Going Back! The 2nd Time's Gotta Be Even Better Than The 1st, right? - A Sept PTR

Have you gotten your mail yet?? I haven't and I'm anxious!!!!!

So I've been having a pretty good week! First of all, I got Mickey Mail!!!!! My DME packet came in the mail this week!!! And my MYW vouchers and luggage tags came too! Plus, I had my first sale on Etsy!!!! I sold an 8x10 inch print of this photograph that I took!

I finally got my mail on monday- Glad to see you got yours as well...

Congrats on the first Etsy sale. So exciting!

Less than a month away!!!:banana:
I'm definitely going to have to check out Martha's Vineyard after that desription.
I'm glad you got your Mickey mail! Dismeets are so fun. Have a great time!
Congrats on your Etsy sale!!! I hope you have a ton of them. Can you sell photos of Disney World there or would that be considered copyright infringement? I always wondered about that.
Great photo with the fisheye, too! :thumbsup2
Can you sell photos of Disney World there or would that be considered copyright infringement? I always wondered about that.
Great photo with the fisheye, too! :thumbsup2

I don't know if technically allowed on Etsy, but there are a lot of photos for sale that were taken at WDW. You can check them out here if you're curious.
So sadly I wasn't able to make the DISmeet today. The people I'm currently sitting for called me to tell me they'd be coming home later than expected so I had to take their dog out the same time as the meet. Oh well. They plan on having more local DISmeets in the future, so hopefully I'll be able to make the next one!

So I fell down the stairs the other night! There was a really bad storm, but I still had to go take the dog out that I'm taking care of. And the stairs to my apartment are wooden and apparently they get really slippery in the rain (as I found out the hard way.) I hit my back on the stairs in three places... my lower back, mid back and the back of my shoulder. Very painful! I'm okay though. The day after the fall I was pretty sore. But today I feel fine! I have some super nasty bruises though! And it does hurt if anything touches the bruises. But just standing/sitting/walking/etc. I don't feel any pain!

So even though this is my 2nd trip to WDW, there's still a lot of 1sts that I'm really looking forward to including:

First time...
  • Staying at a moderate resort
  • Being on the dining plan
  • Having a DSLR at WDW
  • Having a smartphone at WDW
  • Riding Space Mountain (I've never even been on the Disneyland version!)
  • Checking baggage and having it delivered to our room
  • Seeing Fantasmic!
  • Seeing most of the World Showcase (last trip we only saw Japan, Mexico, and Morocco.... though I did stop by France for a Grey Goose slush!)
  • Riding Expedition Everest
  • Checking out the West Side of DTD

I'm so excited! One thing I'm excited about having my DSLR there is I can try taking some on-ride photos! And it will be great being able to get on the internet using my smartphone! Maybe then we won't be so completely disconnected from the world! Last year while we were in WDW, Patrick Swayze died and we didn't find out until a few days later! We were at the Mizner's Lounge at the GF and they were showing a bunch of clips from Patrick Swayze movies on the tv and we were like, "Did Patrick Swayze die??" Then that night I called my mom and asked her and she was like, "Oh yeah... he died earlier this week." It was really weird not knowing what was going on in the world!

So one month from yesterday I'll be at Epcot!


And one month from today I'll be at Animal Kingdom!

Food I got last WDW trip that I cannot wait to get again:


Seared marinated tofu from Sci-Fi


Falafel from Tangierine Cafe


Mickey Waffles from the resort food court

Drinks I got last time that I am definitely getting this trip:


Cotton-tini from T-Rex


Welsh Dragon from Rose & Crown pub


Yak Attack from Yak & Yeti


Magical Star Cocktail from the standard drink menu

And the drink The Boyfriend had last trip that he can't wait to have again:


Limon Jalapeno margarita from La Cava del Tequila (I also cannot wait to get margaritas from La Cava, but I think I might try something different this year... not sure yet!)

The snack credit I'm most excited about trying is the Cappuccino Float!

And I am SO looking forward to desserts! Last year I only had 1 dessert the whole trip! It was from Raglan Road and it was:


I don't really remember what it was! I think it may have been the Raspberry Riot, but it doesn't really look like the other pictures I've seen of it... But nothing else on the menu sounds even close to what it was!

This year I get to have 10 desserts! Oh my!

The desserts I'm thinking of getting are:

A brownie sandwich at Earl Of Sandwich
The Chocolate Wave at Coral Reef
Baklava at Tangierine Cafe
Fried Wontons at Yak and Yeti
Kona Kone at Kona Cafe
Creamy Indulgence at The Wave
Dole Whip at Captain Cook's
Hot Fudge Sundae at Sci-Fi
Marble Cheesecake at Studio Catering Co
Creme Brulee at Wolfgang Puck Express

One month from yesterday I'll be at Magic Kingdom


And one month from today I'll be at Hollywood Studios

I'm glad you're ok after falling down the stairs!!!
I really can't wait to have the Limon Jalapeno margarita from La Cava del Tequila again, either!!! I may have to try that tofu dish & I LOVE the falafel!
Great photos as always!! :goodvibes
Glad you're okay after your fall-- not fun! All of those drinks look sooo yummy!
You won't be disappointed with the Dole Whip or Chocolate Wave-- both are delicious!
So I found this adorable photo of The Boyfriend as a kid with his siblings at WDW!


He's the tallest one on the far right. And from right to left his siblings are his sister Laura (now 23), his brother Mark (now 20), his brother Kevin (now 22), and his sister Amy (now 18).

And here's a photo of me as a kid at Disneyland


I'm of course the one in the pigtails! And that's my brother Justin (now 22).

Pretty cute, huh?
Don't worry! I'm still alive! I've just been working A LOT! Which is great because it means more money for Disney! But when I'm not working, I'm absolutely exhausted from working! So sadly I haven't had a lot of time for the DIS! I haven't even had much time to think about my trip! I can't believe it's only a couple weeks away!

So because I'm working so much, I won't be on much between now and when I leave for my trip! I'll try to find some time to catch up on everyone's PTRs!

Luckily I'll have a LOT more free time once I get back from WDW! So I'll get to work on my TR right away! And hopefully read everyone else's TR too!

So as I'm sure you all know, Free Dining has already been announced for September 2011!!!! The Boyfriend and I are already talking about going next year! No definite plans have been made. After going by ourselves two years in a row, we'd really like to go with other people. So we'll be asking friends and family to see if we can get anyone to go with us!

So I've been in the mood for a hot dog for awhile now. And so I really want to get a hot dog at WDW. And I've been trying to figure out where I should get a hot dog... since we're not really eating at any QS restaurants that have hot dogs on the menu.

Well, yesterday I was reading the Disney Food Blog when I came across this entry

The Lunching Pad in the Magic Kingdom updated their menu and they now have gourmet hot dogs! They have a Philly Cheese Steak, a Reuben and a Taco hot dog! I have no idea which one I should try! I love Philly Cheese Steaks, Reubens and Tacos!!!

But yes, I am definitely going there and I'm definitely getting a hot dog! (I'll be paying OOP for it)
Can't wait for the TR when you get back. Haha, I know what you mean about getting in the mood for certain foods. Anything tastes better at WDW, too! I'd go with the taco hotdog. It sounds really yummy!
So I've been having a pretty good week! First of all, I got Mickey Mail!!!!! My DME packet came in the mail this week!!! And my MYW vouchers and luggage tags came too! Plus, I had my first sale on Etsy!!!! I sold an 8x10 inch print of this photograph that I took:


So that was super exciting! If you want to check out what else I have in my Etsy shop you can at trickiwoo.etsy.com I currently only have photographs and candles up for sale... but I'm planning on getting some jewelery up this month!

I can't believe I'm down to the 1 month mark! It doesn't feel like I'm going

Congrats on the print sale! I was thinking about doing that too...selling some framed prints on Etsy. That is a beautiful picture! Is it of the moon or a planet? LOVE all your pics. They have such life to them.

Hooray for the 2nd vacation to Martha's Vineyard. I admit, I went to school in the North East and have not made it to MV either. One day, I will! It sounds like a lot of fun, and I love seafood too.

Can't believe our trips are soooo close now!

I too think I am gonna be nuts for taking my dslr to WDW. That's why I'm bringing my lighter dslr. Although do you know if POFQ has an in-room safe? There may be times that I may not want to bring the dslr out at night, especially since I'm not bringing any external flash with me, and the on camera flash is kinda useless...:lmao:

Your food pics are making me drool!!!

Sorry you had to miss your DISmeet but I am sure there will be more to come!

The pics of you and your DBF as kids are sooo cute!! Love them! I love old film pics!!

Congrats on the print sale! I was thinking about doing that too...selling some framed prints on Etsy. That is a beautiful picture! Is it of the moon or a planet? LOVE all your pics. They have such life to them.

Thank you so much! It's the moon! I'd definitely recommend selling on Etsy! It's been great so far!

Although do you know if POFQ has an in-room safe?

It does, but I don't think it's big enough for a DSLR! The in-room safes in the resorts are all very small! I have heard that you can leave valuables at the front desk and they'll keep it in a safe for you.
I bought new shoes today!!!!

These are the ones I got:


They're very comfy! I'm hoping they'll work out great at WDW! I'm worried about my feet being too sore or getting too hot.

I can't believe my trip is only 2 weeks away!!!!!!
I bought new shoes today!!!!

These are the ones I got:


They're very comfy! I'm hoping they'll work out great at WDW! I'm worried about my feet being too sore or getting too hot.

I can't believe my trip is only 2 weeks away!!!!!!

Yay for 2 weeks away!! It's less than 2 weeks for me now, I can't believe it! I also can't believe summer is coming to an end. Where did August go??

Cute shoes...they look comfy, are they Crocs?
Oh my goodness! My trip is just days away! How did this happen???!!!

So first of all, I had a bit of trouble with the new shoes!!! The soles are super comfortable and I can walk/stand for long periods of time and not have sore feet! Plus, they're light and airy so my feet don't get too hot in them! So on that end, they're awesome for Disney! However, they were rubbing against the side of my feet and leaving painful blisters!

At first my plan was just to ignore it and hope that my feet would get used to the shoes before Disney. Well, after a couple days I was in agonizing pain and doing nothing was not going to cut it!

So first I tried putting bandaids on my feet. That didn't help at all! It was still painful to wear my shoes. Plus, after walking for 15 minutes, the bandaids slipped right off my feet!

So I got some moleskin pads! HUGE difference! With the moleskins on, my shoes went from super painful to super comfortable! But... the moleskins wouldn't stay on my feet! They'd also slip and slide right off while I was walking dogs at work!


So I got some waterproof first aid tape and taped the moleskins to my feet really, really, really good! This worked! The tape held the moleskins on my feet securely and I could walk comfortably all day. When I'd remove the tape at the end of the day, I had bad rashes on my feet from where the tape was. But even so that was still more comfortable than having blisters!

So my plan was to tape up my feet with the moleskins until my blisters fully healed... which took a couple days. After that, I started using BodyGlide on my feet every day. And so far, so good! I put it on in the morning, and my feet are fine all day! No pain, no blisters! My feet are now ready for Disney World!

Well... sort of.

The other day at work I stepped on a mound of fire ants without realizing it. Ouch! I have fire ant stings on my foot (and on the hand I used to brush the ants off my foot and leg!) It's really annoying and really itchy! I really hope they're no longer itching by the time I go to Disney. But right now Benadryl and Cortisone are my friends!

I did the online check-in recently, so I am good to go! This is my first time doing online check-in so I'm super excited! I didn't make any room requests. We're leaving it all up to pixie dust to see what building/room we get! :wizard: (We did that last year and ended up in the Country Fair section of ASMu... which we weren't thrilled about at first, but we managed just fine!)


I feel like there's hardly any time before my trip and there's still so much to do!!!!! Earlier this week I realized while I know what days I'm eating at what restaurants, I have no idea what times my ADRs are! So I went ahead and put the times (and confirmation numbers) in my cell phone. I still don't know what times my ADRs are, but now I know where to look to find out!

I'm currently frantically packing and charging electronics and making sure I have everything! I freaked out last night because I was missing one of my camera memory cards! I tore my apartment apart looking for it! But a trip to my parents' house today reminded me that I'd loaded up that memory card with pictures for my mom and had lent it to her so she could put the pictures on her computer! So now I have the card back and all is well!

Luckily I was super duper prepared for my Disney trip a year ago! I made lots of lists and notes! And I saved them! They are coming in SO handy this year!

While looking over my notes from my last trip, I noticed that I'd written down that we got in line for the DME at 12:15pm. Then at 1:15pm we were in line to check into our hotel! For some reason I thought it was a lot longer than that!

I'm going to have limited internet the next couple of days, so this is most likely my last post!

I'll be Live Tweeting from Disney World! So if you want to follow what I'm up to next week, go follow me @trickiwoo

And of course, I'll be working on my TR when I get back! Right now in my head I'm thinking I will be so excited that I will jump on the computer and start my TR the second I walk in the front door on the return of my trip. Realistically I'm probably going to be exhausted and it may take a few days before I start on my TR! But I'll be sure to post a link here once I start one!

OMG! I'm going to Disney World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you had a great time! Thanks to you I got 2 glowtini drinks and loved them. Still didn't get the lapu lapu though. Can't wait to see your pics!!!!
I had a great trip! I made it back home safely!

I am currently in the process of getting all the photos off my cameras and onto my computer! After I've done that, I'll start working on my TR! I'll be sure to post a link here as soon as I've started it!


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