Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

Question of the Day for June 11

We are moving on to our next country: Japan! The Japanese pavilion in Epcot has my overall favorite shop in all of Epcot: The Mitsukoshi Department Store can be found in a replica of the coronation and ceremonial halls of Japan's Imperial Palace. Named for the oldest department store in the world, the original store goes back three centuries. Here you can find anything from anime books to kimonos to the most interesting Japanese snacks (like dried fish and milk soda chewy candy).


More pictures of all the interesting offerings can be found here.

So, let's talk about shopping: Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!
I was feeling pretty sick and we didn't want to get caught in a down pour so we headed back to the resort.

So sorry that you were feeling lousy! Hope you feel better soon. Have a safe trip home and I hope you enjoyed your time at WDW despite the weather!
Question of the Day for June 11

We are moving on to our next country: Japan! The Japanese pavilion in Epcot has my overall favorite shop in all of Epcot: The Mitsukoshi Department Store can be found in a replica of the coronation and ceremonial halls of Japan's Imperial Palace. Named for the oldest department store in the world, the original store goes back three centuries. Here you can find anything from anime books to kimonos to the most interesting Japanese snacks (like dried fish and milk soda chewy candy).


More pictures of all the interesting offerings can be found here.

So, let's talk about shopping: Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!

My fitbit was the best buy I have had. It showed me how much sitting I really do. It keeps me moving too. I have been lost with out it this week. I just bought a new one. I should have it by Thursday the latest. Maybe sooner.
So sorry that you were feeling lousy! Hope you feel better soon. Have a safe trip home and I hope you enjoyed your time at WDW despite the weather!

It was a great trip. I even tried some new foods. More so just sauces on the food. I would get it on the side and try it. My picky daughter even tried new things. That is very unlike her. Despite the weather we did everything we wanted. I finally got to see the festival of fantasy parade. We also got to see the jungle book showing at ak and the tree lighting show. Those were my must do's. Kids got to do everything they wanted to.
QOTD: For me my best purchase would have to be the block booking of Pilates classes I bought several years ago. Having pre-paid for six classes I kind of had to go (or throw the money away)...

I've ramped it up a bit this time in terms of both the cost and the commitment factor by signing up to a 12 month gym contract! I just don't seem to have the commitment to stick at things when there isn't something (like not wasting money) resting on it.
Progress report:

Walking. 100%. Weight 0% so 50% again.
Question of the Day for June 11

We are moving on to our next country: Japan! The Japanese pavilion in Epcot has my overall favorite shop in all of Epcot: The Mitsukoshi Department Store can be found in a replica of the coronation and ceremonial halls of Japan's Imperial Palace. Named for the oldest department store in the world, the original store goes back three centuries. Here you can find anything from anime books to kimonos to the most interesting Japanese snacks (like dried fish and milk soda chewy candy).


More pictures of all the interesting offerings can be found here.

So, let's talk about shopping: Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!
Being able to buy new clothing and get down to XL is the best thing that I have purchased. It is what is motivating me to get back on track... When it comes time to buy fall clothing I'd love to be in 16 at least and possibly 14, sizing varies so much by brand.

I was over points yesterday but I did log everything, so that's one tiny step back. I am down about a pound this mornng, so my body wants to do it, I just have to get my head in to the game.

We're to have mixed weather this weekend, on the rainy side today and pretty nice tomorrow. I really need to get stuff done outside, I've already planted the tomatoes and hope to be able to do more weeding when I get back from my hair appointment.

Take care all!
Well my trip is over. We are headed home. We won't get home until either really late tonight or tomorrow depending on if we stop at a hotel over night. We are just about out of Florida. 5 more states to go.

I am ready to be home or I should say my body is. I haven't been feeling the greatest since yesterday. I don't think know it is a virus or anything. I am thinking my body is revolting and wanting a normal schedule again.

I did see a little bit more of the world show case but the rain did not give us much time. We were Monday and only stayed at epcot until the tropical storm hit and then stayed at the resort the rest of the night. We went back tuesday for dinner at teppen edo but it was a late dinner and we wanted a good spot for illuminations so we didn't explore. We were there last night. We ate at chefs de France so we looked around there a bit. It started to storm again so after dinner we walked through UK and Canada. I was feeling pretty sick and we didn't want to get caught in a down pour so we headed back to the resort. We still need to explore the countries between us and uk. Next trip we will see those.
So sorry you aren't felling well... Never fun but on vacation even crappier :(
Question of the Day for June 11

We are moving on to our next country: Japan! The Japanese pavilion in Epcot has my overall favorite shop in all of Epcot: The Mitsukoshi Department Store can be found in a replica of the coronation and ceremonial halls of Japan's Imperial Palace. Named for the oldest department store in the world, the original store goes back three centuries. Here you can find anything from anime books to kimonos to the most interesting Japanese snacks (like dried fish and milk soda chewy candy).


More pictures of all the interesting offerings can be found here.

So, let's talk about shopping: Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!
Hands down, my fitbit! Runner ups, amazon prime music (I've been a Prime member for years and this is free, but I discovered it in the last 6 months), and the 5 or 6 pair of cheapie headphones that I've bought over the past year that I leave in convenient places - the glove box of my car, coat pockets, purses, etc - so that if a walking opportunity comes up, I can put on some headphones and listen to music or a podcast and walk, walk walk.

My check in day is tomorrow, but I have some big healthy journey related announcements! As of yesterday, I reached 100lbs lost!!! And then with another loss this morning, I am thrilled to announce that I am officially no longer obese (BMI 29.8)! Hooray for being overweight! It will likely be short lived since we leave for vacation on Wednesday and I fully expect to gain weight on the cruise. But, I'll just have to lose it again when we return and celebrate again!

Of course, I'm not measuring pounds lost this month, so I'll be in to check in with this month's goal tomorrow.
Question of the Day for June 11

Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!

I got three things:

1) Treadmill - when people ask me why I've been successful this time opposed to other diets, I always say the treadmill. In previous attempts I never was serious about the exercise and just walking during the first few months made all the difference.

2) Fitbit- like others said, tracking steps the first few months was huge. I still wear it, although I'm not tracking every day like I used to. Now I'm more interested in the heart rate data and not the steps like I used to be.

3) Beats Bluetooth Earbuds - it's not so much that they helped me lose weight as they were one of my splurge items when I started running and I don't know what I did without them. They have really helped me tolerate running at the beginning and I love the sound quality. I hear new sounds in songs that I never heard before - it's crazy!
My check in day is tomorrow, but I have some big healthy journey related announcements! As of yesterday, I reached 100lbs lost!!! And then with another loss this morning, I am thrilled to announce that I am officially no longer obese (BMI 29.8)! Hooray for being overweight!

That is awesome!!!! Huge congrats to you!!!!

I'm like you, once I hit the 100 mark I will also be in the overweight category. Can't wait! 19 more lbs to go.
So, let's talk about shopping: Tell us about what was the best thing that you bought for your healthy living progress! Or tell us what you plan to buy in the future or what you would love to buy. Or even all three!

Hmmm I haven't made any big purchases for my healthy living yet. I have been thinking about seeing if I can find a reasonably priced second hand treadmill - to help me get in some more walking - I like to think I could just hop on there in the evening while watching some TV - it just seems too hard to fit it in as an actual outside walk when trying to fit in work, kids, dinner, homework etc.....

Something I would love to buy (but can't afford) is a stand up paddle board.

As of yesterday, I reached 100lbs lost!!! And then with another loss this morning, I am thrilled to announce that I am officially no longer obese (BMI 29.8)! Hooray for being overweight! It will likely be short lived since we leave for vacation on Wednesday and I fully expect to gain weight on the cruise. But, I'll just have to lose it again when we return and celebrate again!

:cheer2::banana::cheer2:Congratulations! That is a huge effort. Enjoy your vacation - we all need that relaxed down time for our overall health - so if you have a slight regain I am positive you will lose it again in no time.
Hands down, my fitbit! Runner ups, amazon prime music (I've been a Prime member for years and this is free, but I discovered it in the last 6 months), and the 5 or 6 pair of cheapie headphones that I've bought over the past year that I leave in convenient places - the glove box of my car, coat pockets, purses, etc - so that if a walking opportunity comes up, I can put on some headphones and listen to music or a podcast and walk, walk walk.

My check in day is tomorrow, but I have some big healthy journey related announcements! As of yesterday, I reached 100lbs lost!!! And then with another loss this morning, I am thrilled to announce that I am officially no longer obese (BMI 29.8)! Hooray for being overweight! It will likely be short lived since we leave for vacation on Wednesday and I fully expect to gain weight on the cruise. But, I'll just have to lose it again when we return and celebrate again!

Of course, I'm not measuring pounds lost this month, so I'll be in to check in with this month's goal tomorrow.
View attachment 174851 TThe "sexy" dress. It barely fits so at least I'm not tempted to overeat! If I do the dress will pop! I'll be back in the morning to chat!......P
Oh wow, how beautiful you are!!!!! Looking very slim and elegant in this dress and you have gorgeous smile

Awesome thread title. I am not formally part of this month's challenge but may come up with some behaviour goal so I can join. Missing the daily chats
Played a game with my daughter today and finally decided I better get to the gym. Did my 5K in 65 minutes on treadmill and then worked on strength machines for legs. Pretty exhausted but may try to do some reading catch up.

I feel pretty good about my progress this month too. .5 this week wasn't the best but sure beats a gain for sure especially after some bloating earlier in the week. Yesterday was my cheat day I didn't log but I don't think it was too much out of the plan on calories if at all. I didn't log just because it got late and I hadn't logged throughout the day so I just figured I'd just be sensible and reasonable and go with it. Today I'm struggling to use any of the 400+ calories I burned walking. But that's okay I want to aim for 2 lbs loss for next Friday's weigh in.

We went to the water park Thursday evening and I had fun. Went on two slides. My daughter and I were both kind of getting the anxieties the higher we got up to the one. I took a deep breath and said lets do this. Then the second group slide we did was milder by a lot but no lines on that one really and so it was a leg and lungs workout getting up there. My poor brother had tube/raft duty. He didn't want help it was harder to control that way. I wanted to ride one of the double tube(the ones we did ride were quad tubes so all four of us rode) with my nephew but was worried about the one I really wanted to try which is a longer ride down and a water coaster but getting shot up a hill didn't sound like something I wanted to chance at this weight though my brother said he didn't feel it slowed down any at all with them two going. This is one thing I can't wait to not worry about. Funny that I can get past the anxiety on some but not the worry of the weight causing troubles.
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