How Much Trouble Can We Get Into Alone? What If I Pay Extra?

If you don't go for the Red Velvet wedding cake, can you at least get Dan a groom's cake like in Steel Magnolias?


Jill in CO
Ok, 10 pages in and right before the trip, but I am finally here and caught up!!! Red Velvet cake - how do I describe??? YUMMMMMM! It should taste kind of chocolatey, be really moist, and the cream cheese frosting should be the most noticeable. I know, not much of a help but that's all I've got.

It sounds like you are well on your way to being ready. I've got my list and I've only got a few more sleeps until I go. I'm thinking about joining you for MNSSHP if that's ok. I'm going to the party on the 11th but I was already debating a second party before we talked so I budgeted for 2.

Oh, and we already discussed your writing. Get on it. I'm ready to stage manage your book tours all over the country. I can't wait!!!
I think the cake flavor should just have a hint of the chocolate flavor, not really overpowering.

Your doing much better at having things organized than I am. We also leave soon and I still have a TON to day.
Dawn, do you have Little Debbies Snack Cakes there, in grocery stores? If you do, look for the "Petites" (they used to be 100 calorie packs, but changed the name and packaging);
I will go looking for them today!
Might as well post the pictures as you wear them. Hope you can get that 30 by the end of the week!
I am thinking it might be 25...but better than what I was at before!

If you don't go for the Red Velvet wedding cake, can you at least get Dan a groom's cake like in Steel Magnolias?


Jill in CO
This made my day!!!! I laughed so hard!
It sounds like you are well on your way to being ready. I've got my list and I've only got a few more sleeps until I go. I'm thinking about joining you for MNSSHP if that's ok. I'm going to the party on the 11th but I was already debating a second party before we talked so I budgeted for 2.
Heck yeah! Shannon and Sam will be there that night too!
Your doing much better at having things organized than I am. We also leave soon and I still have a TON to day.
When do you go?

We went shopping for Dan last night and got him a pair of shorts, jeans and a nice dress shirt plus a argyle sweater and one sweater vest. I am going to pull him into fashion if it kills me. He looks so handsome and so much more professional! Can't wait for this trip to show off our new duds! :banana:

We are going to spend the next few days really getting the nitty gritty together now! 1 week from today I will be in Georgia heading to WDW!!! :cool1:

I guess school really has been busy. I have no idea where my free time went. Freshman year was nothing like this. But then again, I did decide to become more involved on campus. And now suddenly I only have one night where I am free and have no commitments. Yikes.

So....I was catching up, and I read where you said you might fly to Greenville, and I thought "OH YAY I COULD MEET DAWN AND CARSYN".....and then I remembered you were talking about the OTHER Greenville. Not dear old G-vegas, NC.:sad1:

I broke up with my boyfriend. Again. But this time, I think it's for real. I have wanted to explore my faith a little bit more and I realized that the one thing holding me back was him. I mean, I love him to death, and he was great. But I need to figure out who I am on my own before trying to focus on a relationship with another person. In addition, I felt he needed to mature a bit more. I'll admit, I babied him. I would remind him of homework he had due, help him clean, and sort of act as a personal Day Planner. Then one day he complained about never getting his clothes tailored because his mom was always busy. And he didn't know how to do it himself. And for the first time, my thought wasn't "Oh here, let me help you." It was "You are 19 years old. You can figure it out or ask your mom what you need to do." So now, a couple months later and just before 2 years and 7 months, I am single. And while it hurt like a you-know-what, I'm dealing. And I actually am up for an internship in Indianapolis come January, which would mean I would be gone for 6 months. It's not only a dream job, but I also think it will be good to get away and just have some time to myself.

Heh, wow, sorry to sort of hijack the thread there. :rolleyes1 Can't wait to hear about your trip!!!!!! :cool1::cheer2:

Jedijill You made my day with that cake picture. Steel Magnolias is one of my all-time favorite movies.
I can't think of Red Velvet cake without thinking of that movie. I love that movie too.

Drum: Ouiser, can we call a truce long enough for me to get a piece of cake?
[Ouiser slices him the tail piece of an armadillo cake]
Drum: Aww, thanks Ouiser. Nothin' like a good piece of a$$.

"But the worst is the cake part, is red velvet cake -- blood red! People are gonna be hacking into this poor animal and it'll look like it's bleeding to death!!"

Jill in CO
When do you go?

We fly in a week from Thursday...I'd be more excited if I knew who was taking care of our house and if I didn't have to get on that evil scary plane. :rotfl:
I broke up with my boyfriend. Again. But this time, I think it's for real. I have wanted to explore my faith a little bit more and I realized that the one thing holding me back was him. I mean, I love him to death, and he was great. But I need to figure out who I am on my own before trying to focus on a relationship with another person. In addition, I felt he needed to mature a bit more. I'll admit, I babied him. I would remind him of homework he had due, help him clean, and sort of act as a personal Day Planner. Then one day he complained about never getting his clothes tailored because his mom was always busy. And he didn't know how to do it himself. And for the first time, my thought wasn't "Oh here, let me help you." It was "You are 19 years old. You can figure it out or ask your mom what you need to do." So now, a couple months later and just before 2 years and 7 months, I am single. And while it hurt like a you-know-what, I'm dealing. And I actually am up for an internship in Indianapolis come January, which would mean I would be gone for 6 months. It's not only a dream job, but I also think it will be good to get away and just have some time to myself.

Oh sweetie. :hug: I'm glad you made the right decision. You're too young to be settling on just one person if you still have those kinds of doubts. I'm so glad you got that internship! It'll be so good for you :thumbsup2
Hey Dawn -

I am so excited that you are getting so close to your trip!!!!! How totally awesome. I am still not quite sure how things have worked out with Baylor and his dad, but I am inspired by your weight loss. How awesome to be buying new, smaller clothes. You go girl.

I hope you have the best trip ever and I can't wait to read all about it!
:cheer2: Here is to a great trip!!! :cheer2:
Your lips to God's ears! :worship:
I broke up with my boyfriend. Again.
I hope you find peace in your decision and it does not mean it is forever. It can mean until he gets himself figured out as well and that is up to him, not you so cudoos to you for being smarter and braver than I was.:hug:
I can't think of Red Velvet cake without thinking of that movie. I love that movie too.

Drum: Ouiser, can we call a truce long enough for me to get a piece of cake?
[Ouiser slices him the tail piece of an armadillo cake]
Drum: Aww, thanks Ouiser. Nothin' like a good piece of a$$.

Jill in CO
Now I want to rent that this weekend for sure!
We fly in a week from Thursday...I'd be more excited if I knew who was taking care of our house and if I didn't have to get on that evil scary plane. :rotfl:
So we will be there the same time then for a bit! Maybe we can cross paths! :cool1:

Hey Dawn -
I am still not quite sure how things have worked out with Baylor and his dad, but I am inspired by your weight loss.
Kids will be staying home while we are gone. Both of them. Their Dad will have them out at his place often but they will also be around to help with the dogs etc. They are both fine with it and it means Baylor not missing any school for even 2 days which right now in math and a good thing! :thumbsup2

I hope you have the best trip ever and I can't wait to read all about it!

I know I will have 2 weeks worth of stuff to write about! ;)

Last night started to feel sick. :sick: Like sore throat, raw voice sick. This morning is upset stomach sick with the others thrown in for good measure. Great for weight loss but bad for work. I have a party tonight and tom. so lemon and honey and gargling with salt water is in my future for at least 48 hours.

I also do not want this crud to be present next Tuesday on the plane. Or for the trip for that matter. I am sure it will be a speedy recovery but if I have it chances are Dan could get it. Ugh.

Will start packing today. Have many things already in folders and laying out in piles so feel pretty good about the inventory process. Need to check one bag and we will have 2 carry-on's plus laptop and purse.

Even made a list of food for the nights we will be gone for the kids and made a grocery list of what we need to make those items so they will be set to go. Their Dad is not a great cook and Baylor tends to lean on cereal if he has to vs actually looking to make something and you know me and paranoia about food.

They will have frozen: chicken chow mein, beef stroganoff, tacos, chili, spaghetti, chicken and dumpling soup, turkey hotdish, and hamburger/green bean/tater tot hot dish. popcorn::

Then from Schwans they have chicken pot pies, corn dogs, tortellini and from Kraft...Mac-N-Cheese.

This should get them by and my sister will be here for a few days etc. to help with food.

Plus I am heading to an apple orchard on Sat. and they will have plenty of their favorite fruit to survive on plus Apple pies, bars, crisp and bread if my Sunday stays open. Good plan to help execute weight loss. Cook and leave for 2 weeks! :lmao:

I am off to make corn bread for a chili hot dish for dinner tonight. I won't be there so I won't have to be tempted! Plus with my throat, frozen fruit bars is the only thing that sounds even good right now. :headache:
WOW, you have a lot going on. I pray you get over the sickies quickly and nobody else catches it. I thought it was crazy planning for this weekend for us. We are taking a mini-vacation and driving from Michigan to North Carolina to visit my baby brother and his fiance', leaving my 4 kids behind with my inlaws who will be staying at my house. I have been cleaning like a mad woman, and then reading your post it hit me, crap I have to go grocery shopping and all that yet before I can even pack and we are leaving at 4am tomorrow. YIKES.

I think things are going to turn out great and you are going to have a fantastic time!
Can I come and stay with your kids while you are gone so I can eat all of that, too?! Yummmm! :laughing:

I hope you feel better soon. The crud is running thru me right now, too. Headache, sore throat, ear ache, chills and hot flashes. Blah!
Can I come and stay with your kids while you are gone so I can eat all of that, too?! Yummmm! :laughing:


That's what I was going to say! I'm close by, I'm happy to check in on them - right around dinner time!!

Feel better soon Dawn!! No being sick for vacation! (Better stop kissing Dan for a few days!)
Baylor's eating habits sound JUST like my litte brother's.

Apple bread? Wow....that sounds incredible....Recipe???
It was a running joke for a while that every time we went to Disney, I got sick. The first time was a really bad cold (I mean like, go through a box of tissues in a day and have a weird voice cold). Next trip, all of us got food poisoning. After that, we were debating on using our last park day or just leaving, and I said I didn't feel well. We made it to the McDonald's on I-Drive and then I got sick in the car. So I'll stay as far away from you as possible!! Don't want you catching my bad mojo.

I'm not going to Disney, but today I go home for Fall Break! I'm looking forward to it because Saturday we're having dinner with a family friend I haven't seen in 5 years, and Sunday I have a flute solo in church. Hope you feel better soon!!!!! Sending some pixie dust your way :wizard:
Hi guys! I will respond properly in the morning. Had two parties the past two nights and my throat is trashed. Like literally I cannot talk without it dying out in the second syllable. Kids thought this would make them happy but now they are frustrated as well because I need to whisper to one or Dan to relay to the other. :lmao:

Plus the hacking cough of a 100 year old smoker. :sick: I have a fever on and off and I look like Phyllis Diller.

Sexy I tell ya!

But I forced myself to be gone at 7:30 a.m. to get all these things done!

Today was grocery shop and cook/bake extravaganza!

We made:

Zucchini bars x2 (one with spice and one without)
Zucchini Bread x 2 loaves
Sugar cookies w/ frosting x 2 batches
Chili w/ beef and beans
Beef Stroganoff
Turkey Tetrazini
Cooked 3 pounds of ground beef to be ready to add for Hamburger Helper

Of course the amount of pans and dirty dishes I have done had to burn off some calories! I did not even taste anything but one cookie and 2 bites of the stroganoff because it hurts to swallow!

All the above is labeled and most frozen with veggies included if it is in one of the containers that is like a TV dinner tray with compartments.

Pantry stacked and loaded and if a blizzard hit, they would have enough food for at least 3 months. :laughing:

This also means that when I come home I will not have to make a run to the grocery store! :thumbsup2

I told the ex that he can contribute $100 for all the food I bought since he was supposed to have them for the 2 weeks and thus would be his responsibility to feed. When he balked at first, I pointed out this means he is paying $100 for 14 days of which 7 the kids will have no school. That is $7 per day for 2 kids and I already did all the work in prep , clean up and getting the groceries. I also know he will be there some evenings and eat with them.

All of a sudden the deal did not seem so bad. :idea: I know I did not have to do it but I also know that he can be rushed after work and again, I need to know they have 3 squares a day and not in the form of coco krispies or Kraft mac and cheese.

I am going to go watch on Hulu - Mike and Molly. Hopefully not talk and wake up to the sounds of my voice annoying everyone within ear distance! :scared:
You really had a super productive day! Hope you feel better before you guys take off...I know we're also battling something and just hoping it goes away by Thursday!

And it would be great to cross paths at WDW!
Still have the yuck. Green things are coming out of me and I am not Shrek. :sick::scared:

My throat is better though so I hope it is on the upswing and I will feel much better in the early morning!

We just booked a rental through Advantage. Closer to the $400 marker and I really wanted it to be near $300 but what are you to do? I miscounted my days and thought we would be there 2 full weeks so I did not take it in the shorts for the per day charge but alas...1 1/2 days too little & too late to change!

Making an appointment for nails and hair now. Hopefully I can get in tonight sometime. Need to finish some work orders and make some phone calls and do a bit of laundry but I feel pretty good that we are almost ready to go!

One night of sleep left and to WDW!!!! :yay:


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