Credit card skimmer alert

We used the laundry in the 2100 (I think?) when we visited and had no problems. What a pain though for your sister! I hate how people do this stuff!
Heck my bank locked down my card when I started running because after years of a ton of fast food and video game purchases my bank though $300 at an athletic store had to be fraud haha.


So the OP basically stated that it was at a run Disney event (or something like that) and not necessarily at the fort or even with the Laundry.

Since it was posted on the board for the fort and all ....

Even so, I don't think the Fort is covered by the level of security that other places in Disney are. I won't be using my cards there. I only have one without a chip, but won't use any of them.
Since it was posted on the board for the fort and all ....

Even so, I don't think the Fort is covered by the level of security that other places in Disney are. I won't be using my cards there. I only have one without a chip, but won't use any of them.

That is certainly an option and your choice. My whole point was, is that even at places you may think are secure you are at risk if you USE a card at all. It really doesn't matter. The skimmers (as in the people doing the skimming) are just as high tech as the credit card companies. For every advancement that the CC companies make, the skimmers will be only a few steps behind. The best thing you can do is to be aware.

If something looks shady, obviously avoid it. Keep a close eye on your accounts. (I typically check ALL my accounts at least once a week. My bank allows me to "Link" them all into one page so I can keep an eye on them easily). If something looks suspicious, report it. I have had things that "Looked" suspicious (because the vendor was slow in posting it and I forgot about the transaction) and I reported it. It came back as legit, so no problem. Other times.... it was a fraud.

While having your cards skimmed/stolen/defrauded is not fun, it's really just a "Bump" in the road of doing business in the modern world. Having a plan to deal with issues (like any other crisis you may face in life) is just a good idea.
My friend knows where the card CHIP was hacked as it was the ONLY place he used the brand new bank card at all. It's used for specific items & not an every day used card.

My DD's chipped bank card was skimmed somewhere nearby home. (Navy Fed) Her story (I wasn't there, so this is 2nd hand)

She went into the bank to get her old one replaced (she couldn't find it) and used the new one twice that day. Once at a local gas station and once at a local restaurant (mom & pop Greek place) a few hours later. While she was at the Greek place, the bank called and asked if she was really buying that much gas. Someone used her new card number to buy gas at two other local gas stations, both over $30.

This was a brand new card from the bank that morning. She went back to the bank and got yet another new card. Was a hassle though, because the charges went through, then the bank reversed the charges and the fees (it was 2 days before her husband's payday) that went with it.

She had had to go inside at the gas station, as the pumps weren't authorizing cards. Guess the gas station employee decided to make some money on the side. (Gas station admitted it was because of an employee)


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