Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

Ok question - when I was doing Zumba tonight I noticed my feet started hurting (legs a little too but I expected that lol) - I was wearing my Nike's.... I wear these same shoes when I walk for exercise and don't feel any foot pain then. Is there heavier stepping impact from Zumba dance moves or do I need shoes??? I was starting to get into it but the foot pain made me stop after 15 minutes .... I definitely want to work up to a longer time.
Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!


France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?
Question of the Day for June 13:

France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?

I love shopping but only when I feel good about myself!
I love swimming and bit of heat, not easy to get in Ireland! Joining new gym that have good spa area next week to deal with that
I love the beach, even when not sunny

But on more practical side, I used to over eat at night. I would collect my son after work, we will get home, he will be tired and cranky and want to do it all - be fed, homework etc so he can rest after (sometimes in front of his play station!). It was really stressing me out and I struggled to managed the hours between 5 and 7

now when I get home, I don't touch anything! Straight to the batch for 20 minutes. Then we deal with things one at a time, DS dinner, DS homework, DS jammies & book reading or PS (if it's not football night!). After that I eat. It took some adjusting and feel little luxury to take time to unwind when there is so much to do but it transformed my nights and my relationship with my son as I am way calmer & nicer to be around
I need to get some better pics of me in it, but here's one after the bestie threw my "hood" on my head to see what it would actually look like. (It looks like i'm wearing a bit sorting hat from HP). hair is messy and my dress is a bit off center at the chest, but i'll get something new taken in it soon :)

SUCH a pretty dress!!! You look terrific! Was it anything like the dress you originally wanted??

Question of the Day for June 11

We are moving on to our next country: Japan! The Japanese pavilion in Epcot has my overall favorite shop in all of Epcot: The Mitsukoshi Department Store can be found in a replica of the coronation and ceremonial halls of Japan's Imperial Palace. Named for the oldest department store in the world, the original store goes back three centuries. Here you can find anything from anime books to kimonos to the most interesting Japanese snacks (like dried fish and milk soda chewy candy).

More pictures of all the interesting offerings can be found

So, let's talk about shopping: Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!

Top three.... food scale (indispensible IMHO), bathroom scale ( I keep telling myself I should invest in a better one), Fitbit (great for reminding me that I haven't been NEARLY as active as I would like to think!!).

Question of the Day for June 12

We are still in Japan - and it is time to talk about food again! Don't worry, I am not going to ask you for Japanese recipes!! Let#s talk about a typical Japanese food tradition though, that can be adapted for western fare: the Bento Box!

The picture is from Tokyo Dining, one of the three restaurants in the Japan pavilion. They have a bento box on the menu and there it is a selection of different small plates - one could even think of it as Japanese tapas. However, generally the bento box is a food container packed at home or bought ready made for eating on the go. Or you could call it a fancy version of a lunch box!

Do you pack lunches (or other meals when you are on the go) to bring with you? What do you usually bring and what is your favorite?

I pack a lunch for work EVERY SINGLE DAY.... without fail, all during the school year AND during my summer job.... partially to help stay on plan, partially for budget reasons, and partially because there is virtually NO PLACE to get lunch around my school, other than the cafeteria (yuck) or a local min-market/sub and pizza shop (and that would take up the majority of my 20 minute lunch). I mostly bring soups and stews plus a piece of fruit during the cooler months (the majority of the school year).... I make up big batches on the weekends and freeze it into individual portions in mason jars (or recycled peanut butter jars).... super easy to grab, heat up, and then I can just throw the glass jar and spoon into the dishwasher (unlike plastic-ware, which I hand wash). Some of my favorites are lentil soup, broccoli cheddar soup (I lightened up a Panera recipe), curried carrot soup, chicken vegetable, and occasionally beef barley. On warmer days I sometimes switch it up and bring my usual breakfast food for lunch.... plain fat-free greek yogurt with frozen berries. Again, I can throw a portion into a glass jar and it is easy to tote, easy to eat, and easy to wash up at the end of the day!! I also like salads, but they are definitely more time consuming to make, so I have to think ahead and make those at night.

When I am REALLY in a pinch and the fridge/freezer seem empty, I open a can of beans (white beans, kidney beans, or chick peas) or take a portion from the freezer (I try to make my own beans from scratch and freeze them in 1 C portions) and put a serving or two on top of frozen green beans or fresh greens, or leftover cooked veggies.... add a little sauce/dressing/salsa/hummus, and warm for lunch. Surprisingly delicious!

Snacks for lunch aren't out of the realm either.... a string cheese, an apple, a serving of hummus with celery, and maybe some pretzels or a low carb pita bread..... not a big lunch, but something SUPER quick and easy to grab.

I very often pack up food for road trip days as well..... if I am heading out to visit DD (about a 2.5 hour drive each way) or if I know I'll be running errands through a meal, I pack a small cooler bag/lunch tote.... string cheese, apples and/or grapes and/or bananas, 100 calorie nut packs, PB2 on a low carb pita, instant oatmeal cups (you can get free hot water at places like McDonalds), a container of diced chicken breast (finger food), shelf-stable hummus snack packs (WW sells these now!!), healthy popcorn, and ALWAYS a water bottle full of cold fresh water from home!

Weekly check-in:

Worst week I've had since I've started and I have no idea why. Going back and looking at all my numbers and it doesn't really make sense. I started the month at 243 and the goal is to lose 14 lbs. Last Sunday I weighed in at 240 lbs - today I'm at 239.5. I lost .5 lbs this week. Overall I'm just 25% toward my goal.

I'm pretty pissed right now. I had so many opportunities to cheat this week food wise and I didn't once. Went to a couple graduation parties yesterday with tons of BBQ, desserts, and beer and all I had was bottled water. I didn't work this hard to only lose .5 lbs this week!!!

I'm due for a big drop - gonna go run and make it happen.

I just want to say this.... as I started reading about your worst week.... I was thinking..."oh, too bad... he must have had a small gain".... and then I realize that you lost! I pray that you aren't beating yourself up over this. YOU STILL LOST! Maybe not as much as you anticipated or wanted.... but it happens. And I'm SURE in the past you have had weeks where you lost more than expected/anticipated and you were pleasantly surprised, right? Well... this is the universe's way of balancing things out. Some times we do EVERYTHING RIGHT... and we aren't rewarded in the way we would like. But remember that EVERY PARTY you attended and stayed on plan at was a chance to reinforce these HEALTHY habits. Just like the kids you coach.... if they busted their butts in practice and did EVERYTHING right on the field and still lost the game, I'm SURE you wouldn't berate them for losing. Instead you would remind them that they are still learning and growing and that they did a GREAT job and that the NEXT TIME it would pay off! So Coach.... let me tell you the same thing.... YOU ARE DOING GREAT! You are taking charge of your life and your health and it IS paying off! Maybe not this week in the way that you wanted.... but it is and it WILL continue to pay off... it will pay off in additional years of your life to spend with your kids (and future grandkids).... more years with your loving spouse. YOU GOT THIS!!

I have the bento bowl that I got in Japan... I like to keep the protien separate when I take a salad then mix them when ready to eat. Now do I actually use it? Not lately and eating lunch "out" has been one of my downfalls lately, so I need to get back to taking my lunch. I looked at the other Bento boxes when I was just there but didn't get one and of course wish I had.

Over points again yesterday but much, much better on sugar consumption... The only sugar I had was in my Arnold Palmer at lunch, no candy or baked goods. It showed on the scale this morning, so woohoo!

Today I turn the dreaded 60, doesn't feel much different than 59 so I guess I'll be ok :). Nothing major planned, no cake that's for sure!

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!party: I hope it was WONDERFUL!!! And remember.... 60 is the new 30, right??;)

Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!

France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?

I would say clothing. Not that anything I buy is really "luxury" but things like splurging on a "new-to-me" dress (like the one I wore this past weekend) is a reward and my way of saying to myself.... "you deserve this... you've lost the weight and KEPT IT OFF.... so show it off!!". Yes, the dress was under $25 (which I think is high for a consignment shop, but it is a silk dress).... but that is a splurge for me. And I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't feeling GOOD about myself. I'm not big into any other things that most ladies like... facials, massages, mani-pedi... no thanks!


Hey friends!!! Crazy whirlwind weekend is over! The graduation and wedding were wonderful, even if the weather was slightly less than cooperative (unseasonably cool temps, high winds, and rain showers off and on). Eating (for me anyhow) was SPOT ON during the "big day" (my ONLY splurge was the small slice of wedding cake sans frosting, no cocktails, no appetizers other than fruit, no starch with my main dish) but fell apart a little yesterday because my Mom (God bless her) bought a small birthday cake to celebrate my birthday a bit early (while we were all together) and then we ended up hanging around for pizza for dinner. So my perfectly on-plan breakfast/lunch yesterday ended with a small piece of cake (truly, very small), 1.5 slices of garlic mushroom white pizza, a light beer and a handful of tortilla chips. I guess it could have been worse! Glad I wrote it all out here because in hindsight it really doesn't seem like such a big disaster!

So much to get done here this week.... the last batch of graduation party invites MUST get into today's mail, I have to do my WW inventory and get that loaded online, and of course, the house is a DISASTER zone!

I did take another look at the scale Saturday morning and was rewarded with a WHOOSH number that I haven't seen in months and months!!!!!!! But honestly, I'm afraid it wasn't a "real" number and that if I report using that number I will end up rebounding upward next week. So I'm reporting in with my Friday number and if Saturday's number sticks around, I'll have a good report next week! So reporting in 60% progress so far this month!! Giving myself a cheering smilie for that one!!:cheer2:

Off and get busy!......................P
Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!


France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?

I love to buy clothes in a smaller size. I especially like finding new Disney clothes for my next trip. I have bought clothes at the beginning that were a size down from what I was wearing and they were getting lose but over the last few months they are no longer lose :( Going to work on making them lose again and hopefully too big so I can go buy smaller ones. I am not fashion person at all but just love new fresh basic clothes.
Checking in at 40% -- I had a great weigh in on Friday which is my weigh in day (I just forgot to come on here and post!), but I am afraid I may have messed things up this weekend. I made some good choices, but there was celebratory eating too. I hope I maintained the balance!
Ok question - when I was doing Zumba tonight I noticed my feet started hurting (legs a little too but I expected that lol) - I was wearing my Nike's.... I wear these same shoes when I walk for exercise and don't feel any foot pain then. Is there heavier stepping impact from Zumba dance moves or do I need shoes??? I was starting to get into it but the foot pain made me stop after 15 minutes .... I definitely want to work up to a longer time.
There are shoes specifically for Zumba, that are more like dance shoes than walking/running shoes.
Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!


France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?
Being a singleton my whole life is pretty much about treating myself. I'm addicted to color as much as I am to sugar, and have been known to frequent fabric and yarn stores to get my fix... And bring stuff home. Lots of stuff. At least fabric gets made up in to quilts, eventually, but yarn most often ends up in the basket. I've been thinking maybe I should be a producer instead of a consumer and am starting to get interested in the entire wool industry. In my wildest day dreams I'm starting to think about becoming a sheppardess and getting my own flock of sheep, as a second post-retirement career. I'm going to be taking a couple natural dyeing classes later this summer, to get my feet wet... So to speak.

But I'm getting way off track. No cake yesterday but some ice cream, overall points looked better and the scale was kind this morning.

Happy Monday all! Here's to a healthful new week.
Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!


France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?

EPCOT France Pavilion, home of the Croque Glace :love: It took only one screening of the Impressions de France video at the pavilion to make me want to book a trip to France... and left a year ago today for London and Paris. (I am so sad to think it's been a year!). Sadly "real" France isn't quite Epcot France - Paris is a "sh!thole" as I so eloquently told my global business professor - but the provincial France area is great. The Monet Gardens and the surrounding areas of the provincial towns feel like you're literally in a real-life Beauty and the Beast town scene. We had lunch at this adorable tavern and enjoyed the rural areas more than the major city. And of course - Disneyland Paris was phenomenal :)

I have a lot of feelings about this pavilion. :P

In response to the question, luxury bribes are all that motivate me! I try to not reward myself with food but with tangible items --- a new purse, a skirt, something small. Heck, losing 75 pounds equated a personal shopper day at Nordstrom and I achieved Level 3 cardholder status in one go o_O
Question of the Day for June 9 (sorry for the delay!)

The main feature of the Mexican pavilion at Epcot is its large pyramide:


And I always think, how fun it would be to climb up there and enjoy the view! Actually someone did a while ago, there is a news story about it here. Of course, this would not be a smart thing to do, I am not sure you would not be thrown out of Disney parks for a long time if you did this. But still, I think it would be a great challenge! So, tell us, what fun challenges could you imagine to be interested in?

I have as much as I can handle with Marathon training these days. But, I'd like to do an obstacle run at some point. My number one challenge dream is to the Dopey Challenge at WDW someday. Most probably know, but that is a 5k, 10k, half marathon and full marathon over the course of Thursday to Sunday. I am currently thinking 2018 as a target date.

Question of the Day - June 10

Let's stay in Mexico for another day and let's talk about Mexican food. The Mexican pavillion has three restaurants and a bar (the second bar, the Margarita stand is currently not available, there are rumours that it will reappear bigger and better in a different location, but the old one interfered with a certain summer house where two girls will be moving in soon). The San Angel Inn is inside the pyramide and is a waterfront table service restaurant where the boats for the Gran Fiesta Tour pass by. La Hacienda de San Angel is another table service restaurant, located directly at the shore of the World Showcase Lagoon. It has large windows for viewing the nighttime show on the lagoon: Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. And next to it is the Cantina de San Angel, which is a counterservice restaurant offering outdoor waterfront dining. One trick: During lunch hours La Hacienda is closed, but the dining room is available for air conditioned indoor seating for the Cantina guests. This is the inside of La Hacienda:


So, with so many restaurants, food seems to be important in Mexico! I want to talk about one aspect of Mexican food today that seems to be a true staple in the Mexican cuisine: beans. Beans are a legume, or more precisely, a pulse. Legume is the whole plant, the single bean we eat is a pulse (at least that is what wikipedia tells me). Not only beans belong into the category of pulses, there are also peas, chickpeas and lentils.

2016 is actually the International Year of Pulses! And pulses are great for you, they have many benefits:

  • Pulses are part of a healthy, balanced diet and have been shown to have an important role in preventing illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Pulses are a low fat source of protein, with a high fibre content and low glycemic index.
  • Pulses are very high in fibre, containing both soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre helps to decrease blood cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels, and insoluble fibre helps with digestion and regularity.
  • Pulses provide important amounts of vitamins and mineral. Some of the key minerals in pulses include: iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Pulses are also particularly abundant in B vitamins; including folate, thiamin and niacin.
  • Pulses typically contain about twice the amount of protein found in whole grain cereals like wheat, oats, barley and rice, and in most developing countries constitute the main source of protein for most populations.
Do pulses play a part in your diet? Do you have a favourite dish that includes pulses? And as a fun bonus: Have you ever eaten at one of the Mexico restaurants at Epcot?

I love beans. I enjoy hummus, baked beans, and I always put beans in salads. Usually black but sometime white or kidney. I have at San Angel Inn numerous time with mixed experiences. I enjoy it, but the quality has gone up and down over the years. It is a tough restaurant to eat at with my son as well, due to his egg and dairy allergies, so its been few years at this point.

Question of the Day for June 11

We are moving on to our next country: Japan! The Japanese pavilion in Epcot has my overall favorite shop in all of Epcot: The Mitsukoshi Department Store can be found in a replica of the coronation and ceremonial halls of Japan's Imperial Palace. Named for the oldest department store in the world, the original store goes back three centuries. Here you can find anything from anime books to kimonos to the most interesting Japanese snacks (like dried fish and milk soda chewy candy).


More pictures of all the interesting offerings can be found here.

So, let's talk about shopping: Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!

I have 2 things:

1) My Garmin. Good lord I'd be lost without it. I started with the 210, upgraded to the 225 prior to the Avengers challenge last year, but I had a faulty one, and needed to return it. By then they did not sell it anymore, so I got the 235. I love it. It has heart rate on the wrist, and is an activity and sleep tracker as well. It also keeps track of my resting heart rate for me, so I know if its high I am over training or need more rest.

2) Good running shoes. Getting properly fitted for running shoes made a huge difference for me.

Hands down, my fitbit! Runner ups, amazon prime music (I've been a Prime member for years and this is free, but I discovered it in the last 6 months), and the 5 or 6 pair of cheapie headphones that I've bought over the past year that I leave in convenient places - the glove box of my car, coat pockets, purses, etc - so that if a walking opportunity comes up, I can put on some headphones and listen to music or a podcast and walk, walk walk.

My check in day is tomorrow, but I have some big healthy journey related announcements! As of yesterday, I reached 100lbs lost!!! And then with another loss this morning, I am thrilled to announce that I am officially no longer obese (BMI 29.8)! Hooray for being overweight! It will likely be short lived since we leave for vacation on Wednesday and I fully expect to gain weight on the cruise. But, I'll just have to lose it again when we return and celebrate again!

Of course, I'm not measuring pounds lost this month, so I'll be in to check in with this month's goal tomorrow.

Congratulations!!! That is fantastic:)

Hmmm I haven't made any big purchases for my healthy living yet. I have been thinking about seeing if I can find a reasonably priced second hand treadmill - to help me get in some more walking - I like to think I could just hop on there in the evening while watching some TV - it just seems too hard to fit it in as an actual outside walk when trying to fit in work, kids, dinner, homework etc.....

Something I would love to buy (but can't afford) is a stand up paddle board.

:cheer2::banana::cheer2:Congratulations! That is a huge effort. Enjoy your vacation - we all need that relaxed down time for our overall health - so if you have a slight regain I am positive you will lose it again in no time.

I'd love a paddle board! Totally with you on that:)

Question of the Day for June 12

We are still in Japan - and it is time to talk about food again! Don't worry, I am not going to ask you for Japanese recipes!! Let#s talk about a typical Japanese food tradition though, that can be adapted for western fare: the Bento Box!


The picture is from Tokyo Dining, one of the three restaurants in the Japan pavilion. They have a bento box on the menu and there it is a selection of different small plates - one could even think of it as Japanese tapas. However, generally the bento box is a food container packed at home or bought ready made for eating on the go. Or you could call it a fancy version of a lunch box!

Do you pack lunches (or other meals when you are on the go) to bring with you? What do you usually bring and what is your favorite?

Depends where I am going. When I was working, I brought lunch everyday. But now, I kind of like the challenge of formulating a healthy meal out of available options. If nothing else it reinforces for me I make the choice about what I eat.

Weekly check-in:

Worst week I've had since I've started and I have no idea why. Going back and looking at all my numbers and it doesn't really make sense. I started the month at 243 and the goal is to lose 14 lbs. Last Sunday I weighed in at 240 lbs - today I'm at 239.5. I lost .5 lbs this week. Overall I'm just 25% toward my goal.

I'm pretty pissed right now. I had so many opportunities to cheat this week food wise and I didn't once. Went to a couple graduation parties yesterday with tons of BBQ, desserts, and beer and all I had was bottled water. I didn't work this hard to only lose .5 lbs this week!!!

I'm due for a big drop - gonna go run and make it happen.

First off, you have made incredible progress is a relatively short time. I'm sure you are very proud of that. It is hard to see that progress slow - but, you still made progress. @pjlla said something similar to what I was going to. You've had some weeks with huge losses, the up and down (high loss and low loss) weeks are part of the journey. Your body has to stop and adjust to new normals from time to time. It can do that sometimes by deciding to slow down your metabolism. It can happen if your weight loss is over stressing your body. Too much too fast can occasionally backfire in the sense you activate your bodies fight or flight response and it holds onto weight fearing you are starving yourself. With the increasing amounts of running you are doing it might be a good time to look at you intake vs. outtake and make sure you are eating enough. I definitely find I can not cut calories as much on long running days as short or non running days.

And about your running you are doing a phenomenal job. Just curious if you are following the 10% rule? That means not adding more the 10% in distance per week. It is the standard advice to avoid injury. So if you run 15 miles total one week, you should not run more than 16.5 the next. As someone who got caught up in training and overtrained to the point of injury, I say make steady but safe progress.

Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!


France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?

This one is easy for me. Exercise clothes. I love a good trip to Athleta. They make running capris and shorts that I love, they have huge pockets for storing my phone and fuel on the run.
Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!


France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?
I was definitely thrilled to start buying clothes in regular (non-plus) sizes! Along with that, my inner teenager came out and I bought some brands for the brand name. Brands that don't make plus sized clothes. They aren't haute couture by any stretch of the imagination, but I could have bought a raincoat at Target and instead I bought a North Face one (that I absolutely love!) because I could never fit into anything by North Face before. Since everyone around here (including members of my family) has had a North Face coat for 5+ years, they don't think anything of it, but I do!
Ok question - when I was doing Zumba tonight I noticed my feet started hurting (legs a little too but I expected that lol) - I was wearing my Nike's.... I wear these same shoes when I walk for exercise and don't feel any foot pain then. Is there heavier stepping impact from Zumba dance moves or do I need shoes??? I was starting to get into it but the foot pain made me stop after 15 minutes .... I definitely want to work up to a longer time.

Maybe some trainers? Or specific Zumba. I'd ask the instructor for recommendations maybe?

Question of the Day for June 13:

A new week and a new country! We are moving to France today!


France is a country that often is associated with luxury goods: fashion, champagne, perfume and so on. While most of us would not have any interest to wear the clothes that are being shown at the couture fashion shows in Paris, small doses of "luxury" can be great as non food related treats now and then, a new book, a new mascara, a trip, a facial, new clothes - the list is long.

Do you use non food "luxury" treats consciously as a motivational tool? What are your favourite non food "luxuries"?

Not really at the moment. New clothes will probably be one that I get to eventually but I refuse to buy more until I need smaller sizes. Right now I'd not have any budget room for luxuries really. I guess I did get some new walking/running shoes for my treadmill because my old ones would rub my ankles in back. And were a year or so old and not supportive at all anymore. Since my new ones it has been better. A trip will be my main motivational luxury I suppose and since its not planned it is still up in the air. It's still motivating me though. I really want to be able to ride coasters and not worry about fitting.
There are shoes specifically for Zumba, that are more like dance shoes than walking/running shoes.

I'd ask the instructor for recommendations maybe?

Thanks @Oneanne and @Zoesmamma03 - I am just doing it at home with a DVD - don't really want to spring for special shoes! I may bite the bullet and just buy some new exercise shoes in general and chat to them about the different types of exercise I do to get the best support.

Right now I'd not have any budget room for luxuries really.

I hear you on that - this is me also - plus I have clothes shopping at the moment as NOTHING looks good.


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