HELP ME!!! Bought 5 day hoppers from Connections - I lost them!


DIS Veteran
Jan 12, 2000
I know that there's probably nothing I can do, but does anyone know if Connections has a tracing system to see if the tickets they sold you have never been used? I bought them a month ago, went to Disney last week & decided to just do Universal. I know I brought them home, but can't find those darn 4 little tickets (that were in a baggie) anyone.

I think they may have got tossed out with all the papers that I accumulated while in Orlando - stupid, stupid me - I think I just tossed $1000 out the window.

Has this ever happened to anyone? I'm so embarrassed I shouldn't even be submitted this. I can't even tell my DH - I'll maybe have to save up another $1000 somehow - I'm so depressed I could just die.


not yet anyway:D

Alright.. unpack very slowly, open up every zipper, check every pocket, check every fanny sack, packback, camera case, etc. Then do it all over again. Check with all your bathroom stuff if you packed that in baggies and see if you didn't put them in there. Check it ALL again!

Now think - did you leave in the hotel safe?
locker somewhere?
call hotel and see if they were turned in (cross fingers and toes now)
clean out your purse AGAIN.., and go through everything one by one.. check all wallet/checkbook compartments.

now call connections and see if they have record of the serial numbers that they sold you... if so, you should be able to give numbers to disney and replace tickets. I would think that they would have to inventory the ticket stock and account for where the tickets go...

Don't kick yourself yet, pleanty of time for that later:D

-just trying to lighten up the situation.. you sound so worried!

good luck
I wish there was something I could say or do for ya! Good luck and let us know how it comes out!:(
Check out any extra bags you brought back. Lost my passporter in suvineer bag we brought home!! It was setting on the fireplace. It was in the bottom of that bag.

Do check out all zippers inside and out of everything!!

You will find them!!
thanks for the info - I called Disney and they said all their tickets are inventoried. Therefore, if the Connections gives them the #, they can cancel & reissue me new tickets.

I called COnnections, but they said since I canceled my membership, they can't do anything. I did the the 1 month $1 deal. Do you know if I can pursue this further with them - I find it hard to believe that they don't have records of all their sales.

BYW, I went thru everything over & over - I think I may have thrown them away.
OK, I've been meaning to go make photocopies of mine and now I am doing it TODAY! There will be two sets of copies - one with me on the trip and one left in the file at home. Yikes!

Good luck resolving your problem.
Try Connections again. Maybe you'll get an operator who is more willing to help/empathize. Call Disney and complain about Connections. Maybe Connections has to report serial numbers and payments to Disney, and they can find a way to help you.

Good luck.
Would Connections give you the numbers if you paid the enrollment fee? I'd rather pay the $80? than $1000 for those passes!
I agree you need to call Connections again... if the operator says they can't help you because you cancelled, ask if they could help you if you paid the 80.00 fee... if they say yes, tell them you will pay, then pay the fee, get the numbers & call disney... then, when you do all that, lodge a complaint with the BBB & Disney because that's like bribery or something, bad business to say the least... Ask to speak with a supervisor at Connections as well...
I don't know if Connections records serial numbers of passes, but they most certainly still have your information on file. Apparently, somehow we had a trial membership thru a cc 2 or 3 yrs ago and everytime I call them now I have to remind them to look under my current membership number because the old one comes up first. If our old membership from 2-3 yrs ago is still in their computer, you can bet your info is too. Definitely call back!
I recently joined Connections for the ticket and food discounts, and I am debating whether to keep the membership. It seems to me that cancelling your membership would not even be an issue, since you were a member(at the promo. fee of $1) when you purchased the tickets. As a company, it would certainly be bad business not to try and rectify a problem with a member, be they past or present. I will add that we learned a valuable lesson 2 years ago when we lost my DD's AP going into the gate at MK. We were able to have it replaced because the other 5 members of our family had our AP's with us, so the CM just cancelled the 1 in the sequence that was missing, and re-issued another one. When we took our neighbor and her daughter to WDW last year, we purchased their tickets at the Wal-Mart on Sand Lake Rd.(don't laugh, they had the cheapest 4-day hoppers of anyone other than SOG). BEFORE I left the store, I had already written the numbers off the back of both hoppers, and placed that information in the glove box. I recently ordered 12 tickets from Disney for our up-coming trip, and again, the first thing I did was write down all the numbers off of each ticket. Before you spend $1000, try calling a supervisor at Connections, with your copy of the order or your cc billing statement in hand, and try again to have them replaced. I am sure this is not the first time they have been asked to replace something. They ship orders out everyday, and no package delivery company(even the brown) can boast not losing something every once in a while. Good luck!
EVERYONE - as soon as you get home, photocopy the back of ALL of your Disney Tickets (and/or any other tickets you have for other parks).

Also, as soon as you get your tickets, do the same - keep a copy of this with you on vacation (I leave mine at the hotel room), AND keep a copy at home or at work, where someone can get to it.

I do the same thing with my passport, but the Disney ticket are SOOOO much more important (at least, when you're on a Disney trip).

Good luck getting your passes back!!! I lost one of my passes in the past inside a book - had used it for a book mark. So check your books and anything/everything that you possibly took to Disney!
I did call Connections again, spoke with a Supervisor, very, very nice. They had all my information, eventhough I cancelled. She said they DO NOT keep track of the numbers on the tickets. She suggested that I write them a letter describing my situation & that I should try to contact Disney again & use that letter (& my credit card bill) as proof of the tickets. And maybe Disney would be able to help.

Well, I learned a very valuable lesson - I should have either photocopied tickets or wrote down the numbers!
I did call Connections again, spoke with a Supervisor, very, very nice. They had all my information, eventhough I cancelled. She said they DO NOT keep track of the numbers on the tickets. She suggested that I write them a letter describing my situation & that I should try to contact Disney again & use that letter (& my credit card bill) as proof of the tickets. And maybe Disney would be able to help.

Well, I learned a very valuable lesson - I should have either photocopied tickets or wrote down the numbers!
Okay, this may be a stupid question, but has the garbage man come by yet? If not, start digging! Heck for that kind of money, you would definitely find me at the garbage dump searching. All kidding aside, I really hope that they turn up or that they can be replaced.

I doubt Disney would help to this extent, but maybe if you could remember the times and dates that you entered the different parks each day, they could track it by that.

Also, would homeowner's insurance possibly cover such a thing or maybe the credit card that you used to purchase them? I doubt it, but I am just grasping a straws here to help you.
Just wanted to extend my sympathies, I know I would be just sick if this happened to me. DH laughed at me when I photocopied the fronts/backs of *every* card/ticket/etc in my wallet before I left home on our last trip, but I was glad I did, just in case of a circumstance like this. Good luck!
Terri the Yoopermom
Another thing that might be worth a try -- if you charged your passes on a gold or platinum credit card, it may include loss/theft insurance on purchases you've made recently. Some cover purchases for 30 days, some up to 90 days. Definitely worth a call.

I feel your pain!
Definitely give Connections another try.. just because you tried their program and cancelled t 30 days does not mean that they do not have to 'service you'. You DID participate in their program and are having trouble after the fact. They should do whatever they can to help you. Please try again and talk with a supervisor. Remember, you catch more bees with honey..but definitely be firm in that you need help - and expect them to help you.

and yes - I might consider rejoining the program if that is what it takes to get help... beats losing $1000 in tickets.

good luck!
I think Mary's idea is brilliant. Call your credit card company and ask the policy on loss or theft. MANY cards cover this and you may not have any idea it's a benefit of your card!


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