"I bet they get Charmin" A May 2014 Girls Trip **04/03 THE END**

Real Life Update #1​

Alright, so first things first, I did say that at some point I'd get around to posting the picture of my Minnie Mouse that I received at check-in with button.


"You've always been a princess to me, Minnie."

Isn't she the cutest? Let me answer that for you, yes, yes she is.

Moving on though, the real reason why I'm updating today is because Marie and I have finally booked for September!

Are you ready to hear where we're going to get off the Magical Express?

*drum roll*

The All Star Movies! :cheer2:

*crickets* *no applause*

I know what you're thinking. You're like, Amber, the All Star Movies isn't even the best All Star. Why are you staying there? And, kind diser, you are right, it isn't even the best All Star (okay, open for debate but if you don't want to pay for a preferred room and consider it's last in line to be picked up when buses are shared... you might come to the same conclusion).

That's why Marie and I are staying there. For one night. Just one, before we move to our real resort for the final 7 nights..



AHHHHHH. Someone hold me.


If you've been following along with either our first TR where we stayed at POFQ, or our second TR where I frequently lamented in the sadness of not being at the POFQ, you know how exciting this news is.

Now why aren't we staying all the nights at the French Quarter? What's with the random day at the start at the Movies? Well Marie gets certain discounts through her job as a travel wholesaler that she can use once a year but you can only book 7 nights and we were planning on 8, so we figured that we could technically get our 'stay' in at the All Star Movies without actually having to stay there for a whole trip!

Also, we've pretty much decided that we're not going to over plan this trip. Originally we weren't going to plan like hardly anything but then we made three ADRs, wanted some resort time and bought MNSSHP tickets so there has been some planning.

However, I'm keeping the few plans that we have made on the DL :p No PTR this time. It's all going to have to be a surprise ;) Besides, there's more than enough to read already, I think.

And the trip is so close it's so much easier to be excited!

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Woo another trip! Which means another trip report! September will be here before you know it :cool1:
Day 1, Part 3: "Join the party, the Castle party!"

Once we got off of Splash Mountain, a little damp but refreshed, we decided to go ahead and introduce the group to the next Magic Kingdom classic, and one we were pretty sure would have minimal to no wait time!


Where would that be, though? Country Bears Jamboree? Nope, not this time (sorry Rob!). Instead, we made our way out of Frontierland, back through Liberty Square


So what, The Hall of Presidents? It's A Small World? The Carousel?

That's a no, no and no again

We figured it was time for a little magic and a little music!

Figured it out yet? ;)


It was time for PhilharMagic!

I have a strong love for PhilharMagic. The first time we saw it, it brought me back to my childhood, through the kind of 3D that makes you reach out and want to grab Donald's hands or sneak a couple of those jewels in your pockets!

We walked in and grabbed our opera glasses, waiting maybe ten minutes for the doors to open automagically toward us

The girls did seem to appreciate the show, and we made sure to point out our favorite duck's wiggly but as he gets thrown through the wall!

That experience done with, we made our way back around the castle and decided to stop by for Dream Along With Mickey. It would be starting soon, and we figured now was as good as any time to see it, seeing as we weren't sure when else it would fit in our plans


We sat ourselves down pretty much right in front of the castle, for the closest view we'd ever gotten of this show!


Well, some of us sat


I can't sit that long without my legs dying, so I generally stand while waiting and then sit down. Better than the other way around when you're in front! (Foreshadowing? Maybe)

Of course, this was the perfect time to get some pictures of the castle, because... well, why not?


So, so pretty, as always


Traci was reacting to the very warm ground


More pictures, more waiting



Eli joined us after skipping around for a little bit of time, making a video on her phone for Mother's Day



And then, the show started!


Join the party, the castle party!


I randomly get this song stuck in my head, but unfortunately I don't know the whole of it by heart yet, so a lot of repeating happens


Well, okay, actually, a lot of humming happens. It's fine, I work from home, nobody's around to judge me


Minnie is so precious, as always


Mickey Mouse!

Such pretty princesses



Sometimes, you just catch characters making good faces



Here, have some twirling


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I think I always caught this show half way through. I always remember seeing Donald as a pirate or the arrival of Maleficent. I did see one moment with the couples dancing and Mickey saying to Minnie, "Jeez Minnie, you've always been a princess to me!" Is that at the beginning then or at the very end?
Great seats for the show! I could stare at the castle all day, it is so ornate and beautiful you can never have enough pictures of it!
I think I always caught this show half way through. I always remember seeing Donald as a pirate or the arrival of Maleficent. I did see one moment with the couples dancing and Mickey saying to Minnie, "Jeez Minnie, you've always been a princess to me!" Is that at the beginning then or at the very end?

It's a cute show! Not necessarily something we stop by every trip, but it's fun to do, and it was one of the very first things we experienced on our first trip! Usually that part is a bit more toward the beginning, after the princesses come out ;)

Great seats for the show! I could stare at the castle all day, it is so ornate and beautiful you can never have enough pictures of it!

They definitely were great seats! The closest we've ever been, for sure. And that is very, very true. There will never be too many pictures of the castle
I'm a little late, but I'm joining now! Can't wait to hear more.

I'm totally there with you taking people on trips and not wanting to take them again. They just...have to get it. And not be a pain in the butt. :rotfl2:
This trip sounds like it'll be an interesting and intriguing read! How kind of you guys to invite your friends along to celebrate with you!!! And your upcoming trip/real life update sounds so exciting as well!
OK, that Minnie is cute Amber.

YAY for POFQ!!!! Exciting. Quick question, what date did you pick for MNSSHP? Just curious.

No Country Bears???!!!! *shakes fist*

Ahhh Dream Along. I've seen it a lot, but I think I've only seen it start to finish maybe a couple of times. But I still adore it.
I'm a little late, but I'm joining now! Can't wait to hear more.

I'm totally there with you taking people on trips and not wanting to take them again. They just...have to get it. And not be a pain in the butt. :rotfl2:

Hey! Welcome to this crazy land, glad you're wanting to know more :p

I know. I mean, the further out from the trip I get the more I'm like, I still love this friend and stuff and I'm not upset with her anymore but I wouldn't ever, ever vacation with her again.

This trip sounds like it'll be an interesting and intriguing read! How kind of you guys to invite your friends along to celebrate with you!!! And your upcoming trip/real life update sounds so exciting as well!

A Michigander following along? How awesome. Though I see you're moving to Florida soon?! So jealous!

I hope you enjoy the TR, we're doing our best to keep it interesting and entertaining.

OK, that Minnie is cute Amber.

YAY for POFQ!!!! Exciting. Quick question, what date did you pick for MNSSHP? Just curious.

No Country Bears???!!!! *shakes fist*

Ahhh Dream Along. I've seen it a lot, but I think I've only seen it start to finish maybe a couple of times. But I still adore it.

I know! It makes her all the more special.

We decided on Tuesday, September 23rd for MNSSHP. We did it Tuesday last year. I don't know, I guess we think parties are more of a weekday thing? We did MVMCP on a Thursday our first year ;)

It's on the list for September! I promise.

We've only seen it in full twice, counting that time. But I somehow know like all the words to the song? :confused3
Day 1, Part 4: "That sounds promising."

And we continued on with the show.


Mickey is so sweet to Minnie. It's adorable.


Did someone say adventure?


Pirate Donald is the cutest.


I love the fake flames down at the bottom.


Now that we'd seen the show, Marie and I were getting hungry so we asked if anyone wanted to go and eat. Everyone but Veronica and Eli did and since they weren't planning on eating at the same place as everyone else anyway.

Where were we eating?

Casey's because it's a cheap meal.


Eli and I grabbed some tables while everyone else went to get the food.

While we were waiting the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It Street Party headed down the street.


I took some other pictures as they went by but they're not any good so that's all I'm going to post.


Marie and I both just got some corn dogs and some cups of water.


Traci's food.

I think Merranda just got some corn dogs too.

Once I was done eating, I was like, "I want to go dance at the street party!" Secretly I was hoping that someone would want to go with me.

No one did. So I went and I danced by myself. I danced myself out even and I had a great time. I have no clue what everyone else was doing, I think probably just chatting but I'm telling you, they missed out on my mad dance skills and an awesome party.

Anyway, I headed back up to Casey's and had to rest for a couple of minutes because all that dancing had tired me out.

By that time our Space Mountain FP+ was open, so we went to go get on the ride.


Only, it broke down so they took us all off the ride and were handing out paper FPs that were actually good until the end of the month and good at several different rides. We pocketed them and headed outside.


Veronica stole the camera because I kept taking pictures of others and I 'had to be in one'.

And what do you do when you know that Space Mountain is down? You hop on the Peoplemover, of course!


I rode with Traci and Veronica and Marie rode with Merranda and Eli.


If you ride across from me, I will snap random pictures like this.


Oh look, it's Space Mountain!





This chapter could alternatively be called: Why Not to Ride Across from Amber.

I seriously have about 4 more pictures of just Veronica riding on the Peoplemover with sometimes others in the background.

Now we had time to kill though, so we decided that we would try and head over to the Laugh Floor again.


We ended up walking in about three minutes before a show as due to start. So it was good timing.

Everyone loved it and it was super funny with the audience members that got involved. We even saw 'that guy' later and said hi ;)

Since we had a bit more time to kill before our next FP+ (we'd scheduled them later in the day since we hadn't been sure when we would get into the parks), we decided to look around Star Traders.


All that came out of it was lots of pin trading.


Then there was some pin trading at the pin cart.

At the same time, Traci bought the pride Mickey lanyard attachment because she goes to a conservative Christian college and can't openly show anything that would be considered pro-gay, so she was like "If anyone asks I can just say it's a Mickey with a rainbow. No one will suspect a pride thing to be Mickey shaped."

I think it's a pretty good plan.

By that time it was about time for our next FP+ to open up!

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Gasp! Two updates in a row by Amber? What could that mean? (Spoiler: It means I'll have split from Marie at some point and have the more interesting story to tell.)

Also, forewarning that there is a lack of pictures in some areas because Eli took them and her memory card isn't transferring them.

Day 1, Part 5: "Wait, where's the Castle?"

Where were we headed?

Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin! (I did not take a picture of the sign because we were supposed to get ride pictures, but as mentioned earlier they never made it into our account)

The ride was paired off somehow. I rode with Traci but Marie doesn't remember if she rode with Merranda or Eli.


My score at the end. Merranda had higher into the 300,000 zone, but mine was the second highest :)


Traci's score.

After that Eli and Veronica were hungry, so we headed over to Cosmic Ray's for them to get some food, since it was so close.

But I was craving ice cream, so Merranda, Marie and I headed out and promised to be back.

Merranda and Marie both got a Raspberry Lemonade slush drink from the Cheshire Cafe and headed back while I continued on over to Tomorrowland to grab a mickey ice cream sandwich from the ice cream cart.

There were pictures of these things, but now there aren't. You all know what the ice cream sandwiches look like so I'll leave it out.

But this is the drink the girls got (picture from eatwdw.com)

This was Eli's food choice (also from eatwdw.com)

The half rotisserie chicken with green beans and mashed potatoes.

To quote Eli "I don't even eat green beans and these are so good. Disney, what are you doing?"

Meanwhile Veronica got the vegetable burger, which I can't seem to find a good picture of but it's a vegetable burger, if you've seen one it was pretty standard and she liked it well enough.

So we were seated over by Bay 3, facing out where you could see the Castle right out he window and we're just talking about things and I mention how nice the Castle looks.

Eli then looks out the window, directly at the castle and goes, "Wait, where's the castle?" :rotfl:

Everyone burst out laughing and was like, "How can you miss it?"

Eventually she did notice it, but it was pretty funny still.

At that point, we decided to head out because we had a FP+ for MSEP (no pictures, but there is an abundance in my October TR so I figured I'd just enjoy it).

So we get in and we're way down on the edge across from the bridge that heads into Liberty Square and so the parade comes from the wrong direction when you're sitting there and you sort of see just the back of all the floats if you can't look down the street at them. And there are these kids sitting next to us and so we kind of move back a little to let them sit in front of us because they're small children and I'm an adult, I can see over them. Right? That's logical?

But there are these two adults next to us, standing, in the front row and being totally in the way of these little kids trying to see the parade.

Umm, no. That is not okay. Disney isn't just for kids, that's true. You've got as much right to be there as those kids do and everything else, but you do not need to stand directly in the line of sight for the kids next to you and step out further and further into the street so that these poor little girls can only see you until the float is directly in front of them (turning onto the bridge so it's only the back of the float).

Veronica even got up at one point and asked if they could step back so that the kids would be able to see and they complained about how they were allowed to be there.

I'm sorry, that just doesn't sit well with me. If you are going to be in the front row, you should sit. It's common courtesy. If you insist on standing and refuse to let anyone sit in front of you (children included) then do not step further into the path of others.

Like, why is it so hard for people to be considerate of others? I don't understand. I just don't get it.

Alright, rant over. Moving on.

We then stood and moved up a bit so that we were more centered for when Celebrate the Magic and Wishes started. Again, no pictures. Just enjoyment.

During this time, Marie also checked her phone and saw that she'd gotten an e-mail from MDE saying that because our FP+ for Space Mountain couldn't be used when it was supposed to be because the ride was down, we now had an extra 'free' FP+ that could be used for the rest of the day at a number of attractions.

We decided that we'd just book it over to Tomorrowland and actually end up getting onto Space Mountain, so long as it was up.


Back again.



I love these people.

The camera was like having serious shutter delay so they kept being silly because every time I tried to take a picture it just wouldn't happen until much later.

We rode and it was awesome and then when we got off there was discussion about what we should do next. I was all for staying a bit later and hitting the Haunted Mansion and then seeing what else we could do.

However, Veronica was exhausted from her long day, Traci hadn't slept well on the pull out couch and Eli was pretty tired too. Marie checked MDE for the HM wait time and it said 25 minutes which she just wasn't feeling either.

I was too excited to not go on it though and declared that I would wait the 25 minutes by myself, ride and then head back. However, it wasn't necessary because Merranda decided that she wanted to stay too!

So we said goodbye to the rest of the group and then took a selfie (is it still a selfie if there are two people??) to document our decision.


The cool kids of the night.

By the time we made it over, the posted wait was already lesser.


And we only ended up waiting maybe 10 minutes to get on and enjoy the ride.

I'm so glad that we did too because HM is the best in the dark and (spoilers: I wouldn't do get another night ride this trip).

After that, I mean, I had to check what the wait time was for Winnie the Pooh. It was EMH, after all, and a person can't just like walk past such a gem without checking the wait time (even if they did promise their wife they'd just ride HM and leave).

10 minutes?! We're totally getting on.

Besides, Marie had agreed to us going over to HM with a 25 minute wait to get on and we'd only waited 10. We still had extra time.


Merranda expresses the proper level of enthusiasm for this ride.

At the end we stopped and traded some pins in Hundred Acre Goods.

Had I not promised Marie we wouldn't do more, we would have done more. I was in the zone and I could have kept going, but Merranda was actually pretty sleepy too, so it's a good thing that she was there because she got me keeping my word and we did head toward the exit.


Walking out the Castle, since it is the best way to leave.



Oh Main Street, why you have to be so beautiful?


Cinderella Castle, same question.


As you can see we were getting into a bit of a lengthy bus line, so when the bus pulled up there was no room because it was packed full.

That's okay though, we just waited for the next one and about 5 minutes after it pulled away Marie called to ask if we were on our way back and to say that her band hadn't opened the door at the room and had somehow become deactivated and it was likely that mine had too, so I would have to stop by the front desk and get them to fix it.

Which I did and chatted some with the CM who helped me about all the All Stars, where we both agreed that the layout of the Sports was the best, but we could do without the Sports actually like.. playing ESPN all the time in the lobby.

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first, Yeah! Next trip booked!

B) Yeah! Port Orleans Riverside!

III) That is a super cute Minnie doll, and what a great button - thanks for posting a picture of it!

ok, back to the regularly scheduled trip report comments:

Philhamagic is great and so well well done - though seeing some of the traditionally 2-D characters in 3-D (and just meaning the computerized animation) is a little odd

We had never seen Dream Along With Mickey before our last trip but it is a must see now! Watching my daughter on her grandfather's shoulders just beaming with happiness watching it is basically my perfect Disney memory

bummer about Space Mountain closing but at least you got the super deluxe FP- out of it, and got to see SM with the lights on while riding the People Mover

That was a smart idea by Traci ... though, I don't know - maybe there is still a reason Mickey hasn't "put a ring on it" with Minnie yet ;)

I am certainly not the most "hip" person, but I think it is still a selfie as long as you are holding the camera to take a picture of yourself not matter what or whom are also in said picture

wow - super glad you decided to stay since that turned out to be the only time you got on HM!

Good logic with having the "bonus" time for another ride while still keeping your word to your wife :thumbsup2

So you are saying you like Sports other than the actual Sports part of Sports? ;)
I'm finding it hard to believe that I've only ate at Casey's once. And that was in December. What the heck?

BOO to everyone but you Amber. Move It Shake It is not to be missed. Ever. Good on you for getting jiggy with it.

Haha I do the same thing. Space Mountain down = Peoplemover! Gotta see Space all lit up.

Ahhh love that Pride Mickey story.

Your MSEP rant pretty much describes my feelings entirely Amber. Clearly I'm a "Disney is for everyone" person, but I would never let my experience trump a child. Plus, watching little kids watch things like a parade is half the fun. I am a sit in the front row type unless I have no other choice.
Also, it doesn't seem like the FP area is all that great.

I so love EMH at Magic Kingdom. Such a pitty you couldn't stay longer. Keep in mind for next time... "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
Haunted Mansion at night, the castle at night. I love how Disney transforms in the night it is so amazing all the lights!

Good for you guys for trying to stick up for those kids, that would have bugged me too unfortunately. It everyone is as nice as you!

Amber, the mark on your throat, was that were your port was? Did you get chemo through a port? I only ask because my mom had one near her collar bone and I don't believe she has a marking from it. Sorry if that is too personal!
Mmmm, corn dog nuggets.

You go Glen Coco, dancing by yourself! I would have done the same thing if no one else wanted to go with me.

Oh dear. Where's the castle? That could have been a TR title.

People are just terrible and selfish. That's my unfortunate opinion on it. That stinks that they just insisted on standing in front of the kids.

If there are two people, Alice declares it to be a "we-sie". At least that's what she told me when I asked her to take a selfie with me at her meet and greet in Epcot. :lmao:


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