Free Dining Oct-Dec Is Here!!

Smitch.....while I personally agree with 100% what you wrote....the title does say "CONFIRMED"...and the MODS failed by leaving this in this section....every other "rumor" is moved to the rumor board faster than the speed of light...this wasn't...

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The rumors and news forum is centered around what is happening with the parks. Typically when you see the word "confirmed" in relation to an upcoming promotion it means that it is a solid lead based on an actual leak from inside the company. If you look at the rumors and news forum, you will see the word "confirmed" all over the place. That holds the same meaning on that forum as it does here. Nothing is ever truly confirmed until Disney themselves put it in writing. Regardless of that word being used in the title, it has been stated repeatedly, including the first post, that the release date is Aug 1. It is not yet Aug. 1. The Visa date is CLEARLY listed as a speculation in the first post. Being disappointed is one thing, but people have no right to blame anyone for anything. You (generally speaking, not you personally) can't pick and choose which lines of a rumor you are going to believe and then get mad if those statements are not fact. You have to read the rumor as a whole. The rumor is that a deal is coming on Aug 1. Until then, no one should be up in arms. And even if nothing is released that day, no one should behave as some have done here today.
I am wondering if the dates aren't the release date is August 1st. Maybe for cardholders maybe for everybody. There has already been bouncebacks offered and pin codes during that time frame, maybe cardholders arent getting advanced notice this time. Its not unheard of....
I am so sorry that so many didn't get what they were looking for this morning...especially the west coasters up at 4a.

But I'm sticking to my original post--the first of the two links above--as qualified by the second post....

Haven't had time to catch up on the last couple hours of emails, but as a west-coaster who did get up at 4am, I wanted to say that while it might be a little disappointing, this is certainly nothing to get worked up about! Thank you to black, David, smitch, and the many others who give their input to this thread (and others). :) :) :) Hopefully, we will get the special deal we want, but I was never promised anything. ;)
While I did talk to my TA yesterday and give her my DV info, I am not crushed it did not come out today. I am still hoping for an August 1 release as FD would save my family of 7 roughly $3000.00. Thank you Joe Black for all you do to keep us informed with the information you receive. I support you buddy!
Come on, people...all of this name calling is not helping anyone. It's time to stop all the bickering and act like the adults you are. Here are the FACTS we know to be 100% true:

1. Black shared with us some leaked info from his sources. Sources that have been accurate in the past.

2. Black stated the rumored deal's released date would be Aug. 1, and that DV holders MIGHT get an early release as they have MOST of the time in the past.

3. It is not Aug. 1.

4. It has been said repeatedly by multiple people that no one should alter plans based on any rumor.

5. The definition of rumor is "A currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth"

6. Phone CMs give out incorrect info on a regular basis and would have no idea if a pending offer was pulled. I was once told that POP doesn't have a lake. So take everything said by a phone CM with a grain (or truckload) of salt.

There is no one to blame for ANYTHING. Personal accountability is the only thing in play here.

Thank you to all of you guys for all if the info always!!! We knew it was only rumor for DV today, still have hope for 8/1!! Thanks again!!!
Third, if a leak causes bookings to go through the roof, it could cause the leak, no matter how solid it is, to be cancelled.

In all the reading I've done on all the threads on this topic, I personally keep coming back to this one point.

Everything Disney does is designed to maximize their profits - that isn't news to anyone here, right? And if a period of less-than-desirable occupancy rates suddenly starts filling up because of rumored discounts.....well, if I'm Disney, I might start "leaking" some rumors of a discount just to see if that rumor alone can tweak those numbers to something I'm more comfortable with. Wouldn't that be the ultimate irony? Those folks most desperately chasing a discount might actually have a part in keeping it from being released? :badpc:

The one piece of advise in common from all the posts from all of these folks who are trying to help us is: DO NOT CHANGE AN EXISTING RESERVATION OR BOOK A NEW RESERVATION BASED SOLELY UPON THESE RUMORS.

We're currently booked at POR for the first week of November because we know that's when we're going, and POR fits into our budget. We'd love to score FD or 30% RO and upgrade to WL. It will happen or it won't, but we'll still be in WDW regardless.

Plan your trip based upon what you can afford to pay. Have a backup plan to take advantage of any discounts that might be offered. That's just common sense, right?

Don't shoot the messengers who are just trying to help.
We got knocked down this morning. Let's pick ourselves back up and start having some official Disney fun on an unofficial Disney forum!!!:banana:

:)That's what it's really all about for me, getting to know peeps who love Disney as much as me and learning and sharing info along the way!:cool1:
We got knocked down this morning. Let's pick ourselves back up and start having some official Disney fun on an unofficial Disney forum!!!:banana:

:)That's what it's really all about for me, getting to know peeps who love Disney as much as me and learning and sharing info along the way!:cool1:

me too... the guessing is half the fun. :flower3:
We're currently booked at POR for the first week of November because we know that's when we're going, and POR fits into our budget. We'd love to score FD or 30% RO and upgrade to WL. It will happen or it won't, but we'll still be in WDW regardless.

Plan your trip based upon what you can afford to pay. Have a backup plan to take advantage of any discounts that might be offered. That's just common sense, right?

Don't shoot the messengers who are just trying to help.

Hear, hear!!! And we are thinking the same way you are. FD or 30% RO and upgrade to WL! LOL
We got knocked down this morning. Let's pick ourselves back up and start having some official Disney fun on an unofficial Disney forum!!!:banana:

:)That's what it's really all about for me, getting to know peeps who love Disney as much as me and learning and sharing info along the way!:cool1:

Okay now Chumbawamba is the sound track in my Head.
I am putting this aside....but I must say:
1.) I appreciate the advance info, which has been at least 95% reliable and stand firm it will continue to be.

2.) I'm a planner. I pour over details, making the anticipated release prep work grueling for people like me (many of you are!!)

3.) I've lost nothing other than 1 hour of sleep, and a missed AM workout. I suppose I can handle the stress in exchange for being able to plan rather than decide at the very moment I call for a blind ressie.

Happy planning to all...try to relax and hope the release comes in next couple days or wks. :)
I do appreciate all of your kind words; however, I want this to happen. I want all of you to have a wonderful Disney experience this fall.

Regardless of whether or not August 1, as leaked, is accurate or not, I'm beginning to wonder if these leaks are a good or bad thing...both from me, Danny, and all the others from the past who's leaked information.

For starters, everyone's sources are usually anonymous, as to protect their position. Someone is potentially putting their neck on the line by leaking info to someone, who then leaks it on here. Is it worth someone getting fired?

Second, we know Disney watches these boards, as they have said so in the past....and we know that they've grown incredibly frustrated with the leaks.

Third, if a leak causes bookings to go through the roof, it could cause the leak, no matter how solid it is, to be cancelled.

I'm certainly not saying any of this has happened this time...but eventually, one or all of those things will, it's only a matter of time.

I now go back to my sulking...:sad1:

:hug: Although FD is pretty important to our vacation, we will have a wonderful Disney experience either way. You're at Disney, that in of itself is a blessed experience! princess: Heck, I'd eat peanut butter sandwiches every day in the room if I had to just to be there, so don't you worry about it.

I personally love the leaks, it gives hope that an offer is coming. I know upfront that it ultimately may or may not happen. I'm a big girl, I can handle it. I still have hope and I believe in you. If something happens and this does not happen, I don't think it was because of your sources or anything like that. We know that Disney changes their minds and pulls stuff based on what is happening with bookings.

But seriously, without the leaks and hope you've given me I don't think I would have made it through the PIN disappointments. So lets all just regroup, get our :cheer2: spirits back up and hope that Aug 1st brings some pixie dust to us all :wizard:

I almost hate to add to the million posts already here, but...

I read the rumor and based my trip on it...only in that it started me thinking about going during the Food and Wine Festival after wanting to go for years. I found a great rate on flights and booked them.

I would love to get FD, but I would never have booked flights based on a "leak" if I could not afford my vacation. I did not book the resort portion yet and won't until I know there is no chance of a discount being released.

Thank you Joe and Dave. Even if I don't get FD, I'm still going to Disney!
I have been stalking this thread for quite awhile and was a little bit disappointed this morning, and still hopeful that free dining will be released.

But you know what? It's not the end of the world if there is no free dining! We are planning our first WDW trip in November and at this point we are so excited, I am not going to let free dining or lack thereof decide if we can go, even though our budget is tight. It sure would be nice, but if we don't get it, hopefully we'll get a room discount and if we have to, we can forego the dining plan and eat cheaper paying out of pocket if we choose some not-as-pricy but still awesome WDW restaurants. I am still waiting to book for awhile to see if free dining is offered, and I'll be :cheer2: if it is!

THANK YOU to the folks who are willing to post the rumors, etc. It sounds like most people here get you are only trying to help, you had good intentions and reliable sources, and you really can't control what Disney does. It sure does make it fun and exciting! :) I couldn't wait to log onto this thread this morning and see if people were getting their discounts... hoping for better news Thursday morning, or sooner!! :goodvibes
This is fact. Straight from the horses mouth. No rumor here.

OK...all I want to know is one thing...and then I promise to never ever reply to another troll ever again. But was the horse's name you speak of Mr. Ed? Because I don't think he was employed by Disney... :hippie:


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