CMs Who Make You Smile

When we went to Disney in 2005, we had a 4 year old and twins who were 5 months old. I was going stir-crazy in the Minnesota winter with the kids, so we escaped for two weeks of a DRIVING trip from Minnesota to Florida and back.

On our last day we had a very late breakfast at Chef Mickey's before we were to hit the road. We had the most amazing waitress, she was wonderful. She made sure that my husband and I were able to eat and she helped with the kids. She even held one of the twins so we could have both hands free to eat for a bit. She sat and chatted with us, she took our older son to the buffet counter so we could eat. I will never forget how kind she was and how she could read that I was just fried. I did take pictures of her with the twins and they are in our scrapbook from that trip.
Wow Dan-your pictures were awesome and some brought a tear to my eye. I thought I would share a few. The piano player always makes me smile:

The CM's at Pirates League were great!


I know her! She is a great CM, and also posts on the DIS. I will have to let her know the picture is over here.
I love the CMs! There are so many great people working at WDW.
I like to think that they all love their jobs and I try not to be a pain in their ***. :angel:

We wear matching t-shirts for our first day at MK (even if MK isn't the first park we visit). Last year, our shirts said "The Stewart Family is Back!". I had no idea the shirts would even be noticed, let alone commented on.....but they were. About 80% of the CMs we came in contact with said, "Welcome Back!" or "Hey! It's the Stewarts!" or "We're so glad you're back! We missed you!"...or something to that effect. It was unbelievable! It really added to the magic of our day and made my kids so happy.
I am in awe of the pictures that have been posted. I have several but will have to upload them first before I can post.

There are generally so many cast members that make a Disney trip over the top that you foget, until you meet a not so nice one.

On our last trip in October we, DBF, Mom, and I were doing a TOT marathon.
There was about a 5 minute wait, but it took longer to exit and re-enter than to actually wait. My poor mom who turned 66, but a very young one, was such a trooper as we proceeded to scare the pants off her over an over again.

We did this 7 times in a row, but after the thrid trip the CM noticed that we were in line again. She could not help to notice since we asked for the front row and cause DBF repeated everthing she said about loading verbatim after she told everyone else. She tried so hard to keep a straight face :lmao:

On the forth approach she was laughing so hard to see us again. We told her what our ultimate plan was. After exiting the ride she was waiting at the door for us while we previewed the picture again. Mom's face is always priceless :0

After the fifth trip she caught us at the end and facilitated an easier route for us to follow.

The last trip around she pulled us out of line to board and proceeded to put us in an elevator and then closed the doors. everyone was stairing at us.
We were the only ones in that elevator. We met her at the end and thanked her and hoped we didn't get her into trouble for that. She had the greatest personality!

OMG is was priceless to see my Mom's face.

On the way out of the park, it was closing time, I stoped at guest relations and asked what I could do for the Cast member who made an aldready wonderful Disney day PRICELESS! I gave they a glowing review about how special she had been and hoped that they would recognize and exceptional employee. i was told they do so at employee meetings! I hope so!

We will look for her on our next trip. Just wished I got her picture now :(
I know that Tomorrowland CM that other people have posted about, too! I love running into him--he always seems so happy to be doing his job.

One time my mom and I went for my birthday and we had matching Mickey Mouse Club tees I had made at Zazzle--we were waiting in line for CoP and he saw our shirts, and started singing the Mickey Mouse Club March and made everyone around us sing along!

I have a friend who worked in the HM and was a *great* butler--had a wonderful, creepy persona and made great magic for guests. I came over with my friend from work and her 9-year-old daughter one afternoon. They had never been to the park before and had just purchased APs, so I was excited for them to have some awesome experiences. So as we went in the Mansion we were lucky enough to end up in his stretch room, but I wasn't sure he saw us--until the lights went out (when the ceiling reveals the hanging ghost host) and when they came up he was standing right next to me, stonefaced, and staring me down! I think it startled those around me more than it did me :laughing: My friend's DD was so thrilled, she kept talking about my "friend who works with the ghosts" all day and how cool he was :goodvibes

I love these CM stories...keep sharing!
Mr Art, the doorman at the BC. Every day when we walked in or out, he was there to smile and salute us. It was so nice that even in a place as large as WDW that there were people to make our day a little brighter.
Paula at the "Talking With Crush" exhibit in Epcot. She saw that my son was just overwhelmed by everything (near tears), took him aside, explained that this activity was NOT SCARY, set him up with a front seat, and Crush talked to him! I am totally in awe of how wonderful this lady was. She even gave my son a special 'certificate' saying that he had a special moment at Disney. Totally made our day. If anyone is heading out to Epcot, please say 'hi' to her!
Mr Art, the doorman at the BC. Every day when we walked in or out, he was there to smile and salute us. It was so nice that even in a place as large as WDW that there were people to make our day a little brighter.

Yes, Art The Greeter could make anyone smile, and became something of a celebrity when he appeared on the Samantha Brown Great Hotels episode.

This image is a bit large, but here he is meeting the DDs finally, who had been dying to trade pins with him:


He'd talk with you as long as you wanted to talk to him. A true Disney Treasure. DW and I first met him on our last day at BC on our anniversary trip (He wasn't working most of the days). When he saw we were there for our anniversary, he asked us to wait, and left. He came back and gave us a trading pin - a BC/YC anniversary pin, which they no longer made, and was the last one that hadn't been given away because there was no box. He apologized for not having the box (like it mattered!) and cleaned it thoroughly before giving it to us.

Nearly two years later when we saw him again with DDs in tow, we mentioned getting the pin - and recalled the story of him giving it to us, and how it was the last one, and how the box was missing....

Alas, he retired last October.
our last trip Sept 09, we were in MK and stopped to ask a CM around Jack's pirate tutorial if jack would be making an appearance at the Halloween party on the 4th. Sadly, he wouldn't, and she asked why.

We should the CM (her name is Renata) the autograph books our girls had, and it was their mission to complete the book and get everyone's autographs. Jack's would be one of the only ones that wouldn't be possible to get if he wasn't going to be at the party.

She told us that she would be working the party, where to find her, and she would see if she could make some magic happen for us.

We forgot to ask in what department she worked in, so another CM radioed every dept. until he found her!

She showed the other CM our books, took them with her while we watched the parade and met up with us about an hour later.

Not only did she have Jack sign the books, she also went through and found every other character that we didn't have, and had them sign next to their pictures. Genie, Aladdin, all of the fairies (we only had three), and a few other characters.

To see the smile on my girls faces made our entire trip!!!


It was absolutely amazing that Renata went out of her way to do this for us, and we will never forget it.:hug:
I have several that stand out. A couple of years ago my DH and I took my SIL to MNSSHP. We went to ride HM, of course all of the CMs are in full makeup because for the party. As she and I loaded into our Doom Buggy, she made a remark about how scary looking the CM loading us was and we were both laughing as we started the ride. The next thing you know after we had already started off a little past the loading area the CM sticks his head around the corner of our Doom Buggy and asked what was so funny? My SIL screamed and practically jumped into my lap.

During our November trip we went to the Tequila Bar a couple of times. I do not drink tequila but I do love the Tecate beer. They used to have it out the Cantina years ago and it was one of my favorite beers. The second time we stopped there we got the same CM Jaime. As soon as we walked in he yelled "It is the Tecate lady" and got me a Tecate in a frosted glass. He seemed to be there every time we stopped and really made our visits special talking to DH about the various tequilas and really explaining different things about how they were made and aged etc. In January we went for a long weekend and stopped again. No Jaime but the bartender saw my birthday button and said I got a free shot a tequila for my birthday. I said thank you but I am just here for the Tecate - he said then obviously DH needed it and poured him the shot. We were there for a little while and before we left in comes Jaime - he immediately walked over and started talking to us wishing me a Happy Birthday and asking my husband if he had experimented any with tequila at home. It was amazing as he seemed to remember us and it was a lovely visit. I can't wait to go again and hope he remains there as he truly is a great CM.
When we went in '07, we went the week that my niece and nephew were both celebrating birthdays. On our day in the MK, our first stop was the train. We let the conductor know that it was my niece's birthday. She let us and the kids ride with her, announced to everyone that it was her birthday, and let my niece be the announcer.

My nephew of course had to throw in that he had a birthday in a few days as well. She let us stay on, ride around again, and then announced his birthday and let him be the announcer and stand on the conductor's platform with her.

Well, when she saw that my DD was the only kid left out, she let her have her birthday a couple of months early ;) She announced her birthday and gave her equal treatment. She also let us take several pictures of all the kids with her on the platform at one of the stops. She just went above and beyond to make us all feel special.

I made sure to email Disney when we got home to let them know how much we appreciated the magic she shared with us.
The chef at boma. He helped my figure out what my child with allergy's could eat. Not a big deal I guess, but it is so hard to eat out with him, this just made my day.

Plus he was cute, lol.
I love these kinds of threads because we get a chance to thank CMs for all they do in the course of their average work days. I don't know their names, and they have no idea who I am, or my child, for that matter, but the joy they give and the feelings they conjur with just the simplest kindness is nearly too much for words. I don't suppose too many CMs troll these threads; however, if you do, thank you, thank you, thank you so very much for making Disney World the awesomest, most ridiculously happy place on Earth for me and my family.

I mean, really, without the Cast Members Disney World would just be a bunch of rides, no?
I don't have any names, unfortunately, but every time I go to Disney (Land or World) the CM's make the trip so memorable. This last trip to WDW, October 2009, DD was just about 13 months old. We were in Tinkerbell's Treasures and one of the ladies working there came up to us and asked if DD would like to call Tinkerbell. Her and another lady were so wonderful and patient with DD (since she didn't really understand what we were trying to tell her to do lol) and waited until she was looking at the window. DD was so excited when she saw Tink!

That same trip we ate lunch at CRT. It was a fabulous experience. Our waitress was fabulous and just adored DD (the family at the table next to us was great, too). All the princesses called her a "little princess" or "princess in training" and each one of them played a little game of peek-a-boo with her. All the CM's just made everything extra special. That's the trip (our second as a family) that made DH a believer. :goodvibes
I can't wait to finally go and have some stories of my own!

I manage a restaurant and have only 13 employees and I stress the "WOW" factor to my employees and it is hard to get them to all comply.

I am amazed that WDW can get thousands of employees to be so awesome!

I would like to know how they screen them when they are interviewed to make sure they will truly "perform" once hired.
I can't wait to finally go and have some stories of my own!

I manage a restaurant and have only 13 employees and I stress the "WOW" factor to my employees and it is hard to get them to all comply.

I am amazed that WDW can get thousands of employees to be so awesome!

I would like to know how they screen them when they are interviewed to make sure they will truly "perform" once hired.

I don't know how it works at WDW but for Disney in the UK we interview in groups and individually. Potential CMs are the ones who come across as outgoing, friendly and confident in the group interviews. Individual interviews can be a formality or a chance to learn more. Sometimes it's the little things. My interview (17years ago) I was interviewed in a team of 6. Three of us were asked to stay behind and talk to someone else (turned out to be my future District Manager). Anyway, I walked in and he was wearing a Mickey Mouse tie. Without really thinking (cause we'd been chatting) I went 'oooh, nice tie' and he said "she's hired!" And that was it :rotfl: I spent the rest of my interview chatting about why I loved Disney. He wanted people who noticed the little things, weren't afraid to talk....oh, and I'm sure my undying love of Uncle Walt's company helped too ;)

Disney is a team...we work together. And yes CMs are human so we have bad days but as a whole, we love Disney, we love what it represents and our bad day stays on the backstage side of that door, not where our guests are! Besides, our guests can help. I can have a really bad day and then one of my regular guests will come in, or I'll see a kid dressed as a princess, or I'll meet a family who are about to go to WDW for the first time and their excitement can make me feel great all afternoon! It's really lovely that guests acknowledge how hard CMs work but Disney is a family place - and guests and cms alike are all one big Disney family!
I went to WDW last year over my 17th birthday. We received some sort of dessert free at nearly every meal the whole week when the CM's found out what was going on. On the actual day, I was wearing the B-day button, and pretty much every cast member we passed wished me a happy birthday. I couldn't stop smiling; I felt so special. :goodvibes

The only character I got my picture with the entire trip was Goofy, on my special day. The Photopass person put us in a bunch of "goofy" poses!


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