Has Epcot reached a new level of depressing?


Est. 1985
Apr 28, 2011
After reading recent blog posts over at EasyWDW and seeing how a big chunk of Innoventions has now closed up shop in addition to Norway being gutted, it's occurred to me...has Epcot reached a new level of depressing? I covered this in a previous thread a few years back, but amazingly somehow Epcot has gotten worse since then.

Shall we go down the list?

  1. Spaceship Earth: While this one hasn't suffered too terribly over the years, it still feels fairly lifeless compared to the previous Jeremy Irons and Walter Cronkite narration. The lack of an interesting motif during the descent after the grand finale seems weird and overall it just feels very sterile.
  2. The Land: While I was never particularly crazy about Soarin' in the first place, I can understand its appeal. Kitchen Kabaret wasn't exactly high art, though I did enjoy it, and I can understand it being replaced eventually. But even now Soarin' has some film issues and overall is in need of a refresh. Thankfully this is coming soon, if the rumors are true, though it likely won't make me fall in love with the attraction. The theater that's playing that Circle of Life film could use a refresh, because that's 20 years old now, but I have no idea what they would put in there. Perhaps I could keep my mouth shut, because before I know it'll be rethemed to "Let It Go: An Environmental Film Staring Elsa" Living with the Land is still great, and I'm glad they didn't throw stupid Disney characters in there, because god knows that absolutely ruined...
  3. The Living Seas: I have fond memories of the original iteration of The Living Seas, and it was my second-favorite pavilion next to Horizons. The Seabase Alpha theming was amazing and the Hydrolators, though simple in design, were super effective and convincing. These days it's Nemo...Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo...seriously, count the number of times that "Nemo" is said during that puppet show ride before you hit the main attraction. It's downright maddening. I still enjoy the sea life in the actual attraction, and Turtle Talk with Crush is always a riot, but still, I massively prefer the original version of this attraction I mean, it could be worse, it could be...
  4. Journey Into Imagination: Do I really need to go into detail here? What the WDW staff did to the Imagination pavilion is arguably the worst thing that has happened to Walt Disney World since 1971. The upstairs Image Works has been gone for a half a decade now and it's sorely missed by those of us that remember how...imaginative it was. I also miss Honey I Shrunk the Audience, though I understand that the film probably hasn't aged particularly well, so I'm okay with it being replaced overall. However, bringing back Captain Eo wasn't the solution to this problem, and now making the theater a place to show promos of upcoming Disney films is just a slap in the face.
  5. Innovations/Communicore: Jeez laweez. What was originally the closest thing to Epcot being an ongoing World's Fair per its original design has now been turned into a brand-centric children's museum...and now they're closing a bunch of it on top of that? How depressing...though its much more depressing than...
  6. Universe of Energy: Okay, this one is rather difficult. I understand the whole Global Warming/Climate Change thing is something that Disney likely doesn't want to be a part of because they want to avoid any sort of public backlash, but man oh man with the proper refresh this pavilion could be more important now than its ever been. I love Bill Nye and Ellen is okay, and overall the mid-90s refresh of this attraction wasn't as offensive as the numerous Imagination refreshes and what happened to The Living Seas, but the original Universe of Energy was really impressive. The "Kinetic Tiles" presentation in the pre-show is still amazing to look at today, and the laser effects during the end of the attraction were great. All those are gone now though, so its just a bit more lackluster than it used to be.
  7. Mission Space: I'm gonna keep this simple. Horizons is gone, and it upsets me. It was the headlining attraction at Epcot right after Spaceship Earth, and I really miss it. I understand it was dated and needed some work, but they should have updated it instead of tearing it down and replacing it with a fancy space simulator-themed centrifuge right with no further meaning past its initial impression. Ugh.
  8. Test Track: Like Horizons, I really dug the original World of Motion, and like Horizons, I realize it needed some work. Once you've ridden that attraction a few times, you've seen all there is to see. The post-show attractions were neat as well, though they were in the same boat...you can't only see the Bird & the Robot so many times before you've seen all it has to offer. The original Test Track wasn't super offensive, and a clever idea for an update, though I'll still prefer World of Motion. I haven't ridden the ride since its recent refurbishment, but everything I've read has led me to believe that they've made it worse now, so that's kind of terrible.
  9. Wonders of Life: Wonders of Life was great, and I really miss it. Body Wars was a headlining attraction at Epcot and just really cool. Cranium Command was great, as were all the other attractions in the pavilion. Sure, this was the "Children's Museum" setup long before Innovations was refurbed, but at least it had a few headlining attractions to level things out a bit. There isn't really a lot to say here because unlike everything else, it hasn't been replaced but just scrubbed completely from the park. How sad.
  10. World Showcase: There isn't a whole lot to say here, because World Showcase is more or less the same as its ever been, outside of Norway's recent bullshittery. I wasn't crazy about the Three Caballeros characters being shoved into Gran Fiesta Tour, but I guess that was thematically okay overall. Norway though...holy ****. Maelstrom was the defining attraction of World Showcase, and now its gone, soon to be replaced with the most annoying Disney animated film characters in recent history. I didn't hate Frozen, I actually rather enjoyed the film, but it doesn't deserve a full attraction, especially not in Epcot, especially not in World Showcase, ESPECIALLY NOT REPLACING MALESTROM. I might actually get thrown off of the ride because I will throw things at the first Olaf animatronic I see. Ugh.
  11. Many other minor things: Leave a Legacy? Ugly. Its always hilarious that the Walt Disney World website lists it as an attraction when its really just an eyesore. The Odyssey restaurant is long gone, and it's just weird to walk past because its almost like you're walking past a corpse of a building that's just decaying from disuse. The multitude of musical acts gone from World Showcase, along with a bunch of the unique vehicles and other miscellaneous attractions they used to have back there. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting, but you get the idea.

Now, don't misunderstand me here...I understand that Epcot can't stay the same forever; the park needs to evolve and grow as time passes. Attractions such as Horizons and Universe of Energy get outdated as time goes on and occasionally need a refreshing to stay relevant. The larger problem here is that these attractions seem to be getting replaced with worse iterations of themselves instead of getting better with time.

Is it wrong for you to enjoy the attractions that I've trashed above? Of course not, enjoy what you enjoy, don't let my inane ramblings affect you. I love Epcot, and I have fond memories of the park living up to its original intentions, it's just a shame that so much of that has fallen to the wayside over the years in favor of commercialism and thrill rides.
You say you understand the park can't stay the same forever. But that is pretty much your post in a nutshell, you don't like the changes. I think you need to let go of the past a bit, and try to enjoy Epcot for what it is, and stop thinking about how it used to be. I don't like all of the changes, but I do try to appreciate things for what they are now. And I still love Epcot and spend a ton of time there every trip.
I can't help but feel that maybe you'd feel differently if the "updates" to some major attractions weren't big fat "FAILS"!! Is it depressing? Not IMHO. But not as good as it used to be!! Some updates that occur at WDW are so great and others are not. It just seems to me that all the "nots" are at Epcot.
Obviously, Epcot doesn't appeal to everyone...

Just like WDW doesn't appeal to the thrill ride junkies, etc.

I've always loved Epcot. Sure, I hate to see some things go like Maelstrom, especially when it's being placed by a Frozen attraction. Personally, I'd rather see the Disney characters in WS as little as possible if you want to make it more authentic, etc. But, overall, to me, it's a great park that I enjoy going to several times each visit. I doesn't have the rides the other parks do, but its not supposed to!

Of course, you can say this about all the parks as far as changes go...

Opinions vary.
Is it wrong for you to enjoy the attractions that I've trashed above? Of course not, enjoy what you enjoy, don't let my inane ramblings affect you. I love Epcot, and I have fond memories of the park living up to its original intentions, it's just a shame that so much of that has fallen to the wayside over the years in favor of commercialism and thrill rides.

It's not right or wrong for anyone to enjoy or not enjoy anything at Disney World. That's the beauty of the place. For you, Epcot is "depressing". For my husband and I, it's the one place we go to every night we are at Disney World because just a walk around World Showcase, not doing anything but enjoying the food and the drink just makes a vacation. Because that's why *we* go to Disney World. To get away from the real world. You go for a different reason and that's not wrong either.
Did the Germany pavilion have Grapefruit beer back when Body Wars and Image Works were still running? No? Then, sorry, Epcot has become LESS depressing.

I rest my case.
You can buy the beet at most wine stores like Total Wine
im rarely depressed after drinking around the countries but I do miss some things before we start. Yes they ruined Test Track and Journey into Immagination but Innovations has always been at the whim of sponsors.

I really don't mind he incorporation of characters into EPCOT. It never really appealed to kids and now some of these its will. I happen to like the Nemo incorporation into living seas and my wife loves the videos at the end of Spaceship Earth. I wish they would fix the paperboy but that is what it is.

The Mexico boat ride was outdated when it was put in. As much as I loved the cheesy 70s videos it needed updating and the characters certainly fit without removing the ridiculousness of the clips. Frozen is going to bring more people to the park which is a win for Disney. I know it's tiresome for most adults but our 2 yr old still thinks it's the greatest thing ever. I'd be all for them doing more of this. Most Disney characters have ties to the countries and if that lures kids in and you can teach them other stuff along the way that's great.
You say you understand the park can't stay the same forever. But that is pretty much your post in a nutshell, you don't like the changes. I think you need to let go of the past a bit, and try to enjoy Epcot for what it is, and stop thinking about how it used to be. I don't like all of the changes, but I do try to appreciate things for what they are now. And I still love Epcot and spend a ton of time there every trip.

I understand what the author is trying to say. While he knows that all parks must change with the times, the choices they've made have not been ideal. I do agree the post a little too negative but I also agree that Epcot's experience is defiantly not AS enjoyable as it was when I was younger and it's not just my nostalgia talking. While I don't really care who narrates Spaceship Earth and I do enjoy Nemo better than the Living Seas, somethings I really do not like.

  • Mission Space vs Horizons: The biggest problem I have with Epcot is Misson Space. I get that the Horizons building was in disrepair and Epcot was in desperate need of a "thrill" ride but couldn't they have done better? You can go anywhere and get a simulator that makes you dizzy, but I expect more from Disney. Just watch the rides on youtube, then tell me which had more effort put into it. Even if you think dark rides are slow and boring the creativity and theme was done 10x better in Horizons. With that being said the attraction's idea was dated and needed an overhaul, but sitting in front of a screen, going around in circles, and hitting buttons does not match the theme of learning while being entertained that Epcot has come to represent.

  • Test Track vs World of Motion: This one I don't hate as much because at least Test Track is an actual ride. That being said I would still argue that World of Motion is the better attraction. WoM took a humorous and educational look at the evolution of transportation with a glimpse into the future of how we might travel in the future. With a run time at about 15 minutes it certainly dwarfs the run time of Test Track which is about 4. WoM did suffer from the same problems as Horizons did with the "future of transportation" becoming dated as most of what was considered futuristic in the 80's would be laughable today. Test Track is a fun little crash course is car design and is genuinely a fun experience. The problem I have with it is that people drive everday. The highlight of the ride is when you go 65 MPH on a semi-circle track. Which when you do it is pretty exciting, but then you remember that you go faster than that when you're late for work. The ride originally reach 80MPH but due to the ride not being able to handle that speed properly they had to slow it down a bit. Still if you drive to Disney you go 80 on I-95 so again if you want to experience Test Track on a daily basis, be a passenger in any car.

  • Journey into Imagination with Figment vs Journey into Imagination: Yes the titles are similar but the rides are not. I won't go into too much detail but the original far exceeds the new installment. Unlike Horizons and WoM I do not get why this ride was done over. It was great the way it was. As much as I love Eric Idle he is out of place and awkward as a straight man. For a ride that is supposed to be about the 5 senses it totally skips touch and taste. Admittedly I do not know how you'd do that but why do an idea that you know you can't finish? Worst of all what do the 5 senses have to do with imagination? Like my Horizons debate i'll ask you to go to youtube and compare.

  • Maelstrom vs Frozen: Surprisingly I don't have a huge problem with this. Maelstrom was a good ride but I wouldn't mind something taking it's place. I'm not sure why a cartoon is taking place in an actual representation of a country (yes I get that they're Scandinavian, but they are not Norwegian). I just hope the ride is done well and not phoned in like the other new attractions.

  • Wonders of Life Pavilion: I don't have fond memories of this pavilion but the fact that it's rotting away in plain sight is so disrespectful that I have no words to describe it. During the making of the Haunted Mansion the idea was almost thrown away because Walt hated the idea of anything dilapidated being in his park. The fact that nothing has been put here, or even an effort to make it look presentable is almost unforgivable by Disney standards.

I know this is a long post but I hope you stuck with me. I also know that this is my opinion and most will differ. I just think most the changes and additions , not just in Epcot have been lack luster. Want to experience Soarin' at home? Stand on the couch while looking at a picture of the golden gate bridge. Want to experience Test Track? take a ride with your best friend on the highway. Even the 7 Dwarfs Mine Train and Little Mermaid. So much effort was put into the cue and the façade that the ride suffered greatly. I guess to some up my feelings, I think the era of actual Imagineering is over and putting out great looking short thrill rides is how they'll do business from now on. The last great ride made imo was Splash Mountain. It showed that Disney can take the simple concept of a log flume and turn it into something amazing. I hope that I am wrong. With the Star Wars expansion coming soon I hope they implement some really cool ideas and hopefully prove me wrong on my assumptions.
Dear god, you have a way of making everything miserable, don't you.

Future World has always been kinda a mess (World Showcase remains one of if not the best place on property)... but imagine the ghost town it was before Test Track, Mission: Space, and Soarin'. Do we need more slow-moving dark rides like World of Motion that little kids will hate and instead beg their parents to go to see Harry Potter? And yeah the original Figment is gone... but it's been gone for decades. Time to get over it.

Future World needs some work, absolutely. Too many empty buildings, Imagination Pavilion and Ellen need major refurbs, replace Innoventions with something completely different (better). There are parts of it that are a little depressing, but it's still a lot of great stuff.


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