Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Really quick cuz I just came down to the computer to check the color for an applique... I'll get back later with more ideas..

but doesn't Universal have Cat in the Hat? You're all set for Tori for one of the days and make the boys Thing 1 and Thing 2 t-shirts to coordinate.

Be back later -- do you have a ptr? Please post me the link if you do.

Andrea! Once again! Genius! You are right!!! I started a PTR but haven't updated it. Darn it. I'll try to find it. Going to browse the Universal site to see who would work for the next day. Thing 1 and Thing 2 is a great idea!
Who has some good suggestions, especially for Universal studios?!

Dr. Suess is at Universal, or at least I thought so. Perhaps the Dr Suess outfit, or the Thing 1, 2, 3 shirts? Jurassic Park/ Dinosaur appliques possibly. Harry Potter would of course fit as well. I am sure someone else will have better suggestions, so have no fear that you will get lots of choices
Andrea! Once again! Genius! You are right!!! I started a PTR but haven't updated it. Darn it. I'll try to find it. Going to browse the Universal site to see who would work for the next day. Thing 1 and Thing 2 is a great idea!

Is Dora at any of the parks? I remember Nini made a Dora outfit for a BG and I also recall reading your blog that Tori loves Dora. Once again I have no time to post -- I have to run and pick up the kids from school and need to leave a hair early b/c I must get a couple of gift cards that I need by tomorrow -- then again, it's raining and I can do that tomorrow morning! I also need to find dd a dressy dress for her piano recital. I have one that I wanted her to try on (cuz I fear it's too short) and she refused to even try it on b/c it's pale pink. She is not a pink fan but never before has she protested to wearing pink. She wants to wear her terrier appliqued t and skirt set I made her for the recital :rotfl: That's the white shirt she got chocolate ice cream on the first day she wore it and there still is a very, very faint spot.

Toy Story is DHS. Cars is done a lot for DHS too. Or you could do something that would work both at DHS and AK unless you are doing a wardrobe change mid day (which I always did).
I love that! I keep looking at the upper peninsula seeing it through your eyes and it is very funny! (and, hopefully everyone knew I was just joking around)

I knew you were joking, and the funny part is, that I thought maybe it was a state, but it didn't look like Alaska (where she was cruising to), so I gave up after that, lol.


Great job.
Dr. Suess is at Universal, or at least I thought so. Perhaps the Dr Suess outfit, or the Thing 1, 2, 3 shirts? Jurassic Park/ Dinosaur appliques possibly. Harry Potter would of course fit as well. I am sure someone else will have better suggestions, so have no fear that you will get lots of choices

Thank you! I think I definitely will do Dr Suess!

Is Dora at any of the parks? I remember Nini made a Dora outfit for a BG and I also recall reading your blog that Tori loves Dora. Once again I have no time to post -- I have to run and pick up the kids from school and need to leave a hair early b/c I must get a couple of gift cards that I need by tomorrow -- then again, it's raining and I can do that tomorrow morning! I also need to find dd a dressy dress for her piano recital. I have one that I wanted her to try on (cuz I fear it's too short) and she refused to even try it on b/c it's pale pink. She is not a pink fan but never before has she protested to wearing pink. She wants to wear her terrier appliqued t and skirt set I made her for the recital :rotfl: That's the white shirt she got chocolate ice cream on the first day she wore it and there still is a very, very faint spot.

Toy Story is DHS. Cars is done a lot for DHS too. Or you could do something that would work both at DHS and AK unless you are doing a wardrobe change mid day (which I always did).

Good luck with the piano recital outfit! You did a wardrobe change mid-day??? OMG. Now I feel pressure!! I bet my husband would think I was nuts if I did that!! (I might do it anyway! :rotfl:)

While at lunch, I was thinking that I actually have a lot of time left before we go, so I should be fine to finish things. That is, if Marilyn cooperates. I took my lunch break to go get her new needles, so she better be happy! The fabric store has a huge embroidery section and I just want to sit in there and learn everything. But I figured I should probably go back to work!!
Finally caught up with a week of posted photos and comments. LOVE all the cute outfits...super job:love:

Someone was asking about I Spy Bags...I made these for my granddaughters for road trips. Since they can't 'read' yet...I took a photo of all the different objects in each bag and attached it to a loop. I tried to put different objects in all the bags so they could trade off and look for something different.

I Spy Bags by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr

First off...Amanda is making small gains every day in her recovery. She's now off the vent and feeding tube, and passed her swallow test, so she can attempt a soft diet. She's been complaining (by drawing letters in the air) that she's hungry...since Friday. Her mom said she's already lost 15 lbs, and it shows. She's got some more movement in all limbs, but will still need extensive rehab. She's now in a lower level ICU, and expects to go to rehab within a few days, but where hasn't been decided yet. It's truly a miracle that the damage wasn't more extensive, her life was saved by millimeters. The coach who was chaperoning the trip was told by EVAC that they make trips to the trampoline play place several times a week.

And my good news, which pales in comparison, is my embroidery unit is fixed!!! :yay: I went in on my lunch hour and he had the part in stock and fixed it while I waited. Total price $30.00 Priceless, as far as I was concerned! Now I can finish the rest of my Disney sewing. All I have left is 2 t-shirts that need to be done, anything after that is a bonus. :cheer2:
I am so glad to hear that Amanda is improving. We have a trampoline in the backyard and I have some strict rules about how the kids play on it. My nephew who is visiting wanted to do flips on it and I just about had a heart attack!

Also glad that your sewing machine was repaired and that it didn't cost a fortune!

Our news of the night....Tori lost her OTHER front tooth! She looks so cute. That reminds me, I better go make sure the tooth fairy visits her!!

Look at this face!!

Awww, that's so cute!

Miss Diane, you were doing so well at using up your stash items. I think your problem came when you started sewing with knits -- and buying more knits, and ordering more knits, and getting knits at Hancock's sale -- even I resisted those -- I figured it would be cheaper with a 50% off coupon than it was with 25% off and the 15% (granted Hancock's doesn't do 50% off but Joann's does and Hancock's will accept Joann's coupons -- I believe I have one for the first week in June).

And Diane, I also need to let you know I am finished with my teacher totes and school doesn't let out until June 15! I fell so "Dianish" for getting something done early! (Never mind the piano teacher's isn't even started and I need that on by June 8 :rolleyes1)
I was doing really well using up my stash but then I went to Hobby Lobby when I was visiting my SIL and bought a bunch of stuff because we don't have one here. Then I have been buying knit fabrics to work with and I ordered the scrap box and a few things from a seller on FB. Then I hit the sales at Joanns and Hancocks over the weekend. I have a lot of things planned out to sew with all my treasures but now I need to make time to do them!

I am so proud to have rubbed off on you and to get to be ready super early. I am sure you will get the piano teacher's tote done in no time at all. What are you going to do about a dress for your dd. What size does she wear? I have a beautiful turquoise blue dress that I was just about to donate.

I made a Lady and the Tramp Set for Reed's BG. The designs are from Heather and I :love: them -- Thank You Heather! And you received a thank you from the family on their PTR as well.




Adorable as usual! I really need to get done with this order I am working on so that I can make the things for this BG.

I love these!! GREAT JOB and they look great on them! I have the stuff ready to make their PJS..I just am nervous to sew for someone else, especially for something important like this. I need to try!

Got a groupon ad in my email just now:
•$15 for $30 worth of fabric, sewing supplies, and machine repairs
•$15 for $35 worth of sewing, quilting, and embroidery classes

Guess who is getting a groupon today!!
I am sure you will do a great job on the pjs. Have fun with your groupon.

Day 1: Travel/GKTW. I wanted to do some kind of wish trip/travel something, but no ideas yet.

Day 2: Disney MK: Tori is going in her snow white outfit, Boys in their Princess Protection Agency shirts. Unless I make a better outfit for Tori. But it is going to be hot and I want her to be comfortable and she won't be comfortable in a princess dress I don't think, especially with her port etc.

Day 3: Disney Hollywood Studios/Animal Kingdom....no idea. Maybe Toy Story since they all like that? Isn't Toy Story at Hollywood Studios?

Day 4: Universal Studios. No idea.

Day 5: Universal Studios: No idea.

Day 6: Sea World. I have some cute appliques for this one so I think I'm ok.

Day 7: GKTW/Go home. I'm thinking maybe reusing Tori's biker Mickey outfit and the boys matching Big Bro shirts for the way home?

I also want to make a Christmas outfit for the GKTW party.

And I wanted to do pjs for when the Mayor tucks them in, but now I'm looking at this list and I've got:

18 outfits to make!!!!

Oh my gosh.

Who has some good suggestions, especially for Universal studios?!
First up- CarlaC has directions on her blog for her to "Princessify" the simply sweet dress pattern. You can make a very princessy looking dress out of lightweight cotton and Tori will be a comfortable princess.

For Animal Kingdom a lot of people do Mickey and Minnie with a safari hat or outfits with jungle themed fabrics. It is a little harder because you are hitting two parks in one day. Maybe I'd stick with something very basically Disney in the red, yellow and black theme. Or maybe you could do Mickey tie dyes for the family for this day. They aren't hard.

For Universal I agree with everybody else about the Cat in the Hat outfit. It is already made and it is adorable. Do Thing shirts for the boys or some other Seuss themed outfit. If you are hitting the Harry Potter area, you can do something with a HP theme on it.

Maybe to cut back on how many outfits you need to embroider you could do Wish shirts with iron on transfers. I think there are a few that people have made already.
All right, I finally have a little time to post, and I perused the Universal website.

Ok you sewing specialists..help me plan!!

I'm trying to map out the outfits for each day. This is just for Jon, Tori and Dom. DH doesn't want Disney outfits and I'm sure I won't have time to make anything for me.

So here's what I got (not sure what order we are doing the parks, so this is just day by day)

Day 1: Travel/GKTW. I wanted to do some kind of wish trip/travel something, but no ideas yet.
I think Wish Trip t's would be awesome. If Heather doesn't have a design by then you could do something generic Disney like Mickey heads or one of the fab five for each of you and just have Tori's Wish Trip written in text or something of that sort. I think you are on the BG site and there are designs on there but they are iron ons. But you could look at old threads to get an idea of what people have done. Cheryl made some nice ones once that were for a Disney Cruise and she used Heather Sue's Cruise ship design and then just did a little wording under them. They were my favorite, but don't tell Cheryl -- things like that will go to her head :rotfl:

Day 2: Disney MK: Tori is going in her snow white outfit, Boys in their Princess Protection Agency shirts. Unless I make a better outfit for Tori. But it is going to be hot and I want her to be comfortable and she won't be comfortable in a princess dress I don't think, especially with her port etc. I love her SW outfit and think that would be perfect! And Princess Protection sounds perfect for the boys.

Day 3: Disney Hollywood Studios/Animal Kingdom....no idea. Maybe Toy Story since they all like that? Isn't Toy Story at Hollywood Studios?Toy Story is at DHS and I have seen some really cute TS designs. I would do an outfit change for AK -- Mickey heads with safari hats are cute and for Tori you could pair that with an animal print skirt. I have also seen some really elaborate designs if you have the time -- Chiara made an awesome appliqued skirt for her dd.

Day 4: Universal Studios. No idea.
I think you already decided on Suess for this day :)

Day 5: Universal Studios: No idea.
I swore I read somewhere that Tori liked Woody Woodpecker but it must have been someone else b/c I searched for that on your blog and didn't get any hits -- maybe it's our current BG that likes Woody :confused3 There is apparently a parade at Universal which has Dora in it. You could do Spongebob for the boys -- I personally detest SB so can't believe I even suggested that. Spiderman is another idea. Harry Potter works too if your kids are into HP. Barney is there but I'm not keen on him either, though Tori may like him -- we had a wish child in the past that loved Barney.

Day 6: Sea World. I have some cute appliques for this one so I think I'm ok.

Day 7: GKTW/Go home. I'm thinking maybe reusing Tori's biker Mickey outfit and the boys matching Big Bro shirts for the way home?I think that would look great!

I also want to make a Christmas outfit for the GKTW party.
I made Christmas outfit for Lisa and family for this party with Mickey Santas (b/c that's what Judy wanted).

And I wanted to do pjs for when the Mayor tucks them in, but now I'm looking at this list and I've got:PJ's are so easy to make -- just make the kids Easy FIt bottoms and applique a coordinating t-shirt.

18 outfits to make!!!!

Oh my gosh.

Who has some good suggestions, especially for Universal studios?!
Now I have to ask, do you work full time or part time? You've been sewing things really quickly from what I can tell, so I this list is feasible for you.

Finally caught up with a week of posted photos and comments. LOVE all the cute outfits...super job:love:

Someone was asking about I Spy Bags...I made these for my granddaughters for road trips. Since they can't 'read' yet...I took a photo of all the different objects in each bag and attached it to a loop. I tried to put different objects in all the bags so they could trade off and look for something different.

I do similar -- on one side I put the photo of pictures and on the other side of the card I have the objects written.


I was doing really well using up my stash but then I went to Hobby Lobby when I was visiting my SIL and bought a bunch of stuff because we don't have one here. Then I have been buying knit fabrics to work with and I ordered the scrap box and a few things from a seller on FB. Then I hit the sales at Joanns and Hancocks over the weekend. I have a lot of things planned out to sew with all my treasures but now I need to make time to do them!

I am so proud to have rubbed off on you and to get to be ready super early. I am sure you will get the piano teacher's tote done in no time at all. What are you going to do about a dress for your dd. What size does she wear? I have a beautiful turquoise blue dress that I was just about to donate.
I'm starting to work harder at using my stash, but only because our tenants are moving out and I have to cut corners. I would have really had fun at Joann's if that were not the case.

I wouldn't say I'm done super early, just not finishing up the night before. Of course it's my sister's birthday tomorrow and I have NONE of her gifts wrapped. Sewing is more fun than wrapping.

Alexa wears a 7/8 unless it's longer and then she can fit in a smaller size. She's pretty thin. So if that's the size, please send me a pic and I'll see if the dress meets her picky approval. I looked at Ross today and they had nothing! Kohls had a couple that were so-so on clearance for good prices but the one I really like was too small. Maybe I could make her something with cotton and dress it up a bit -- Kohls had a pretty one in sort of a Simply Sweet style that was a floral cotton but they had it dressed up with a sash and fabric flower that had rhinestones for the center. That was the one I actually liked (not in her size though).
SUZI: I lost your quote but I have made a few customs. I actually wear these to work too.

Jamie dresses:
Rebecca dresses:
Meghan dress:

World showcase skort, I drafted my own pattern:

Patrica tunics from BG's:

I think this should give you some ideas for adult customs! ;)

These are great ideas -- do you mind if I "steal/copy" idea of a black dress with the minnie mouse polka dots for the trim?
First up- CarlaC has directions on her blog for her to "Princessify" the simply sweet dress pattern. You can make a very princessy looking dress out of lightweight cotton and Tori will be a comfortable princess.


can you point us noobs into the direction of this blog??? TIA!:)

Nevermind...found it! LOL

Scroll down and in the left hand column you will see "tutorials" and there is a Belle, Cindy and Aurora style there -- she does the tuts on AG dolls so you have to resize to whatever size you are making for your child (unless she is 18 inches and on the thin side :rotfl:).

I showed DD4 and we think she might wear that dress...if mom makes all the seams super smooth and it loose enough so it does not touch her

We are having dinner with the princesses the night we get to WDW so something like that might be perfect for her!
Finally caught up with a week of posted photos and comments. LOVE all the cute outfits...super job:love:

Someone was asking about I Spy Bags...I made these for my granddaughters for road trips. Since they can't 'read' yet...I took a photo of all the different objects in each bag and attached it to a loop. I tried to put different objects in all the bags so they could trade off and look for something different.

I Spy Bags by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr


These are great!!

All right, I finally have a little time to post, and I perused the Universal website.

Now I have to ask, do you work full time or part time? You've been sewing things really quickly from what I can tell, so I this list is feasible for you.

Right now I have Thursdays off when I take Tori to chemo. Although I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take my job. It is getting really bad and I hate being away from Tori! I love all the help you have given me! These are great suggestions!! And P.S. I don't like spongebob either!

Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.

By the way, does anyone know where I can get the name "ANNA" ? I tried to find it in the name library but it isn't spelled right. Any help?!
My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4


Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!
I clicked on the applique tutorial on page one of this thread and my anti-virus kicked it out. Anyone else have that happen?

(It said because the site contains content from shabbyblogs dot com, a site known to distribute malware)
can you point us noobs into the direction of this blog??? TIA!:)

Nevermind...found it! LOL
I see that you found it and Andrea also pointed you in the right direction.

I showed DD4 and we think she might wear that dress...if mom makes all the seams super smooth and it loose enough so it does not touch her

We are having dinner with the princesses the night we get to WDW so something like that might be perfect for her!
A lot of people make these dresses for princess dinners. When it is hot outside, they are so much more comfortable than the polyester creations that they sell at the parks.

Ok here is my new design thanks to HeatherSue!! I LOVE IT. And yes, Jasmine is a little pale, but that is because she had to get chemo.

Love it!

My project today...

I took a $3 t shirt and added a ruffle to the bottom to make a skirt for DD4


Pretty happy with how it came out...just hope she will wear it!!



now if i could get her to wear underwear..it would be a win win!
That's adorable! And the dress is cute too.;) Maybe if you get her Mickey Mouse underwear, she will wear it under the Mickey Mouse dress????

Andrea the dress that I have is a size 10. I'll see if I can find a picture. I found a picture but it is on my phone. Can you PM your email address so that I can send it to you? It is so much easier that way!


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