna dress too:goodvibes
I like how Minnie is there with a MMC background. I heard they are about to change her location again right? Hopefully it will be pretty permanent!
I don't think there's anything permanent in DHS right now.

Not bad at all!:thumbsup2

That's great. I feel like you can enjoy a show on a whole different level when you don't have a phone/camera in your hand.
You're right. And that's the thing. We've got pictures of it. We've seen it several times now. Why take more pictures? :confused3

Oh no.. like come on! There are bathrooms right outside the theater!:confused3
Yeah... It was crowded, but you can surely wait a couple of minutes.

:rotfl2:That song is was/is so overplayed it's ridiculous!

That is so cute! I love how outgoing she is!:rotfl2:
When she wants to be.

That is so sweet! What a nice surprise, very magical!:goodvibes
::yes:: We definitely weren't expecting it!

Good for you! Solo MK EMK, sounds like heaven!:goodvibes

I agree, especially when you have so little time there, not worth it.
Yeah. I mean I could have done it and still rode 2 rides. But no time for ice cream afterwards.
Lol great picture!:rotfl2:
::yes:: It seems everyone just wanted to be goofy for the picture.

Perfect dinner! :thumbsup2
Wow, sondns like a perfect day in Disney. And a perfect ending!
Yeah, I'll always go for some ice cream. Especially ice cream with chocolate and peanut butter.

That single rider is closed for Test Track?

Spaceship Earth

Mary Poppins

San Angel Inn.

I forgot what they are called, but those slushi like things.

Riding a horse and shooting a bow and arrow like Merida:rotfl2:
Got em!

Wow...you guys are hard core!! I am exhausted just reading about all that you did that day!!! But you actually got quite a few things done in your brief window of night time EMH at MK...impressive!! Too bad about the wait times or you could have squeezed in even more...but what can you do...
Hey, when you've only got 3 days, you go as hard as you can!

Would have been nice to have done more at MK. I'm really not sure I'd have even left the room had I known how long the wait would be for the bus or how crowded the park was, but I'm glad I did it.

I'm just hoping all of this doesn't happen with future trips. We had check-in issues at all 3 resorts because of the MB's but never had problems on other prior trips with the MB's :confused3 Very strange.
I don't know... This was my third stay with MB and the first problem I've had. And honestly, it wasn't a problem with the MBs. It just seemed like our online check in info was left out in limbo somewhere? When I logged into MDE, it was all there, but they somehow didn't have it in their system when we checked in.

Woah totally Princessed out! :eek: I'm sure she loved it though!
I think she did!

I do like the royal feeling on this side of the room.
Whole lotta princess in this room.

We've been so lucky to never have been on a tram at WDW. We've done it too many times to count at DLR and it can take forever!
Yes, we tend to avoid them. I can't even think of the last time we'd been on one. But in this case, we were literally about as far away from the entrance as you can get at DHS.


That is pretty freakin' cool though, but not for 9 grand.
No kidding! I was hoping to find something interesting and unique... but I was thinking $30 T-shirt not ridiculously large and expensive props.

:lmao: This explanation made me laugh. :thumbsup2
It seemed to kind of summarize my feelings pretty well.

Blech I knew it! Gah, all the classy people were out in January I guess! :rotfl:
The world's a toilet...

Oh this song:rolleyes2 Yep a few times is fun, but it gets old quick.

Aw very cool!

Yeah some are really subtle. And really by the time you figure out that they're Disneybounding, you look like a total creep checking them out.
Yeah, pretty much. Both of the ones I saw were probably around 18 - 20 years old. So of course, myself being 34, I'm sure I was the creepy old guy when I about broke my neck looking at them. :rolleyes1

:rotfl:That lady in the back!
Clearly I was with kindred spirits on that ride.

:faint::eek::faint: How do you go so long without food?! And I love that you ate ice cream twice within 8 hours! :worship:
I love food. I mean I eat way too much of it. But if I'm busy working or having fun, I'll tend to just keep right on going and food is kind of an afterthought. I'm actually pretty bad about that sometimes. When I'm working on the farm or around home, there have been times I'll go out in the morning and the next thing I know it is 5pm and I haven't even stopped for lunch.

That truly is perfect.

That Figment isn't open for EMH

Living with the Land

About the new Soarin' attraction opening up

Nine Dragons

Jalapeno Margarita

Being called a Princess
Got em!

THE most crucial element of a Disney trip people!

So... how long until you use this feature? :rolleyes1

The carousel does that to people.
It does. It really does.

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points) You thought the Seas and Imagination were open but they weren't.

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points) Spaceship Earth

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)New Frozen attractions

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)Baymax

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points) Akershus

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right) jalapeno margarita

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points) shaved ice

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress. Using the Rapunzel bathroom.
Got em!
We entered the park and couldn’t resist stopping for a few pictures, now that we can get them with a view of the theater!!!

:woohoo: So much better that way!

I realize that the Launch Bay is kind of a constantly evolving work in progress and I went shortly after it opened. It felt to me like it was just a thrown together display of memorabilia.

Yeah, I didn't even bother with most of it. I figured it'll be worth the way to see the full Star Wars experience when it's good and ready.

I was hoping there would be some neat exclusive merchandise available there, but $9000 storm trooper costumes weren’t what I had in mind.

Oh come on, everybody needs an authentic storm trooper costume.

I guess the Launch Bay is kind of like salad at a buffet.

Excellent analogy. And as the Simpsons say, "You don't win friends with salad!"

This was a little bit of a fight, and it was kind of a turning point for the worse regarding DD and restrooms on this trip.

Sounds like somebody else found a solution for you later on.

Between the 2 of us, not 1 picture was taken.

Nothing wrong with that.

There was a lady standing there trying to hide a probably 7 or 8 year old boy who was peeing on the side of the building while the masses were walking past about 2 feet away.

You know, I thought about guessing that and then decided, "Nah, no one would sink that low." Thanks, humanity, for destroying what faith I had left.

At least people must have thought it was cute, because people were constantly turning to look at her and laughing as we’d pass.

It's more cute when she does it than when you do it.

When we got into the room, we found a surprise sitting on our table. Someone had sent us a gift bag!


By this time it was after 8 and MK had EMH until 10. Was it worth even trying it??

Is that even a question?:confused3

My first priority was a night ride on BTMRR. To me, it is one of those rides that you have to ride in the day and at night. Both are different experiences, but both are equally awesome!


I’d heard of Disneybounding. I’ve been pretty much oblivious to it in action. Honestly, unless there’s a blatant costume, I usually don’t get it. Even some of you who post pictures of yourselves Disneybounding on TR’s. Once you say you’re Disneybounding, I might be able to figure it out. If I don’t figure it out, it usually makes sense once I know what it is supposed to be. But it just doesn’t tend to pop out to me.

I knew I'd get this wrong. I honestly have absolutely no idea what that is.

I had heard how great 7DMT is at night and how it is a different experience after dark much like BTMRR. I wanted to ride it. The wait was posted at 45 minutes.

Screw that.

Sorry, it is a fun ride. I really do enjoy it. If I can FP it or ride with like a 20 minute wait. It just isn’t worth much more of a wait than that.

Totally agree.

Needless to say, I’ve never noticed another Disneybounder around the parks since. :rolleyes1


I think the posted wait time when I got to Space was 15 minutes, but I only waited 10.

Wow, that's fantastic!

I ducked into the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor, because what better way to end a day at Disney World than a late dinner of ice cream?

You could do much worse. Like a salad.

I got to the bus stop and I had a feeling I’d be there for a while. It was packed. They ended up bringing one of the double buses and then 2 single buses right behind it and I ended up only waiting about 10 minutes, which I know is an eternity to @pkondz .

Well, that's about 45 minutes, Canadian.

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

Planned to do single-rider on Test Track and it's not open?

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)

All together as a family, you mean? Nemo. You wouldn't be dumb enough to ride Figment, would you?

3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

Indiana and/or corn farming.

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)


Oh, wait, he wasn't there. Um...Mary Poppins?

5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)

Akershus, for a meal with the princesses.

6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

Tacos de barbacoa (i.e. cow) from La Cantina de San Angel.

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)

Kakigori shave ice.

8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

Something in Akershus? Maybe the photo with Belle as you enter? Or eating bacon, the most royal of foods?
Pretty cool that they do this!
::yes:: It was a nice touch.

Interesting to hear, as we've only seen the DLR one, which is a bit different. Coincidentally, I ran into our former (retired) CFO at work today and he is a big Disney fan and was telling me that another co-worker had just been to DHS and wasn't expecting much with all the construction, but apparently was blown away by the Star Wars Launch Bay. Guess I'll have to go chat with her sometime.
You know, I can see where some might get more out of it than I did. To me, it is just some props and displays and a couple of character meets. Certainly interesting enough, but I really don't have much interest in hanging around for hours or coming back several times to see it again. Would I walk through it again to see new displays? Sure. But honestly, I didn't have high expectations for it. I didn't expect to be blown away by it and I wasn't. It's a way to kill a little time, but that's about all I see it as.

:rotfl: I like this description.
I think that kind of explains where I'm coming from.

Whoa - is that Minnie in front of the Mousekedoer?! I think that is Izzy's dream come true!

Aw, cute! Izzy just watched Frozen the other day and it's the first time she has really sung along extensively, knowing actual words. (Of course, in her version, Elsa does seem to frequently say, "I don't want to see you anymore..." :confused3)
Eh, close enough. At least she's got the point of the movie! :rotfl:

:headache: Ugh, this sounds familiar.

Aw, I'm sure it was cute - a little girl singing is almost always met with smiles.
Usually. But when it starts off with screaming the words, "Shut up" you kind of wonder... :rolleyes1

Totally agree. :thumbsup2

This describes me too. I am so oblivious to this stuff.
Yeah... I guess I just get in my own little world.

It seems that the best EMH are the nights that are after midnight and just the last hour of that is usually pretty dead.
True. I kind of expected an EMH ending at 10 to still have a decent crowd, but it was really more crowded that I'd expected.

Maybe it was actually Snow White and Ariel out wandering around? :confused3
Well, they were good, but if that was the case, they are probably the worst friends of those princesses that I've ever seen. :rotfl2::rotfl:

This whole picture is just hilarious! :rotfl:
I lucked out on that one...

Planned a conflicting ADR.

Farming and/or corn

Avocado margarita

Posing for a portrait to be added to that wall in your hotel room.
Got em!

First - Great news on the MRI as I finally get over here. I hope things continue to be optimistic and you have the best possible outcome. I do need to go back and read but I did catch the last update.
Thank you

She is so cute in her princess dress.
She usually is.

Tinkling at Fantasmic.... :sad2:
I just don't get it... I mean I get having to go, but it isn't like you can't walk a few hundred feet to the restroom.

You made goods use of time at MK. Love the SM picture and your late night snack, or meal as it seemed to be.
I'm always up for ice cream. Whether it is a meal or a snack!

And I got your answers!

I think the mouse is my favorite part of this picture.
That or the princess invitation.
I needed something to hold the paper so it wouldn't roll back up. It was the first thing I saw.

Well, they were slowly (or not so slowly) getting rid of everything else, they had to keep something around!

I'm not a Star Wars person, but also ... I wasn't overwhelmed by it.
I think that if you're such a huge Star Wars fan that nothing else in the world matters, it's probably kinda cool, but for the average person ... meh.
I think it can be cool, but I'm just not as into looking at movie props. I mean it is kind of cool to see them, and actually, it there were more displays using some of the older props or showing how they made the movie using those props or models, I'd actually be more into it. You know, like the more traditional, historic version of DHS. But just seeing props in a glass case in somewhat of a sterile environment as if they were being preserved for history... it just didn't do much for me. :confused3

You and I are complete opposites at a buffet.
I eat the salad, and then once I've had several servings of salad, I'll go for everything else.
But I'm also very weird. And eat like a rabbit.
Yes. You are weird. Salad at a buffet is for suckers.

Super cute pictures!!

Look, when nature calls, you gotta answer ...
But... no... just no...

It could have been worse. There are plenty of songs out there that you don't want your 3 year old singing.
True, but if we could have found one that didn't result in her screaming "shut up" every few seconds, that would have been great.

That is such a sweet thing for them to do!! So nice!
::yes:: Very unexpected.

Of course it was. Don't be crazy.

See, I said so! I knew you'd make the right decision!
You know me too well.

Honestly? For the most part I don't see it either. And I've done it. Some people go so all-out that it's hard not to notice. Those are usually the only ones I notice - I also tend to miss the more "subtle" ones.
Clearly, I notice the blatantly obvious. But other than that... :confused3

It kind of worries me when people get offended that a character doesn't seem to recognize when they disneybound. Because if I was a character, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't notice either.

Well, yes. But that's because there should be a law somewhere that MK is not allowed to close before midnight.
Good point. You should run for office on that platform. You'd have my vote.

It is different at night, and I really love it at night. But definitely not worth that long of a wait (and this is coming from someone who loves 7DMT and would ride it over and over again).
Well, that makes me feel better about skipping it. Thanks.

The woman behind you wins this picture. Seriously.
I was clearly on that ride with kindred spirits.

Ice cream and Magic Kingdom ... probably the best possible end to a night.

Yay sympathy points!
And you have to remember ... I've been doing a lot of runDisney trips lately. Runners have no shame. (I've never actually seen it, but apparently it's not unheard of for members of both genders to urinate in the woods in between port-o-potty stops)
Also, kids will pee anywhere.
Ok, I could see that. But peeing on the side of a building in a theater??? I mean, peeing on a wall and a concrete floor while people are walking right by... That's a little bit different from peeing in the woods.

You forgot that World Showcase isn't open.

Spaceship Earth

Umm ... the one in Morocco.
I'm not great with food questions.

Margarita. Specifically, an Avocado Maragarita (from what I hear that's a popular one).

Something that doesn't have alcohol. I hope.

The obvious one is that you can't meet princesses when you're not wearing a princess dress. Everyone knows that.
I hope the answer isn't that you can't use the little girls room when not wearing a princess dress. Because while that does involve a throne, it's a throne that they let princesses in peasant dress use.
Got em!
Andy, just curious, what did you think of the Royal Room? My last trip we stayed in a RR. I thought the room was cute for younger girls who are still into princesses (although I am sure there are some older girls who appreciate them too), but overall the novelty of it wore off after a couple days and it just became a hotel room. I was happy to do it once but probably won’t again.
Honestly, I think anything will just become a hotel room to an extent after a few days. I really jumped on the POR bandwagon in a big way on this trip though. I thought the room was great. Definitely geared towards the princess of the family. I certainly wouldn't hesitate to go back if DD wanted to stay there again. But really, there are a lot of places I want to stay. I can't say that I'm personally chomping at the bit to book another stay in a princess room, but I wouldn't have a problem with doing it again.

Interesting to hear. I’m a Star Wars fan myself and I imagine I would appreciate seeing the props. But I’m still a little disappointed that Launch Bay went there in the first place. I understand why Disney felt pressure to get Star Wars in the parks sooner rather than later. But I really enjoyed the Animation Academy and I was sad to see it go. Maybe it will find its way back again when Star wars Land is finished (in 2025!)
2025? You must be the glass half full type.

1. You thought The Seas with Nemo was open

2. Living with the Land

3. The new Soarin’ film

4. Baymax

5. Akershus

6. Frozen margarita – specifically mixing lime, strawberry & mango together (I think I read that is “a thing”)

7. Shave ice

8. Meeting another princess.
Got em!

Weird. Especially since you kept checking to make sure.
Yeah, I mean it all looked right. And it isn't like I've never done it before and didn't know what I was doing. I had actually just done online check in for my room at Pop too. And I had it set up through a second MDE account completely separate from my regular MDE account with this reservation just as an added layer of protection to avoid problems like this. :headache:

And a free mouse too!
Hey, when you need a paperweight you grab the first thing that you see.

I get my money's worth out of the mugs.
Although one or two times I wasn't thrilled with the refill delay.
Yeah, this is probably part of why I don't use them all that often either. They don't hold much and I'm not a fan of not being able to fill, chug, refill and go.

:laughing: I have visions of torn wallpaper and broken furniture.
I'm not part of an 80's hair band.

Does the headboard do fireworks there too?

A princess posing with a princess.

Room... destroyed.
Told ya.

Forgot about that.
Yeah, that's been a while ago... :rolleyes1

Not a bad choice if you've got a free evening.
Especially since I assume you're already planning on a Wishes night.
Actually this was going to be Wishes night. We saw Wishes on our bonus evening in MK, so we didn't have solid plans to see it again.

So you did purchase the VIP bus package?

Odd. You'd think all the parks would change at the same time.
Yeah. But DHS is such a screwed up mess at this point that I'm actually kind of curious if they've even taken it down since we were there! :rotfl2:

So glad that stupid hat is gone.

Don't know anything about the Launch Bay other than it's there. Had no idea there was a movie inside.
It is just a short film about the new films being made and interviews with the filmmakers and producers talking about how far back their love of Star Wars goes. It's neat to see once, but then I'm good.

Yeah, I get that.
Guilt sucks.

Too bad. I thought it'd be so cool.
I didn't have terribly high expectations for it. Honestly, this kind of thing isn't my cup of tea anyway. I can see where others might appreciate it more. It is really a lot of props enclosed in glass displays with labels on them. Almost like a museum setting. I like a good museum if it is something of historical value, but when we're talking about movie props, I guess I'd prefer something you can interact with or get a picture with. Like have small scenes set up from the movies that you could step into or something. They did have a cantina and the photo ops with Vader or Chewie, but that was it.

Now that might have been interesting. But I suppose he's mainly there for pin trading? (which I don't do.)
Actually, I understand that they'll trade anything. If you give them something crappy like a park map, they'll give you something crappy in return. If you give them something a little bit nicer, they might give you something of a little more value.

I suppose that's okay. But after glancing at them... then what?

Not even a costume. You can't wear it. It's a statue.
Ok, I didn't pay that close attention when I posted it, but they did have costumes and statues for sale. And I'd be investing that money in DVC before I'd ever buy any of those things.

Good analogy.

That will appease it? I figured you'd just feel hungrier.
Um... yeah, that too.

:laughing: Atta boy.
They aren't going to miss me if they're sitting in a show. :rolleyes1

Nope. You risk being taunted by the CMs there.
If that's the worst thing that happens...

Good thing you did considering your food choices inside F!
No kidding!

A little bit of "stage fright"?
I really don't think so. It was more stubbornness.

Uh, oh. Queue ominous music.

Wait. FP seats are way on the edge?
::yes:: They were for us.

Dang it! That was my first thought! It's where the whole idea of the balloons came in.
I imagined a boy peeing in a bush and the balloons being tied to his... uh... yeah!
Shoulda gone with my instincts.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Your instincts are to tie balloons to... ???

Had to Google. Never heard that before.
I'm sorry.

That you Googled it, that is.

::yes:: I can see how that would be.
But her singing is more like shouting. And the first 2 words were shut up. I was kind of worried what it might seem like.

Heck yeah!

That's what I said!
I'm glad we agree!

What I said about the VIP bus package?


And, no. I don't think it paid off.
Close one, though.
You and your stupid bus package.

I would've gone in too.
Yeah, really at this point, there's no turning back.

I KNOW! And some day I hope to actually see it for myself.
And if I manage a trip this year... it'll be down for refurb!
It is definitely something for the Disney bucket list.

Ditto again.

Oh? hadn't heard that. Good to know.
So they say... not that I can speak to it.

Looks like you rode with kindred spirits.

Whoa. That's a while without a decent meal.

:laughing: Disregard the "decent meal" comment.
What? Are you saying ice cream isn't a decent meal???

It's vacation!!!!

Ha! Suckers!
I hope you at least waved to them or pointed and laughed at them.
I was distracted by all the awesome ice cream and toppings right in front of me. I could have cared less about those poor saps.

10 minutes! Is that even a thing???

We actually stayed at POR ourselves once.
Never even glimpsed him.
I knew about him and I would have liked to have seen a show. But I really didn't want to go sit in the lounge by myself and I also didn't know when we'd have enough time in an evening to try. I'm just glad I happened to be walking by while he was playing so I could catch a glimpse and get a little taste of his performance.

1. Thought Seas was open
2. SE
3. Farming?
4. No idea so I'll go with the majority. Baymax.
5. Akershus.
6. Jalapeno margarita
7. Kaki Gori
8. One simply cannot meet a princess without wearing a princess dress. How could one possibly do the classic "hold onto the hem" pose?
Got em!
Yay for my bonus points!
You had a legitimate reason to fall behind.

How cute that you get a letter from princess Tiana, I didn't know they did that!
It was a nice touch for the princess rooms. It was kind of a good way to help tell the story in a more clear manner.

So cute, a picture with all the princesses!
::yes:: She was thrilled.

Great photo!

These photos are so cute. DD looks so happy!
She is always happy to see the Disney Jr. characters.

That is the best when you just sit back, relax and watch the show.

:rotfl2::rotfl:, well when ya gotta go ya gotta go
At least find somewhere other than the side of a building.

I have this song stuck in my head after reading this update lol
I'm sorry.


Sounds like the perfect evening, can't beat main street and ice cream!
It doesn't get much better, that's for sure.

1. you planned for Nemo, but it wasn't open for EMH
2. Spaceship Earth
3. The new frozen ride in Epcot
4. Baymax
5. Akershus
6. Jalapeno Margarita
7. shaved ice
8. You can't go to the potty if you are not wearing a princess dress!
Got Em!

The new cars look cool. I'm excited to see it all in action. I'm kind of indifferent about the added audio on the cars. I kind of enjoyed this one for what it was just being a fun ride. I'm not sure I want to see a lot of other elements added to it, but I definitely don't think a new soundtrack will detract from the ride experience in any way.

1. What major trip planning mistake did I make regarding morning EMH at EPCOT? (25 points)

Living Seas with Nemo not open.

2. What was our first ride of the morning? (15 points)


3. I had a lengthy conversation with a CM. What did we talk about? (20 points)

New Soarin'

4. Which character did we meet for the first time ever? (10 points)


5. Which restaurant did we eat at for the first time ever? (10 points)


6. What “snack” did I get in Mexico? (10 points – Bonus points if you’re more specific and get it right)

Blood Orange Margarita

7. What snack did DW and DD get in Japan? (10 points)


8. You’ll soon get to learn the backstory to the TR title. Bonus opportunities for guessing what can’t be done when not wearing a princess dress.

Can't go into the Norway restaurant
Got em!

I see your thermal with a Colts logo....your room would look better with a Bears thermal.....:rotfl2:
Um... no.

Excellent choices.
Gotta take advantage of getting away during some shows...

:confused3 Ummm...don't tell Disney or they might increase prices to keep out the riff raft.
They're already trying. It isn't working! :rotfl2:

That's great! My kids would have sung with her.

1. The seas isn't open for AM EMH
2. Spaceship Earth
3. Horizons
4. Baymax
5. Akershus
6. Maelstrom Margerita
7. Kaki-Gori
8. You can't eat dinner without wearing a princess dress.
Got em!

All caught up. You are really maximizing your time. I do the conference thing annually and always try to get to Disney. This year it is New Orleans and Disney is after. Not exactly come but I am making it work.
I could go for that combo! I've never been to New Orleans, but would like to sometime.

They need a scooter tutor.
There you go!

Thanks for the Information. The situation is certainly daunting but it sounds like every bit of good news from an MRI helps the doctors plan. Once again prayers are with you and your family as you travel this road. My wish for you is a smooth road that is well travelled with love ,support and knowledge to comfort you and allow the doctors to forge a plan that is easily executed for the best possible outcome.
Thank you.
Hey, when you need a paperweight you grab the first thing that you see.

Knew that's what you used it for.

They don't hold much and I'm not a fan of not being able to fill, chug, refill and go.

My story.
Thirsty. I want to chug, but... well.
So fill the mug and... Hey! I know! Wander around the gift shop....


Dang it! Those clever SOBs!

I'm not part of an 80's hair band.

Everything but the hair, huh?

Yeah. But DHS is such a screwed up mess at this point that I'm actually kind of curious if they've even taken it down since we were there! :rotfl2:


It is just a short film about the new films being made and interviews with the filmmakers and producers talking about how far back their love of Star Wars goes. It's neat to see once, but then I'm good.

Ah. So... I'll go check it out if I happen to have the time and happen to be in there.
If/when I happen to actually go to Disney!

I didn't have terribly high expectations for it. Honestly, this kind of thing isn't my cup of tea anyway.

More of a coffee thing?

Like have small scenes set up from the movies that you could step into or something.

Good idea!

Actually, I understand that they'll trade anything. If you give them something crappy like a park map, they'll give you something crappy in return. If you give them something a little bit nicer, they might give you something of a little more value.

Now that, I like. I wonder if I brought them something you can't get in the States... Like a Caramilk bar or something.

Ok, I didn't pay that close attention when I posted it, but they did have costumes and statues for sale. And I'd be investing that money in DVC before I'd ever buy any of those things.

Ah. And... yeah.

I really don't think so. It was more stubbornness.

I soooo remember that age with Kay.
OMG. Stubborn.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Your instincts are to tie balloons to... ???

:eek: What?!?! No! I... stop typing now.

But her singing is more like shouting. And the first 2 words were shut up. I was kind of worried what it might seem like.


You and your stupid bus package.


What? Are you saying ice cream isn't a decent meal???

It's vacation!!!!

Good point.

I knew about him and I would have liked to have seen a show. But I really didn't want to go sit in the lounge by myself and I also didn't know when we'd have enough time in an evening to try. I'm just glad I happened to be walking by while he was playing so I could catch a glimpse and get a little taste of his performance.

I don't think I knew about him back then. But if I did, with the littles... there was no way.
Huh. That bites. And there's not really any way to know whether it went right beforehand.
I know! I kept checking and as far as I could tell all of our information was in the system and being saved. We didn't know for sure that there was a problem until we got there.

That is just precious!

Cool. Looks perfect for a girl like her.
She definitely loved it.

I love when you can change plans and be spontaneous as opposed to planning every move 60 days in advance if not 180.
::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes:: I love planning trips, but I've never been a fan of having to book an ADR at 180 days or a FP at 60. I like having some spontaneity on vacation as opposed to a rigorous schedule.

Well of course! Stupid hat.
::yes:: I was ok with the hat, to an extent, but I hated the fact that it ruined the sightlines of the park. I'm so glad to see the theater back front and center.

Nice multitasking!
Gotta maximize time on a short trip!

The movie was nice, but like you said, not something you see more than once. I think they could change it up every so often with all the new movies in the works.
They could change it up to make it something worth seeing again. But I'm sure they'll probably just run the same thing until Launch Bay closes.

I would say the same. It's cool to see the stuff once, and I'd go back if I had a friend who liked SW that was visiting, but I don't have a burning desire to go back now that I've seen it at my own pace.
I didn't have terribly high expectations for it. I hoped it would exceed them, but sadly it didn't. There were definitely some interesting things to see there, but it just felt like the props displays were a little too sterile, for lack of a better term.

Other than my lamp, there wasn't anything there in the "must have" category. I'm happy with my $99 plastic talking stormtrooper.
And I didn't even see those. Not that I would have bought one, but I did like them! I was disappointed that it didn't seem like there was much variety. You can pay $9000 for a storm trooper or you can buy a $20 toy that you can get anywhere. I was hoping for some more exclusive merchandise in the form of maybe t-shirts or something that we could take home to DS.

There you go!
Again... maximizing time!

I think that actually a law.

Uh-oh. That doesn't make for good foreshadowing.
No it doesn't...


But now I kick myself because that was my first thought for the contest. I think you threw me off in the wording of the question. While it's not really common, living neat LA, I see more of that than I care to admit.
I guess public urination is just way more common than I seem to think it is. :rotfl2:

Never even heard of it. I had to Google it. After watching it on YouTube it made me wonder why it was even played in a Disney park. :confused3
I can't even remember the other song that we kept hearing. Like I said, it was like they had this little loop of a few songs that they just repeatedly played for their dance parties around the park, but this was probably the more tame of the songs we heard. I was a little bit surprised by some of the selections too.

Really? You don't say? We never had the times change on us while we were waiting. :rolleyes1
And Bob Iger was your bus driver too.

Of course not!
Maybe I should have given up before I left the room, but when I've made it that far...

I'd never really seen it until one of our last days at the Poly, maybe it was because I had just read your update, but I saw three girls who got off the elevator. I think they were Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather.
I think a lot of it is so subtle that I just don't get it. Maybe seeing 3 of them together like that would make it easier to pick it out too because it isn't just seeing one random person.

You rode the two WDW rides I can't do anymore. I'm so spoiled by the smoothness of the DL versions, I'm only disappointed by their WDW counterparts.
I would whole heartedly agree with you about Space. I'm still a little partial to BTMRR in WDW though. DL version definitely takes the win with the ending sequence, but to me the WDW ride is just a little bit longer and to me it feels a little more intense.

Sounds delicious!
When on vacation...

I've heard so much about YeHaw Bob. I would love to catch the show someday!
I wish I could have seen the whole show. From what I saw, he certainly appeared to be worthy of the praise he receives.

Seas is not open.

Spaceship Earth

The new Soarin

Though I don't consider beverages snacks, I'll go with the majority and say a margarita, the one layered with three flavors. On our trip one of the flavors was "down" so you could only have two.

Kaki Gori

Go to a princess breakfast meet and greet. :confused3
Got em!

The letter is really sweet.
::yes:: It was a nice touch and a good way to tell some of the backstory.

What a sweet photo of you both. I don't think I have a picture of just DH and I since our wedding. LOL.
Thanks. :rotfl:

I don't think I've ever seen this meet and greet. Where is it located? I MUST be prepared!
It is right outside of the Disney Jr. theater. They have M&G areas there for Minnie, Doc McStuffins, Princess Sofia and Jake.

I'm sure she was precious! I can't wait for this. My boys may not enjoy it, but I know my DD will love it!
The boys might enjoy it a little bit more than you think. There are some funny parts that I'm sure will keep their attention between songs.


I'm surrounded by enablers.

I love BTMR at night

It does look beautiful.
It always does!

1. Nemo's not open yet.
2. Figment
3. Frozen ride
4. Baymax
5. Akershus
6. Frozen Strawberry Margarita
7. Kaki-Gori
8. You can't twirl if you're not wearing a princess dress.
Got em!

Sorry, I had a couple of chapters to catch up on. Oh man, that dude on the carousel. I'm sure I would've handled it like you did, and would have been fuming too. Hopefully an "Are you serious?!" comment would've been the worst thing I would have uttered.
I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in my frustration.

I wasn't familiar with the term "Disneybounding" so I learned something -- that term, and that people have a lot of extra time on their hands.
I've seen it on the disboards. In a lot of cases, I tend to miss it entirely. But I have seen posts where people comment that they are a little bit upset that they disneybounded and met a character that didn't even acknowledge the fact that they were disneybounding. And I'm like, I feel sorry for the character, because I'd have missed it too!

Regarding the kid peeing while you were leaving Fantasmic....you know those news items that they link to from the Home page of the DIS? Did you happen to see this one: crowds-trash-entrance-to-shanghai-disneyland-ahead-of-park-opening? If not, go down to one of the last photos, where there's a circle around a certain in-progress environmental incident. People are classy all over!
I saw that. It's just sad. And I'm sure this means we'll get another service cut or fee added in Florida to cover the extra custodial expense in Shanghai. :rolleyes1


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