Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust! Jenn & Kevin 10/12/14 Italy/ADH/France - The End (7/2016 New TR Link!)

Your first look photos are perfect!! I love the shot of your family and friends in the background watching. Everything looks so, so beautiful. The shot of you and your mom is one of my favorites. It's lovely. :)
Your first look pictures are so incredibly sweet. Idk if its my hormones or what but I cried looking at them, you can tell without knowing you two personally how much emotion was going on... They captured it perfectly.
I Just LOVE your pre-look photos they are so amazing and tell such a story and I love Kevins face before you get there you can tell he is thinking is she close and how funny he was listening for heels but your dress gave you away! I can't wait for more :goodvibes
Wow, those pics are so stunning! You look so amazing! And I know what you mean by camera-shy - we went to a wedding yesterday and their photographer insisted on taking pics of all the couples and I felt very awkward posing (and I can't smile in pictures - it always looks somewhat wrong).

I love your first look - all the pictures look so natural and everyone looks so happy (I screamed for DF to come see them - we can't wait to have our e-shoot with the Roots next October (hopefully)).

Next update please!!!
I love your first look! The emotions are so clearly there in the photos :) I've been trying to convince DF that we should do a first look for months, but it's still taking some work. I showed him your pics in hopes that it might help :lmao:
These pictures are just soo amazing! I've got tears running down my face. How beautiful are you two together!
The first look shots are adorable and were so well done. Love your pictures!

Thank you for sharing the pictures and your story. :)


Thank you so much!! I'm happy to share!

Your first look photos are perfect!! I love the shot of your family and friends in the background watching. Everything looks so, so beautiful. The shot of you and your mom is one of my favorites. It's lovely. :)

I adore that one to pieces too. Definitely one of the best of the bunch :goodvibes

Your first look pictures are so incredibly sweet. Idk if its my hormones or what but I cried looking at them, you can tell without knowing you two personally how much emotion was going on... They captured it perfectly.

Awwww you're so sweet!! That means the world (I feel like I'm repeating a lot of the same stuff in every comment but I mean it!)

I Just LOVE your pre-look photos they are so amazing and tell such a story and I love Kevins face before you get there you can tell he is thinking is she close and how funny he was listening for heels but your dress gave you away! I can't wait for more :goodvibes

Bahaha yeah, I figured it would be my heels too but there was a LOT of underskirt under there, especially for an A-line dress!

Wow, those pics are so stunning! You look so amazing! And I know what you mean by camera-shy - we went to a wedding yesterday and their photographer insisted on taking pics of all the couples and I felt very awkward posing (and I can't smile in pictures - it always looks somewhat wrong).

I love your first look - all the pictures look so natural and everyone looks so happy (I screamed for DF to come see them - we can't wait to have our e-shoot with the Roots next October (hopefully)).

Next update please!!!

I hope you have your own Root shoot!! I'm obviously biased but I think they're the best of the best of the best. Hope DF liked them too!

I love your first look! The emotions are so clearly there in the photos :) I've been trying to convince DF that we should do a first look for months, but it's still taking some work. I showed him your pics in hopes that it might help :lmao:

Haha I hope he agrees! Kevin was initially not on board (the whole 'I'll see her when she comes down the aisle' idea was fixed in his head) but it was something that was really important to me and ultimately it mattered more to me than to him.

Besides the fact that the first look was awesome, it ended up working out really well because Kevin couldn't actually see me coming down the aisle! The sun was in his face the entire ceremony :headache: So maybe use that fact to your advantage!

These pictures are just soo amazing! I've got tears running down my face. How beautiful are you two together!

Thank you so much!! I love reading everyone's comments :)
Like cattle we were herded up to American Adventure so that we were out of sight when our motorcoach unloaded. I know the bride who I mentioned earlier that was married the day after us in Italy was sequestered in Germany, so your mileage may vary here!

MIL & Vanessa inspecting my bustle (the seamstress had initially put the wrong kind of bustle in but left all the ties on after she fixed it, which was confusing). Selfishly this is one of my favorite pictures of just myself out of the whole bunch!

Might be in my top 10 favorite wedding pictures period

We were told if anyone had to use the bathroom now was the time, so Vanessa and I dutifully headed off to the handicap stall of the ladies room, and after I was so uncomfortable with the experience (just my own feelings!) that I vowed I would not pee again until I was out of that dress for good. Hope that's not too TMI! Now I'm realizing how stupid it was to not just say screw it and let it get dirty at the reception.....but bathroom floors.......ew.

Meanwhile (I think Jensey) ran back to get some photos of our guests arriving. I was recently told by some of our friends that they had to wait when they got off the bus - we had gotten my grandmother her own towncar because we had 55 people exactly on the motorcoach and figured she'd be more comfortable on her own. Turns out the guides wouldn't escort our guests until her towncar arrived (even though we had at least 4 guides present). Huh.

We had all but two of my cousins in the wedding party, so I asked the two of them to pass out programs at the ceremony so they could also be included - I thought it was hilarious that my aunt had to capture her nephew's shining moment. I wish I had asked The Roots to make sure they got a photo of them!

What I did NOT know at the time was that my dad had given express instructions to my uncle to video tape the entire ceremony regardless of my unplugged wedding rule (and the fact that, you know, we had hired videographers). He was incredibly subtle about it though and hey, what's done is done so I can't be mad. I'm told it was hilarious though because our ring bearer was sitting in front of him hissing "Daaaaaad, Jenn said no cameras!" the whole time.

Back at AA, we were all standing around mingling. I remember wanting badly to sit on a bench (shoe-related foreshadowing), but all of them were super wet from being hosed down by Disney. Nate ran over to Kevin and I from the fountain in from of AA and said "Hey guys, can you come over here? I have an idea."

Let it be known that when Nathan Root says "I have an idea" brilliance follows, as these are my favorite favorite wedding pictures. Period. I promise I won't spam you as much with other pictures of us but I just love each of these to death.

Then we heard what sounded like a loud fart noise....

She is the Ted Schmosby to our Lily and Marshall for sure (or the Robin. It varies). We all had laughs over that one.

Ok, I promise no more portraits for a few updates!

With a "great thanks!" from our photographer we were released back to the group, and after a few minutes it came time to walk over to Italy.

Look at Kevin carrying my bouquet like a dear husband to be

I think we naturally just separated like this, or maybe we were trying to be in order even now (men first and all)

We approached the wine shop (all hushed as if people could hear us!) and Kristie gestured to the crack in the pavement we were to stop at. She separated my parents and I from the group and then lined everyone up in order of the processional, instructing us to turn wide so we walked through the center of the pillars at the front of the pavilion.

(Note MIL's proper shoes restored to her feet!)

I will never forget this moment (one of several bursts of clarity from the day that for some reason are locked in my mind in perfect detail, while others have started to blur); I recognized the Space Mountain queue music playing (here if you'd like to know what I mean) and I thought to myself "Huh, that's very un-Disney like to have music that doesn't fit the land area playing". Then it hit me that it was our pre-ceremony music, and it was here. This was it. No turning back.

The opening notes of A Thousand Years played over the sound speaker and our ceremony began.

Coming up next: The Ceremony!!
oh wow Jenn!!!

I seriously teared up at your first look.

Just magical and OH the photo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your colors just pop, spectacular.
So many gorgeous pictures!! The Roots did a phenomenal job. I love how all the colors among the ties, the bouquet, your shoes, etc match perfectly with the ceremony decor! Can't wait to see the next set of pictures :goodvibes
Beautiful photos! I may or may not have also teared up at those first look pictures :rolleyes1

Can't wait for the next update!! :)
OMG i am loving your updates I saw that you had posted I was like yeyy more to read popcorn:: Your first look portraits are so amazing the idea the fountain photos was a good call those photos are amazing and so sweet of your DF well DH now lol to carry your bouquet! and how funny that your dad made your uncle record the wedding! adn that his son telling him you say no that cracked me up! but I was curious did most people respond well to the unplugged idea? i was working on that and I didn't know?

Anyways your wedding is so amazing I can't wait to see more and I can't wait to see how your honeymoon was I am partial to DCL! Can't wait for more :goodvibes
Great update! And please spam us with pics until there are no left! I love your TR for having the portraits and everything in between - it really gives a great impression of how the day went (and what a wedding at WDW is like).
Everything looks so beautiful (and thanks for your good wishes: we're just trying to figure everything out for our contract with The Roots and they're the sweetest).
And again great cliffhanger; I have to pronounce you "Cliffhanger queen" ;-)
All caught up now....amazing! I can't even tell you how many times my eyes teared up! Everything has been so absolutely beautiful and stunning so far and we aren't even to the ceremony! Can't wait for the rest!
I am loving your TR. I am living vicariously through your beautiful wedding pictures!! The portraits are all so lovely, but my favorite is the last one where you are looking at the camera and Kevin is looking at you. It is so stunning!
oh wow Jenn!!!

I seriously teared up at your first look.

Just magical and OH the photo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your colors just pop, spectacular.

Cynthia you are just the kindest! It means so much that people who have never even met us in person care enough to read about our day :goodvibes It's part of what makes sharing this all worth it!

So many gorgeous pictures!! The Roots did a phenomenal job. I love how all the colors among the ties, the bouquet, your shoes, etc match perfectly with the ceremony decor! Can't wait to see the next set of pictures :goodvibes

Thank you!! Yeah, I went on a bit of a royal blue binge hahaha. It's so funny nowadays, I completely find myself drawn to those colors when I'm shopping for home accessories, office supplies, anything random like that :lmao:

Beautiful photos! I may or may not have also teared up at those first look pictures :rolleyes1

Can't wait for the next update!! :)

Awww thank you! Next update should be up asap ;)

OMG i am loving your updates I saw that you had posted I was like yeyy more to read popcorn:: Your first look portraits are so amazing the idea the fountain photos was a good call those photos are amazing and so sweet of your DF well DH now lol to carry your bouquet! and how funny that your dad made your uncle record the wedding! adn that his son telling him you say no that cracked me up! but I was curious did most people respond well to the unplugged idea? i was working on that and I didn't know?

Anyways your wedding is so amazing I can't wait to see more and I can't wait to see how your honeymoon was I am partial to DCL! Can't wait for more :goodvibes

Bahaha I think the guys were just as fascinated by the brooch bouquet as the women were!

I think for the most part people listened to our unplugged wedding wishes- on the day of I only noticed a camera once, when a friend of ours on the aisle stuck his camera out as far as it would go for a photo. Nobody got in our vendors way and again, I barely noticed on the day of, so I can call it a victory. Once we got our pictures back it became clear that not everyone listened, and while I wish people would have put down the cameras and listened to the words you simply can't control what people chose to do, so no point in being upset about it :goodvibes

Great update! And please spam us with pics until there are no left! I love your TR for having the portraits and everything in between - it really gives a great impression of how the day went (and what a wedding at WDW is like).
Everything looks so beautiful (and thanks for your good wishes: we're just trying to figure everything out for our contract with The Roots and they're the sweetest).
And again great cliffhanger; I have to pronounce you "Cliffhanger queen" ;-)

Let it be known that I have a problem being brief! Trust me there will be plenty of pictures to come. Glad you're working through becoming a Root couple yourselves!

What can I say - is there a more natural place to stop than before the ceremony? I promise I'll get the next part up soon!

All caught up now....amazing! I can't even tell you how many times my eyes teared up! Everything has been so absolutely beautiful and stunning so far and we aren't even to the ceremony! Can't wait for the rest!

Thank you so much, you are too sweet! It truly was the most perfect of perfect days (and it's about to get even better ;) )

I am loving your TR. I am living vicariously through your beautiful wedding pictures!! The portraits are all so lovely, but my favorite is the last one where you are looking at the camera and Kevin is looking at you. It is so stunning!

I seriously wonder if they edited my eyes or something in that one, because they pop something FIERCE! Thank you so much, I can't wait to see some of yours later this year!
OMG!!! I just finish reading your PJ! I love it! I am like everyone else now, waiting for the ceremony pictures (BTW, thank you for posting so many pictures, it helps with me visualizing the venue and how everything would play out for my wedding). I didn't realize Italy was that pretty for a wedding. I can understand why you are biased. Everything looks beautiful and I definitely think you have convinced me to wear flip flops on the day of my wedding and wear my heels for pictures. Can't wait for the update!
I have been following along and never commented once, but i just had to say those first look pictures had me in tears. Absolutely perfect! What a beautiful day!
OMG!!! I just finish reading your PJ! I love it! I am like everyone else now, waiting for the ceremony pictures (BTW, thank you for posting so many pictures, it helps with me visualizing the venue and how everything would play out for my wedding). I didn't realize Italy was that pretty for a wedding. I can understand why you are biased. Everything looks beautiful and I definitely think you have convinced me to wear flip flops on the day of my wedding and wear my heels for pictures. Can't wait for the update!

There's another bride on here who literally had a pair of heels off to the side for when she wanted shoe pictures, and then a more comfy option for actually walking around - I say do it! I'm glad this PJ can be of some help to you in planning your day.

I have been following along and never commented once, but i just had to say those first look pictures had me in tears. Absolutely perfect! What a beautiful day!

Thanks for coming out of lurkdom! I love knowing who's here :goodvibes
Suddenly the Space Mountain queue music faded out, and A Thousand Years by The Piano Guys came over the speakers. After months and months of listening to the song on repeat during my commutes, imagining and visualizing how this would look, the moment had finally come. As discussed at the rehearsal, Kristie queued each person when to walk but took her queues on when to send Kevin's parents/the men/the girls/the ring bearer from me based on when I heard what I was looking for in the music.

I love this photo not only because Kevin's in it, but because of the girl in the back row not looking at him - that's our best man's girlfriend, and she's very obviously waiting for her man (who you might also remember is named Kevin) to come walking down the aisle, which I think is just so cute

There he is!

He gave each guy an impromptu shoulder thank you tap when they got to the front, so adorable

I'm not sure what happened, but it seemed like the spacing was actually working out like I had visualized rather than all out of order like it was at the rehearsal - I can't clarify that as our livestream had a technical error and didn't start recording until our ceremony actually started, but it felt like everything was falling into place perfectly.

At some point after my cousin Amanda started, Kristie started whispering "Oh smile, no one is smiling" and even though I know only Vanessa and my parents and I heard her I have a bunch of smiling bridesmaids! Emotions really do take over when you walk down the aisle.

(Oh look, a blue iPhone)

Such a proud mom face (my aunt, mother of my youngest bridesmaid & ring bearer)

The song played out and ended on a last few hopeful and (for me at least) anticipatory notes. Kristie brought my parents and I up a few more steps and simply said "All right, whenever you're ready" as The Princess Diaries Waltz started.

I knew the moment I wanted to come around the corner and be "revealed" for lack of a better term was about 48 seconds into the song (the moment in the The Princess Diaries at the end when Michael Moscovitz reveals that he came to the ball - yes, I time my entrance as a bride to the male protagonist's shining moment in the movie). Just like waiting on the steps of Italy those 48 seconds felt like hours - I remember saying to my parents "wait, wait, not yet" even though I don't think they were trying to walk without me.

Finally I heard what I was looking for, and I said "Ok." And we walked.

Poor Kevin had the sun in his eyes the entire ceremony - reason #4234 to do a first look, as this is the only reaction shot we got!

I don't know how I missed all of this walking down the aisle, but I literally didn't notice a single camera - just my friend's amazing face in teal on the aisle

Walking down the aisle was probably the biggest sensory overload I experienced during the whole day. I wanted to be looking everywhere at once that I only registered about 5 people in the crowd before the thought of LOOK AT YOUR GROOM pushed all other thoughts out of my head. Apparently I was walking way too quickly too early, as my dad had to whisper-shout "slow down!" as I knew he probably would. About halfway down the aisle I heard where we were in the music and I was surprised to hear how much of the song had played and then I wanted to get to the end as soon as possible before the horrendous unattractive trumpet fanfare at the end of the song kicked in (I hadn't told anyone I didn't want it played at all costs, as I assumed we wouldn't need to worry about it).

(Continued in next post)


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