Going Back! The 2nd Time's Gotta Be Even Better Than The 1st, right? - A Sept PTR

Hi there!!! I remember reading your PTR and TR last time you went.

Congrats on a second trip and I can't wait to hear more.
Yay! :yay: You are flying Southwest. I loved flying with Southwest in January. You can't beat the price & the direct flights are great. I paid the $10 per flight for Early Bird check-in & I got the exact seat that I wanted for both flights. I was very happy with them.
The jalapeno cheese stuffed pretzel sounds awesome! Where in AK can I find it?!?!?

It will be my first time flying Southwest... but I've heard nothing but positive things about the airline! So I'm looking forward to it! The Boyfriend flew Southwest at Christmas when he went to Chicago. He thought the whole no assigned seats thing was so weird!

You can get the Jalapeno Cheese Pretzel at the Harambe Fruit Market
I read here on the DIS that someone called earlier this week and the CM they spoke with said they're probably going to extend it this week. Last year they extended it on 6/25 to run through 10/4!

The menu said it's a mango glaze!

Haha, I'm not actually! I just really like a lot of vegetarian food! I eat a lot of tofu. But I do eat meat.

Ooh! That sounds good! There's a Jalapeno cheese stuffed pretzel in Animal Kingdom that sounds really good too!

Hooray! If wishes is exending!! I wonder when they will announce it!

Thst's funny that you think some vegie foods look good. I doo too! I like eating healthy once in a blue moon, and when I do I eat a lot of veggies and fruit

Yum that pretzel does sound good. Hopefully we'll get some too.:rotfl:
Wow! It's been awhile since I've made a post! I've just been spending less time here on the DIS because I've been playing a LOT of Animal Crossing in my free time!


I'm currently house sitting/dog sitting and will be doing so for the next two weeks! Luckily the dog I'm sitting for is really great! Personality-wise he reminds me a lot of my dog!

I saw Toy Story 3 last weekend! I absolutely loved it! Fantastic movie! I cried so much!

So as promised long ago... here are some photos of my foster hamsters:



And Queso:


Great news! They've got applications in on them!!! I'm meeting with one of the potential adopters on Monday! So hopefully they'll be placed in wonderful, loving homes very soon! I'm so happy! :thumbsup2

My apartment warming party went very well!!! I'm so pleased! There was a pretty good turnout! Everyone had a great time! I got tons of compliments on the food and drinks and everything! And I got lots of compliments on how classy the evening was! So yay!

I've got lots of photos of my apartment, but I'll make a separate entry and post those!

So one of my friends from high school (who actually lived next door to my boyfriend at his old apartment! small world!) has been planning an October WDW trip for awhile now. And occasionally we talk on Facebook about how our Disney planning is going. And she mentioned having to change her trip dates, but for some reason I still assumed she was going in October... just a different week. But then she mentioned that Star Tours was still going to be open when she was there, which meant she'd have to be going much earlier. So I asked her when she was going... She's going September 4-10th! (I'm going the 5-10th!) Crazy!!! I asked her what days she's doing what parks... and the only day we'll be at the same park is Tuesday the 7th we'll both be at Animal Kingdom! So maybe we'll run into each other there! And there's always the chance we'll run into her at DTD or something!

I do think it's funny when I talk to other Disney people about our plans and I tell them what days I'm doing what parks and what days I'm eating at what restaurants... because The Boyfriend has no idea! He's not really into planning at all! He just likes to show up and have me tell him what he's doing every day! Fine by me! That's what we did for our last trip, and he had a great time! He said I did a really good job planning and he liked the restaurants I chose for us to eat at! So I'm hoping he'll feel the same way about this trip!

I got my paycheck today!!!! Which means as soon as the holiday weekend is over I'll deposit the money into my account and pay off my Disney trip in full!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!

Have a happy 4th of July everyone!!! And if you're not American, have a happy 4th of July anyway... just it's not a holiday for you... just a regular Sunday! But have a happy Sunday! ;)

I will not be celebrating or seeing fireworks or anything like that since I'm dog sitting. But that's okay. I do get paid extra for sitting on a holiday! Which means more money to spend at WDW! :woohoo:

Coming right up... Pictures of my apartment!!!
So The Boyfriend and I moved into a new apartment a little over a month ago. And I recently finally got around to taking pictures of the place!!!

Living Room:




That's Queso's cage!


I love that big window!!!

Next to the living room is the door to the porch:


And that's Nacho's cage!

The Porch:


The Dining Room area and doors to the Laundry Room:


(I'd post a picture of the laundry room, but we don't have a Washer/Dryer yet so right now it's the "moving boxes storage area"... not very attractive!)

The Kitchen:




My favorite part of the kitchen just might be my Lost figures on top of the cabinets:


(I have Kate and The Hatch too... they just didn't fit in the frame!)

The Guest Bathroom:


The Office:



There's Walter Fishop and Ziggy Stardust!


And there's The Boyfriend at his desk... with Rosie right by his side!

The Bedroom:


(That's Rosie's crate next to the bed... and that big plastic container on top of the crate is filled with her toys! She's so spoiled!)

And finally... The Master Bathroom:


So that's where I live! Just not for the next two weeks since I'm dog/house sitting!

Decorating is coming along! I've hung up a couple of photographs I've taken... like this one next to the kitchen:


I've also hung up some of my photos in the bedroom and living room. But there's still a lot of bare wall space! I have some posters I want to hang in the office, I just haven't gotten around to doing it yet! I'm planning on buying some stuff for the apartment when I'm at WDW! I can't wait!
Wow! Nice apartment- it is huge! Nacho & Queso are adorable!!!
I know what you mean about the bf just showing up & having fun. Mine has no interest in planning, either. :rolleyes:
Wow! It's been awhile since I've made a post! I've just been spending less time here on the DIS because I've been playing a LOT of Animal Crossing in my free time!


I'm currently house sitting/dog sitting and will be doing so for the next two weeks! Luckily the dog I'm sitting for is really great! Personality-wise he reminds me a lot of my dog!

I saw Toy Story 3 last weekend! I absolutely loved it! Fantastic movie! I cried so much!

So as promised long ago... here are some photos of my foster hamsters:



And Queso:


Great news! They've got applications in on them!!! I'm meeting with one of the potential adopters on Monday! So hopefully they'll be placed in wonderful, loving homes very soon! I'm so happy! :thumbsup2

My apartment warming party went very well!!! I'm so pleased! There was a pretty good turnout! Everyone had a great time! I got tons of compliments on the food and drinks and everything! And I got lots of compliments on how classy the evening was! So yay!

I've got lots of photos of my apartment, but I'll make a separate entry and post those!

So one of my friends from high school (who actually lived next door to my boyfriend at his old apartment! small world!) has been planning an October WDW trip for awhile now. And occasionally we talk on Facebook about how our Disney planning is going. And she mentioned having to change her trip dates, but for some reason I still assumed she was going in October... just a different week. But then she mentioned that Star Tours was still going to be open when she was there, which meant she'd have to be going much earlier. So I asked her when she was going... She's going September 4-10th! (I'm going the 5-10th!) Crazy!!! I asked her what days she's doing what parks... and the only day we'll be at the same park is Tuesday the 7th we'll both be at Animal Kingdom! So maybe we'll run into each other there! And there's always the chance we'll run into her at DTD or something!

I do think it's funny when I talk to other Disney people about our plans and I tell them what days I'm doing what parks and what days I'm eating at what restaurants... because The Boyfriend has no idea! He's not really into planning at all! He just likes to show up and have me tell him what he's doing every day! Fine by me! That's what we did for our last trip, and he had a great time! He said I did a really good job planning and he liked the restaurants I chose for us to eat at! So I'm hoping he'll feel the same way about this trip!

I got my paycheck today!!!! Which means as soon as the holiday weekend is over I'll deposit the money into my account and pay off my Disney trip in full!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!

Have a happy 4th of July everyone!!! And if you're not American, have a happy 4th of July anyway... just it's not a holiday for you... just a regular Sunday! But have a happy Sunday! ;)

I will not be celebrating or seeing fireworks or anything like that since I'm dog sitting. But that's okay. I do get paid extra for sitting on a holiday! Which means more money to spend at WDW! :woohoo:

Coming right up... Pictures of my apartment!!!

That's great your housewarming party went so well! Do you have pictures of the party?

Great apartment btw, it looks really warm yet spacious at the same time. By warm I mean inviting, not like it looks hot or anything. LOL. Although in this heatwave we're having right now, everything I look at makes me hotter.

Nacho and Queso are adorable! I hope they go to some wonderful homes.

LOL It's so funny how my DH is totally not into the planning. He lets me do everything. He pretty much tells me to pack for him, and he just shows up at the airport with his suitcase ready to roll. Some people have it so easy. It's a good thing that we completely enjoy the planning part of it!
That's great your housewarming party went so well! Do you have pictures of the party?

Haha, I don't actually! I was too busy playing hostess all night to get my camera and take some pictures! But I was planning on recreating some of the drinks and decorations and such and taking pictures!

Great apartment btw, it looks really warm yet spacious at the same time. By warm I mean inviting, not like it looks hot or anything. LOL. Although in this heatwave we're having right now, everything I look at makes me hotter.

Hahaha! :lmao: Actually, the office is really hot (what with all the electronics in there!) but the rest of the place is cold!!!! You'll be sitting there on the computer sweating, then you step out into the living room and you need a blanket!

It's insanely hot outside!!! It's been in the upper 90's all week! Ugh!
So first of all, I paid off my trip!!!!!!! :woohoo:

So now all I have to worry about paying for are breakfasts, tips, drinks, souvenirs, and any additional snacks I want to buy while I'm there! So awesome! And if the Wishes Dessert Party is extended to while we're there, I'll have to book and pay for that. But that's it!

There's a few things I need to buy before my trip. #1 on my list is new shoes! I bought new shoes in April thinking they'd last till September, but I've completely worn through the soles and they have big holes in them!!!

I have really good, sturdy winter shoes that last and hold up really well. But I really wear through my summer shoes! Hopefully when I get back from WDW it won't be long before the weather is cool enough to where I can start wearing my winter shoes!

I had originally planned on buying a new camera bag, but then my mom told me that she had a small camera backpack I could borrow! I tried it out, and it'll work perfect! So there's $50 I don't have to spend before my trip... and instead can save to spend ON my trip! :thumbsup2

I don't have the bag with me, so I don't know if this is the exact same model or not, but the bag looks something like this:


It holds more lenses than the bags I was thinking at buying. So now I need to decide if I want to bring more lenses or not! More lenses does mean more weight! But it also means more variety in my pictures!

More room in the bag also means I can definitely bring more accessories like filters and Optics for my Lensbaby! And that stuff is so light it's not going to add noticeable extra weight to my bag!

Ooh! I just realized that the roomier bag also means I can definitely bring along some Lomos! Now I just need to decide which ones to bring... Decisions, decisions!

Last year I started packing for my trip on August 1st. I'm thinking I might do the same this year.

I'm not sure what I'm doing for luggage. Last year I brought this:


That was the biggest bag I had that was still under the carry on dimensions!

This year I'm thinking of bringing a small duffel bag as my carry on, and also carrying on my camera bag as my personal item. I'm not sure what to do about my checked baggage. I have a suitcase... but it's really really big. (and heavy!) It's way more room than I need. (and a pain to carry!) Maybe I'll borrow one of my parents' suitcases. They have a lot in various sizes... I'm sure I could find something that is just right for what I need!

On a happy note, Queso was adopted on Monday!!! His new mom e-mailed me last night to tell me he's doing great in his new home! Yay! I'm so happy!
So totally unrelated to WDW, but totally on the subject of food The Boyfriend and I went out for sushi tonight! And The Boyfriend ordered the cutest sushi! It was shaped like hearts!


How adorable is that??? (Sorry for the poor photo quality, I took the picture with my cell phone.) He said it was tasty. Unfortunately I couldn't try any because I'm allergic to tuna! But the sushi I ordered was tasty too... even if it wasn't heart shaped!

So one of the things I'm most looking forward to with the DDP is.... snack credits!

Problem is... I only get 5! And I want a lot more than 5 snacks! So I've been trying to figure out what snacks I want to try, and of those what I want to pay OOP for and what I want to use my snack credits on! Oh decisions decisions!

So on Sunday when we first arrive in WDW, the first thing we are doing is heading to DTD. Well, one snack that is at the top of my list is one of those make your own treats at Goofy's Candy Co. Now I've heard different things about what is and what is not included at the DDP here. I've heard that none of the make-your-own snacks are included, I've heard that some are and some aren't. So I don't know! We'll see when we get there! So I may be able to use a snack credit for what I want, but I'm thinking I'm probably going to have to pay OOP.

Then Monday, we're going to Epcot! Oh man, I could probably spend all my snack credits at the World Showcase!! But the snacks that are at the top of my list are a Napoleon from France, a Creme Horn from Norway and Kaki Gori from Japan!

Tuesday is Animal Kingdom day, and I'd really like to try one of those Jalapeno Cheese Pretzels! And I'd also like to try one of those Paw Print Brownies from the Kusafari Bakery.

Wednesday we are going to Magic Kingdom! I really want a Cappuccino Float! Yum! And a Cream Cheese Pretzel! Now last year I tried a Dole Whip Float for the first time.


And honestly, I wasn't all that crazy about it. But I think I might like the Dole Whip swirled with vanilla soft serve. So that's high on my list! Also, I hear that Main Street Bakery has Key Lime Cheesecake, which sounds delicious!!! But if we end up doing the Dessert Party that night, I may not want to get cheesecake during the day!

Thursday is the day we're doing Hollywood Studios. And there aren't any snacks I'm looking to try at HS! I'll probably be full by then anyway!

I love Coke Floats so I may get one in one of the parks if I'm in the mood! Smoothies are also good! And other yummy frozen drinks!

I'm also a big fan of these:


So I'll probably get one at some point during my trip!

Also, these are always tasty:


And what's Disney without a churro?


So yes, I am super excited about snack credits!!!!! Are there any must try snacks at WDW that you highly recommend?
Your itinerary sounds great! The only snacks I get in Disney are Dole Whips & Veggie egg rolls. The veggie egg rolls are at a cart on the path from Africa to Asia in AK. I LOVE them!!!
Your itinerary sounds great! The only snacks I get in Disney are Dole Whips & Veggie egg rolls. The veggie egg rolls are at a cart on the path from Africa to Asia in AK. I LOVE them!!!

Do you know what veggies are in the egg rolls? I would love to try them, but I'm allergic to carrots and a handful of other vegetables...
Do you know what veggies are in the egg rolls? I would love to try them, but I'm allergic to carrots and a handful of other vegetables...

Dang! I'm pretty sure there are carrots in them.
So first of all, I paid off my trip!!!!!!! :woohoo:

So now all I have to worry about paying for are breakfasts, tips, drinks, souvenirs, and any additional snacks I want to buy while I'm there! So awesome! And if the Wishes Dessert Party is extended to while we're there, I'll have to book and pay for that. But that's it!

There's a few things I need to buy before my trip. #1 on my list is new shoes! I bought new shoes in April thinking they'd last till September, but I've completely worn through the soles and they have big holes in them!!!

I have really good, sturdy winter shoes that last and hold up really well. But I really wear through my summer shoes! Hopefully when I get back from WDW it won't be long before the weather is cool enough to where I can start wearing my winter shoes!

I had originally planned on buying a new camera bag, but then my mom told me that she had a small camera backpack I could borrow! I tried it out, and it'll work perfect! So there's $50 I don't have to spend before my trip... and instead can save to spend ON my trip! :thumbsup2

I don't have the bag with me, so I don't know if this is the exact same model or not, but the bag looks something like this:


It holds more lenses than the bags I was thinking at buying. So now I need to decide if I want to bring more lenses or not! More lenses does mean more weight! But it also means more variety in my pictures!

More room in the bag also means I can definitely bring more accessories like filters and Optics for my Lensbaby! And that stuff is so light it's not going to add noticeable extra weight to my bag!

Ooh! I just realized that the roomier bag also means I can definitely bring along some Lomos! Now I just need to decide which ones to bring... Decisions, decisions!

Last year I started packing for my trip on August 1st. I'm thinking I might do the same this year.

I'm not sure what I'm doing for luggage. Last year I brought this:


That was the biggest bag I had that was still under the carry on dimensions!

This year I'm thinking of bringing a small duffel bag as my carry on, and also carrying on my camera bag as my personal item. I'm not sure what to do about my checked baggage. I have a suitcase... but it's really really big. (and heavy!) It's way more room than I need. (and a pain to carry!) Maybe I'll borrow one of my parents' suitcases. They have a lot in various sizes... I'm sure I could find something that is just right for what I need!

On a happy note, Queso was adopted on Monday!!! His new mom e-mailed me last night to tell me he's doing great in his new home! Yay! I'm so happy!

YAY, on completely paying for the trip! I have about a week before our balance is due. Then our trip is set in stone!! Woohoo!

Have you been shoe shopping yet? I highly recommend the Skechers Shape ups. They are actually comfy and have good support. I actually do find they somewhat tone my legs but I'll have to REALLY walk in them to know for sure.

That's great you got a camera bag from your mom! Now you get to bring a lot of stuff, but yes it can get really heavy. Maybe you can get DBF to carry it for you :3dglasses

I brought my Lomo 35mm last year because I was worried I would run out of film (I didn't) and I would have trouble finding 120 film at WDW. (I didn't check if they carried it but they might, probably at a premium)

Yay on Queso! That's cute that the owner told you how he was doing. Seems like he went to a wonderful home. :cloud9:

So totally unrelated to WDW, but totally on the subject of food The Boyfriend and I went out for sushi tonight! And The Boyfriend ordered the cutest sushi! It was shaped like hearts!


How adorable is that??? (Sorry for the poor photo quality, I took the picture with my cell phone.) He said it was tasty. Unfortunately I couldn't try any because I'm allergic to tuna! But the sushi I ordered was tasty too... even if it wasn't heart shaped!

So one of the things I'm most looking forward to with the DDP is.... snack credits!

Problem is... I only get 5! And I want a lot more than 5 snacks! So I've been trying to figure out what snacks I want to try, and of those what I want to pay OOP for and what I want to use my snack credits on! Oh decisions decisions!

So on Sunday when we first arrive in WDW, the first thing we are doing is heading to DTD. Well, one snack that is at the top of my list is one of those make your own treats at Goofy's Candy Co. Now I've heard different things about what is and what is not included at the DDP here. I've heard that none of the make-your-own snacks are included, I've heard that some are and some aren't. So I don't know! We'll see when we get there! So I may be able to use a snack credit for what I want, but I'm thinking I'm probably going to have to pay OOP.

Then Monday, we're going to Epcot! Oh man, I could probably spend all my snack credits at the World Showcase!! But the snacks that are at the top of my list are a Napoleon from France, a Creme Horn from Norway and Kaki Gori from Japan!

Tuesday is Animal Kingdom day, and I'd really like to try one of those Jalapeno Cheese Pretzels! And I'd also like to try one of those Paw Print Brownies from the Kusafari Bakery.

Wednesday we are going to Magic Kingdom! I really want a Cappuccino Float! Yum! And a Cream Cheese Pretzel! Now last year I tried a Dole Whip Float for the first time.


And honestly, I wasn't all that crazy about it. But I think I might like the Dole Whip swirled with vanilla soft serve. So that's high on my list! Also, I hear that Main Street Bakery has Key Lime Cheesecake, which sounds delicious!!! But if we end up doing the Dessert Party that night, I may not want to get cheesecake during the day!

Thursday is the day we're doing Hollywood Studios. And there aren't any snacks I'm looking to try at HS! I'll probably be full by then anyway!

I love Coke Floats so I may get one in one of the parks if I'm in the mood! Smoothies are also good! And other yummy frozen drinks!

I'm also a big fan of these:


So I'll probably get one at some point during my trip!

Also, these are always tasty:


And what's Disney without a churro?


So yes, I am super excited about snack credits!!!!! Are there any must try snacks at WDW that you highly recommend?

YUM! First of all, I would be all over that heart shaped tuna sushi!! I love tuna and I love hearts! LOL :lovestruc

I know...5 snack credits do not seem like much at all. It's quite sad when you think about it. I feel like there is a pretty large disparity between the regular dining plan and the deluxe. I feel one is barely enough, and the other one may be overkill. Not like I'm complaining, I'm happy to be on either one, and ecstatic that the regular one is free! But 5 measly snack credits...sigh. I feel like I can use them up in 2 days. LOL. I may have to "borrow" some of DH's. :rotfl:

Most looking forward to: Dole Whip, CC-stuffed pretzel, pretty much anything from France, almost anything from Norway (maybe another school bread!), smoothies, and maybe one of those veggie egg rolls! I've had the snow cone from Kaki Gori before, and although it's good it's not my fave. I think I may have to get a funnel cake from America too...:laughing:

I strangely have an aversion to brownies (bad experience before that I have never forgotten) so I never eat them. :sick: I do like chocolate cake though! :cutie:
YAY, on completely paying for the trip! I have about a week before our balance is due. Then our trip is set in stone!! Woohoo!

Yeah, our balance is due a week from Thursday, but I wanted to pay for it as soon as I could! Just so I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore and could focus on planning fun things to do on my trip!

Have you been shoe shopping yet? I highly recommend the Skechers Shape ups. They are actually comfy and have good support. I actually do find they somewhat tone my legs but I'll have to REALLY walk in them to know for sure.

I haven't been yet! I was planning on starting shoe shopping as soon as I get my first paycheck in August!

That's great you got a camera bag from your mom! Now you get to bring a lot of stuff, but yes it can get really heavy. Maybe you can get DBF to carry it for you :3dglasses

Hahaha... he might be carrying it on the walk back to our hotel room at night!

I brought my Lomo 35mm last year because I was worried I would run out of film (I didn't) and I would have trouble finding 120 film at WDW. (I didn't check if they carried it but they might, probably at a premium)

I have no idea if they sell 120 film at WDW... I just assumed they didn't!

LOL. I may have to "borrow" some of DH's. :rotfl:

Haha, The Boyfriend often gets snacks for us to share... so maybe he'll do the same with his snack credits!
So last night I was online looking at WDW menus and I realized I wanted to totally rearrange my plans for Magic Kingdom Day. Which my MK plans have changed a lot since I started planning!

Originally my plan was to wake up that morning whenever we feel like getting up. Grab breakfast at the resort food court. Then head to MK. Do some rides then have lunch at Cosmic Ray's. Then go do more rides and attractions and stuff. Then hop on the monorail and go to the Contemporary for dinner at
The Wave. After dinner, we'd probably head to the Outer Rim lounge since it's our favorite resort lounge!


We'd have some drinks, then either head back to the resort and maybe hang out a the pool... or head to DTD and enjoy the nightlife.... whatever we were in the mood to do. I was planning on skipping Wishes all together.

Then I changed up my plans slightly when I was looking at food porn here on the DIS! That Tonga Toast looked too good to miss! So I went ahead and made an ADR at Kona for breakfast. So the plan was to wake up early, have breakfast at Kona (that we'd pay OOP for since we don't have any more dining credits to use) then go to MK.

I didn't tell The Boyfriend about this breakfast because I was thinking of maybe surprising him with it that morning. But then I started thinking about how he doesn't do so well with early mornings. And then one day he mentioned to me that he doesn't like going out to breakfast. So I canceled that ADR for Kona and went back to the original plan. I decided I'll have to try Tonga Toast some other day...

Then The Boyfriend mentioned that he'd be willing to do the Wishes Dessert Party (which I assumed was out of the question since he doesn't like sweet foods and isn't big on desserts) So the new plan was to get up, eat at the resort, go to MK for a bit, get on the monorail and go to the Contemporary for lunch at The Wave. Then head back to MK and spend the day there, have dinner at Cosmic Ray's. Then go to the WDP. After Wishes we'd probably head to the Contemporary for a drink at the Outer Rim lounge.

The main problem with this plan is that currently the WDP is only scheduled until August 14th! And we have no idea if they'll extend it or not! So I kept my ADR for dinner at The Wave and added an ADR for lunch at The Wave. Then I'd cancel whichever ADR we weren't going to use once I knew if we were doing the WDP or not.

After comparing the lunch and dinner menus at The Wave, I decided that I'd rather do lunch there. So I started thinking that we might do that regardless of whether we go to WDP or not.

And then I started re-thinking the WDP. We're already going to be eating so many desserts on the trip with the DDP. Plus I know I'll be using my snack credits for dessert-y items! I'm worried the WDP might be too much. Plus, The Boyfriend doesn't even like desserts! So it would be pretty wasted on him. Plus, I really hate leaving the parks at closing! The lines for the buses and monorail are pretty crazy...then once you get on the bus/monorail its standing room only. Not much fun after a long day at the park! I'd much rather slip out of the park before Wishes starts to avoid those crowds! The only thing that was really making it a tough decision was the fact that I'd have that great view of Wishes for photos...

Well, The Boyfriend doesn't even like Magic Kingdom like at all! And there's really only a few things at MK that are on my Must-Do List- Space Mountain, Philharmagic, the Jungle Cruise and I wanted to ride the train around the park once! As for what else we'd do at MK, my idea was whatever we could walk on or get FPs for! So I started thinking that we'd be spending a lot of time at MK with our current plans and there wasn't a lot we really wanted to do there. (And honestly I think The Boyfriend would rather skip MK entirely!)

So now I'm thinking we get up in the morning and eat at the resort, go to MK for a bit, have lunch at The Wave, head back to MK to do whatever else we wanted to do till dinner then get on the monorail and head to the Poly. Have dinner at Captain Cook's (that way I could get the Dole Whip swirled with vanilla softserve as my dessert! Plus the Adult Grilled Cheese sandwich looks SO GOOD!) then really check out the Poly. Get some photos of the beautiful waterfall! Check out the shops. If we're still hungry get some sushi at the sushi bar. Grab a Lapu Lapu at the Tambu Lounge.


Then go watch Wishes from the beach! It's not quite the same view as the WDP, but I think I could get some really great pictures! And that way I'd be avoiding the crowds leaving the park at the end of the night!

So yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards doing now. I'll run it by The Boyfriend this weekend and see what he thinks. If he's onboard then I'll cancel that dinner ADR at The Wave and decide not to bother booking the WDP if it is extended.

The WDP is something I'd really like to do... I just don't think it's right for this trip. Hopefully it will be something WDW will continue to do for a very long time and it will be something I'll do on some future trip.
Originally my plan was to wake up that morning whenever we feel like getting up. Grab breakfast at the resort food court. Then head to MK. Do some rides then have lunch at Cosmic Ray's. Then go do more rides and attractions and stuff. Then hop on the monorail and go to the Contemporary for dinner at
The Wave. After dinner, we'd probably head to the Outer Rim lounge since it's our favorite resort lounge!


We'd have some drinks, then either head back to the resort and maybe hang out a the pool... or head to DTD and enjoy the nightlife.... whatever we were in the mood to do. I was planning on skipping Wishes all together.

Cute picture!

Then I changed up my plans slightly when I was looking at food porn here on the DIS! That Tonga Toast looked too good to miss! So I went ahead and made an ADR at Kona for breakfast. So the plan was to wake up early, have breakfast at Kona (that we'd pay OOP for since we don't have any more dining credits to use) then go to MK.

I didn't tell The Boyfriend about this breakfast because I was thinking of maybe surprising him with it that morning. But then I started thinking about how he doesn't do so well with early mornings. And then one day he mentioned to me that he doesn't like going out to breakfast. So I canceled that ADR for Kona and went back to the original plan. I decided I'll have to try Tonga Toast some other day...

Then The Boyfriend mentioned that he'd be willing to do the Wishes Dessert Party (which I assumed was out of the question since he doesn't like sweet foods and isn't big on desserts) So the new plan was to get up, eat at the resort, go to MK for a bit, get on the monorail and go to the Contemporary for lunch at The Wave. Then head back to MK and spend the day there, have dinner at Cosmic Ray's. Then go to the WDP. After Wishes we'd probably head to the Contemporary for a drink at the Outer Rim lounge.

The main problem with this plan is that currently the WDP is only scheduled until August 14th! And we have no idea if they'll extend it or not! So I kept my ADR for dinner at The Wave and added an ADR for lunch at The Wave. Then I'd cancel whichever ADR we weren't going to use once I knew if we were doing the WDP or not.

After comparing the lunch and dinner menus at The Wave, I decided that I'd rather do lunch there. So I started thinking that we might do that regardless of whether we go to WDP or not.

And then I started re-thinking the WDP. We're already going to be eating so many desserts on the trip with the DDP. Plus I know I'll be using my snack credits for dessert-y items! I'm worried the WDP might be too much. Plus, The Boyfriend doesn't even like desserts! So it would be pretty wasted on him. Plus, I really hate leaving the parks at closing! The lines for the buses and monorail are pretty crazy...then once you get on the bus/monorail its standing room only. Not much fun after a long day at the park! I'd much rather slip out of the park before Wishes starts to avoid those crowds! The only thing that was really making it a tough decision was the fact that I'd have that great view of Wishes for photos...

I hear ya about the WDP being dessert overkill. I do love desserts but I can't have too much of them, especially when every TS meal includes dessert for each of us! Most often me and DH share a dessert at most, because I we can never finish our own. So I think the WDP may be a little too much sweets for this trip as well, although I would love to do it someday. They should have an option where you can choose either an appetizer or dessert as part of the DP, but I am sure desserts are a lot more cost-effective for them. I am actually looking forward to having dessert with every TS meal, and me and DH can have different desserts and try new things!

Well, The Boyfriend doesn't even like Magic Kingdom like at all! And there's really only a few things at MK that are on my Must-Do List- Space Mountain, Philharmagic, the Jungle Cruise and I wanted to ride the train around the park once! As for what else we'd do at MK, my idea was whatever we could walk on or get FPs for! So I started thinking that we'd be spending a lot of time at MK with our current plans and there wasn't a lot we really wanted to do there. (And honestly I think The Boyfriend would rather skip MK entirely!)

So now I'm thinking we get up in the morning and eat at the resort, go to MK for a bit, have lunch at The Wave, head back to MK to do whatever else we wanted to do till dinner then get on the monorail and head to the Poly. Have dinner at Captain Cook's (that way I could get the Dole Whip swirled with vanilla softserve as my dessert! Plus the Adult Grilled Cheese sandwich looks SO GOOD!) then really check out the Poly. Get some photos of the beautiful waterfall! Check out the shops. If we're still hungry get some sushi at the sushi bar. Grab a Lapu Lapu at the Tambu Lounge.


Then go watch Wishes from the beach! It's not quite the same view as the WDP, but I think I could get some really great pictures! And that way I'd be avoiding the crowds leaving the park at the end of the night!

So yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards doing now. I'll run it by The Boyfriend this weekend and see what he thinks. If he's onboard then I'll cancel that dinner ADR at The Wave and decide not to bother booking the WDP if it is extended.

The WDP is something I'd really like to do... I just don't think it's right for this trip. Hopefully it will be something WDW will continue to do for a very long time and it will be something I'll do on some future trip.

Sounds like a good plan! And the Lapu Lapu sounds and looks good!!! Does it taste like pineapple too?
They should have an option where you can choose either an appetizer or dessert as part of the DP, but I am sure desserts are a lot more cost-effective for them.

I agree! The Boyfriend doesn't do dessert, but he loves appetizers! So having a choice between the two would be ideal.

Sounds like a good plan! And the Lapu Lapu sounds and looks good!!! Does it taste like pineapple too?

I don't remember how pineapple-y it tasted to be honest. It was really good though! Pretty pricey though! I hear you can get it cheaper if you order it in a regular cup instead of the pineapple... but that takes all the fun out of it!


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