Christmas Shopping '09

I think I am getting closer to getting done. I went Saturday and go the Band Hero deal from Walmart. I bought the system for 199 and got a 40 gift card. Not to bad and its our family gift so I think we will get a lot of use from it.

I am looking forward to black friday, though not so much to Thanksgiving. My hubby will be coming home Wednesday and I want to spend a lot of the time with him and not cooking. I am even considering calling Meijer or Giant Eagle and ordering one of their precooked meals, and then just adding a few easy side dishes. I feel bad not cooking, but he has been gone since June and I miss him. I better decide today though, I think they stop taking orders soon.

Happy Thanksgiving eveyone!!!!! :hug:
On Black Friday, Toys R Us has Lego Agents Mobile Command Center ($53.99), Lego Indiana Jones Temple Escape ($42.99), and Lego Star Wars The Twilight ($59.99). The first 2 are on my list for DS ..... but will probably pass on the Start Wars one since that one actually goes on sale at midnight. We already have him a couple of small Star Wars sets bought. Right now the Blue or Pink Lego Tubs are $24.99 on sale at Toys R Us ..... got DS & DD one of those each.

Target has Lego Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or Castle Collection Troll Warship for $49.99 on Black Friday ..... think I will skip these, already spending way to much on Legos.

I'm looking for a deal on the pink DSi as well, but doubt that it will happen. That is what we have decided to get DD10 for her birthday (which is 2 weeks before Christmas) since she lost her DS Lite awhile back (and has recently been borrowing her brother's DS Lite alot). I noticed that the ones on sale on Black Friday were the blue & white ones ..... not gonna work since we need a PINK one of course. Let me know if you do see any good sales on them.

The pink DS Lites (along with other colors) will be $99 at Walmart on Black Friday. This is a great deal, but I really wanted to get her the DSi instead.

OK this figures since I just bought a Pink DS Lite for DD's birthday a few weeks ago. But can't really complain the fighting between her and her brothers has almost stopped. She use to borrow theirs all the time now she has her own. Might need to get her a few more games though.

And although I have a few lego sets for the boys, DS8's birthday is a few days after Christmas and he just told me that he wants the Lego Indiana Jones sets. So may just have to break down and face the Black Friday crowds this year.
I found DS Perry the Platypus pajamas at Walmart today :cool1: He's gonna love them! And I found DD some snoopy ones,she loves Snoopy. I just need to find some for my 10yo DS, I haven't found any yet that he would love.

I got some stocking stuffers, some Hot Wheels cars, a Ben 10 thingy and a bakugan today. I still need a couple more for DD, toothbrushes and some candy.

I was going to put itunes GC's in their stockings, but then MIL asked my oldest two what they wanted for Christmas so they both said itunes GC's so now I don't know whether or not to get them. It's hard to tell if MIL will actually buy them or not.
good job ladies!! Ya'll are doing an amazing job getting it all taken care of!!!! Jana~ I am sorry to hear about your niece! That is very sad.I know you will all be missing her this holiday season:hug: Thanks for the comments on the has been fun!
Graciesmom~ don't cook!!!! Dont feel bad about pre-ordering...just do it and enjoy all the time with him you can!!!!
Gracie'smom - not to knock u wanting to spend time with your hubby, because i get it. I see my DH about 2x/mo and only for about 5/6 days total. He lives & works in NYC and me and DD are here in VA in our home, but when DH comes home, he WANTS me to cook. He misses home cooked meals. He called when I was making dinner just the other night, just bbq chicken, mac-n-cheese & green beans and he said that sounded do good. OK, just chicken, but I get it.

Is there something you can cook ahead of lasanga and freeze it and then just pop it into the oven and throw together a salad? Just a thought. Good luck with whatever you do. My DH will be home tonight!!! YAY!!!!!
I think I am going to cook. My sis is going to help and we are going to try and make the sweet potatoes , green beans, corn, rolls and pumpkin pies tomorrow morning before he gets here, and then only have to make the turkey, mashed potatoes and reheat the other things. I am going to go the easy route and buy all the other desserts premade. Its the best of both worlds! I do like cooking for him, and since I never get the chance to, this will work out. I can't wait to see him. TOMORROW!!!!! :banana:

How is everyone doing? Is everyone ready for Turkey day? I might even get to watch the Macy's Day parade for the first time in years!
My idea for DH's grandparents gift has a bit of a snag in it. My plan was to sign DS up for a one day pottery class and to give his creation to the grandparents. However, now the class has been cancelled! :guilty: I have emailed the instructor to ask if there is another class that we can attend. Cross your fingers and your toes...the grandparents are so hard to buy for!
jacksmomma-sorry about the pottery class! That sounds like it would have been neat. If its not rescheduled, do you have a Color Me Mine, or the like, nearby? At least your son could pick out a piece of pottery and paint it for the grandparents.
My idea for DH's grandparents gift has a bit of a snag in it. My plan was to sign DS up for a one day pottery class and to give his creation to the grandparents. However, now the class has been cancelled! :guilty: I have emailed the instructor to ask if there is another class that we can attend. Cross your fingers and your toes...the grandparents are so hard to buy for!

Jacksmomma - if you have a Joann's they do have some classes for kids to make various items you can check the store schedule online for the store nearest you, if you can't locate a pottery class. Good Luck!
Maybe you are all out doing your Black Friday shopping!
I went a little after 5 to Joann and got a Cricut for $75! Normally it's about $200! For those that don't know, it's a computerized machine that makes die-cuts. You can get different cartridges and they all have different designs and fonts. It comes with one. Of course the cartridges weren't on special today, that would be TOMORROW! It's a good think a lot of my neighbors have them too, so I can borrow cartridges. By the time I get there tomorrow, they probably won't have any left.

I also stopped at penney's and got a storage stand for the Wii and the games/accessories. My DH had wanted it, and couldn't find one before. I walked in, the lady handed me a small box with a snowglobe in it,and I asked where it was. She said by catalog. SO I go back there and there is one left! I grabbed it, paid in the catalog section and left. When I got home and opened it, it was a little 3" one that had a Mickey Mouse in it and dated 2009 on the front. So cute!

Nope, none of it was Christmas presents for anyone else, but still good deals. I was home by 6:30. Just when the kids were waking up. I'm hoping I can get a nap later.
I shopped today too for the first time ever. I was talked into going w/a friend. IT WAS SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!! We hit Kohl's at 4, then headed to Target, followed by breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then off to Petsmart and Old Navy. Neither of us were after anything huge or "doorbuster", but it was a blast being out there and we both came home with a few goodies :) Fun times. I'm ready for next year :lmao:
Because I shop all year long, I am already thinking of things to cut back! So I opted to stay home (most of the day. I did go out and meet friends at the mall). I did, however, stay up ALL night checking for sales online. Biggest thing....a refurb'ed IPhone 3GS for.....$49 (normally $199.00)!!! :banana: Merry Christmas to me!!!
I flat out HATE black Friday..The deals are good, but actually getting any of them is a feat in itself even if you line up early.I had a women smack me the one year because I got the last v neck sweater at gap that was gray...Haven't been out since then
I flat out HATE black Friday..The deals are good, but actually getting any of them is a feat in itself even if you line up early.I had a women smack me the one year because I got the last v neck sweater at gap that was gray...Haven't been out since then

:scared1: That's awful! We only went out once. A woman tried to take my cart with the baby still in it. I haven't been out on BF since.
I flat out HATE black Friday..The deals are good, but actually getting any of them is a feat in itself even if you line up early.I had a women smack me the one year because I got the last v neck sweater at gap that was gray...Haven't been out since then

WOW!!!!! I was impressed yesterday. Like I said, I have never ever been and I went with a friend because she needed the company (she's recently separated from her DH and it's going to be a rough holiday season), but here where we live the crowds were very mellow and the stores well managed. I tip my hat. The only "incident" we witnessed was a lady on the phone with her credit card company at Kohl's because her card was declined. I loved it and want to do it again next year ;). I personally think the key for me was that I was NOT after any hot item. I really had no intention of buying anything, but I picked up a gift for my BFF's two girls and some clothes for my DD. Fun times :)
We have done it for years and this was the first year that we didnt see anyone acting unacceptable. I was prepared for the worst and pleasantly surprised by the kindness and consideration that I witnessed. I dont know why there was such a bg shift in behavior but a friend who lived during the depression said it has something to do with the economy. When things arent going so good financially people become less materialistic. Not sure if I believe it but that was her take on it.
We have done it for years and this was the first year that we didnt see anyone acting unacceptable. I was prepared for the worst and pleasantly surprised by the kindness and consideration that I witnessed. I dont know why there was such a bg shift in behavior but a friend who lived during the depression said it has something to do with the economy. When things arent going so good financially people become less materialistic. Not sure if I believe it but that was her take on it.

Quite possible..But still not willing to deal with it.I know I shouldn't let one negative experience effect me so...But it does.I just don't understand some of the flat out viciousness I have seen.Even the woman that slapped me seemed to think that resorting to violence to get a coveted item was acceptable and I was over reacting.
I flat out HATE black Friday..The deals are good, but actually getting any of them is a feat in itself even if you line up early.I had a women smack me the one year because I got the last v neck sweater at gap that was gray...Haven't been out since then

I don't blame you for not wanting to keep trying for the Black Friday stuff. That would be enough for me. I've only gotten out early twice, and both times for computers. Last year, we had decided to get my dad a laptop. Mom, my brother and I all went in together on it. Naturally, since Mom works at Walmart and had to be there at 4am, I was the one that had to be the brave one to go. My aunt came with me and we got there a little after midnight, when there was still no one in the store. We walked around the store and managed a few laps, watching them put the stuff out and learning where everything was. We met some other insane people that were after different items and helped them determine where things would be staged. I was first in line at the electronics counter, which is where they gave out all the big electronics items. As it neared 5am, there was one lady who tried to break line, walking up to the counter and asking for whatever it was she was there for. She was quickly told by associates and other customers that there was a line and I was the start of said line. I was a little surprised at how supportive everyone was of making sure that everyone else knew I was there first and would get what I wanted first. (Or it could be because they were all behind me in line...and no way we're allowing cutters!)

This year, there wasn't anything pressing on the list. And I felt bad enough that my mother had to bring my DD in at 4am since no one else was home to watch her. We piled up all our coats in the bottom of the buggy so she could sleep, but I still felt awful that she was there and out of bed so early. I decided for this year, we'd go after 7am...and Mom messaged me when the crowds had cleared at about 6:40. I still got everything I had wanted, and a good start towards gifting for my angel off the angel tree.


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