CMs Who Make You Smile

I have a couple. First off was a resort CM who made me laugh. At the All Star Music I called down one day for extra towels. You have to take your room towels down to the pool area, so we needed more. Anyway, they sent someone up with extra towels in no time. Next night, I called down again. The CM said Miss ...... didn't I send you extra towels last night? What do you think this is, Disney World, that you can just expect extra towels all the time?" Obviously being silly. I thought it was funny. It was even funnier when a CM showed up at the room loaded down with more towels than we could have ever needed! :rotfl2: I like a good smarty-pants, and that housekeeper sure was one.

The second one happened in the Magic Kingdom. In one of my less than stellar moments I was having a bit of a tantrum. Our group had split up, and the other group (all male) were dense enough to have not turned the cell phones on. We were supposed to meet after Dumbo, and the line was just too long. So we headed over to Peter Pan. Well, I couldn't get ahold of the guys, so I couldn't ride. I didn't want them to miss us and then wander around the parks with their CELL PHONES OFF! Ahem. So I was standing there pitching a fit when a CM came over and pretty much started mocking me, waving his giant Mickey hands around in an impersonation of what I was doing.:blush: It was so funny that I couldn't help but laugh! I was being an idiot. That CM was able to totally get me out of my bad mood and put me back in a Disney frame of mind.
I wish I'd gotten this lady's name, but I always forget to notice that kind of thing until it's too late! There was a very nice CM near the bell stand at AKV when we checked in earlier this month who had a Tinkerbell pin on her lanyard that my DD4 REALLY wanted to trade for, but her silly mama (me) had put the trading pins in the luggage that was currently in the hands of bell services and we couldn't get them until after they delivered the bags to our room.

She asked my daughter if we were just arriving for our trip as she took the pin off of her lanyard, and then she dropped it into my little girl's hand while telling her she hoped we would have a magical stay. I asked where I could leave a pin to trade for the one we'd given her, offering to leave it with the front desk or with the concierge or something, and she told me not to worry about it and reiterated that she hoped we would have a good stay.

It was a pretty small thing but that pin turned out to be my daughter's favorite one from the trip. She even surprised me a little by remembering where and how we'd gotten it as I was putting our new pins on the display board after we got home. "That's the pin the lady gave us at the hotel!" she told me as I got it out of the bag it had ridden home with us in. That was just really nice. :)
One of the CMs who made me smile, was last week, when I went on the TTA and, being from New Orleans, I was wearing Mardi Gras beads. She (the CM) got so exicted about my beads, I ended up giving her one, but she was just so amazed by them, and that we were from New Orleans and celebrating Mardi Gras.
Here's a few pics of CMs that made us smile in 2006:

Even if he did make me do the Pony Express around the ENTIRE HOTEL LOBBY :rolleyes:






The best CM's I have ever dealt with were at the WL. We arrived, our room already paid for, and checked in, buying park tickets at that point. Well, unknown to my DH and I, our credit union decided to do a "computer upgrade" at noon. As soon as the 1st Parkhopper was bought, the bank had a failure in the upgrade and it blocked my DH's credit card, his debit card, my debit and credit card, and the ATM functions.

Not only was this HIGHLY humiliating, but our DS, who wasn't even 3 yet, was excited and very hungry. The manager and staff pulled us aside (after listening to me say a few quiet but very select words to the bank), honored a day ticket for all of us, and gave us a small limit to buy food on our keys. It took over 24 hours for the bank to fix the problem on their end, but the WL staff continued to check on us on a regular basis, even the next morning when it was still obvious that our bank was taking their own sweet time- (it is a large credit union and there were over 50 guests that encountered the same problem we had-we just had the pleasure of being the first).

I think that was beyond the level of service I could have ever expected, even from a 5-star hotel. No one understands why I go to Disney so much but with service like that, I continue to give them my business and my money.

Just like I will be doing in April!!!:cool1:
my fiance left his sunglasses at 50s PT one night at dinner. he was pretty bummed, so we decided to call the restaurant. they had the sunglasses and said they would send them over to our resort (ASMu). The next morning, we checked at the hotel's lost and found and they had not received them. So, we went to the parks, and had a great day. checked back with lost and found, once we returned and they still hadn't received the sunglasses. oh well, life goes on...we chalked it up as a loss. went up to our room, and there were the sunglasses!! sitting on the table, with a lost and found tag wrapped around them. we never did find out which CMs made this possible, but obviously many people played a hand in this. my fiance smiled. :)
When I went in 2000 (I do believe that was the year), Epcot had the Millenium Pavillion and there was a couple of masked CM's out front posing with people. After I took a pic with the guy and went to a little kiosk, I turned around to find myself face to face with him and he gave me a rose :goodvibes Added a little extra color to the day and have no idea who the mask was hiding :wizard:
We had a CM at Magic Kingdom last summer who was WONDERFUL!!!

MY 2 year old DD had a sad pouty face on (she's REAL cute when she does this) because Dumbo had a REALLY long line, so we were telling her that we would try to get their earlier the next day...She was sad.

A CM overheard us and bent down and asked my DD "do you really want to go on dumbo now?" So my DD replied yes....

And the CM took our whole family over to DUMBO and walked us STRAIGHT TO THE FRONT OF THE LINE!!! MY DD had a huge smile on her face...

It was a VERY memorable moment for all of us!!!!
On our first family trip my youngest son, 2 at the time, was afraid of characters. On our last day we were in the Character Spot and I mentioned to the Photpass guy how no one would know my little guy was on the trip because he wasn't in any of the character pictures. He talked to my son in the stroller and distracted him while he had Chip and Dale sneak up behind him and took the picture without my son ever know they were there.

We love Oscar, a waiter at the Yachtsman. We sit at one of his tables every trip. One year my boys asked him for his autograph. Last week they told him how they have his autograph saved with all of their character autographs (they are obsessed with character autographs). He came back to the table later with these Disney folders with tons of characters autographs on them. He gave one to each of my boys, they were so excited.

Calvin the CM who works with the characters in Frontierland is great. He is very friendly and a lot of fun when you are waiting online.
This past May my brother and his family joined us in Disney. While we were eating at The 50's Prime Time Cafe I pushed off a few of my veggies on to DW's plate. A Cast Member walked past our table and asked DW why she didn't eat her vegetables. Our niece and nephew quickly stuck up for their aunt and threw me right under the bus. The Cast Member made me stand up and face the wall while he announced to everyone in the diner that I was a bad boy and didn't eat my vegetables. The kids were absolutely horrified! When I sat down my niece said to her mother "I can't believe a place like Disney would do something like that!" The rest of that meal was nice and calm.
I am about 98% sure I spent a good hour or so talking to this girl at some Orlando bar while my buddy and her friend were "getting acquainted". If it was her, she was really outgoing and nice to talk to.

:rotfl2: No way, that's too funny! She was my roommate on the college program!! She IS outgoing and nice to talk to :rotfl:
This was back in Nov. 2008.

We were getting dole whips at Aloha Isle and the two fun-loving and hilarious CM working were having a bit of a contest to see who could make the tallest order of soft serve. And by tall, I mean 10-12 inches ABOVE the top of the dish.

All the customers, of course were laughing about it and egging them on, clapping and laughing and scarfing their giant-sized desserts as quick as they could in 70+ degree, sunny weather.

I had a float and it was closer to normal sized but my husband's soft serve was enormous. He could barely eat it all but he survived. As we enjoyed our treats we sat in the little bench area across from the stand and wondered how long it would be until a supervisor showed up to fire them. LOL

No one showed up that we could see but the guys straightened up and went back to the standard sized products. I think the amount of product they wasted was probably well worth the entertainment they provided the crowd. I sure hope they didn't get in trouble.
Last winter we were at the Studios as a family. I had been visiting on business travel earlier in the month, and had tried out Toy Story Mania. Loved the ride, feared the loading area.

I knew that it would be a stretch for my autism-spectrum kid, but we had talked about the wait and the ride itself. We got into a line that was 45 minutes long by the numbers. Kid was anxious but within spec. As the line curved into the building, though, she froze up. The people around us were all helpfully encouraging the child who didn't want to wait in line, as they perceived her, which of course didn't help.

We walked out to the bench across the way, tears of frustration streaming down her face because This Was IT, the Ride She Had Waited For--and she just couldn't tolerate the waiting area!

Then our day got magical. Chuck the CM followed us. He talked quietly to the kid, told her that it was indeed loud in there, but offered to show her the waiting area from behind the scenes. He walked us in through the side entrance, and put her on the ride before we knew what had happened. He never asked the kid or her parents what was wrong, never told her that she shouldn't be afraid or to stop crying, just used the same calm voice and affect that the best of her teachers have used.

I never had to say 'My kid has a communication disorder' and she never had to say that she wanted desperately to be able to be like everyone else. Chuck made the ride work for her without stigmatizing the child or our family, just because he recognized that she was unable to continue through the doorway.

Considering how often we have to 'prove it' to get services that she's entitled to by law, we were blown away by a CM who took initiative to give our kid a great experience that she's still talking about.

When we return, we will have that experience to build on and will try the line again--she thinks that, now that she's in double digits, she might be able to manage the noise because she can focus on the fun at the end. We'll see!

What a wonderful ending!!! Made me teary!! This is one of the many reasons Disney is so loved!!!
On our '06 trip, I ran into one rude CM that ruined a special dinner for us. Other than that, all the other CM's have always been great. I only remember one from our '06 trip that stuck in my mind, we kept on running into her in various places in DQ, it became a running joke that day.

In '09, two truly magical moments. One day at AK, we were leaving Everest and I was telling my friend about a special path by the tree of life, where you could get right up next to it, but I wasn't sure where it was. A CM with a broom and dustpan overheard us and walked us across the park to the path right up to the tree. She stayed with us while we talked about the various animals and showed us some we hadn't noticed. It was great. I got her name and filled out a card at guest relations before we left the park. She totally brightened our day:goodvibes.

On our last night at MK and the parks, we were riding BTMRR as often as we could. It was after Wishes, so the park was starting to empty, but we had another hour. We rolled through it twice and DH begged out of the third run, so DS and I went on:cool1:. As we were exiting DH was at the exit with a CM. He had been chatting her up about how much DS and I loved riding this ride, especially at night. She took us right back in the exit and had us wait in a special area across from the normal loading area, and loaded us in the back car for one final ride without the wait. I regret not getting her name, it was truly magical. My DS was thrilled:goodvibes.

We are going again in November, I am going to pay more attention to the CM's and chat them up some more. It sounds like the rewards would be great - I plan on getting some names and letting guest relations know as well about how wonderful they are. So many people just log complaints, it is great when they let them know about the wonderful ones:lovestruc.
In '09, two truly magical moments. One day at AK, we were leaving Everest and I was telling my friend about a special path by the tree of life, where you could get right up next to it, but I wasn't sure where it was. A CM with a broom and dustpan overheard us and walked us across the park to the path right up to the tree. She stayed with us while we talked about the various animals and showed us some we hadn't noticed. It was great. I got her name and filled out a card at guest relations before we left the park. She totally brightened our day:goodvibes.

Can I ask where that is?

As we were exiting DH was at the exit with a CM. He had been chatting her up about how much DS and I loved riding this ride, especially at night.

Had to re-read this one. In the UK 'chatting her up' means 'hitting on' :rotfl: I thought you were being very understanding for a moment there ;)
I had heard of secret trails, but looking at the map, is not so secret. The path she took us on was like any other park path, but I don't think many people wander through since we saw no one else.

There are a number of paths wending through the area by the tree. You can see them on the park map. The entrance was on the Oasis side of the tree. Not sure which one, since there are several, but just walked toward the tree. A little back and forth, it is a nice walk. We were hot and tired, after spending the day in the park and this was a last thing to do before leaving, so kind of hard to remember exactly where it was. The tree up close blew me away tho. I was so grateful she had taken time to show us there:goodvibes.
At HS, in Sunset Couture, my husband gave my son (3) the money to buy the D&B wristlet for my birthday. The cashier let him go behind the counter, scan, and bag it. It was the smallest of gestures, but made him feel really special.


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