Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

Sorry, had a horrible day with a bad bad day at work and now am getting sick with a virus. Just not up to posting the QOTD. It was supposed to be about challenges like climbing a Mayan pyramid like at the Mexico pavilion. So, if you want, tell us what challenges you would like to try yourself at. Will post the nice question with picture and such tomorrow!
Hi all!

I'm new here, I hope it's not too late for me to join in. My name's Iona (Instagram = i0nar <- that's a zero) and I'm from the UK.

My journey towards fitness started at the beginning of the month when I joined the gym and my aim is to exercise 20 times this month. So far I've been swimming once, to the gym three times and to a class twice so I'm 6/20 of the way there.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all and to joining in with the QOTDs and challenges.


I am happy to see another European here!
Hi all!

I'm new here, I hope it's not too late for me to join in. My name's Iona (Instagram = i0nar <- that's a zero) and I'm from the UK.

My journey towards fitness started at the beginning of the month when I joined the gym and my aim is to exercise 20 times this month. So far I've been swimming once, to the gym three times and to a class twice so I'm 6/20 of the way there.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all and to joining in with the QOTDs and challenges.

Welcome!!! It's never too late to join, and it's so awesome to have you here with us!

Sorry, had a horrible day with a bad bad day at work and now am getting sick with a virus. Just not up to posting the QOTD. It was supposed to be about challenges like climbing a Mayan pyramid like at the Mexico pavilion. So, if you want, tell us what challenges you would like to try yourself at. Will post the nice question with picture and such tomorrow!

Sorry you've had a bad day :( Feel better!

In terms of challenges ... since I'm focusing on myself this month, one challenge I really want to focus on is putting myself out there and interacting more with people. Which is why I'm trying to be active here this month (not always successfully) and trying to make more of an effort to speak to people and not just hide in my corner.

Thanks! In terms of the question, someday I'd like to take part in a race, any race. Right now I'm doing the couch to 5k programme and the idea of running even 5k seems quite intimidating but I intend to stick at it.

You can do it! It's definitely a commitment, but if you work hard, it starts to look more and more possible ... and eventually you'll get there.
We have a number of runners here (including me), so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Thanks! In terms of the question, someday I'd like to take part in a race, any race. Right now I'm doing the couch to 5k programme and the idea of running even 5k seems quite intimidating but I intend to stick at it.

This sounds exactly like me back in late March. I always wanted to do it, but wasn't sure if I could. Trust me, you can do it! In three months I went from not being able to run a mile to running a 10k a few weeks ago.

Just be careful once you get started because some other DIS members might try to peer pressure you into running a half marathon *cough* @courtneybeth *cough* Just kidding. I'm seriously considering it.

One thing I've learned since starting this weight loss journey is I need to make more time for myself and spend less time doing things for others (besides my immediate family). That's always been tough for me. I feel like this might be a way to make sure I set away some time for me and not get wrapped up in doing all the things I usually take on during the season for others.

I will get back to you on this... soon.
Just be careful once you get started because some other DIS members might try to peer pressure you into running a half marathon *cough* @courtneybeth *cough* Just kidding. I'm seriously considering it.

I don't know what you're talking about. ~Innocent~ After looking at the courses, flights, and everything involved --- the husband and I decided to proceed with St. Louis. The remix medal, 5K, and HM medals look awesome and we really like the course. It may have hills but there's still 90 days to go of practice.

Thanks! In terms of the question, someday I'd like to take part in a race, any race. Right now I'm doing the couch to 5k programme and the idea of running even 5k seems quite intimidating but I intend to stick at it.

Hi @iona - Welcome to our challenge and congratulations on starting to run. Often the first step can be the scariest but you know what? You just have to hit the pavement and try to do your first day. You may struggle at first, but do not give up. Earning your first medal at the finishline makes up for the struggles at the beginning! Hopefully you have a race in mind that you can sign up for to keep you motivated.
Sorry, had a horrible day with a bad bad day at work and now am getting sick with a virus. Just not up to posting the QOTD. It was supposed to be about challenges like climbing a Mayan pyramid like at the Mexico pavilion. So, if you want, tell us what challenges you would like to try yourself at. Will post the nice question with picture and such tomorrow!

So sorry you aren't feeling well!! BOO on that! Feel better soon! Don't worry too much about us! Hope to see you feeling better tomorrow!


Hey friends.... I am expecting a phone call from my 24/7 coach mentor in exactly 9 minutes, so I only have a second to talk. I'm also in the middle of two other projects and of course, DS is fast asleep and he is SUPPOSED to be telling me how we are going to decorate his cap for graduation! :scared: Just a little busy and stressed at the moment! And despite time on the TM during my work shift AND after that, I'm still not at my stupid daily goal for steps... dang it! I tried to walk when I could today, but teaching 3rd grade without a recess duty wasn't terribly conducive to movement. I'll try to pace the house while I have my call in a few minutes. Time to do squats before she calls! I'll be back in the a.m. to chat a bit!...........P
Hi all!

I'm new here, I hope it's not too late for me to join in. My name's Iona (Instagram = i0nar <- that's a zero) and I'm from the UK.

My journey towards fitness started at the beginning of the month when I joined the gym and my aim is to exercise 20 times this month. So far I've been swimming once, to the gym three times and to a class twice so I'm 6/20 of the way there.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all and to joining in with the QOTDs and challenges.

Welcome Iona - glad to have you join us :) We really are making friends all over the world now aren't we? :-)

Sorry, had a horrible day with a bad bad day at work and now am getting sick with a virus. Just not up to posting the QOTD. It was supposed to be about challenges like climbing a Mayan pyramid like at the Mexico pavilion. So, if you want, tell us what challenges you would like to try yourself at. Will post the nice question with picture and such tomorrow!

Sorry to hear you are unwell - rest up hope you feel better soon :grouphug:

Hmm challenges - I would say I still need to work on pushing myself out of my comfort zone to challenge myself with an activity like that. Although this morning my much fitter friend pushed me into jogging about 20 metres - yes not much I know - this was the conversation her "that's not far lets jog it" me: "no I don't run you know that" her: "come on you can do it" me: "but I don't have a sports bra on!" her: "just hold them!" - so picture a very slow jog from me holding the top of my bra in place lol - so I suppose you could say that was a challenge I did this morning!
Thanks for all your nice posts yesterday! I am feeling better today, still not as healthy as I would want to. I had my third PT appointment today and I really love her. She is really getting down to the bottom of my problems: posture. And so I have so many areas to work at. But I feel that this is work that will pay off in the long run as I am still young enough to prevent real damage. I was thinking the other day at how much I have changed. In the past, when I had an obstacle I would give up and say, this is just not for me. But now I am determined to work hard to make running work for me again and I am motivated to put in the time and effort. I hope I can keep this up and not slump after two months. My therapist told me that it will be a long time until things get better, she said that it might be a year until I really see much improvement on some areas as I have some muscles that are far far too weak.
Question of the Day for June 9 (sorry for the delay!)

The main feature of the Mexican pavilion at Epcot is its large pyramide:


And I always think, how fun it would be to climb up there and enjoy the view! Actually someone did a while ago, there is a news story about it here. Of course, this would not be a smart thing to do, I am not sure you would not be thrown out of Disney parks for a long time if you did this. But still, I think it would be a great challenge! So, tell us, what fun challenges could you imagine to be interested in?
Will post today's question of the day after my lunch break!! Until then, my answer: I am thinking that I would like to try ziplining or a rope course. I have a fear of heights, but I have started to learn to deal with it when I feel secure. I think it would be an interesting challenge, especially a rope course would also provide some physical challenge, not only a mental one. We were talking with some friends about going to one here in the area this summer and I hope that we can get it arranged. It should be a lot of fun!
Question of the Day for June 9 (sorry for the delay!)

The main feature of the Mexican pavilion at Epcot is its large pyramide:

And I always think, how fun it would be to climb up there and enjoy the view! Actually someone did a while ago, there is a news story about it here. Of course, this would not be a smart thing to do, I am not sure you would not be thrown out of Disney parks for a long time if you did this. But still, I think it would be a great challenge! So, tell us, what fun challenges could you imagine to be interested in?

I've always thought that running a tough mudder looked like fun. But of course, my insecurities keep me from signing up for one (don't want to look like a silly out-of-shape old lady, etc). A real-life friend who would be willing to look silly with me would probably help.

Another challenge I attempted recently was snorkeling while in Bermuda last October. I had tried it a little in the past and didn't enjoy it, but I was willing to give it another try for my Mom and daughter.... and I loved it!!!

Hiking.... another thing that sounds like fun, but I don't do much of it because I don't have any one to do it with (and I don't have a lot of time to travel to hiking locations).

Wow.... I am full of excuses, aren't I??!


Good morning! I'm between calls here "at work", so I wanted to say HAPPY FRIDAY! Things went from crazy to insane during the night when DD realized that the shoes for the wedding tomorrow are HERE and I probably won't be there in time for the pictures (due to DS's graduation in the morning), so I'm going to try to beg off work a few hours early and drive the shoes to my parents' house in Massachusetts, drive home, and then be sure DS's graduation cap gets decorated, clothes for tomorrow and Sunday get ironed, packed, etc, and HOPEFULLY get the party invitations printed and into the mail!! Not enough hours in the day!

I was happy with this morning's weigh-in! Those are words you don't hear often from me! Not sure about the exact percentage yet, but I think I'm down .9........... that is a HUGE number for me!

I'll try to pop on from work if I can to catch up a bit more!..............P
Thanks! In terms of the question, someday I'd like to take part in a race, any race. Right now I'm doing the couch to 5k programme and the idea of running even 5k seems quite intimidating but I intend to stick at it.

I remember how scared I was before my first 5k, but if you stick with the C25K programme, you will have no trouble finishing a 5k! And then some day you will look back and smile at yoursefl for being scared about something so simple! :thumbsup2

Hmm challenges - I would say I still need to work on pushing myself out of my comfort zone to challenge myself with an activity like that. Although this morning my much fitter friend pushed me into jogging about 20 metres - yes not much I know - this was the conversation her "that's not far lets jog it" me: "no I don't run you know that" her: "come on you can do it" me: "but I don't have a sports bra on!" her: "just hold them!" - so picture a very slow jog from me holding the top of my bra in place lol - so I suppose you could say that was a challenge I did this morning!

Your friend reminds me so much of my friends who helped me change my attitude towards eating and exercise in college. While it did not stick with me all the time, their support then taught me what I could acchieve! And she was right, jogging 20 metres is doable!! And you did it! Well done! :banana:

Oh I forgot last night I bought some kitchen scales and a new stick blender - so now I can get more serious about food portions and tracking and making some yummy soups for winter.

:cheer2: Sounds delicious!

Good morning! I'm between calls here "at work", so I wanted to say HAPPY FRIDAY! Things went from crazy to insane during the night when DD realized that the shoes for the wedding tomorrow are HERE and I probably won't be there in time for the pictures (due to DS's graduation in the morning), so I'm going to try to beg off work a few hours early and drive the shoes to my parents' house in Massachusetts, drive home, and then be sure DS's graduation cap gets decorated, clothes for tomorrow and Sunday get ironed, packed, etc, and HOPEFULLY get the party invitations printed and into the mail!! Not enough hours in the day!

:scared1: I am always scared when I read about your life because if I had to acchieve half of what you get done I would be totally tired. But this sounds crazy even for your usual craziness! Good luck - and drive safely!

I was happy with this morning's weigh-in! Those are words you don't hear often from me! Not sure about the exact percentage yet, but I think I'm down .9........... that is a HUGE number for me!


So happy for you!! Looks like you can go with your first choice of dress for that wedding!!
Hi Gang, I am sure you'll be glad to hear today is SIGNING DAY.. I have finally made it :) I appreciate you letting me vent, hang with you and cheer you on for the past few months while my real life was going haywire... I am on vacation next week for moving settling in then will be back.. I plan to participate in the July challenge.. I hope everyone has a stellar weekend amd an awesome week next week... Hugs and Smiles for you all!! Michelle
Hi Gang, I am sure you'll be glad to hear today is SIGNING DAY.. I have finally made it :) I appreciate you letting me vent, hang with you and cheer you on for the past few months while my real life was going haywire... I am on vacation next week for moving settling in then will be back.. I plan to participate in the July challenge.. I hope everyone has a stellar weekend amd an awesome week next week... Hugs and Smiles for you all!! Michelle

Good luck with the signing and the moving!! We are so excited for you!!
Question of the Day - June 10

Let's stay in Mexico for another day and let's talk about Mexican food. The Mexican pavillion has three restaurants and a bar (the second bar, the Margarita stand is currently not available, there are rumours that it will reappear bigger and better in a different location, but the old one interfered with a certain summer house where two girls will be moving in soon). The San Angel Inn is inside the pyramide and is a waterfront table service restaurant where the boats for the Gran Fiesta Tour pass by. La Hacienda de San Angel is another table service restaurant, located directly at the shore of the World Showcase Lagoon. It has large windows for viewing the nighttime show on the lagoon: Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. And next to it is the Cantina de San Angel, which is a counterservice restaurant offering outdoor waterfront dining. One trick: During lunch hours La Hacienda is closed, but the dining room is available for air conditioned indoor seating for the Cantina guests. This is the inside of La Hacienda:


So, with so many restaurants, food seems to be important in Mexico! I want to talk about one aspect of Mexican food today that seems to be a true staple in the Mexican cuisine: beans. Beans are a legume, or more precisely, a pulse. Legume is the whole plant, the single bean we eat is a pulse (at least that is what wikipedia tells me). Not only beans belong into the category of pulses, there are also peas, chickpeas and lentils.

2016 is actually the International Year of Pulses! And pulses are great for you, they have many benefits:

  • Pulses are part of a healthy, balanced diet and have been shown to have an important role in preventing illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Pulses are a low fat source of protein, with a high fibre content and low glycemic index.
  • Pulses are very high in fibre, containing both soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre helps to decrease blood cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels, and insoluble fibre helps with digestion and regularity.
  • Pulses provide important amounts of vitamins and mineral. Some of the key minerals in pulses include: iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Pulses are also particularly abundant in B vitamins; including folate, thiamin and niacin.
  • Pulses typically contain about twice the amount of protein found in whole grain cereals like wheat, oats, barley and rice, and in most developing countries constitute the main source of protein for most populations.
Do pulses play a part in your diet? Do you have a favourite dish that includes pulses? And as a fun bonus: Have you ever eaten at one of the Mexico restaurants at Epcot?
Morning! Well this week was not quite as successful as last for my personal goals, i did make myself step on the scale to keep it real.

Challenges - well life is full of them for those of us who live with chronic illness! I would absolutely love to finish my personal goal of completely 13 half-marathons. I got 10 competed before my illness. I truly don't know if my body could cope with that distance though

Mexican food! Yes please! We make homemade Mexican a lot! A quick easy way to get beans is salsa, cilantro, and black beans mixed up and served with chips! Go easy on the chips, but the beans make it very filling!
One thing I've learned since starting this weight loss journey is I need to make more time for myself and spend less time doing things for others (besides my immediate family). That's always been tough for me. I feel like this might be a way to make sure I set away some time for me and not get wrapped up in doing all the things I usually take on during the season for others.

It just hit me as I read your post that I have been struggling with this aspect myself. Except I spend most of my time doing things that DH and I can to do together. Usually after work we want to do things together (cook, watch a show, go for a walk, etc.), which is why I think I haven't been sticking to my guns on the cardio. I guess I feel like I'm being rude by putting in my headphones and hiding out in the den doing my own thing for an hour. But as the newlywed desire to spend all our time together is wearing off, I am finding it very important to make me time! Just yesterday I told him, I am going home and getting on the elliptical for an hour and you will have to feed, water, and entertain yourself hahaha! He's super supportive, so I know it's just my hang up-- but I am making strides in facing and overcoming this challenge :-)

Question of the Day - June 10

Let's stay in Mexico for another day and let's talk about Mexican food. The Mexican pavillion has three restaurants and a bar (the second bar, the Margarita stand is currently not available, there are rumours that it will reappear bigger and better in a different location, but the old one interfered with a certain summer house where two girls will be moving in soon). The San Angel Inn is inside the pyramide and is a waterfront table service restaurant where the boats for the Gran Fiesta Tour pass by. La Hacienda de San Angel is another table service restaurant, located directly at the shore of the World Showcase Lagoon. It has large windows for viewing the nighttime show on the lagoon: Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. And next to it is the Cantina de San Angel, which is a counterservice restaurant offering outdoor waterfront dining. One trick: During lunch hours La Hacienda is closed, but the dining room is available for air conditioned indoor seating for the Cantina guests. This is the inside of La Hacienda:


So, with so many restaurants, food seems to be important in Mexico! I want to talk about one aspect of Mexican food today that seems to be a true staple in the Mexican cuisine: beans. Beans are a legume, or more precisely, a pulse. Legume is the whole plant, the single bean we eat is a pulse (at least that is what wikipedia tells me). Not only beans belong into the category of pulses, there are also peas, chickpeas and lentils.

2016 is actually the International Year of Pulses! And pulses are great for you, they have many benefits:

  • Pulses are part of a healthy, balanced diet and have been shown to have an important role in preventing illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Pulses are a low fat source of protein, with a high fibre content and low glycemic index.
  • Pulses are very high in fibre, containing both soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre helps to decrease blood cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels, and insoluble fibre helps with digestion and regularity.
  • Pulses provide important amounts of vitamins and mineral. Some of the key minerals in pulses include: iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Pulses are also particularly abundant in B vitamins; including folate, thiamin and niacin.
  • Pulses typically contain about twice the amount of protein found in whole grain cereals like wheat, oats, barley and rice, and in most developing countries constitute the main source of protein for most populations.
Do pulses play a part in your diet? Do you have a favourite dish that includes pulses? And as a fun bonus: Have you ever eaten at one of the Mexico restaurants at Epcot?

Mexican Food!!! :love: I did not know that beans were specifically called pulses-- learn something new everyday! But yes, I looooove pulses and they certainly play a part in my diet. Pulses were a very large part of our vegan lifestyle years ago, and they certainly stuck around when we started eating meat and dairy again. I'm not a huge meat lover in general so even now I would take veggie burgers, lentils, and bean soups over chicken any day of the week. My favorite pulse dish is chili. I don't have a specific recipe other than having kidney beans and sauteed tomatoes and onions as a base then I build from whatever I have on hand or what was on sale. I used to add bulgur wheat or have rice depending on the dish to make it a "complete protein" but I have since quit being particular about that stuff since I eat meat now and know I am getting complete proteins from that.

Bonus: I've eaten at all of them-- I LOVE Mexican food. I liked San Angel Inn the best because of the ambiance and the chilaquiles - not that they are healthy in the least!
Question of the Day - June 10

Let's stay in Mexico for another day and let's talk about Mexican food. The Mexican pavillion has three restaurants and a bar (the second bar, the Margarita stand is currently not available, there are rumours that it will reappear bigger and better in a different location, but the old one interfered with a certain summer house where two girls will be moving in soon). The San Angel Inn is inside the pyramide and is a waterfront table service restaurant where the boats for the Gran Fiesta Tour pass by. La Hacienda de San Angel is another table service restaurant, located directly at the shore of the World Showcase Lagoon. It has large windows for viewing the nighttime show on the lagoon: Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. And next to it is the Cantina de San Angel, which is a counterservice restaurant offering outdoor waterfront dining. One trick: During lunch hours La Hacienda is closed, but the dining room is available for air conditioned indoor seating for the Cantina guests. This is the inside of La Hacienda:


So, with so many restaurants, food seems to be important in Mexico! I want to talk about one aspect of Mexican food today that seems to be a true staple in the Mexican cuisine: beans. Beans are a legume, or more precisely, a pulse. Legume is the whole plant, the single bean we eat is a pulse (at least that is what wikipedia tells me). Not only beans belong into the category of pulses, there are also peas, chickpeas and lentils.

2016 is actually the International Year of Pulses! And pulses are great for you, they have many benefits:

  • Pulses are part of a healthy, balanced diet and have been shown to have an important role in preventing illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Pulses are a low fat source of protein, with a high fibre content and low glycemic index.
  • Pulses are very high in fibre, containing both soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre helps to decrease blood cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels, and insoluble fibre helps with digestion and regularity.
  • Pulses provide important amounts of vitamins and mineral. Some of the key minerals in pulses include: iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Pulses are also particularly abundant in B vitamins; including folate, thiamin and niacin.
  • Pulses typically contain about twice the amount of protein found in whole grain cereals like wheat, oats, barley and rice, and in most developing countries constitute the main source of protein for most populations.
Do pulses play a part in your diet? Do you have a favourite dish that includes pulses? And as a fun bonus: Have you ever eaten at one of the Mexico restaurants at Epcot?
Catching up on yesterday's question about challenges... For physical zip lining is on my list and I'd love to hike more, well start hiking actually since all I do is walk. On a more mental level I'd like to try Orientering. I would consider my recent trip to Texas a mental/ emotional spirit building challenge and plan on doing more of the same type of exploring.

For today's question about beans... I eat baked beans because really, they are baked in sugar. I'll order black beans at a restaraunt but other than that don't eat the legumes.

I've eaten at all of the Mexico restaraunts at some point. I had hiccama for the first time at San Angel many years ago. I've had dinner during Illinations at Hacienda and really enjoyed it... The food was OK but the server was wonderful and we had a lovely chat, and the floor show can't be beat.

I'm back on track today, logging my food in WW and MFP and have faced the scale square on. It accurately reflects the way I've been eating, so it is what it is. I know what to do, now it's just left to the doing.

Hope all have a fun and healthful weekend. I think I'm making a short road trip Saturday to go junking and to an extra special yarn shop. Sunday I'm supposed to go to a garden fair with my Sis and SIL but kind of feel like I'm coming down with the cold thats going around, and shouldn't be around SIL if I'm Sick so won't decide until Sunday.


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