Getting to Know You

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Sherlock, Once Upon A Time (I've seen the first season but then I kind of fizzled), Firefly...

I have all these shows people are begging me to watch. And instead I just watch tons of episodes of Malcolm in the Middle and don't get around to the other stuff...
Orreed question!
If you had to join the military which branch and position would you choose?
I honestly don't know, this is something I would have to think about if this time ever came, but maybe the navy.
Big Bang Theory, Agents of SHIELD, Raising Hope, FRIENDS, Breaking Bad

Public Affairs Specialist for the Coast Guard or a similar job in the Air Force.
PAs are the Coast Guard's enlisted public-communications experts. They write news releases and feature articles, shoot still and video imagery, serve as spokespersons, and maintain websites to raise public awareness of important Coast Guard issues and news stories.
Expeditioneverestgrl question!
What is one time you were mad at yourself?
Hmm, i definitely have been many times but I can't think of any specific instance. Maybe when I was in middle school and we would go to sleepovers and play truth or dare and would say some mean gossipy stuff about people. I always felt bad afterwards if I said something I regretted.
Not a specific time, but when I can't do something I feel like I should be able to
I'm a perfectionist, so just a lot with my music, singing, academic performance, etc.
Oh man I am mad at myself all the time. The latest was yesterday when I locked myself out of my room. I get mad when I am nervous too bc I shouldn't be nervous. I get mad when I think of something I should've said to someone after I see them. A lot of things lol
Do you know how to drive? Are you a good driver? Yes, I drive. I'd say I'm good. No accidents, except for the parked car in the parking lot that I hit a few years back, but I hardly count that.
Also, I have avoided several accidents from bad drivers.
Yes I know how to drive. I would say I'm a good driver... No accidents I've been in have been my fault. I don't have my car with me in college, so I miss driving. Can't wait to go home next week and drive my car, and we just got a jeep and I haven't gotten to drive it yet so I'm really excited!
Yes, I drive, and I'd say I'm a very safe driver. No crashes. Actually, that's funny because I did the same thing, hit a parked car in a parking lot. Didn't do any damage though, and I only had my permit at the time and had only been driving for a month so I don't count that either.
I'm the person that cars pass because I never go more than five miles over the speed limit...
I'm not old enough yet, so no. But even if I was, I can't even drive in Mario Kart very well so I would presume I'm a pretty bad driver.
I'm always mad at myself for some reason or another

I pretty much know how to drive. But in an emergency I feel like I'd pull an Earth to Echo and Google it xD
Yes, my only little accident would be when I didn't have the truck in park and it slid forward in the garage and sorta hit... something... And dented a teensy bit above the wheel...
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