Find Your Own "Directive" - the February Weight Loss / Life Style Change Challenge

Question of the Day - February 16

Let's talk about... "Foreign Contaminants"
In Wall-E, Robot Mo's job is to clean up all Foreign Contaminants found in the Axiom ship. We can think of Foreign Contaminants in our progress
as those speed bumps that get in the way or distract us from reaching our goals. it's the thought of "eh, not going to the gym" or
"another Hershey's kiss really won't make a difference." Finding our new Directive is all about not getting exposed to Foreign Contaminants.

What are your personal "Foreign Contaminants" in your journey to finding your Directive?
What will you do to not be 'contaminated'?

Happy Tuesday everyone!

For me it is also evening/late night snacking. It's a bad habit I've had since having kids so many years ago. It used to be the only time I could sit and eat without being needed by someone in our house would be after everyone went to bed. My choices were not always good and even now some days aren't so good either but I have changed the way I shop and what I have in the kitchen/pantry! I'm better at planning my day and I work hard to make sure that I have met all my goals (according to MFP) by dinner time so once I finish dinner I'm done for the day!
Question of the Day - February 16

Let's talk about... "Foreign Contaminants"
In Wall-E, Robot Mo's job is to clean up all Foreign Contaminants found in the Axiom ship. We can think of Foreign Contaminants in our progress
as those speed bumps that get in the way or distract us from reaching our goals. it's the thought of "eh, not going to the gym" or
"another Hershey's kiss really won't make a difference." Finding our new Directive is all about not getting exposed to Foreign Contaminants.

What are your personal "Foreign Contaminants" in your journey to finding your Directive?
What will you do to not be 'contaminated'?

Maybe today is not the day to talk to me about this, because today was baking day (the upside of baking day is homemade granola ... the downside is that for the 30-45 minutes it takes me to prepare and then bake the granola, all I do is eat). But some days it feels like I have so many "Foreign Contaminants" that I can't even list them. So I'm choosing one: I tend to stick to the mentality of "a little junk won't hurt as long as I track it." And yeah, much of the time I'm okay with that one cookie, as long as I track it. It's just the next 3 cookies, the slice of cake, and the jelly beans that I eat later and don't track that cause me problems.
So my goal for tomorrow is no junk - no cookies, no jelly beans, no chocolate, no cake. If I get through one day like that, we'll see if I'm ready to move on to another day like that.

We still have leftover sushi and pizza in the house, and while the pizza will last another few days, the sushi will go bad tomorrow. I know that one of my meals will be greek yogurt and granola ... now I just have to decide if I want that for breakfast and leftovers for lunch, or if I want the yogurt for lunch and something else for breakfast. I know, I have such a tough life.
Just bouncing in for a quick hello! I'm glad to see so many people making such great progress towards their goals. I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH! Can't wait for this month to be over so I can go back to focusing on *me* and my quest for a healthier life!

Back to studying now. This was so much easier 15 years ago when I didn't have a job to mess up my study schedule.
Good morning friends! Hope you all are well. Cold here, but nothing like the horrible below 0 temps we had over the weekend..... and supposed to be into the 40's over the weekend! Heading into our February school vacation week here, so just 3 work days until I have a bit of a break (other than WW). I'll be honest, I wish I could find a bit of a temp job for at least a few days of next week. The money would really be helpful. I'm keeping my eyes open for any local WW meetings that need a sub, but so far I've only seen sub jobs for receptionists and I'm not trained for that. Oh well.

Off to eat my oatmeal, drink my coffee, and dash!....................P

ETA: BTW, check out my GORGEOUS new countdown banner!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hello everyone!! I can report a NSV for today (still avoiding the scale...) as I managed to actually get up and go for a run before work! It is getting light out there earlier again and I was able to run through my park in the daylight! So good!! I was at work a little late, but since I do not have set hours and currently the work load is not too bad, I decided that it was worth it to get there a little late in order to get my run it! And I feel great for doing it! I am also good at tracking so far today. Tonight we are going to have a new dish with eggplant that sounds quite delicious.

Over the last weeks I have tried quite a few new recipes from a vegetarian cookbook as we decided to try to eat less meat. I will try to post some of them that we deemed to be delicious for the recipe thread.

@pjlla I love your new countdown!! My boyfriend does not like me to post our travel plans on the internet, so I have stopped using countdown tickers, but I love them!
I thought I posted this yesterday, but clearly I got distracted by something!

Question of the Day - February 16

Let's talk about... "Foreign Contaminants"
In Wall-E, Robot Mo's job is to clean up all Foreign Contaminants found in the Axiom ship. We can think of Foreign Contaminants in our progress
as those speed bumps that get in the way or distract us from reaching our goals. it's the thought of "eh, not going to the gym" or
"another Hershey's kiss really won't make a difference." Finding our new Directive is all about not getting exposed to Foreign Contaminants.

What are your personal "Foreign Contaminants" in your journey to finding your Directive?
What will you do to not be 'contaminated'?

Now that I am tracking again, I am finding the hardest contaminants to shake are cocktails with DH's family and wine with mine. Now I wouldn't consider either side alcoholics (haha!) but it's just a huge cultural thing I didn't notice before. When you walk into DH's parent house, and gin and tonic is practically waiting for you (and boy that tonic is BAD!). Then at my family's house, there is always table wine. I'm not sure whether to attribute this to the strong European backgrounds on both sides or like attracts like or we are all just lushes, or what. :rotfl:

Anyway, I'm really having to watch the two or three drinks I used to have at family dinners and limit it just to one.

Or "BLT"s (bites, licks, and tastes) as was said in a WW meeting that I attended a while back.

Love this! This is cute-- I totally was thinking about this as I was cooking last night "No BLTs!!!"
Question of the Day - February 16

Let's talk about... "Foreign Contaminants"
In Wall-E, Robot Mo's job is to clean up all Foreign Contaminants found in the Axiom ship. We can think of Foreign Contaminants in our progress
as those speed bumps that get in the way or distract us from reaching our goals. it's the thought of "eh, not going to the gym" or
"another Hershey's kiss really won't make a difference." Finding our new Directive is all about not getting exposed to Foreign Contaminants.

What are your personal "Foreign Contaminants" in your journey to finding your Directive?
What will you do to not be 'contaminated'?
I missed this somehow yesterday - mine would definitely be BLT's (love that!) A handful of goldfish crackers here, a few m&m's there...

I do try to log everything, but I'm confident that my logging is incorrect.

99% of the time, I'm not even hungry. That's what I hate - why am I eating junk if I'm not even hungry?!

On a Disney related note, I actually waited in line outside the Disney store yesterday for the release of the Star Wars tsums tsums for my daughter. She collects tsum tsums and had saved up enough money for all 12 and really wanted them. So off I went. I got to the store about 15 min before it opened and was around 5th in line. I'm not a collector and have never waited in line for a "release" in my life, but I was super excited to text her that I was able to get all 12 for her. She was really excited too. So that made me happy. I don't really go in the disney store ever, so it reminded me of the gift shops and downtown disney when I was in there!
ETA: BTW, check out my GORGEOUS new countdown banner!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone is going to... Disneyland! :cool1:

Anyway, I'm really having to watch the two or three drinks I used to have at family dinners and limit it just to one.

I didn't realize how quickly alcohol added calories to your meal. I've had to learn to babysit my beverages and use them more as a complementer to the meal than as... well, a beverage.

I was super excited to text her that I was able to get all 12 for her.

Question of the Day - February 17


Every Wednesday we take a break from discussions to post about things that are making us "woohoo!"
No celebration is too big or too small. It can be about anything - the sky is the limit.

What are you celebrating on WooHoo Wednesday?
Question of the Day - February 17


Every Wednesday we take a break from discussions to post about things that are making us "woohoo!"
No celebration is too big or too small. It can be about anything - the sky is the limit.

What are you celebrating on WooHoo Wednesday?

Woohoo I walked in -20 and a snow storm. Two different days but I got it done. Sticking with my goals. I also finally have my two largest pants sitting in a pile because they are too lose. Going to need to get some more pants soon. Just waiting to be down a bit more so the next two pairs are too big. The last woohoo is my mom brought different home made valentine cookies over on the weekend and one is my favourite kind she makes. I took one and savoured it and tracked it. 250 calories! It was big and delicious and I moved on. Never had just one of those out of the batch in the past.
Question of the Day - February 17


Every Wednesday we take a break from discussions to post about things that are making us "woohoo!"
No celebration is too big or too small. It can be about anything - the sky is the limit.

What are you celebrating on WooHoo Wednesday?

Sunday was Valentine's Day and we still have candy. I have been allowing myself 1 piece per day(*2 on Sunday) and I have stuck with it. It has been recorded in my Sparkpeople and I have not gone over calories all week.
So... today is a bit of a rough day. We did our taxes last night and determined that we owe.... a lot. We had considered canceling our May trip but decided that we could just scale it back a bit and still have a great time.

A few questions for all of you:
  1. Has anyone done the "Fantasia Gardens" or "Winter Summerland" mini golf courses? if so - which did you like better?
  2. What is the nicest sit down restaurant you can think of at WDW that isn't Victoria and Alberts? We have Tables in Wonderland, so cost isn't an issue - we just want one nice dinner. Any theme for cuisine is great.
@courtneybeth glad you decided to still go! I have done winter summerland 10 years ago .. it was fun .. typical mini golf course fun.. I don't have much to contribute about dinner but maybe the Wave, Jiko or Morimoto?
Question of the Day - February 17


Every Wednesday we take a break from discussions to post about things that are making us "woohoo!"
No celebration is too big or too small. It can be about anything - the sky is the limit.

What are you celebrating on WooHoo Wednesday?

DH started his new job yesterday! And I'm so excited that he and I will get to go to the gym together this evening. He has a 12 min run plan and I have a 30 min tempo run planned! I'm trying to figure out how to get used to running hills because I haven't been able to run outside in so long. I'm so grateful for warmer temps headed our way though. I'm hoping that my run this weekend will be outside.

Another woohoo - I cheated and looked at the scale this morning and I'm only up 1 pound from my weigh-in on Saturday now. So that last pound should be easy to lose! And I won't be looking at the scale until Saturday when I weigh-in again for next week. Thankfully I'll be on plan for the rest of the week and have 3 more easy runs to get in.
Hello everyone!! I can report a NSV for today (still avoiding the scale...) as I managed to actually get up and go for a run before work! It is getting light out there earlier again and I was able to run through my park in the daylight! So good!! I was at work a little late, but since I do not have set hours and currently the work load is not too bad, I decided that it was worth it to get there a little late in order to get my run it! And I feel great for doing it! I am also good at tracking so far today. Tonight we are going to have a new dish with eggplant that sounds quite delicious.

Over the last weeks I have tried quite a few new recipes from a vegetarian cookbook as we decided to try to eat less meat. I will try to post some of them that we deemed to be delicious for the recipe thread.

@pjlla I love your new countdown!! My boyfriend does not like me to post our travel plans on the internet, so I have stopped using countdown tickers, but I love them!

I totally under standthat feeling....but it's not a family trip , so it isn't like we will have an empty house. It is just DD and I going. I probably won't say anything about it on FB until it actually happens.................P


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