Feelings as DVC Member on DDP?

And if you have a kitchen, why spend all that money on a dining plan?

I can only speak for our family, but we did NOT buy DVC for the kitchen. I have never cooked on vacation and have no intention of starting now, just because we have a kitchen. :goodvibes We use the fridge for beer, wine, soda and that's it. We eat all 3 meals out of the villa and have done it with just the DDE card and with a combo DDP/DDE card. I prefer the DDP WITH the DDE. We used both together in October and it worked great. We had the DDE discount for our extra sit down meals and all of our alcohol.
I am really on the fence about this one. We did buy the DVC for the opportunity to cook good meals in the room and to eat them in a quiet, relaxed atmosphere. DH wants to try DDP for our upcoming trip, though. I guess we might try it this time, and re-evaluate for future trips.
I don't buy this one. You still get shrimp, they're just not grilled. Or are they a different type of shrimp? they tasted good, anyway.

Don't like the sausage they replaced it with on the skewers but I just don't eat it and ask for more shrimp.

I'm fairly sure the shrimp are the same size, they are just prepared differently. Two different CM's told me that they are no longer grilled because of cross-contamination on the grill for people with shell-fish allergies. Now if someone at your table has the allergy, and they refuse the shrimp that are prepared in the kitchen, there is no chance of a problem.

I thought the shrimp were very good the new way, messy, but good. :)
I'm fairly sure the shrimp are the same size, they are just prepared differently. Two different CM's told me that they are no longer grilled because of cross-contamination on the grill for people with shell-fish allergies. I thought the shrimp were very good the new way, messy, but good. :)

I agree, I did not think the quantitiy or quality of the shrimp went down - although I would guess that there may be some seasonal variations in size. O'hana is actually one of the restaurants that I feel has improved their menu: the bread pudding is, IMHO, vastly superior to pineapple slices with caramel. On our last trip the server gave us the recipe for the bread pudding and banana sauce - and trust me, the ingredients were much, much more expensive than a pineapple would have been.

As for Sci-Fi getting rid of s'mores - this is a restaurant that, in it's original incarnation, offered chicken and stars soup on the dinner menu. Can you imagine the outrage if they tried to do that now? Everybody would blame the DDP and lament the loss of their artichoke dip.
As for Sci-Fi getting rid of s'mores - this is a restaurant that, in it's original incarnation, offered chicken and stars soup on the dinner menu. Can you imagine the outrage if they tried to do that now? Everybody would blame the DDP and lament the loss of their artichoke dip.

That's a great point, starbox. Many of the restaurants are like Sci-Fi: Substantially better than they ever were imagined to be when they first opened. While things have varied over the years, the general trend at WDW dining has been upward.
That's a great point, starbox. Many of the restaurants are like Sci-Fi: Substantially better than they ever were imagined to be when they first opened. While things have varied over the years, the general trend at WDW dining has been upward.

Nope, not really.

So, you're discounting all the longtime WDW fans who've gone there for 30 years, and noticed the declined of meals and menus at WDW?

The Yachtsman IS NOT BETTER. It pretty much sucked our last visit. And if you look over on my reviews thread, you'll see poster after poster who agrees. And, it took a dive exactly when the DDP came on line.

The menus are noticeably smaller...and very similar at many restaurants.

The empirical evidence is in. Not sure why some people choose to avoid the truth.
I'm just glad I've got my DVC kitchen. My family can eat for a week on a fraction of the cost people blow on the DDP.
So, you're discounting all the longtime WDW fans who've gone there for 30 years, and noticed the declined of meals and menus at WDW?
I'd discounting the long-time WDW fans who are saying what you're saying, because I know, from personal experience, that they're wrong. I'm also a long-time WDW fan who's been there through the years and I remember when it was worse. Much worse. Keeping it REAL.
OK, I've resisted joining in this conversation because I'm not sure any real dialogue, give and take with the possibility of moving and being moved, is taking place, but I do seem (at least to ME - lol) to have a unique opinion that isn't just repeating the above, so I'll chime in.

First, Bicker is absolutely right! WDW food 30 years ago was as bad as it could get in every single restaurant across the board, TS and CS both. Just dreadful. I lived in FLA at the time and ushered countless family and friends through the MK over and over again (during the summer, of course) and no one ever went there for the food.

Second, given that LONG TERM perspective, the food there now is dazzlingly good! All of it.

Third, I'm a DVC member and I'm thrilled that we have the opportunity to purchase the DDP. We've never used it, but it's a nice option and we will be using in December when we host DM, DD, and DNiece for a week. It will just make everything so much easier.

Fourth, I know for sure, with no room for doubt, that during FREE DDP times, menu items from signature restaurants are removed because people do, indeed, as Chuck mentioned, try to order the most expensive items on the menus in order to try and increase their bang for a buck and I know for a FACT that many people don't even like what they order (mussels at FF, for example). On the other hand, I imagine the opportunity to order items they may never have tried before (because of the cost) has afforded many folk the opportunity to try new things and find they like them!

Fifth, the menus at WDW have changed over the last few years and largely not in a positive direction, especially in terms of the number of options (fewer for the most part) now available. For example, we used to love Spoodles, there was so much to try, and now there is so little. Is this due to some of the effects of DDP? I can't imagine there isn't some connection.

Sixth, the same goes for TS availability. I don't care; I'm a planner and we stick to the plan!!! :) But, I do feel bad for many WDW visitors who have no idea that there chances of enjoying an impromtu TS meal have decreased.

So, in summary, I don't think the DDP is the end of fine dining at WDW, and I'm even glad it's available. As I said, we'll be making use of it in December. But to claim it has had no effect on the variety or quality of the food at signature dining sites just isn't right and I wonder why some feel compelled to stake out that position? :confused3
I'd discounting the long-time WDW fans who are saying what you're saying, because I know, from personal experience, that they're wrong. I'm also a long-time WDW fan who's been there through the years and I remember when it was worse. Much worse. Keeping it REAL.

I agree that the food is MUCH better than when WDW opened. Unfortunately, after the glorious 90s, the food is heading right back to where it started. Expensive and lousy!
I guess that makes me unreasonable then. :rotfl: I will admit that the DDP has caused changes but any reasonable person can see that the changes as to whether they have ruined anything is subjective and strickly one's opinion.

We just got finished with the SSR bashing, can we please not start a DDP bashing thread. :thumbsup2 There are enough of those on the Dining forums to make one's head spin.

Jodi, what items have been removed since the DDP?

Count me as the unreasonable too. We are DVC members and LOVE the DDP. We think it's a slam deal and a lot of fun too.
I agree, I did not think the quantitiy or quality of the shrimp went down - although I would guess that there may be some seasonal variations in size. O'hana is actually one of the restaurants that I feel has improved their menu: the bread pudding is, IMHO, vastly superior to pineapple slices with caramel. On our last trip the server gave us the recipe for the bread pudding and banana sauce - and trust me, the ingredients were much, much more expensive than a pineapple would have been.

As for Sci-Fi getting rid of s'mores - this is a restaurant that, in it's original incarnation, offered chicken and stars soup on the dinner menu. Can you imagine the outrage if they tried to do that now? Everybody would blame the DDP and lament the loss of their artichoke dip.

That's another one. As far as I know they still offer the smores, just in a smaller portion, because originally Prime Time (that's the one, not Sci Fi) intended its desserts to be shared. Now, if you're paying OOP and still paying the same amount for the smaller portion, yeah, you are probably going to feel ripped off. But the DDP precluded ordering desserts to share, since everybody on the plan gets their own and isn't supposed to share.

In that situation I think I'd order another dessert, or forego dessert at the restaurant and pick one up elsewhere.
Bascially Disney will never be able to please everyone, so I am sure they go with what the majority likes and at this time that is the DDP.
First, Bicker is absolutely right! WDW food 30 years ago was as bad as it could get in every single restaurant across the board, TS and CS both. Just dreadful. I lived in FLA at the time and ushered countless family and friends through the MK over and over again (during the summer, of course) and no one ever went there for the food. Second, given that LONG TERM perspective, the food there now is dazzlingly good! All of it.
Yes, that was precisely my point. The overall trend has been overwhelmingly positive.

Fifth, the menus at WDW have changed over the last few years and largely not in a positive direction, especially in terms of the number of options (fewer for the most part) now available. For example, we used to love Spoodles, there was so much to try, and now there is so little. Is this due to some of the effects of DDP? I can't imagine there isn't some connection.
There has indeed been some mediation. The improvement in TS dining in the Disney Decade, especially, was prodigious. I see the last few years as a normal, expected adjustment -- exactly what you'll see in the stock market after a big run-up in the broad indexes. In the stock marketing, they call it "profit-taking", and it is a normal part of the system.

I have to say, though, that while Spoodles has lost some of its variety, it hasn't lost quality or service. I've been there for dinner twice over the last month or so, and once for breakfast, and the food was excellent straight across the board, and the service was absolutely marvelous two out of three times.
Bascially Disney will never be able to please everyone, so I am sure they go with what the majority likes and at this time that is the DDP.

Unfortunately I do think the DDP is here to stay. At least until the quality gets so bad that even those looking for a bargain won't think it is worth it. I can only hope that they don't offer it free anymore but that is another thread altogether!
Unfortunately I do think the DDP is here to stay. At least until the quality gets so bad that even those looking for a bargain won't think it is worth it. I can only hope that they don't offer it free anymore but that is another thread altogether!

Lynn, I've seen you on the Polynesian threads but didn't realize you were a DVCer as well.:goodvibes Which is your home resort?
Unfortunately I do think the DDP is here to stay. At least until the quality gets so bad that even those looking for a bargain won't think it is worth it. I can only hope that they don't offer it free anymore but that is another thread altogether!

I think this is true. My new motto regarding DDP is "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

If I think the food is getting too expensive and too low in quality to pay for out of pocket, I'll be using the dining plan myself a lot. And, avoiding the free dining period unless I've booked a free dining package myself.
But to claim it has had no effect on the variety or quality of the food at signature dining sites just isn't right and I wonder why some feel compelled to stake out that position? :confused3

Well, I stake out that position because I believe it to be correct.

I can't think of a single signature restaurant that has shortened its menu in the last two years. Variety is still the order of the day, signature or not, in my experience. We think the quality is the same as it has been for 6 or 7 years.

Menus have been getting shorteer at WDW for some years now. At the places we frequent there has been no recent change. Are you sure Spoodles shortened their menu in the last 25 months....could it have been after 9/11 or with the advent of a new chef at some point 3 or 4 years ago? We have only eaten there a few times so I can't speak to the history of that restaurant.

As someone else said, the quality and variety of food at CRT (lunch anyway) has suffered but like that poster I think it is because of the money cow that the restaurant is.

I did see some drop in quality of items served at a couple of restaurants when we were there in Sept although not free dining. Free dining is just a short time of the year though. And if I hadn't been aware of the debate here on the DIS, I'm not sure I would have noticed. sometimes things like that happen.

And I've entered this old debate because I continue to think that the absence of a couple of personal favorites on menus does not equate to a general decline in quality or variety. We miss a few things from 10, 15, even 20 years ago. And yes, we do miss the Mickey butter.:guilty: But in general, things are better.

BTW, our first onsite stay wasn't until 1983 but even way back then, the resort restaurants were good. But I agree that MK food was pitiful. We also enjoyed Epcot TS spots in the early years.

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