Find Your Own "Directive" - the February Weight Loss / Life Style Change Challenge

REPORT - no loss this week :(
For month:1/4lbs

Busy weekend, busy Monday at work. Just checking in for late report.
Question of the day - February 15

Progress Report: Half-way Point
We are officially half-way through the month and should be well on our way to finding our new Directives.
Take a moment to reflect on the last 14 days and really be honest in your evaluations.
Ask yourself: Are you breaking free from your programing and finding a new Directive?

Are you on target for your goal? Why or Why not?
What will you change over the next 14 days to finish strong?
What will you keep doing?

I am at about 30% for the month. Not too happy with my pace. I feel like my eating has been on point and the bump in exercise have been kicking my butt! My clothes are maybe fitting a tiny bit better but nothing noticeable. The scale is just NOT moving. Although to be positive, I've learned that "healthy" foods aren't as hard to eat as I've always believed they were, yeah it's easier to drive thru McD's but it's cheaper and takes me maybe 5-10 minutes to whip up something at home! It sounds silly but basic things like how to cut a cantelope or how to tell if an avacado is ripe or how to cook quinoa, I've learned all these new things now through this lifestyle change! So I am happy that I've become a better cook in my kitchen! Oh and my favorite thing is now Kale Chips!

To finish strong, I want to make sure I am working out 5 days a week, whether it's my stationary bike at home or my trampoline class I can't stop talking about!
The "I Love You, I Know" bracelet was released at Disney World as of Thursday of last week - but Disneyland is not getting it until this morning. So back we go to Disneyland for a muffin at the Jolly Holiday and going on a quest to find the bracelet.

@courtneybeth Do you have a picture of these bracelets? They sound cute! Do you know if they are available online. Love Alex and Ani!

Also, super jealous that you live so close to Disneyland and can pop in whenever!
QOTD I am at 31%. My food and checking in is good but I need to walk more. It doesn't help that it was 0 yesterday morning and had a massive headache on Friday but I should be able to improve on that since we have 2 weeks to get all costumes ready for Music Man. The director is having almost 2 weeks of tech to get everything ready

Have a happy and healthy day
The "I Love You, I Know" bracelet was released at Disney World as of Thursday of last week - but Disneyland is not getting it until this morning. So back we go to Disneyland for a muffin at the Jolly Holiday and going on a quest to find the bracelet.

I collect the Alex and Ani Disney bracelets too! Just bought 3 today! :)

Side note: for those of you guys planning trips to Disneyland before May 21, keep in mind that the Southern California resident ticket offers are in effect. Non-passholder residents can purchase three days for $180 (or $60 per day) and it's filling up the parks when many big attractions are closed. We were joking yesterday that you're paying 2/3 of the price for 2/3 of the park!

Hubby is trying to talk me into waiting until after May to get our AP's because of the So Cal Resident tickets......I don't really want to wait though!!

Question of the day - February 15

Progress Report: Half-way Point
We are officially half-way through the month and should be well on our way to finding our new Directives.
Take a moment to reflect on the last 14 days and really be honest in your evaluations.
Ask yourself: Are you breaking free from your programing and finding a new Directive?

Are you on target for your goal? Why or Why not?
What will you change over the next 14 days to finish strong?
What will you keep doing?

I'm half way to my goal, down 4lbs of the 8 I wanted to lose this month. I feel good about it but I'm not being anywhere as good as I could be. I have great days where I make good choices and exercise and then a day here and there where I'm totally lazy and don't really care what I am eating. I need to get a better handle on those days. I don't beat myself up about it like I use to in the past, throwing myself into a complete tailspin because I was bad. I'm taking each day as it comes, doing my best to be smart and accepting those days I'm not so smart! Life happens, it's how you handle it that makes the difference!
We got back from Disney this morning at 8am (meaning we left at 5am)-- it was brutal but worth it. Trying to stay awake at work now LOL!

The weekend didn't go too bad (except for cocktails which will ruin your calorie goal in like two sips I tell ya!) but I still want to wait until Friday to get on the scale and see how much damage I can repair over the course of this week.

But the fun factor was off the charts awesome! We had brunch yesterday at California Grill and it was AWESOME!!!! We were able to come back to watch the fireworks up there as well. Not quite the view as standing right in front of the castle, but I could have champagne while watching so that won haha! MK was crazy crowded, but we had a great time just being in the moment and then going to listen to the orchestra at the GF.

Sadly, now it's back to the real world!

Question of the day - February 15

Progress Report: Half-way Point
We are officially half-way through the month and should be well on our way to finding our new Directives.
Take a moment to reflect on the last 14 days and really be honest in your evaluations.
Ask yourself: Are you breaking free from your programing and finding a new Directive?

Are you on target for your goal? Why or Why not?
What will you change over the next 14 days to finish strong?
What will you keep doing?

I am on target so far and I don't even know why I am managing better this month than last month other than maybe its just getting easier to exercise as I do more of it so it doesn't seem like SUCH a chore anymore.... maybe.... Or maybe MFP is motivating more now too that I can see the calorie counts and know where I stand everyday. I did go through my old photos and pulled a few of me at my goal weight and saved them to my computer to look at when I feel like jumping off the wagon.
Hey guys, just a quick QOTD hit and run for me today...

Question of the day - February 15

Progress Report: Half-way Point
We are officially half-way through the month and should be well on our way to finding our new Directives.
Take a moment to reflect on the last 14 days and really be honest in your evaluations.
Ask yourself: Are you breaking free from your programing and finding a new Directive?

Are you on target for your goal? Why or Why not?
What will you change over the next 14 days to finish strong?
What will you keep doing?

I am nowhere near on target. Why not? I keep treating Jelly Bellys and cookies like they don't count toward my calories for the day. I keep treating exercise like it's something I do if I'm ahead of schedule and there's nothing good on TV. Basically, I'm falling into bad habits and not particularly caring.

As for what I'm going to change - I need to stick to my schedule. Even if I'm behind schedule. Which means that if I have a workout scheduled for first thing in the morning, I do it first thing in the morning, even if I don't wake up until 9ish (I think that's part of what killed me last week - I kept oversleeping and it threw me off). Meals need to be what I've planned unless it's something we absolutely don't have in the house (the problem with living with other people is that sometimes the leftovers I wanted have been eaten before I get to them).

What I will keep doing is tracking my junk food. I've been pretty okay about that, and I need to keep it up. I may not enjoy looking at MFP and seeing that I ate 4 oreos, but that's still information that needs to be in there.

And ... that's all I have time for right now. Pizza for lunch coming up soon ... that wasn't in my plan, but I'll make it work. And that's why I dislike legal holidays ... too many other people home.
Got all my fast passes for April sorted out. I swear the more use to going to Disney I get the less I plan. I'm still holding out hope for rivers of light and the nighttime safari when I go, but not a lot haha
dsnyfn1022 Your pictures are beautiful. I love your dress and bouquet. I am really into weddings these days since we have 4 coming up in the next 14 months. 2 are for my sons, one for a nephew and one for for my Goddaughter

Thank you!! The bouquet was absolutely incredible! They did an amazing job. Also, that's a TON of weddings. Too fun!

@dsnyfn1022 - beautiful photos - how cool is your man rocking his pink shirt - it looks fantastic in the photos :D

Thank you! And he totally rocked that pink shirt! Pink was the theme for that wedding so we tried to fit it in wherever we could.

OH MY GOSH THE ONE IN THE CASTLE TUNNEL!!!! Oh my gosh all of them, really. :love::love::love::love::love: Those are the parks I would've picked, too!!!! HOW COOL!!!! that you got that experience and those memories and keepsakes. Those are amazing, amazing photographs.

(look, @courtneybeth, Hollywood Studios DOES exist! :P)

I loooooved that picture when I saw it. There was a color version but the black and white is perfect. And HS totally exists!! Haha it's seriously one of our faves. I think we hit it up twice on our last trip?

@dsnyfn1022 I'm freaking out over those pictures. It looks so wonderful and magical and both you guys just look AMAZING! Do you have another closer picture of those shoes though?! Also yay foot tattoos!

Thank you!! And I think I can find a closer picture of the shoes. If not I'll just pull them out of the closet for you. They were so cute byte OMG the pain haha. By our last photo day in the parks I had worn flip flops or went barefoot in between takes and rushing from shoot to shoot because I just couldn't. And I love my foot tattoos!! Well. All my tattoos. But my very first tattoo was on my foot.

@dsnyfn1022 those pictures are AMAZING!

Thank you!

@dsnyfn1022 YOUR PICTURES GIVE ME THE LOVE FEELS. They're gorgeous. :love:

Thank you!! I love all the Disney wedding pictures. It's so fun to sit down and go through them when I'm missing home

BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! .................P

oh and @dsnyfn1022 your pics were beautiful as well..

Thank you!!

Just beautiful!! Would love to have something like this done one day!

Thank you!!
@dsnyfn1022 cute shoes seem to be worth the pain. Haha. My first tatto was on the top of my foot as well. So I love the spot. Also respect it because the pain for that area was just ugh.
I will get one up on Instagram - courtneybeth83 is me :)



Oh hey... I AM READY FOR THIS. Except So Cal Resident ticket offer is still in effect and now we will have it be super packed.

Noooooooo i'll just miss it :( also random question does your DTD have a movie theatre?


Oh hey... I AM READY FOR THIS. Except So Cal Resident ticket offer is still in effect and now we will have it be super packed.

I thought of you when I saw this.
I'm guessing it'll mean crazy crowds ... but will probably be full of awesome yummy-ness.
also random question does your DTD have a movie theatre?

Yes, there's an AMC next door to the Earl of Sammich - right by the Disneyland Hotel.

(Seeing Captain America: Civil War? We're waiting three weeks to see it at Disney Springs LOL)
Question of the day - February 15

Progress Report: Half-way Point
We are officially half-way through the month and should be well on our way to finding our new Directives.
Take a moment to reflect on the last 14 days and really be honest in your evaluations.
Ask yourself: Are you breaking free from your programing and finding a new Directive?

Are you on target for your goal? Why or Why not?
What will you change over the next 14 days to finish strong?
What will you keep doing?

So I've hit my goal for the month however I'll be interested to see if I can maintain my 100% because this weekend was very naughty! It wouldn't have been so bad except that I ate an impromptu lunch out on Saturday at Quiznos and that alone was like 36 points :scared1:. And with Vday on Sunday my mom made red velvet cupcakes and I just couldn't resist. So needless to say this week will be spent playing catch up and praying that I can just come out even.

As for what's going on diet-wise, I'm finding that I'm not getting enough food with WW. Even with eating all of my weekly points and daily points I'm losing 3-4 pounds a week. I just don't think that's healthy or maintainable. So I've changed my settings so that I can now also eat my fitpoints and I'll be doing that this week. For today, I tracked all of the food I have had or plan on having in MFP and WW and it was only 1173 calories and based on what I burned off with exercise today and with what MFP says I should get, I'm 1,000 calories in the hole. Again, I don't track ketchup or mustard but still! That's just not enough calories for me. Especially since I ran 5 miles this morning. So for the rest of this week and into the weekend I'm going to track in both MFP and WW. I'm going to go forward with that for probably the rest of the month and then see how it goes with me eating my fitpoints on top of my weeklies. The good news is that I only get fitpoints when I run because I don't like to manually track it because it doesn't seem accurate and I don't want to way overshoot.
I thought of you when I saw this.
I'm guessing it'll mean crazy crowds ... but will probably be full of awesome yummy-ness.

If I can't have the real thing in Florida, I WILL TAKE THIS GLORIOUS SUBSTITUTE. :banana:

Apparently it used to be a thing years ago - but I wasn't old enough to drink when it happened. I'm curious as to how it's changed.
Yes, there's an AMC next door to the Earl of Sammich - right by the Disneyland Hotel.

(Seeing Captain America: Civil War? We're waiting three weeks to see it at Disney Springs LOL)

I can't imagine the circus it'll be but I'm debating it. I just realized while seeing Deadpool I'd be out there for it. #teamcap! Haha
I will get one up on Instagram - courtneybeth83 is me :)



Oh hey... I AM READY FOR THIS. Except So Cal Resident ticket offer is still in effect and now we will have it be super packed.

We haven't been to a DCA Food and Wine Festival in far too long, making plans now!! :)
So I've hit my goal for the month however I'll be interested to see if I can maintain my 100% because this weekend was very naughty! It wouldn't have been so bad except that I ate an impromptu lunch out on Saturday at Quiznos and that alone was like 36 points :scared1:. And with Vday on Sunday my mom made red velvet cupcakes and I just couldn't resist. So needless to say this week will be spent playing catch up and praying that I can just come out even.

As for what's going on diet-wise, I'm finding that I'm not getting enough food with WW. Even with eating all of my weekly points and daily points I'm losing 3-4 pounds a week. I just don't think that's healthy or maintainable. So I've changed my settings so that I can now also eat my fitpoints and I'll be doing that this week. For today, I tracked all of the food I have had or plan on having in MFP and WW and it was only 1173 calories and based on what I burned off with exercise today and with what MFP says I should get, I'm 1,000 calories in the hole. Again, I don't track ketchup or mustard but still! That's just not enough calories for me. Especially since I ran 5 miles this morning. So for the rest of this week and into the weekend I'm going to track in both MFP and WW. I'm going to go forward with that for probably the rest of the month and then see how it goes with me eating my fitpoints on top of my weeklies. The good news is that I only get fitpoints when I run because I don't like to manually track it because it doesn't seem accurate and I don't want to way overshoot.
That sounds like a good idea (to eat your fitpoints). It's not at all sustainable to undereat for a long time.


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