Getting drunk at Epcot?

We were at Epcot 2 years ago NYE and I was amazed how many young kids were pretty well drunk. I saw very little in the way of security and lots of drunks, needless to say I was not happy. The kids the 14 & 11 were a little put off by their actions.

I remember being 21 , but did not expect to see it at WDW.
Besides the cost of the drinks, I've always thought most of the beverages at Disney, including Epcot WS, are a bit light on the alcohol. They seem to be substantial frozen and/or fruity concoctions, but the emphasis seems to be on the flavorings, syrups and frozen particles. Delish, but you'd have to drink a lot of $10-12-14 drinks to get drunk. Maybe the beers are stronger? Or the wine is bigger portions than people usually consume. JMHO.

However, we did see a couple of drunk young'uns on electric scooters last May (World showcase) Every time we saw them, they were running into barricades & walls and having great difficult backing away to straighten the scooters out & get going. Giggling hysterically of course. And spilling their $12 drinks all over themselves & the scooters. Don't know if they ever got kicked out or not, but they sure wasted a lot of beverage while getting wasted.
Never seen anyone sloppy drunk at WDW.

Now here is a fun twist. If you enjoy adult beverages, try having a couple cocktails (not to many) and going on your favorite thrill ride. It totally changes Space Mountain.:drinking1
Yes occifer, I haven't not been drinking.

Some theople pink I'm over the affluence of inkahol.

I'm not as think as you drunk I am.


My brother actually got drunk at Epcot once. He wasn't hurtin too bad, but it was pretty noticable. Luckily that was at the end of our day so we didn't have to make a special trip to escort him back to the hotel. Guess he had too many margaritas in Mexico and too many of those Grey Goose citron lemonade slushies in France. :lmao:
As we were walking through the parking lot to get into Epcot, there were three ladies and one of them couldn't walk. I was wondering if we should get help, but DH said it looked like she was drunk and looking back on it, the other two didn't seem to be looking for help, so I guess she was that drunk. This was about 4:30 in the afternoon. They weren't younguns either.
The wife and I drink "around the world" when we visit EPCOT but we don't get sloppy drunk or ignorant to fellow visitors. We are at Disney....what is there to be angry about?? :drinking1 Maybe we just have a higher tolerance. Hmmmmmm....;)
Has anyone heard if anyone has been ask to leave the parks because they were to drunk? I guess this would happen at Epcot or WS since they sell alcohol. I just wondered if anyone just got knee knocking drunk and had to be escorted out.

I thought all the (4) parks sell alcohol. ºOº
Someone told me that the little drink/snack stands around Epcot actually have beer that can be purchased. They keep it under the cart - but if you ask they will sell. This came from my bosses 21 year old. Not sure if true or not.
Never seen anyone sloppy drunk at WDW.

Now here is a fun twist. If you enjoy adult beverages, try having a couple cocktails (not to many) and going on your favorite thrill ride. It totally changes Space Mountain.:drinking1

I guess I'm in the minority, but when I'm on vacation, I DRINK! I've been sloppy drunk at Pleasure Island, but never in the Parks. Not to say I haven't been HAMMERED in the Parks... did the Food & Wine Fest. last year, and I was completely wasted.

Fortunately, for everyone involved, I'm a pretty peaceful drunk. Other than doing some weaving while walking, I'm ok. I just don't see me getting into a confrontation with someone over being bumped by a stroller.. the drunker I am, the more relaxed.

One of the reasons I feel comfortable doing this: Disney is a secure environment. I can be drunk and I'm (probably) not going to be pickpocketed. I'm not going to be mugged. My group also doesn't have to worry about designated drivers. We can relax, not worry about "who doesn't get to drink" and take the bus home.

I've also never seen anyone "in trouble" for being drunk in the Parks.

And for the "fun twist" mentioned above.... HECK YEAH... alcohol totally changes even Big Thunder Mountain!

Next time you're at EPCOT, look for the guy at Illuminations who's just staring at it with a stupid grin on his face.
One of my favorite incidents during F&W was 4 adults on scooters with full wine glasses chasing each other around WS. They were weaving in and out of crowds, yelling and screaming at people. They drove right up to the kiosk for a drink! I think enough people finally complained because they were all escorted to the front of the park (sans scooters). :)

I am cracking up! :lmao: :rotfl2:

Besides the cost of the drinks, I've always thought most of the beverages at Disney, including Epcot WS, are a bit light on the alcohol. They seem to be substantial frozen and/or fruity concoctions, but the emphasis seems to be on the flavorings, syrups and frozen particles. Delish, but you'd have to drink a lot of $10-12-14 drinks to get drunk. Maybe the beers are stronger? Or the wine is bigger portions than people usually consume. JMHO.

My DH isn't a lightweight at all and holds his alcohol pretty well. We were in Epcot and he got a beer in Germany with the souvenior glass and after drinking it I think he was a little buzzed. :rotfl: He said "Wow that German beer got me." And his family is from Nicaragua where drinking hard and strong stuff is the norm.
I've never seen anyone being escorted out of Epcot for being drunk, but there were times I wish security had done so!
I've never been under the alcofluence of incohol while at Disney.

Bill From PA

Ne meither.

Next time you're at EPCOT, look for the guy at Illuminations who's just staring at it with a stupid grin on his face.

That ought to narrow it down. Everybody looks like that when they watch it!
Someone told me that the little drink/snack stands around Epcot actually have beer that can be purchased. They keep it under the cart - but if you ask they will sell. This came from my bosses 21 year old. Not sure if true or not.

Oh, its not under the cart, it is the cart (some carts in WS are just kegs and coolers that sell wines)! Every CS,restaurants and a lot of carts sell alcoholic beverages. And that is not just Epcot but all other spots except MK. In other words, it is not hidden.
As much as DH and I like to indulge in adult beverages, there's no way we will be doing so at WDW. Not with the way the economy is these days and the fact that we would go broke trying to get a buzz on. If I want to drink when we are WDW in the spring of 2009 I think I will wait until we are back at our resort. After all a 30 pack of Keystone Light is only $13.99 and with drinks at WDW in excess of $3-$? ( just a guess here) it would cost us $3 X 30 = $90 or more ?????? I think not..............I can get 6 cases of beer and totally trashed each night after leaving the parks and returning to the privacy of my room to drink and not have to worry about what the alcohol's power will make me say or do in public. I have far too much self-respect and dignity to openly display drunkeness. Plus who would want to ride anything while drunk???????:confused3 :confused3 :confused3
In July we were there doing Beer Around the World at EPCOT. Gotta tell ya, it was a real good time. You have to start at Canada and work your way to Mexico. Nothing like a good Molson and Guiness to get the juices flowing.
I, too, like to indulge more on vacation. But the last two times we have been to WDW was in August, and as someone on the first page mentioned, it is hard to drink heavy alcoholic drinks in that HEAT, so we never got to drink around the World (we sampled a few, but never all pavilions)!

At night we would get a really good buzz on at Adventurer's Club, and I certainly will enjoy doing the same, if not get downright drunk, at Jellyrolls on my trip in December. We are staying at Boardwalk--we can walk home!

For the record, I don't go in planning to get drunk or buzzed, but at Disney it is very safe and we don't have to drive anyplace, so it's easy to really let go. At home one of us always has to be a designated driver or else pay high taxi fees to get to and from where we are partying.

We are not sloppy drunks in any way, and I have only seen sloppy drunks maybe once or twice, and it was in DTD, never in the parks.


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