From Cast Member to Annual Passholder! Updated 03/14/16

Hi Robin! I just discovered this and I'm really enjoying reading all about your adventures as a cast member (and frequent park explorer).

Also ... I went to Fountain View during your first week on the job, on Sunday 2/22. I wish I had found this before that trip because I totally would have looked for you! Now I guess I have to go back so that I can met you (I go to Fountain View pretty much every trip ... I'm a Starbucks addict)
Hi Robin,
I just read through your thread. what an amazing adventure! I loved your castle pictures. The bracelet is so charming. I'm so glad you're sharing your experience working for the mouse. I tell my dh when he retires it's my dream to work and live in Orlando. We have 40 years before that happens so it'll be nice to live the adventure through you! It seems like you have met some great people. I admire you for bing young and living your dream!:yay:
This is my first official comment and your thread is the first one that I've subscribed to! :yay::) I just found your TR about an hour ago and got all caught up. I love that you are sharing your experience as a CM with us. Although I've been to Disney many many times, I never knew about how awesome the art of animation resort was. I can't wait to take my toddler there this summer, he's going to go nuts when he sees all the Cars related stuff.
I love that bracelet in the gold, it's very pretty!

Glad you had a fun St. Paddy's Day and are feeling better!
Glad to hear your feeling better, that sleep must've helped.

Some more great pictures, loved your bracelet it's gorgeous

Glad you are enjoying the updates!
Glad you are feeling better! And sad that the party was not as awesome as you expected, but DTD is always fun!

Also, I adore that bracelet :) I'm not usually a bracelet person, but I might could make an exception for Disney jewelry...
I love that's understated Disney jewelry!
Love the new bracelet! I've been toying with the idea of getting myself some. I love subtle Disney jewelry.
Me too!
Glad your feeling better! LOVE your bracelet!!! Big fan of the Alex and Ani bracelets!!! :)

I saw the Cinderella movie this past weekend with my DH & my DD. We all just loved it!!!
So glad you loved the movie!!
Great updates. I love that when you get off work you can just walk around WS. That's awesome!! I've never been to Raglan, I hope to next time.

Thank you! It is lovely to have that luxury to go around the parks whenever I feel like it!
I'm in love with your bracelet. Must. Have. And great to hear about Cinderella. DD and I are going this weekend and I think I might be slightly more excited than she is. :)

Isn't it lovely?! Hope you enjoy the movie!

Just joined in last night and enjoyed this so much! What a fun adventure-- hard work I'm sure with moments that are less than "fun", but wow, you are working at DW!!! I would have loved to do this in my 20s! Thanks for sharing your experiences :)
Glad to have you following along with me! You're most welcome!
I thought I would follow along on your journey. Your postings are refreshing in the sense that we read all the time about the DCP. We never hear about a FT CM. Its pretty fun and I hope that life is filled with magic and adventure every day. I look forward to your next update.

Glad you're here!

Hi Robin! I just discovered this and I'm really enjoying reading all about your adventures as a cast member (and frequent park explorer).

Also ... I went to Fountain View during your first week on the job, on Sunday 2/22. I wish I had found this before that trip because I totally would have looked for you! Now I guess I have to go back so that I can met you (I go to Fountain View pretty much every trip ... I'm a Starbucks addict)

Hi Sarah!
Thanks for following along! It's a shame we missed other your last visit, but that definitely does give you an excuse to go back!! ;)
Hi Robin,
I just read through your thread. what an amazing adventure! I loved your castle pictures. The bracelet is so charming. I'm so glad you're sharing your experience working for the mouse. I tell my dh when he retires it's my dream to work and live in Orlando. We have 40 years before that happens so it'll be nice to live the adventure through you! It seems like you have met some great people. I admire you for bing young and living your dream!:yay:
Thank you! So glad to have you following along :)
This is my first official comment and your thread is the first one that I've subscribed to! :yay::) I just found your TR about an hour ago and got all caught up. I love that you are sharing your experience as a CM with us. Although I've been to Disney many many times, I never knew about how awesome the art of animation resort was. I can't wait to take my toddler there this summer, he's going to go nuts when he sees all the Cars related stuff.
Thank you for subscribing and commenting! The Art of Animation Resort is just breathtaking! Hoping to get to stay there sometime! Glad you guys get to go!
I love that bracelet in the gold, it's very pretty!

Glad you had a fun St. Paddy's Day and are feeling better!

Thank you!!
Another quick update!

Sadly this is going to be a short and picture-less update as this flu bug has bit me again! I had to leave work early on Wednesday and could not make it in on Thursday. I literally spent the entire day in bed. :cold::crazy2:

I really thought I was getting over this messy thing! Today has been a little better, have a little more energy but still definitely sick. I am hoping to get better because I really hate wasting my off days indoors. I know I need the rest but I hate losing precious Disney time.

Thank you all for the lovely comments, so glad to have so many people following along on this adventure! Hopefully I will have more updates to share with you all soon.

Hope you feel better soon! My DD got hit hard last week with the flu. :worried: She missed a few days of school. I'm glad she's better now and back to her old self. I know resting will help to get better, but I agree with you having to stay indoors and waste precious Disney time.
Just wanted to let you know how great it's been to read along with your beautiful new life as it unfolds. It's really incredible of you to share so much with us! Thank you. It brightens my spirits every time I check in!

Get well soon!
Another quick update!

Sadly this is going to be a short and picture-less update as this flu bug has bit me again! I had to leave work early on Wednesday and could not make it in on Thursday. I literally spent the entire day in bed. :cold::crazy2:

I really thought I was getting over this messy thing! Today has been a little better, have a little more energy but still definitely sick. I am hoping to get better because I really hate wasting my off days indoors. I know I need the rest but I hate losing precious Disney time.

Thank you all for the lovely comments, so glad to have so many people following along on this adventure! Hopefully I will have more updates to share with you all soon.


I hope that you feel better soon! When you work with the public you deal with many germs & at WDW you get germs from all over the world! Until I worked in a hospital. Never thought much about germs, now I'm cleaning my hands a lot, and I always make sure I do it right as I leave work & clean off my phone too.
So sorry to hear you are sick again :sad: Hope you get to feeling better really soon so you can enjoy the Parks again! :rainbow:
Feel better very soon! If you do go to MK, there are a few places that have soups that help a cold or the flu - I discovered this last March when I was sick the entire time I was at WDW. Sleepy Hollow has a good chicken & rice soup, and Cosmic Ray's has chicken noodle soup. But hopefully you won't need them!
Just discovered your trip report and caught up with it. I'm living vicariously through you until my vacation in June! I can't wait. This report is so fun to read so thank you for your continuous updates. :) Feel better!
Before I get into a new update, I just want to thank all of you for the well-wishes. I am still not quite over this icky bug, but just trying to rest up, get some sunshine, and drinking lots of water with hopes that it'll be gone soon! :hug:

Friday 3/20: Slept in ALLLL morning trying to recuperate. I had some more energy and a couple of friends of mine -Sonia and Joe- invited me to go to Epcot for a couple of hours. I headed out to meet them and got to the park around 6:00pm.

We decided to stop at Fountainview for a quick drink and I said hello to my coworkers who decorated my cup nicely for me!

Afterwards we decided to head over to Nemo and Friends and rode that!

Sticking to the restful ride thing we all headed over to one of my absolute favorite rides...Captain EO! (I am a very big Michael Jackson fan so this always cheers me up!)

Sonia had been wanting to try some food from the Flower and Garden Festival so we made our way over to the Mexico Pavillon.

She ended up the Tacos El Pastor, the tequila flight, and the flan de quesadilla.
She said that everything was delicious, just very tiny. She paid almost 25$ for everything, it could honestly barely be considered a snack! When in Disney...I guess!
We decided to do Test Track before the park closed and it was a lot of fun!

It was a nice evening and it was the perfect amount of time since I still wasn't feeling all that great. But a little Disney magic never hurt anyone!

Saturday 3/21 : I slept in again until around 12:00pm and decided I would go meet up with Sonia and Joe at Hollywood Studios for a little bit of fun!

It was almost 90 degrees today so I knew I had to take it easy and do simple things out of the sun. So naturally we decided to go to watch Beauty and the Beast!


I just love that show!

After Beauty and the Beast we headed over to the Animation Studios and did some character meet and greets!

Minnie Mouse!

The Big Cheese Himself!

After that we decided to head over to the Frozen Sing-a-long because I'm obsessed! But had to sing in the rain first!

For supper we managed to snag a reservation at Hollywood and Vine, and I honestly had no clue this place even existed! It's a buffet style restaurant and it's 34.99$ per adult meal, and it was FLAWLESS. I wish I had taken pictures but my phone had died. It was an amazing dinner and it was even better because of the cast member discount we received! They had some amazing dishes, a lobster pasta that was to die for, an amazing creamed cornbread, fresh salmon, asiago chicken, ugh everything I ate was FANTASTIC! I would HIGHLY recommend eating here! Just delicious! :thumbsup2

Sunday 3/22: Was still feeling pretty under the weather. Woke up around noon and decided to head out to Animal Kingdom for about an hour and then to target for some groceries.

Didn't ride anything as the wait times were high, just wandered around to try to get my steps in for the day and headed out about an hour after I got there. Another really hot day!

I have also been toying around with the idea of creating a Youtube channel to vlog my experiences, so that may be in the works coming soon. Hope you all have a lovely week!


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