CMs Who Make You Smile


























A side note on the two CM Friendship captains above. They are married, to each other, usually work the same Friendship together. He is 75. What a pair! of cast mambers!

So thanks to all these, and so many others, 100's, thousands, that make it so enjoyable.


How awesome is it that I recognize SEVERAL of these cast members!!!!!
A few years back during a Year of a Million Dream, I was standing in line and a CM gave me dream ears.. All that day CM kept giving me free stuff like free ice cream, free drinks, and fastpasses. I was surprised and happy all day. It made my week. The next day found the same cast member and gave her a hug. She was the nicest person ever
About 10 years ago we brought my daughter and her best friend to Disney along with family friends with three children.

We dressed the girls and boy up in costumes that we made for each of them. We had

Peter Pan
Alice In Wonderland (daughters friend.)
Her name is Dallas and we like to call her "Dallas In Wonderland." We were there for 8 days and went everywhere trying to find Alice (even breakfast at GF) and she was NOWHERE to be found. We met up with the Mad Hatter, Tweedles and White Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts MANY times. On our last day while "Dallas In Wonderland" was dressed in her costume she was in tears worried she wouldn't meet Alice and get to show off her own costume and get an autograph. We had become "Friends" with the Mad Hatter over the 8 days and saw him everywhere and he would yell out "Dallas" every time we passed. We saw him at least 5 times and each time it was played by the same awesome young man.

On our last afternoon in MK we were in Toon Town and who comes running by but The Mad Hatter and he stopped again to talk with us. Dallas In Wonderland told him "I still haven't met Alice" and he said WHAT!? He said "that is absurd! FOLLOW ME!" He grabbed her by the hand and told us to "each grab a hand, come on, grab a hand and follow me!" Here we go off on a quest with video cameras and cameras out....4 adults and 5 children! He took us to the area where Belle reads to the children and told us to wait....went in the cast member doorway and 10 minutes later who comes out? ALICE! She spent 20 minutes signing autographs, taking pictures and being the sweet little Alice that she is...taking extra care to spend the most time with our little "Dallas In Wonderland." Its something I won't ever forget. They went above and beyond and made a memory that will last a lifetime!

As much as it was wonderful she got to meet her Alice I will never forget that young man who played The Mad Hatter...he went out of his way to make sure a little girls trip was picture perfect. We went to Guest Relations and put in a good word for him that afternoon!
My CM story didn't happen to me, but happend to a guest while I was doing my College Program. My manager went above and beyond for a guest.

Anyway, after Wishes one evening, a guest was in my line (at the Emporium at MK), and was practically in tears. I asked her if she was okay, and she said that she spent all day trying to meet characters for her dd, and everytime they got into a line, it would be time for the character to leave. I quickly called my manager. My manager talked to the guest, and soon someone from guest relations showed up. My manager and the guest relations CM, took the guest and her dd (who looked to be 5 or 6), and had them pick out any princess costume, with all the accessories, for the dd, and the guest relations CM, paid for the items. The little girl picked Jasmine. The guest relations CM then told the guest she was scheduled for a private meet and greet with the princesses in the rose garden the following morning. The guest started crying she was so happy. It was at that moment I was proud to work for such a great, and magical place.
When we were there a CM led my daughter by the hand, and took her up to Cinderella, and said "She looks just like you", it brought a tear to my wifes eye.

Next day we were at AK, and my son rode EE and he talked to the cast member who introduced himself as Kevin.
Later we went back, and my son asked the CM working there if he knew Kevin, and the CM said "Yes, Kevin is my friend".
My son said "He's my friend to."
And you know what, wherever my son goes he will alwyas know he has a friend at Disney World.

Wait a minute... I am not sure it that actually happend to my family or was simply part of a promotional video.

All rights reserved by WDW Tourism (c) Too Old - time for an update!
My favorite of all time was Steve, the Butler at HM. We were at Mickey's Christmas party several years ago, and HM is one of the few rides we all do together. So, the four of us go in-Mom, Dad, my 20 yr old DN and myself. On the way through the door, I catch Steve's eye. He is TOTALLY in character..expressionless face, the smooth walk where only his feet move..amazing. Well, Steve was RIGHTBEHINDME when the lights came up in the stretching room-yes I screamed like a little girl. But that wasn't even the best part. When DN and I got out of our Doom Buggy and were heading out behind Mom and Dad-suddenly THERE HE WAS AGAIN!!! He was right behind us all the way to the edge of Frontierland! Same expressionless face, same smooth walk. He was OUTSTANDING. I have searched in vain for Steve every single time I've ridden HM ever since.

and yes, I did send an email to Guest Communications praising him and the other wonderful CM's we met on that trip. It was our last family trip before my DN got out of college and the CM's really made it wonderful.
Wow Dan-your pictures were awesome and some brought a tear to my eye. I thought I would share a few. The piano player always makes me smile:


The CM's at Pirates League were great!



There is one more CM that we always see in Tomorrowland. His name is John, and we have seen him at Buzz, Carousel of Progress, the stroller parking area, all over Tomorrowland. He is always very cheerful and has a big smile on his face.
My favorite of all time was Steve, the Butler at HM. We were at Mickey's Christmas party several years ago, and HM is one of the few rides we all do together. So, the four of us go in-Mom, Dad, my 20 yr old DN and myself. On the way through the door, I catch Steve's eye. He is TOTALLY in character..expressionless face, the smooth walk where only his feet move..amazing. Well, Steve was RIGHTBEHINDME when the lights came up in the stretching room-yes I screamed like a little girl. But that wasn't even the best part. When DN and I got out of our Doom Buggy and were heading out behind Mom and Dad-suddenly THERE HE WAS AGAIN!!! He was right behind us all the way to the edge of Frontierland! Same expressionless face, same smooth walk. He was OUTSTANDING. I have searched in vain for Steve every single time I've ridden HM ever since.

and yes, I did send an email to Guest Communications praising him and the other wonderful CM's we met on that trip. It was our last family trip before my DN got out of college and the CM's really made it wonderful.

I have seen him too-he was very creepy-totally in character! He did the same thing to a girl that was on the outside of the crowd in the stretch room. It was awesome!!!
Wow Dan-your pictures were awesome and some brought a tear to my eye. I thought I would share a few. The piano player always makes me smile:


The CM's at Pirates League were great!



There is one more CM that we always see in Tomorrowland. His name is John, and we have seen him at Buzz, Carousel of Progress, the stroller parking area, all over Tomorrowland. He is always very cheerful and has a big smile on his face.

That CM in the bottom picture posts on the Boards :goodvibes, I see her a lot over at the College Boards rather than the Theme Park ones though.
I'm loving these stories!
Oh! I forgot about one that was absolutely amazing!!!

In...2002 maybe I went down on a solo trip. I was staying at CSR. While I was meeting up with sis at night (other than the first couple of days when she was off work), I had the days on my own. Since the previous trip (see my former experience) I had had to cancel Dolphins in Depth because of being sick (they refunded my money in spite of their "no refunds" statement), I scheduled it for one of my independent days.

I had double and triple checked that I had everything I needed with me - and somehow walked out without my wallet, which had my ID in it. (I had my key card, don't ask me how.) I realized this as I was getting off the bus at EPCOT. I will admit I was in tears when I looked at my bus driver and said "Are you going back to the resort?", but I really expected him to say no. He said he was actually supposed to be going on break then, but another bus would be along, though it might be half an hour. I nodded and was starting to get off, being very disappointed and knowing I wasn't going to be able to do the experience unless they somehow took all of my other things (confirmation, resort key, etc.). He said "What's wrong?" I told him I left my ID back in the room, and he told me to get back on the bus. He radioed his dispatcher to say he was making a detour for a guest and he'd let him know when he was finished.

He took me back to the resort and waited for me at my bus stop while I ran back to my room to get the ID and back to the bus, then took me directly back to EPCOT in time for me to make the tour.

I thanked him profusely and wrote a letter to the head of transportation when I got back. He truly went above and beyond the call of duty to help me.
My absolute favorite CM encounter was with our KTTK tour guide, Matthew. He was so funny and sweet -- and extremely entertaining and informed about all sorts of WDW facts. The tour was an absolute blast. I peppered him with questions, and hoped that I wasn't being too annoying!

Well, we happened to be on our tour on Epcot's 25th anniversary day. The CMs had received a special CM-only pin to commemorate the anniversary. Matthew asked my friend and I to stay for a minute after the tour was over. He pulled us aside and said he had enjoyed having us on the tour so much that he wanted to give me his special pin! How nice was that?? He said it makes it more interesting for him to have people ask questions during the tour, and he really appreciated having us as part of his group. What a wonderful guy!
Shaun, the bartender at Crew's Cup Lounge in the YC, rocks my world! When we lived in Celebration, that's where we went to grab a drink on the weekends, so we were kind of "regulars." Shaun is fun to talk to and provides awesome service every time.
At the pirate and princess party two years ago we were waiting to meet Pocahontas & John Smith. I asked the cm with them if he'd be willing to "take a photo" - this was the result....:rolleyes: :rotfl:


Not quite what I was going for but it made me smile LOL

Also, because we were there for so long (17 nights) some of the photopass photographers started to recognise us. We were eating funnel cake for the very first time (very messy) and a passing pp cm decided this was too funny. He took a series of pics over ten minutes...kept coming back to see how we were doing!




Lots of CMs make me smile - like the one who noticed it was my birthday and gave me a pluto pin. Or the one who bowed to us and said good afternoon princesses when we'd come out of the BBB. Even the one who called me Jack Sparrow's beautiful pirate wench at the P&PP (we were dressed up) then apologised for referring to me as a wench until I shrugged and said 'I'm british, I am a pirate wench' :rotfl:
At Disneyland last trip we had one cm who kept jumping in front of my camera as I was taking a shot of the park while waiting for the fireworks. he didn't mean for me to actually get him on camera but I did - it had me laughing my head off.

My three most amazing & magical ones were at Disneyland:
In my excitement at meeting aurora I forgot to get an autograph for my neice. I asked one cm I happened to bump into on main st if there was anyway I could leave a card for aurora to sign. She smiled and handed me a personal invite to meet aurora and sw later that day for five minutes and said 'you've been dreamed...enjoy!'. :hug:

Then there was the guest service manager (disneyland) who was simply stood next to me while we were waiting for fantasmic. I noticed her service pins and, being a cm back home, I asked what they were. When she found out that my friend and I were UK cms she asked us to come see her when we got back to the park in the morning. We went to city hall and she called us back to the office behind where she introduced us to the dream squad and said "Thought you might like to be part of the magic for a couple of hours". We got to go out and dream people for 2 hours around was so amazing! :wizard:

And my final one was Gerry Brown - a tour guide. On the Walk in Walt's footsteps tour he took us to Club 33's downstairs section. I asked him during lunch if cms were allowed to go look up there at the club itself. He said no but told us to meet him at the club at 4. We did so and he not only met us on his break for the day but he used his break and called in all his favours to let us go up and look around for fifteen minutes. It meant SOOOOOOOO much to us and I'll always be grateful :hug: :pixiedust:

I hope I make my guests smile cause the park cms can make me so happy!!!
We went to the Pirates and Princess party two year's ago. Our family went in costume and I was Tinkerbell. Keep in mind, I'm handicap and in my personal scooter. My family had left me for Space Mountain so I was just sitting around people watching when all of a sudden a crewmember is running towards me screaming Tinkerbell. I turn around and there is no Tinkerbell. He finally stops in front of me, gives me a big smile and says "is that really you Tinkerbell?". "You look fantasic". Of course, I'm now blushing.

He introduces himself as John and I respond great name. It's my husband and son's name. He asks where they are and proceeds to ask if I've been on Buzz Lightyear yet. I say "no, it's next". So, he tells me skip the line and enter through the fastpass area. I then tell him the line is equiped for scooters and I don't have a fastpass. He says "come through the fastpass line".

My family returns and we try going through the fastpass lane only to be stopped by another crewmember demanding our fastpass. I tell them John told us to enter so he goes to get John who greets my family like we were his family. Off we go to the front of the line with John who stops the ride to get me on (I had told him how the year before I fell on it).

One of the cutest things was at the end of the ride he forgot to stop the walkway for me so my husband dressed as a pirate throws me over his shoulder and jumps off the ride (one of the advantages of weighing 90 lbs.). The crowd around the exit is cheering for the pirate with Tinkerbell in his arms. My kids wanted to fall through the floor.
I posted earlier in this thread about Wes that worked at the Poly's CL....when we were there in January we had found out that he no longer worked there at the Poly but at EPCOT-with the help of Alexander- we were able to track him down & say hello! He said we made his day! He remembered us & it was nice to see him again-sorry no pics the way-your pics are AWESOME-it's so nice to acknowledge all the workers there!:goodvibes
My mom called disney today to ask some questions about our vacation that she booked. She talked to a CM yesterday and today and the way she described them both and what they said made me smile even though it was just over the phone and I didn't hear it for myself.

They just sounded delightful and that made my day brighter. :goodvibes
We went to the Pirates and Princess party two year's ago. Our family went in costume and I was Tinkerbell. Keep in mind, I'm handicap and in my personal scooter. My family had left me for Space Mountain so I was just sitting around people watching when all of a sudden a crewmember is running towards me screaming Tinkerbell. I turn around and there is no Tinkerbell. He finally stops in front of me, gives me a big smile and says "is that really you Tinkerbell?". "You look fantasic". Of course, I'm now blushing.

He introduces himself as John and I respond great name. It's my husband and son's name. He asks where they are and proceeds to ask if I've been on Buzz Lightyear yet. I say "no, it's next". So, he tells me skip the line and enter through the fastpass area. I then tell him the line is equiped for scooters and I don't have a fastpass. He says "come through the fastpass line".
My family returns and we try going through the fastpass lane only to be stopped by another crewmember demanding our fastpass. I tell them John told us to enter so he goes to get John who greets my family like we were his family. Off we go to the front of the line with John who stops the ride to get me on (I had told him how the year before I fell on it).

One of the cutest things was at the end of the ride he forgot to stop the walkway for me so my husband dressed as a pirate throws me over his shoulder and jumps off the ride (one of the advantages of weighing 90 lbs.). The crowd around the exit is cheering for the pirate with Tinkerbell in his arms. My kids wanted to fall through the floor.

Hmmmm I wonder if this is the same John....

The John I'm talking about has been there every time we have gone to Disney World for the past 5 years. We asked him one time if he ever took a day off and he said "Why would I want to leave here?" He also commented on my Tinkerbell shirt, and the next day when we were back in MK he said "Hi Tink." :) I bet this is the same John and his favorite character is Tink.
My ODD was born in Guatemala, in our area it is pretty rare for us to get to meet others from there. Well, this past September we were going into MNSSHP and who do we run into... a beautiful woman from Guatemala! We explained to the CM why we were acting a little nuts, and she was so great with our daughter. It such a nice moment for us to see our daughter with a piece of her heritage. I just soaked in the moment and never got a picture... this year I am on a mission!
While on our honeymoon in Nov 08 my wife and I were so touched at how many CM's stopped to tell us congrats when they saw our just married buttons. A few experiences really stick out though the first being one of the ladies at the Soarin counter. We had honestly just been wandering as it was our first time at Disney and we had no real plan. We asked the CM how long the line would be, and when she saw our buttons she gave us two instant fastpasses. About 10-15 mins later we got to ride and WOW what a fun time, can't wait to do that again. Our waittress at Kona was also very sweet.

But out of everything said and done the moment that most sticks out in my mind was a HM CM near one of the souvenier stands outside the exit. He looked down at our buttons and said something along the lines of Newleyweds? My Condolences. I wish we'd have gotten his picture. Also the maid CM at the beginning of HM was too cool. She was a very small girl and just had the spooky look down 110%, really wanted a pic with her but I wasn't going to hold up the line.

The past three times my mother and I went to Dis, we saw the same cast member. He looked a lot like Steve from Full House, and it reminded us of the episode where Full House went to Dis, and it made us smile. He worked primarily in Frontierland... if anyone knows who I am talking about, please let me know. We hope ton see him in September when we go and get a picture with him.


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