Help with a traffic ticket issue

Actually you all would be amazed at what people call a police chief over. It's really sad how entitled people feel.

I bet that is true, especially in a small town where every knows him/her.

I try very hard not to call on people I know "in power" for explanations or favors. I know how tired we get of people dropping names around here of our President or one of the Vice-Presidents of the college.
I got the feeling that OP may have been a little confused, too, about the fact that an officer can run your plates 'just because.'
I got the feeling that OP may have been a little confused, too, about the fact that an officer can run your plates 'just because.'

I remember the officer doing that when I did a police ride along when I was a senior in high school. They don't need any justification to run plates. It's amazing what they can turn up sometimes by randomly doing it.

During my ride along another officer called for back up because he ran plates and they came back to a totally different car. Pulled the car over and found evidence it was pieced together from other car parts (not entirely sure how they determined that..something about parts/paint and other stuff not matching) and when the car was searched found they were driving around with semi automatic weapons under the seats of the car!
Hearsay is pretty much he said she said and can't really be proven and as long as she was being super suspicious and panicked behind the wheel that's probable cause to pull here over at his discretion. I would recommend going to traffic school and paying the fine and putting it all in the past. :thumbsup2

No it's not. I'm a trial lawyer - I don't just play one on TV. :)

Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning something that the first person did not witness. You cannot use hearsay in court to prove the truth of that hearsay statement. But you can often use hearsay statements to show their effect on the listener.

Example: A sees B steal a car. A tells Cop B stole the car. Cop cannot testify to the fact that B stole the car, only A can. But Cop can refer to A's statement to explain why he arrested B. A fact finder can only find B guilty if they hear from, and believe, A.

In this case, the cop watched the kid drive. She was off-route. She gets a ticket. End of story.

The fact that he followed her home probably proved to him that she was off the school to home route.

Why would you think that you are entitled to see the video? If your child was arrested for stealing from Target, you can't go to the store and demand to see the security footage, your lawyer would have to subpoena it.
I remember the officer doing that when I did a police ride along when I was a senior in high school. They don't need any justification to run plates. It's amazing what they can turn up sometimes by randomly doing it.

Yeah, unfortunately the reason I know is that a police officer here in Indy was murdered last year after he pulled someone over whose plates he ran.
Actually there is plate recognition software out there that some departments use. So plates don't even have to manually run anymore. It's just always scanning and will pop an alert if the car is stolen, registration out of date, etc.
Actually there is plate recognition software out there that some departments use. So plates don't even have to manually run anymore. It's just always scanning and will pop an alert if the car is stolen, registration out of date, etc.

that is very cool!
ok I have to throw this in cause I sure all you who are on the she broke the law she should be punished are not!

1. Talking on cell phone while driving
2. going 56 in a 55 zone
3. applying lip stick/chap stick/ make-up while driving
4. Digging in purse for something
5 messing with nav system or radio while driving

All of these are against the law in 1 or more states BUT you havent been pulled over for it YET!!

Shes a 15 yr old who took the wrong way home because she was upset! she went off route. BUT she didnt break any traffic laws just the route rule!! I agree with her Mom if it was my kid I would have called the cops and asked what happened! she also said LG fine!! how lg? in these times these kids are driving because of hardship issues so give them a huge ticket for a stupid thing and make life harder on them and there insurance go up for GOING THE WRONG WAY HOME so stupid!! When I was a early driver I was always getting mixed up on the way to or from home even though I had lived there 10 yrs ..
ok I have to throw this in cause I sure all you who are on the she broke the law she should be punished are not!

1. Talking on cell phone while driving
2. going 56 in a 55 zone
3. applying lip stick/chap stick/ make-up while driving
4. Digging in purse for something
5 messing with nav system or radio while driving

All of these are against the law in 1 or more states BUT you havent been pulled over for it YET!!

Shes a 15 yr old who took the wrong way home because she was upset! she went off route. BUT she didnt break any traffic laws just the route rule!! I agree with her Mom if it was my kid I would have called the cops and asked what happened! she also said LG fine!! how lg? in these times these kids are driving because of hardship issues so give them a huge ticket for a stupid thing and make life harder on them and there insurance go up for GOING THE WRONG WAY HOME so stupid!! When I was a early driver I was always getting mixed up on the way to or from home even though I had lived there 10 yrs ..

I have not gotten a ticket for any of the above offenses. However, if I did do them, and got pulled over, I would not be complaining about the ticket or calling the Chief of Police to vent.
ok I have to throw this in cause I sure all you who are on the she broke the law she should be punished are not!

1. Talking on cell phone while driving I have built in handsfree.
2. going 56 in a 55 zone I have paid the fines for doing so.
3. applying lip stick/chap stick/ make-up while drivingI don't do that.
4. Digging in purse for somethingPurse is on the back floor.
5 messing with nav system or radio while drivingSteering wheel controls. I never have to look at the radio.

All of these are against the law in 1 or more states BUT you havent been pulled over for it YET!!

Shes a 15 yr old who took the wrong way home because she was upset! she went off route. BUT she didnt break any traffic laws just the route rule!! I agree with her Mom if it was my kid I would have called the cops and asked what happened! she also said LG fine!! how lg? in these times these kids are driving because of hardship issues so give them a huge ticket for a stupid thing and make life harder on them and there insurance go up for GOING THE WRONG WAY HOME so stupid!! When I was a early driver I was always getting mixed up on the way to or from home even though I had lived there 10 yrs ..

Answers in orange.
I have not gotten a ticket for any of the above offenses. However, if I did do them, and got pulled over, I would not be complaining about the ticket or calling the Chief of Police to vent.

I guess, but he could have stopped her out of route, given her the ticket and then told her he was going to follow her to make sure she got home safely. At least then she wouldn't have been so nervous the whole time.

If he wanted to talk to her parents, why not do that instead of the ticket?

The parents around here know 90% of the deputies that patrol in this area and they have followed some of the kids home to make sure they get here safely (they notice the car isn't running correctly, they almost have a flat tire, its late, whatever) but they always let them know what they are doing so the kid isn't scared to death the whole time they are behind them.

OP doesn't say where in the timeline the officer asked if parents were home. Maybe he asked prior to the ticketing. If they were home, he would have talked to them, but since they weren't he may have assumed that DD was out and about without their knowledge, since she was "off route." Had they been home, he may have chosen to not ticket DD.
We were pulled over on Sunday night because my husband proceeded through a yellow light, rather than slowing down. The light did not turn red until we were through the intersection, but the cop warned us that yellow means slow down, not proceed.

To be honest, I think he pulled us over to check for drunk drivers (in Belmar over Memorial Day weekend - imagine) and we were not ticketed, but if we had been I certainly would not be calling the chief of police about it.
ok I have to throw this in cause I sure all you who are on the she broke the law she should be punished are not!

1. Talking on cell phone while driving
2. going 56 in a 55 zone
3. applying lip stick/chap stick/ make-up while driving
4. Digging in purse for something
5 messing with nav system or radio while driving

All of these are against the law in 1 or more states BUT you havent been pulled over for it YET!!

Shes a 15 yr old who took the wrong way home because she was upset! she went off route. BUT she didnt break any traffic laws just the route rule!! I agree with her Mom if it was my kid I would have called the cops and asked what happened! she also said LG fine!! how lg? in these times these kids are driving because of hardship issues so give them a huge ticket for a stupid thing and make life harder on them and there insurance go up for GOING THE WRONG WAY HOME so stupid!! When I was a early driver I was always getting mixed up on the way to or from home even though I had lived there 10 yrs ..

Your comparisons don't work in this scenario. The only thing I do in your list is speed, however if I get pulled over I admit my guilt and pay the fine. I certainly don't call the Chief of Police to dispute it.

It seems the child went off route (the reason doesn't matter), got caught and now has to pay the fine. Lesson learned.
BUT she didnt break any traffic laws just the route rule!!

She didn't "just [break] the route rule". She broke the route rule. That's apparently pretty serious.

This school permit apparently comes with specific restrictions, one of which is that the driver must use the most direct route, and another being the driver can drive only between the primary residence and school or the most direct gas station.

The OP's daughter didn't abide by these restrictions. Confusion, panic, whatever - it doesn't matter.
Am I the only person on this forum who does not believe every word that rolls out of my kids' mouths?

Though the story is confusing, let's see.. my 15 year old is driving with a provisional license that says she can only drive to and from school on a certain route. She is off that route, driving somewhere she, legally, is not allowed to be. When the police spot her she immediately returns to her legal driving area, but she is caught and gets a ticket.

Her story, later on, to her parents is that she was off her pre-determined route getting gas (which is legal) and her key got stuck in the ignition. She then went farther off her route to get help for her broken ignition. When the police started following her she panicked, drove home, forgetting all about the broken car, and successfully maneuvered that same broken vehicle into the garage.

...and, somehow, this is the police's fault?

I may be cynical, but if my kid came up with that story I wouldn't have bought it for a buck.

There were other more sensible options. Call someone from the service station. Turn around and drive the car back home. (because, obviously the car was capable of being driven) Drive on to the baseball game, there would have been some boy or some parent there that could help you.

Because teens would never lie, or stretch the truth to get out of trouble. ;)

This one doesn't sit right with me.
ok I have to throw this in cause I sure all you who are on the she broke the law she should be punished are not!

1. Talking on cell phone while driving
2. going 56 in a 55 zone
3. applying lip stick/chap stick/ make-up while driving
4. Digging in purse for something
5 messing with nav system or radio while driving

All of these are against the law in 1 or more states BUT you havent been pulled over for it YET!!

Shes a 15 yr old who took the wrong way home because she was upset! she went off route. BUT she didnt break any traffic laws just the route rule!! I agree with her Mom if it was my kid I would have called the cops and asked what happened! she also said LG fine!! how lg? in these times these kids are driving because of hardship issues so give them a huge ticket for a stupid thing and make life harder on them and there insurance go up for GOING THE WRONG WAY HOME so stupid!! When I was a early driver I was always getting mixed up on the way to or from home even though I had lived there 10 yrs ..

In what state(s) is messing with the radio, putting on chapstick, or digging in one's purse specifically against the law?

Yes, she did break a traffic law - the law in that state says that people with that type of license can only go certain places, she went someplace else. Hence she got a traffic ticket. Same as if someone was driving on a suspended license. I don't know how you're separating 'law' from 'rule' but she broke the law, hence she's being cited and fined.

Someone said he could've ticketed her and then followed her home. There are a bunch of potential problems with that. First, if she's not allowed to drive wherever she was on the license, then he shouldnt've let her drive there after pulling her over to ticket her. That's the notification that she's broken the law. That he'd then tell her to go forth and carefully break it some more doesn't work.

Also, following people you cite home because they're upset is time you'd have to justify being off your own route, were you a patrolling officer.

I agree it doesn't matter why he waited to pull her over - he could have had several reasons, and none are relevant.

She did go off the allowed route. She has no reasonable excuse, imo, like, some emergency (I don't think 'decided to go to Aunt's house for car problem despite having started at a gas station' fits - like 'got call to meet parents at ER immediately because brother was attacked by a bear' fits, imo.)

Also, hearsay has no bearing here and I don't understand what the OP thinks it has to do with anything.
Am I the only person on this forum who does not believe every word that rolls out of my kids' mouths?

Though the story is confusing, let's see.. my 15 year old is driving with a provisional license that says she can only drive to and from school on a certain route. She is off that route, driving somewhere she, legally, is not allowed to be. When the police spot her she immediately returns to her legal driving area, but she is caught and gets a ticket.

Her story, later on, to her parents is that she was off her pre-determined route getting gas (which is legal) and her key got stuck in the ignition. She then went farther off her route to get help for her broken ignition. When the police started following her she panicked, drove home, forgetting all about the broken car, and successfully maneuvered that same broken vehicle into the garage.

...and, somehow, this is the police's fault?

I may be cynical, but if my kid came up with that story I wouldn't have bought it for a buck.

There were other more sensible options. Call someone from the service station. Turn around and drive the car back home. (because, obviously the car was capable of being driven) Drive on to the baseball game, there would have been some boy or some parent there that could help you.

Because teens would never lie, or stretch the truth to get out of trouble. ;)

This one doesn't sit right with me.

I didn't really get that she was blaming the officer for the ticket, just wanted to know why he waited until she got home to ticket her.

I am far from believing everything my teen (or any teen) tells me. And they have a great ability for telling the story and changing just enough to make themselves look innocent, then when the truth comes out--"that's not what I said!" :rotfl:

But I do listen to them and hear their side.

It may be a lie, it may be the truth--stranger things have happened!

Not sure why you comment on her ability to maneuver the car into the garage. A stuck key wouldn't keep her from getting the car in the garage. Also, it is possible for the key to have been stuck at the gas station, then when she got home not be. Just turning the steering wheel a certain way could make it seem stuck and then turning it back make it "unstuck".


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