"I bet they get Charmin" A May 2014 Girls Trip **04/03 THE END**

first, Yeah! Next trip booked!

B) Yeah! Port Orleans Riverside!

III) That is a super cute Minnie doll, and what a great button - thanks for posting a picture of it!

ok, back to the regularly scheduled trip report comments:

Philhamagic is great and so well well done - though seeing some of the traditionally 2-D characters in 3-D (and just meaning the computerized animation) is a little odd

We had never seen Dream Along With Mickey before our last trip but it is a must see now! Watching my daughter on her grandfather's shoulders just beaming with happiness watching it is basically my perfect Disney memory

bummer about Space Mountain closing but at least you got the super deluxe FP- out of it, and got to see SM with the lights on while riding the People Mover

That was a smart idea by Traci ... though, I don't know - maybe there is still a reason Mickey hasn't "put a ring on it" with Minnie yet ;)

I am certainly not the most "hip" person, but I think it is still a selfie as long as you are holding the camera to take a picture of yourself not matter what or whom are also in said picture

wow - super glad you decided to stay since that turned out to be the only time you got on HM!

Good logic with having the "bonus" time for another ride while still keeping your word to your wife :thumbsup2

So you are saying you like Sports other than the actual Sports part of Sports? ;)

Nah, no Riverside, French Quarter for the win ;) Actually I wouldn't mind trying Riverside sometime it's just so big though and Marie would not drive at Disney and I don't have my license (due to a series of unfortunate events) yet so I couldn't handle all the bus stops.

Agreed, it throws me through a loop for like five seconds and then I'm just back to loving Philharmagic too much to care.

Aww that is so sweet. And it's a good show too, so it's even better than you can both share it with your daughter and enjoy it yourself too. :goodvibes

Gaaasp. Maybe you're right. Mickey hasn't put a ring on it. Suspicious...

Well apparently we're both wrong if we listen to Alice ;)

And I worded that badly. I would get on HM once more during the trip (though once isn't enough times in any trip) but it wouldn't be in the dark, which is my favorite time to ride.

And that is exactly what I'm saying :thumbsup2 No, I love the sports and I even like the outside sports themeing. I just don't need to like see sports like actually being played in real life?

I'm finding it hard to believe that I've only ate at Casey's once. And that was in December. What the heck?

BOO to everyone but you Amber. Move It Shake It is not to be missed. Ever. Good on you for getting jiggy with it.

Haha I do the same thing. Space Mountain down = Peoplemover! Gotta see Space all lit up.

Ahhh love that Pride Mickey story.

Your MSEP rant pretty much describes my feelings entirely Amber. Clearly I'm a "Disney is for everyone" person, but I would never let my experience trump a child. Plus, watching little kids watch things like a parade is half the fun. I am a sit in the front row type unless I have no other choice.
Also, it doesn't seem like the FP area is all that great.

I so love EMH at Magic Kingdom. Such a pitty you couldn't stay longer. Keep in mind for next time... "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."

That is surprising. Then again it's not like a must do. It's just that you can get that whole thing of mini corn dogs for $4.99 and that's a good thing in my book. ;)

People totally stared at me but it was also totally worth it to get my dance on :cool1:

It's funny though because I watched a ride through and showed everyone and they're like, "I never want to do that ride again. We could totally be decapitated." And it's like, "Well, maybe but isn't that the fun?" :rotfl2:

People are the worst.

And it's fine if you get there early and get like right in the center, but we were told to move all the way to the end so yeah, we got the crappy view. Alternatively, when we sat there for FoF and the parade comes the other way it's a fantastic spot to be facing that way.

I will do that and if I get in trouble I can just blame you, right? :thumbsup2

Haunted Mansion at night, the castle at night. I love how Disney transforms in the night it is so amazing all the lights!

Good for you guys for trying to stick up for those kids, that would have bugged me too unfortunately. It everyone is as nice as you!

Amber, the mark on your throat, was that were your port was? Did you get chemo through a port? I only ask because my mom had one near her collar bone and I don't believe she has a marking from it. Sorry if that is too personal!

Disney is so beautiful at night. During the day too but it's even more special at night, I feel like.

That lady was just so annoying. Like why do you have to be that way? :sad2:

Not too personal at all. It wasn't for my port. Most ports are in the collarbone and they tried to put mine there and I have a scar from it too that will probably be visable in pictures later in the trip up on my left side but there were complications (to put it lightly) and ultimately it ended up down at the bottom of my ribs on the left side and I have a scar from that too. So that's where my port was. Kinda off topic but just to say that yes I had a port and had chemo through it.

The mark on my neck is because I had a tracheostomy. Basically they had to make a hole in my neck for me to be able to breathe and they stuck a tube in it. It hasn't healed up properly and I will probably have to have them do it surgically *sigh* But someday when it heals it should just be a normal looking scar.

Mmmm, corn dog nuggets.

You go Glen Coco, dancing by yourself! I would have done the same thing if no one else wanted to go with me.

Oh dear. Where's the castle? That could have been a TR title.

People are just terrible and selfish. That's my unfortunate opinion on it. That stinks that they just insisted on standing in front of the kids.

If there are two people, Alice declares it to be a "we-sie". At least that's what she told me when I asked her to take a selfie with me at her meet and greet in Epcot. :lmao:

Corn dog nuggets are the way to go ;)

Totally worth all the weird stares I got.

Agreed one hundred percent.

Thanks for clearing that up. I shall now properly refer to all the rest of the we-sies in the trip as such ::yes::
Hey Amber - I was listening to the 2nd part of this weeks DISUnplugged Orlando podcast and they were talking about you ... or at least one of your posts referencing about Aurora and Snow White leaving Princess Fairy Tale Hall and Anna and Elsa taking over and meeting separately - but did say your screen name a few times

Felt like I virtually know a celebrity ;)
Hey Amber - I was listening to the 2nd part of this weeks DISUnplugged Orlando podcast and they were talking about you ... or at least one of your posts referencing about Aurora and Snow White leaving Princess Fairy Tale Hall and Anna and Elsa taking over and meeting separately - but did say your screen name a few times

Felt like I virtually know a celebrity ;)

What? I haven't been following it (since the first person answered and was like, technically no princesses are 'set' to be there and I was like, yeah you're right, now I'm embarrassed and should never post anything ever again and just wait for others to do it) and of course this would be the week that I haven't listened to the podcast yet. Well now I know what I must do. I have to go listen to the podcast. :rotfl2:

Edit: Man, I was afraid that was going to happen. If anyone ever weirdly wants to say my username out loud it's like Amber G 93 :p G for my maiden name. Oh well. I'm still incredibly geeked out.

Wooohooooo for your September trip! We'll be down in September too!!!! :cheer2:

When are you going to be there in September? Maybe we'll run into each other!
Day 2, Part 1: "I'm gonna Rawr at it!"

A new day! First Disney wake up call, yay!

Well, we didn't actually set a wake up call for that day. Instead, like some old fashioned person, I decided to go ahead and set the alarm clock for 7 that morning - we wanted to get out of the room fairly early.

Unfortunately, tired me upon the lateish return from Magic Kingdom didn't notice the alarm had the wrong AM/PM setting, meaning although I'd set the alarm for 7 AM, when morning came around, it was actually showing 7 PM. Oops?

Veronica and Merranda ended up waking us up around 7:30, as they had gotten their own wake up call set for around that time seeing as we'd told them we wanted to be at the bus stop around 8 - and ultimately, we did end up making it there and on a bus by 8:10. Good job, us!

Well, not super good, but you know. Acceptable.

So where were we headed, on this beautiful morning?


Animal Kingdom!


Ready to party it out, with matching shirts! (Which ultimately, wasn't the best plan ever to wear those that specific day, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Spoiler alert!)


This was to be our sole and only Animal Kingdom day, hence why we'd wanted to hit the early Extra Magic Hours. Those are honestly a gem at most parks, seeing as people tend to prefer staying up late to waking up early. Okay, admittedly, I'm also part of that group, but AK doesn't have late Extra Magic Hours (yet)


By the time we got there, the park had already been open for a little bit, so we got through bag check without much delay, and we introduced our friends to the one park that was designed to get its guests lost


As it is, I have to admit myself - to this day, I do not completely know the layout of this park. Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, I can tell what parts connects to what, how to get where, the small side ways to avoid crowds, I'm good with those. Animal Kingdom? Nope. I'm pretty sure Asia connects to Africa at some point



Obligatory Tree of Life picture, because you just gotta


So we made our way in, with a specific goal in mind as to where we should be headed for our very first attraction of the day


Anyone that's read our previous TRs should have a pretty good idea where we're headed, because we're either very traditional with our Animal Kingdom days, or wildly unoriginal. Your pick


Turning right!


That's right! Dinoland U.S.A!


Off to explore some prehistorical stuff and all, cause that's how we roll during AK morning EMHs!


Picture of a hopeful alligator spotting, without results (that's my guess, Amber had the camera. Maybe she just liked the angle, but there was a lot of alligator talk during that trip)


Of course, we were headed over to Dinosaur, cause early morning is the best time to pretty much just walk on that ride


Veronica wanted a picture with the Dinosaur, so Amber moved over to take it, but then a kind stranger came along and offered to get a picture of all three of them

And because the rest of us were walking ahead, we were left out of picture time


Oh well. We then went in and moved along the completely empty queue


Catching the introduction/instructions video around the end of it, and soon making our way over to our vehicle!

Here is our masterpiece ride picture


The girls mostly look amused. Amber is rawring back at it. And I, as always, am hiding. NO SHAME

After being almost eaten by a t-rex and destroyed by a meteor, we escaped safe and sound back to Dinoland


Where, rightfully so, the left out group got its own dinosaur shot!


Yeah, I don't know either. We've clearly got some colorful characters in the group!


We walked around a bit more after that, trying to decide what to do next


And enjoying, as usual, the theming of this section, which in my opinion is the best thing about Dinoland. Not Dinosaur. The theming. The theming won't eat you. Good theming


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What a fun way to celebrate your marriage!! Thanks so much for sharing, I'm enjoying following along! CONGRATS!
Hey I think you guys made great timing seeing you had a big group! Love the shirts did you make them or order them? I have a prediction about why wearing them wasn't such a good idea that day, I'll see if I'm right or not. Amber roaring back at the dinosaur is too funny, she's like yea bring it Dinosaur
Oooh the whole AM/PM thing just terrifies me.

Oh yeah, I agree completely Marie. I too still get turned around in Animal Kingdom. Everything looks the same (kinda). It's brutal.

While Dinosaur wouldn't be my first pick for first thing AK (there's a certain mountain and its darn magnetic core), I do appreciate the fact that you can get a private ride photo as a result.

That dinosaur outside the store has to be in some of the most... um... compromising? photos in Disney.
What? I haven't been following it (since the first person answered and was like, technically no princesses are 'set' to be there and I was like, yeah you're right, now I'm embarrassed and should never post anything ever again and just wait for others to do it) and of course this would be the week that I haven't listened to the podcast yet. Well now I know what I must do. I have to go listen to the podcast. :rotfl2:

Edit: Man, I was afraid that was going to happen. If anyone ever weirdly wants to say my username out loud it's like Amber G 93 :p G for my maiden name. Oh well. I'm still incredibly geeked out.

BTW - saw someone yesterday who wanted to say Hi ... explained about how to property say your name as well ;)

I just want to add in some random comments, seeing as I was on the trip myself. One is Hi my name is Traci, I'm crazy and didn't know how to handle myself not being the funny one on the trip but I made it through. Also I had a great time and might have to do a trip report next time I go if anyone is interested based off my silly comments here and if you really want to read about one trip in more than one person's view.

Anywho, Day one for me started a week before flight took off. I had to schedule my exams to be the same week as the last week of classes so I was running around my campus like crazy trying to finish projects and squeeze all 6 exam into two days, but it went alright and I obviously survived. So I was very tired when it was time to leave, and on top of all of that I had to pack my dorm room into a suitcase or two. Meaning it was one heavy trip and much more baggage than I ever take on any trips. In fact I had the most luggage out of everyone. Next time I hit the Disney, I want my luggage taken to my room...yes please. However arriving a day early was fun, even though I missed out on swimming. I seriously did feel bad for the Denny waiter that had to bring me all that Dr. Pepper, and I'm pretty sure he thought I had a drinking problem, but I was very thirsty and it was cold. After that it was amusing just to play cards against humanity and to win the first round!! Heck yeah I'm awesome.

Day 2: Going to Disney was a very heavy trip with all my luggage, it actually bruised my shoulders. But I was a trooper and I lugged those bags all the way to our room and I must admit I was sweating and breathing pretty hard, but it was worth it and quite happy to leave the bags in the room as we headed out to the actual park for the first time. I must admit most of what I remember are little things. Pieces of conversations; seeing this stand; buying this; or watching this; and even riding some things for the first time. Which makes sense since it is very over bearing the first time. From what I have gathered reading we missed a lot more. But I thought it was wonderful. I also remembered that we had to stop so I could powder my legs a couple times, it was quite hot. I also remember just being in awe of the fireworks and the castle show. I felt giddy watching them and was sad when it was over.
BTW - saw someone yesterday who wanted to say Hi ... explained about how to property say your name as well ;)


:scared1: I think I just died. I feel so special. I can't handle the special. :hug: Thank you for like even thinking about me to take this picture, it means a lot. I can't handle all the feels.

I'm seriously geeking out. It's embarrassing. Good thing Marie can't judge me

Also, everyone welcome Traci. She'll be adding in her own comments along the way since she was there ;) She can keep the story straight if we try to go off track ::yes::
What a fun way to celebrate your marriage!! Thanks so much for sharing, I'm enjoying following along! CONGRATS!

Thanks for joining along! And thank you, it really was an awesome way to celebrate :)

It's coming...the post about when our paths crossed! :)

It is! Should be coming along very shortly ;)

Hey I think you guys made great timing seeing you had a big group! Love the shirts did you make them or order them? I have a prediction about why wearing them wasn't such a good idea that day, I'll see if I'm right or not. Amber roaring back at the dinosaur is too funny, she's like yea bring it Dinosaur

We didn't get there too much later than planned so that is good! And I actually made those, got the white shirts and fabric markers at Walmart, printed out a Mickey head shape and traced ;) Took me about one hour and a half per shirt

And Amber does love herself some Dinosaur!

Oooh the whole AM/PM thing just terrifies me.

Oh yeah, I agree completely Marie. I too still get turned around in Animal Kingdom. Everything looks the same (kinda). It's brutal.

While Dinosaur wouldn't be my first pick for first thing AK (there's a certain mountain and its darn magnetic core), I do appreciate the fact that you can get a private ride photo as a result.

That dinosaur outside the store has to be in some of the most... um... compromising? photos in Disney.

Well, we surely didn't use the alarm clock any other time for waking up purpose during that trip!

It really does. I know the basis of the layout, but mostly, I couldn't really say what is where in the same sense as I can for the other parks

It was pretty neat! And don't worry, we definitely got to the mountain ;)

It's a tough life, being a dinosaur!

BTW - saw someone yesterday who wanted to say Hi ... explained about how to property say your name as well ;)

I concur to her previous comment. She is geeking out something fierce

I just want to add in some random comments, seeing as I was on the trip myself. One is Hi my name is Traci, I'm crazy and didn't know how to handle myself not being the funny one on the trip but I made it through. Also I had a great time and might have to do a trip report next time I go if anyone is interested based off my silly comments here and if you really want to read about one trip in more than one person's view

Feel free to add whatever comments you want :P
Yay! Are you ladies doing a pre-trip report? I'd love to see if we overlap anywhere!! :grouphug:

We actually aren't doing a PTR this time because we've both got TRs going from Nov. 2012 and Oct. 2013 respectively to juggle. Plus, we're kinda hoping to be a bit more laid back with the planning

However, if you want a can PM the rough schedule we've got drawn up if you want and we can see if we overlap anywhere? I'd love a DISmeet :thumbsup2

And enjoying, as usual, the theming of this section, which in my opinion is the best thing about Dinoland. Not Dinosaur. The theming. The theming won't eat you. Good theming

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:rotfl: Oh man, I agree! I like Dinosaur, but I seriously look like I am actually about to die in every ride photo I've ever taken on that ride. Dani no like it.

Sounds like you guys had a decent first day and second day/first wake up call!

And Amber, you have redeemed yourself by staying late and riding Haunted Mansion. That was absolutely the correct decision. ;)

I really want to punch people that stand in the front row, for real. ARGH. ROAR!!!

And HOORAY! for French Quarter! I wish I was staying there in October. Le sigh. Oh well, I know I'll be back eventually!!!
:rotfl: Oh man, I agree! I like Dinosaur, but I seriously look like I am actually about to die in every ride photo I've ever taken on that ride. Dani no like it.

Sounds like you guys had a decent first day and second day/first wake up call!

And Amber, you have redeemed yourself by staying late and riding Haunted Mansion. That was absolutely the correct decision. ;)

I really want to punch people that stand in the front row, for real. ARGH. ROAR!!!

And HOORAY! for French Quarter! I wish I was staying there in October. Le sigh. Oh well, I know I'll be back eventually!!!

Oh come on Dani, Dinosaur needs some love ;) They're just trying to love you.

Thank you, thank you. I thought so too. HM is always the correct decision, right? :rolleyes1

French Quarter for life! Honestly, it feels like home. I'm excited to be going back.
Real Life Update 2: A Non-Dis PTR

That's right guys, I've got a bit of a PTR to share for an upcoming non-Disney trip that Marie and I are taking.

As you're probably all aware, Marie works for a wholesale company in a cruise department (I mentioned this last RL update). This means we get certain travel perks. Included from her finishing her training, in those perks, happens to be a free cruise.

Well, okay, it's not free. We have to pay taxes. So it's an $125 per person cruise. And we get a $100 on board credit. Umm? Is there anything to say but yes? :confused3

I love you Disney, but this price makes it so obvious what we need to do.

We have to go! :beach:

So, here's what our schedule looks like.

July 4th: We're going to be landing in Ft. Lauderdale at 6:20 or so. That's right, we'll be States side for America's birthday! Last July 4th I was waking up in my own room for the first time in 38 days (crazy to think about), this July 4th I'll be in Florida going on a cruise the next day! We're probably going to try and find some fireworks showing and go see them and we're likely going to meet up with Merranda since she's doing an internship in North Miami for the summer :)

July 5th: We'll head down to the port and board our home for the week. The ship will leave at 4 pm.

July 6th: At 9 AM we'll dock in Princess Cays, the Princess Cruiseline private island in the Bahamas until 4 pm.

July 7th: At sea.

July 8th: At 7 AM we dock in St. Thomas until 6 pm.

July 9th: At 7 Am we dock in San Jaun until 5 pm.

July 10th: At 12 PM we dock in Grand Turk until 7 PM.

July 11th: At sea

July 12th: Dock back in Ft. Lauderdale at 7 AM and have a flight back at 12 PM.

So that's it. Those are our big plans coming up super soon! I can't wait. Oh the perks of being married to a person in the travel industry. I recommend it :thumbsup2

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