Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Right now I have Thursdays off when I take Tori to chemo. Although I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take my job. It is getting really bad and I hate being away from Tori! I love all the help you have given me! These are great suggestions!! And P.S. I don't like spongebob either!

Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.

So it sounds like you work a lot. I can't believe how much sewing and embroidering you are able to accomplish!

I hope Heather is making more bald princesses ~ I can see those being a big hit with so many of our BG recipients.

By the way, does anyone know where I can get the name "ANNA" ? I tried to find it in the name library but it isn't spelled right. Any help?!
What is a name library? I'm clueless.
My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4


Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!
I love it!!!!! Did you follow a tut? I want to make something similar for my dd to wear to a baseball game this weekend -- with baseball appliqued t and a baseball fabric skirt. And your dd looks absolutely darling in it -- yes, I can see where lack of panties might be a problem! It makes me laugh because I took dd to a party in her swimsuit with her dress over it -- after playing in the water fountain all changed back into their clothes and I completely forgot to bring underwear for dd -- and her dress was on the short side! She did a good job of keeping things covered though.

I clicked on the applique tutorial on page one of this thread and my anti-virus kicked it out. Anyone else have that happen?

(It said because the site contains content from shabbyblogs dot com, a site known to distribute malware)
Never had that happen but I haven't looked at it in some time.

Andrea the dress that I have is a size 10. I'll see if I can find a picture.
Size 10 will be too big :( Thank you so much for checking though and for your offer. I just hate to spend $$ on something she will only wear once. She's not big on fancy dresses but she will wear any skirt I make her and wears some dresses -- she loves twirly ones :confused3 She's a strange child. She wears the weirdest shoe combos too -- she will have shoes that perfectly match an outfit and will insist on wearing something else that doesn't match at all. I did see a pattern on YCMT that would work, but by the time I bought the pattern and fabric and supplies it would cost more than finding a dress on sale. I am hoping TJ Maxx will have something. I may try a thrift store too!
Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.


My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4


Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!
That is so cute! Ditto the MM panties!! That's how I potty trained Christopher. He wanted to wear "ME Mouse" underwear!:thumbsup2
WOO HOO for only 21 more days! it sounds like it's going to be SUPER busy for you, but FX you get everything you need, done! I hope you are able re-rent out your place quickly.

:goodvibes Thanks... we still need to do some work before we can even show it. She left it a little messy:mad: but luckily nothing was damaged.

Finally caught up with a week of posted photos and comments. LOVE all the cute outfits...super job:love:

Someone was asking about I Spy Bags...I made these for my granddaughters for road trips. Since they can't 'read' yet...I took a photo of all the different objects in each bag and attached it to a loop. I tried to put different objects in all the bags so they could trade off and look for something different.

I Spy Bags by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr


Those are adorable!

Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.



My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4


Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!

That came out so cute.

I remember when my brother wouldn't wear underwear until he got something caught in the zipper. :lmao: He gave my mom no problem after that.:rolleyes1

I made a Lady and the Tramp Set for Reed's BG. The designs are from Heather and I :love: them -- Thank You Heather! And you received a thank you from the family on their PTR as well.

Hard to see, but the fabric I used for Reed's shorts has little paw prints on it. And I've stolen a photo from the family's ptr as well b/c the kids are sooooooo adorable! (My photos aren't the best -- the shirts are all wrinkled).



I know I commented on BG page but those came out so cute.
WARNING Picture overload :lmao:

So I finished these shirts a few weeks ago but I don't think I ever posted these. If I did sorry for the posting again:upsidedow




When you wish upon a star:wizard:





Matching PJs




Remember my fiasco with the shorts just shredding last year.

THESE Turned into

THESE Turned into....THIS :mad:

So I decided to make this:goodvibes
I love it!!!!! Did you follow a tut? I want to make something similar for my dd to wear to a baseball game this weekend -- with baseball appliqued t and a baseball fabric skirt. And your dd looks absolutely darling in it -- yes, I can see where lack of panties might be a problem! It makes me laugh because I took dd to a party in her swimsuit with her dress over it -- after playing in the water fountain all changed back into their clothes and I completely forgot to bring underwear for dd -- and her dress was on the short side! She did a good job of keeping things covered though.

I actually just sort of made it up as i went. i had her put on the shirt and measured how much I needed to add and then just made a ruffle and sewed it on. It actually came out a bit longer than I planned..the tee stretched a bit with the weight of the skirt attached, but it works!

She has sensory issues which make underwear or anything that goes around her waist, legs, or neck an issue. Its really hard to find undies that are loose and dont touch you but still stay up. I got her the seamless ones at hannah andersson, and some days shes fine, others shes a miserable mess.

I have a drawer FULL of undies with Ariel, Tink, Princesses, Elmo, Dora, ect ect ect she will not wear :(
So I decided to make this:goodvibes

I love everything..those monsters inc shirts :love:

Where did you find Stitch fabric? He is a family fave and i cant find anything except stuff imported from Japan that is waaayyy above my price range :confused3
WARNING Picture overload :lmao:

So I finished these shirts a few weeks ago but I don't think I ever posted these. If I did sorry for the posting again:upsidedow



When you wish upon a star:wizard:


Matching PJs


Remember my fiasco with the shorts just shredding last year.

THESE Turned into

THESE Turned into....THIS :mad:

So I decided to make this:goodvibes
Oh dang -- the worship smilie isn't on the main page today and I'm too lazy to go look for him. Fabulous job on everything -- did you make just that one pair of shorts into the skirt or did you have to use both pairs -- I'm thinking both pairs b/c your dd is the oldest, right? I love all your appliques -- are they bows and clothes? How did they stitch out -- I have never tried hers b/c I've heard some can be a pain. I love everything!!!!! :love:

I actually just sort of made it up as i went. i had her put on the shirt and measured how much I needed to add and then just made a ruffle and sewed it on. It actually came out a bit longer than I planned..the tee stretched a bit with the weight of the skirt attached, but it works!

She has sensory issues which make underwear or anything that goes around her waist, legs, or neck an issue. Its really hard to find undies that are loose and dont touch you but still stay up. I got her the seamless ones at hannah andersson, and some days shes fine, others shes a miserable mess.

I have a drawer FULL of undies with Ariel, Tink, Princesses, Elmo, Dora, ect ect ect she will not wear :(
In your dd's case long is better than short!

I have to laugh at your drawer full of undies b/c my dd has the same. I got her some My Little Pony undies and that was all she would wear. I could no longer find new ones and she really needed more so I took her shopping. She picked out several packs -- Ariel, Dalmatians, etc. Never wears any of them :confused3 Thankfully I found Bella Sara panties now and she's happy in her horses. I imagine HA panties are pricey! I know you can make underwear too -- but I know they'd require elastic. You could at least french seam them though. One other though would be to buy her a larger size and french seam those to tighten up a bit. She may be hopeless though. I feel really bad for you -- my dd has sensitivities to things but not that severe. Certain clothes she will not wear at all. She's been very pleased with anything I make her and she only went through a short spell where she wouldn't wear panties. Tags in things are a no-no though.
I love everything..those monsters inc shirts :love:

Where did you find Stitch fabric? He is a family fave and i cant find anything except stuff imported from Japan that is waaayyy above my price range :confused3

I'm not Michele, but I can tell you her fabric is from Japan -- she bought it off etsy. I think she had Chip and Dale as well and after her boys had the shorts on for awhile they started shredding at the seams. It was apparently the weave in the fabric. For Easy fit shorts you only need a half a yard, so some will splurge. You think Michelle would buy my house in RI though with all the $$$$$$ she has :rotfl2:
I love everything..those monsters inc shirts :love:

Where did you find Stitch fabric? He is a family fave and i cant find anything except stuff imported from Japan that is waaayyy above my price range :confused3

:goodvibes Thanks... yes like Andrea posted I purchased it from Etsy. It was :scared: like $30 for a yard but..... I was able to make two sets of shorts with it so really it was only $15 per short (that's how I had to word it to DH:lmao:) and I did buy Chip and Dale fabric too:rolleyes1

But look how versatile it is. I now made a skirt too:rotfl:

Oh dang -- the worship smilie isn't on the main page today and I'm too lazy to go look for him. Fabulous job on everything -- did you make just that one pair of shorts into the skirt or did you have to use both pairs -- I'm thinking both pairs b/c your dd is the oldest, right? I love all your appliques -- are they bows and clothes? How did they stitch out -- I have never tried hers b/c I've heard some can be a pain. I love everything!!!!! :love:

In your dd's case long is better than short!

:goodvibes Thanks Yes I used both shorts and have just a little scrap left now :sad1:

Two Pinochio appliques are from Bows & Clothes. Jiminy Cricket stitched out fine but the one with Pinochio & Cricket took forever. I am glad I only had to do one.

The Monster's Inc are a mix of Jessica's (Sully & Mike), B&C (Boo) and Heather's. They all stitched out great!

I'm not Michele, but I can tell you her fabric is from Japan -- she bought it off etsy. I think she had Chip and Dale as well and after her boys had the shorts on for awhile they started shredding at the seams. It was apparently the weave in the fabric. For Easy fit shorts you only need a half a yard, so some will splurge. You think Michelle would buy my house in RI though with all the $$$$$$ she has :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: I am so broke I had to resuse fabric :lmao:
I actually just sort of made it up as i went. i had her put on the shirt and measured how much I needed to add and then just made a ruffle and sewed it on. It actually came out a bit longer than I planned..the tee stretched a bit with the weight of the skirt attached, but it works!

She has sensory issues which make underwear or anything that goes around her waist, legs, or neck an issue. Its really hard to find undies that are loose and dont touch you but still stay up. I got her the seamless ones at hannah andersson, and some days shes fine, others shes a miserable mess.

I have a drawer FULL of undies with Ariel, Tink, Princesses, Elmo, Dora, ect ect ect she will not wear :(

What about the boy short type of undies? I believe they are loose and stay up without a constricting waist or legs.. It is a thought
First off...Amanda is making small gains every day in her recovery. She's now off the vent and feeding tube, and passed her swallow test, so she can attempt a soft diet. She's been complaining (by drawing letters in the air) that she's hungry...since Friday. Her mom said she's already lost 15 lbs, and it shows. She's got some more movement in all limbs, but will still need extensive rehab. She's now in a lower level ICU, and expects to go to rehab within a few days, but where hasn't been decided yet. It's truly a miracle that the damage wasn't more extensive, her life was saved by millimeters. The coach who was chaperoning the trip was told by EVAC that they make trips to the trampoline play place several times a week.

And my good news, which pales in comparison, is my embroidery unit is fixed!!! I went in on my lunch hour and he had the part in stock and fixed it while I waited. Total price $30.00 Priceless, as far as I was concerned! Now I can finish the rest of my Disney sewing. All I have left is 2 t-shirts that need to be done, anything after that is a bonus.

Thanks for the update on Amanda. I am glad that she is able to be off the vent and tube so quickly. Movement in the limbs is a good sign. I hope she will continue to make great gains in her recovery.

Also good news that your embroidery machine was fixed quickly and inexpensively.

What do I want? Besides a good nights sleep? How about some new sewing needles! I don't know what my Marilyn (what I've decided to call my sewing machine) is mad about, but she has snapped one needle and bent two more. And stabbed me in the finger. Now I have no more needles and I was almost done with my project! Darn it!!! I did manage to make Tori an iron shirt. I got the iron on at Joann's this weekend. It says "Daddy did my hair." The kids thought it was so funny "because Tori has no hair!!!" LOL.

Thank you, and these are so awesome. I really like the tunics. I wonder if I'd look good in a tunic?

Our news of the night....Tori lost her OTHER front tooth! She looks so cute. That reminds me, I better go make sure the tooth fairy visits her!!

Look at this face!!


Aww Tori looks so cute. I hope the tooth fairy was generous! I want to see the hair shirt! I imagine you will look good in a tunic. Mind you, the SisBoom patterns I have tried are pretty flattering on many (if not all) body shapes.

That will teach me not to log in for a few days. Everyone has been chatting. We had some tenants move out this weekend so we need to get our unit cleaned and ready, still need to make 15 more shirts and work at my "real" job all in 21 days....

I missed that you met some BG families. What BG was this? And your creations are adorable. They must have been so excited.

Sounds like you have a busy time coming up! I met with Justin's family last week. They are a really nice and sweet family.

I made a Lady and the Tramp Set for Reed's BG. The designs are from Heather and I :love: them -- Thank You Heather! And you received a thank you from the family on their PTR as well.

Hard to see, but the fabric I used for Reed's shorts has little paw prints on it. And I've stolen a photo from the family's ptr as well b/c the kids are sooooooo adorable! (My photos aren't the best -- the shirts are all wrinkled).


Great job on the outfits! I am still working on mine.

PurpleEars Love everything as always. I know I have seen your customs for adults before.. but needed to say I LOVE THEM all again!!! Not sure that they would like right on me, but still LOVE them!!

Thanks for continuing to inspire me. My Emroidery Machine is supposed to arrive tomorrow!! Much to my surprise!! I delayed ordering my thread because I figured I had time... but DID NOT! Oh well.. Super excited either way!

Getting overwhelmed... My ticker says we have little time to finish getting ready for our trip!! LOTs to do!! WOO HOO

Thanks! Like I said, the SisBoom patterns are great for many body shapes and sizes. If you have time, I'd encourage you to make something for yourself!

I am sure you will be busy playing with your embroidery machine when it arrives! What will be your first embroidery with it?

Ok you sewing specialists..help me plan!!

I'm trying to map out the outfits for each day. This is just for Jon, Tori and Dom. DH doesn't want Disney outfits and I'm sure I won't have time to make anything for me.

So here's what I got (not sure what order we are doing the parks, so this is just day by day)

Day 1: Travel/GKTW. I wanted to do some kind of wish trip/travel something, but no ideas yet.

Day 2: Disney MK: Tori is going in her snow white outfit, Boys in their Princess Protection Agency shirts. Unless I make a better outfit for Tori. But it is going to be hot and I want her to be comfortable and she won't be comfortable in a princess dress I don't think, especially with her port etc.

Day 3: Disney Hollywood Studios/Animal Kingdom....no idea. Maybe Toy Story since they all like that? Isn't Toy Story at Hollywood Studios?

Day 4: Universal Studios. No idea.

Day 5: Universal Studios: No idea.

Day 6: Sea World. I have some cute appliques for this one so I think I'm ok.

Day 7: GKTW/Go home. I'm thinking maybe reusing Tori's biker Mickey outfit and the boys matching Big Bro shirts for the way home?

I also want to make a Christmas outfit for the GKTW party.

And I wanted to do pjs for when the Mayor tucks them in, but now I'm looking at this list and I've got:

18 outfits to make!!!!

Oh my gosh.

Who has some good suggestions, especially for Universal studios?!

I agree with the "Thing" shirts suggestion. How about Harry Potter for Universal Studios? For Animal Kingdom, I always liked Heather's zoo animals with ears set.

These are great ideas -- do you mind if I "steal/copy" idea of a black dress with the minnie mouse polka dots for the trim?

Of course you may (as long as I get to see a picture of it :rotfl:) Actually, I wore the Minnie Jamie dress to work today (the one with the ruffle). It always makes me smile when I wear my customs to work.

Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.


That is super cute! I can't wait to see the rest of the series!

My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4


Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!

Great job on the dress. I am so sorry to hear about your DD's sensitivity and the underpants issue. :hug:

WARNING Picture overload

So I finished these shirts a few weeks ago but I don't think I ever posted these. If I did sorry for the posting again



When you wish upon a star


Matching PJs


Remember my fiasco with the shorts just shredding last year.

THESE Turned into

THESE Turned into....THIS :mad:

So I decided to make this:goodvibes

Great job on everything! I am sure your family will be the best dressed family when you are there! It is really neat that you repurposed the shorts into a skirt. I like how it turned out!
Oh dang -- the worship smilie isn't on the main page today and I'm too lazy to go look for him. Fabulous job on everything -- did you make just that one pair of shorts into the skirt or did you have to use both pairs -- I'm thinking both pairs b/c your dd is the oldest, right? I love all your appliques -- are they bows and clothes? How did they stitch out -- I have never tried hers b/c I've heard some can be a pain. I love everything!!!!! :

Just had to say I bought from bows and.clothes and everything has stitched out very well. I LOVE her clippie designs she does multi in the hop so say 4 in a 4x4 hoop so that you get all four done with just tine goi g thru the steps. LOVE that. Something's have more jump stitches then I would like but after its done I can't think of a way that she could have done them without that many. So it's all good in the end and the final product always has looked good. Hope this helps your decidition.
:confused: So my loving wonderful, truly thoughtful husband decided today was sharpen the kitchen knives day. "Great idea" I said, "they are getting a bit dull" I said... I was busily not paying attention to him and he tried to sharpen ALL my sewing scissors. I know not a huge deal I will take them and get them sharpened tomorrow. I was in the middle of finishing a quilt binding too. They won't even snip a piece of thread. I had to use an ancient pair of safety scissors tonight on my binding threads. I feel better now.
Thanks for continuing to inspire me. My Emroidery Machine is supposed to arrive tomorrow!! Much to my surprise!!:rotfl2: I delayed ordering my thread because I figured I had time... but DID NOT! Oh well.. Super excited either way!

Getting overwhelmed... My ticker says we have little time:hourglass to finish getting ready for our trip!! LOTs to do!! WOO HOO

Oh that's so exciting that your machine is supposed to arrive tomorrow! Guess we all know who will be stalking their mail carrier! Bummer that you won't have all the extras you need to REALLY get to play on it. FX those ship out quickly.

Finally caught up with a week of posted photos and comments. LOVE all the cute outfits...super job:love:

Someone was asking about I Spy Bags...I made these for my granddaughters for road trips. Since they can't 'read' yet...I took a photo of all the different objects in each bag and attached it to a loop. I tried to put different objects in all the bags so they could trade off and look for something different.

I Spy Bags by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr


Can I ask where you get all the little various trinkets to put inside the eye spy bags??? I've always wondered that.

Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.


Oh how DARLING! I guess Marilyn is happier now that she has some new needles? OH and I didn't grab the quote about your universal day, but someone recently posted that they were going to do a Despicable Me theme for one of their days. From looking at their site you could also do something like Curious George (there's a play area themed with that) or something from Shrek or the Madagascar movies.

My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4


Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!

I LOVE it! SO cute! Glad she likes it too.

Size 10 will be too big :( Thank you so much for checking though and for your offer. I just hate to spend $$ on something she will only wear once. She's not big on fancy dresses but she will wear any skirt I make her and wears some dresses -- she loves twirly ones :confused3 She's a strange child. She wears the weirdest shoe combos too -- she will have shoes that perfectly match an outfit and will insist on wearing something else that doesn't match at all. I did see a pattern on YCMT that would work, but by the time I bought the pattern and fabric and supplies it would cost more than finding a dress on sale. I am hoping TJ Maxx will have something. I may try a thrift store too!

Oh I hope you have some luck finding a dress for Alexa to wear! I always hate it when you have special events like this and you need something for them to wear but you KNOW they will only being wearing it the one time. It seems like such a waste.

WARNING Picture overload

So I finished these shirts a few weeks ago but I don't think I ever posted these. If I did sorry for the posting again



When you wish upon a star


Matching PJs


Remember my fiasco with the shorts just shredding last year.

THESE Turned into
THESE Turned into....THIS

So I decided to make this

I am so broke I had to resuse fabric

I am in LOVE with the Monsters Inc. set. I have a Monsters Inc. themed outift floating around in my brain too. (Now if I could only get around to actually SEWING it...)

The Pinocchio set is great! You all will look super sharp in those!

The PJs turned out great as well. You sure are covering ALL your clothing needs for this trip and pulling out all the stops!

HA HA HA about being so broke that you actually have to REUSE fabric! But seriously the Stitch skirt is ADORABLE! LOVE IT!!

So my loving wonderful, truly thoughtful husband decided today was sharpen the kitchen knives day. "Great idea" I said, "they are getting a bit dull" I said... I was busily not paying attention to him and he tried to sharpen ALL my sewing scissors. I know not a huge deal I will take them and get them sharpened tomorrow. I was in the middle of finishing a quilt binding too. They won't even snip a piece of thread. I had to use an ancient pair of safety scissors tonight on my binding threads. I feel better now.

Oh no! That's so frustrating because you know he was trying to be sweet but he bungled it up anyway. BOO! FX that you can get the scissors sharpened soon so you can have them back in working order!

I made a Lady and the Tramp Set for Reed's BG. The designs are from Heather and I :love: them -- Thank You Heather! And you received a thank you from the family on their PTR as well.

Hard to see, but the fabric I used for Reed's shorts has little paw prints on it. And I've stolen a photo from the family's ptr as well b/c the kids are sooooooo adorable! (My photos aren't the best -- the shirts are all wrinkled).

Andrea, these look great!!! And thanks for the link to the TR! I loved seeing that!

I knew you were joking, and the funny part is, that I thought maybe it was a state, but it didn't look like Alaska (where she was cruising to), so I gave up after that, lol.

Great job.

OH good!!! Sometimes I'm the only one around my house who has a clue when I'm trying to be funny! :confused3 :rotfl:
Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.


I hadn't seen any of these stitched out yet! It looks wonderful!

My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4

Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!

So cute! Your daughter looks adorable!

I clicked on the applique tutorial on page one of this thread and my anti-virus kicked it out. Anyone else have that happen?

(It said because the site contains content from shabbyblogs dot com, a site known to distribute malware)

I've never had that happen .

I hope Heather is making more bald princesses ~ I can see those being a big hit with so many of our BG recipients.
I know she was working on a few more. She's working on a few other things right now, so I'm not sure which ones she was able to get done.

WARNING Picture overload :lmao:

So I decided to make this:goodvibes

Wow, you have been busy! I love what you did with the shorts!!! You are so clever!

:confused: So my loving wonderful, truly thoughtful husband decided today was sharpen the kitchen knives day. "Great idea" I said, "they are getting a bit dull" I said... I was busily not paying attention to him and he tried to sharpen ALL my sewing scissors. I know not a huge deal I will take them and get them sharpened tomorrow. I was in the middle of finishing a quilt binding too. They won't even snip a piece of thread. I had to use an ancient pair of safety scissors tonight on my binding threads. I feel better now.

OH NO!!!!!
Two Pinochio appliques are from Bows & Clothes. Jiminy Cricket stitched out fine but the one with Pinochio & Cricket took forever. I am glad I only had to do one.

The Monster's Inc are a mix of Jessica's (Sully & Mike), B&C (Boo) and Heather's. They all stitched out great!

:rotfl2: I am so broke I had to resuse fabric :lmao:
I had no clue Jessica sold applique designs. Is she on etsy? I knew her user name at one time but now I'm clueless. Would you be so kind as to either post it here or pm me with it. All the designs look great -- I can definitely believe some took forever as they are detailed. I don't mind time consuming as long as they turn out OK.

Just had to say I bought from bows and.clothes and everything has stitched out very well. I LOVE her clippie designs she does multi in the hop so say 4 in a 4x4 hoop so that you get all four done with just tine goi g thru the steps. LOVE that. Something's have more jump stitches then I would like but after its done I can't think of a way that she could have done them without that many. So it's all good in the end and the final product always has looked good. Hope this helps your decidition.
Thanks! For BGs I'm sticking with Heather since the price is right and I know her quality. B&C had some more detailed ones I liked for personal use IF I ever go back to Dis again -- I've heard mixed reviews though.

:confused: So my loving wonderful, truly thoughtful husband decided today was sharpen the kitchen knives day. "Great idea" I said, "they are getting a bit dull" I said... I was busily not paying attention to him and he tried to sharpen ALL my sewing scissors. I know not a huge deal I will take them and get them sharpened tomorrow. I was in the middle of finishing a quilt binding too. They won't even snip a piece of thread. I had to use an ancient pair of safety scissors tonight on my binding threads. I feel better now.
What did he do to them????? I see according to your sig he's still your Prince Charming so I guess they are salvageable.
Michelle I totally love all the outfits :)

Andrea, Jessica has her own website with instant download it is misskenziemac dot come :)
So I did it. I bought the pattern for the Audrey Skirt. :banana::banana::banana:
I don't have a serger, but I like the look of the rolled hem. I looked through my sewing machine's instruction book, and I do have an Overedge stitch foot as well as a double overedge stitch foot. Would either of these give me the same effect? Or should I buy a rolled hem foot?
It will take me at least a week to sew this, but I promise to post a picture.
Thank you for the encouragement to try my feeble sewing skills on such a cute skirt!


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