Christmas Shopping '09

Hey girls! I've been MIA for a while, but I'm glad to see everyone is keeping up with their Christmas shopping!

I found this deal today. It's a 7" Memorex digital photo frame for $29.95 and free shipping! It's $89.99 on Memorex's website! That's going to be my gift for my family's Chinese Christmas exchange. I am secretly hoping to come home with it myself. :thumbsup2

Yesterday we went to dd8's school Fall Festival. It is HUGE and they always have wonderful baskets and you can put raffle tix in for the basket that you want. They had a huge basket with 2 AG dolls plus outfits, games, a photo shoot with the doll and a couple other things (truly they could have made 2 baskets out of that one). The AG dolls were Josefina which DD8 has and Rebecca which dd10 wants more than anything. We bought tons of raffle tix and dd10 used all of hers for that basket. She went back 3 or 4 different times so that her tix would be mixed in throughout the basket. Nothing...we got nothing. Not that basket, not the one dd8 wanted with tons of barbies and webkinz, not the dsi basket...nothing. I have never seen dd10 so sad! She wants Rebecca more than anything soooooooooo here is the dilemma: I am tired of buying AG dolls! DD10 has Addy and Ivy. DD8 has Josefina, bitty twins and Sonali (which she used $60 of her own earned $$ to purchase). I think they should have to earn their dolls from here on out. But I am close to caving with the way that poor kiddo looked yesterday. She is 10, this won't last long but....same applies to the negative, she is 10, this won't last long and another doll for just, probably, one more year of play?
Thoughts? I did purchase accessories this year and bought a $25.00 gc for AG for both. My mom will probably give each grandkid a $20.00 visa gc. I could just do another $25.00 AG gc and then she would have to earn/ save about $30 if she really wants it.

Thanks all!! I have really, in the past, indulged them as much as I thought possible without it being just too crazy!!! We have done Our generation dolls..we actually started out with them and then graduated to the AG dolls. I generally buy accessories etc from the Our Generation line (working on 2 wardrobes and 2 horses right now). I think I will get another small gc for her and then with my mom's gc she will only need to work on getting about $30.00. She is terrible at saving for what she wants. She had $60.00 this summer when we went to AG in Chicago. I told her and dd8 that they could purchase a doll and work for the other $40.00. DD8 did it, dd10 purchased a bunch of other things. I think it will be best for her to have to work towards some of it. Disappointment can build character...I just keep on having to remind myself of that!

I just want to respectfully disagree. Kids are kids for such a short time, and one day you'll miss the "toys under the tree" stage. I totally understand that kids need to learn to deal with disappointment, but I'm just not sure Christmas morning is the time to teach that lesson. It would break my heart to see my little girl disappointed when she rushed to the tree in her PJs, looking for Rebecca. If it were me, I would get her the gift she wants most (as long as it was within reason, and it sounds like AG dolls are), and use opportunities throughout the year to teach lessons on disappointment. I totally admire you for wanting to instill those values in your children, because it seems like so few people do that these days.

I hope you're not offended. I just wanted to offer my opinion on the subject. :hug:

I usually buy wrapping paper after Christmas on clearance, but since DH lost his job last year just 3 weeks before Christmas, that was put on hold. I would love to start wrapping, but that will have to wait until Black Friday when I can get a deal on paper.

Where do you shop for good deals on paper? I normally buy mine the day after Christmas and store it until the next year, and for some reason I didn't do that last year. Doh!

Is anyone else out there feeling this way? Every year around this time, I am well into my Christmas shopping. This year I'm not and I'm starting to get anxious. It's not for lack of trying. I just don't see sales right now on the things that my boys have at the tops of their Christmas lists. I'm so frustrated.....:sad1: Is anyone else feeling frustrated with the lack of sales out there so far? I don't know if I should go ahead and just buy the Legos and Wii games and pay full price for them or just wait and see if there is a sale between now and when we leave for DW and DCL on December 12.:confused3

I feel like I've found much better sales that usual this year! I am actually pretty excited that, despite adding a new daughter to our family this year, I will probably end up spending less, thanks to all the coupons out there!

Now I just need a couple more books, a pair of pajamas for DS10 and to figure out a family gift for my BIL, his wife and their 4yo dd. We love them to death, but don't see them often so I usually get them a membership, but I can't think of a new place this year. Anyone from the Knoxville, TN area have an idea?
I just moved from Knoxville. What kind of membership were you looking for? Sam's Club? A gym? Knoxville Zoo? Dollywood?
I've enjoyed this thread so much! I've borrowed ideas for gifts and baking. I'd definitely stealing the Chex Mix idea! As for shopping, I've not done too much yet. I gave most of my good ideas for the kids to grandparents.:sad2:

My plans for:

DH- We've agreed not to buy much for each other. I preordered Star Trek from Walmart for $10 and plan to make him a basket of pine cone fire starters.

DD (12)-Ugg knock offs from Costco, icoaster (TRU Black Friday), an outfit or two, DS game, craft kit, setting for her pick a pearl

She told me recently she'd also like a Kewpie doll!! :rotfl: Anyone know a good source?:confused:

DD(10)-an outfit or two from Justice, Lego family home, spa kits, nail art kit, DS game, electric blanket, Justice snuggly, setting for her pick a pearl

DS(4)-Geotrax timbertown railway(awesome Kmart deal!), 2nd RC train and extra track, game, spy "stuff", maybe a new Leapster game, Air Hogs RC car (is he too young?)

I'm doing a family basket with personalized cocoa mugs, ornament to comemorate year (this year its Disney!:)), fuzzy socks or slipper socks, couple of blankets to match our by then newly painted basement, Wii game(s), and game, probably Blokus

We usually wait until closer to Christmas to buy the majority of the kids' stuff because they are notorious mind changers. Stockings usually consist of $5 movies, small gift cards to places like McDs and the local coffee shop for smoothies or hot chocolate, candy, undies and perfume, lip balm, lotion, etc.
Last year I ordered a sample kit from Burts Bees and split that up.

I'm considering doing small baskets or boxes for each kid with some of their favorite groceries that I don't usually buy, like Pop tarts, their favorite pop, Aunt Jemima syrup (I know, weird), sugary cereal, etc.

I was thinking of you today, I got a catalog from a place called "Back to Basics Toys" that sells Kewpie dolls! Their website is .

Hey girls! I've been MIA for a while, but I'm glad to see everyone is keeping up with their Christmas shopping!

I found this deal today. It's a 7" Memorex digital photo frame for $29.95 and free shipping! It's $89.99 on Memorex's website! That's going to be my gift for my family's Chinese Christmas exchange. I am secretly hoping to come home with it myself. :thumbsup2

I just moved from Knoxville. What kind of membership were you looking for? Sam's Club? A gym? Knoxville Zoo? Dollywood?

Great deal on the photo frame :thumbsup2

I was looking for something fun they could do as a family. I did the Knoxville Zoo before and a children's museum. I was hoping for something different, but if I don't come up with anything I guess it will be the zoo again.
Hey girls!!! Got my nephews Christmas toys today!!! CUTE!! Its new to you all know my younger son is a Lego maniac...well, he left some at my moms to play with when we are there and my nephew has been playing with them and loooves them. So...on the Lego aisle(@Target) they have Fisher Price lego type things...they are called FP TRIO. They are awesome!!! If you have little boys (or girls!!) that like Legos..these are a younger kid-friendly type of Lego. So...he is all wrapped up and ready to go!!! DONE with all the kids on my list!! Also, go some lights for my outside pear trees and a little reindeer, & snowman for our front yard and a winter scene rug! So...I am really getting it done!! Also got a baby gift for our youth pastors' baby shower!!!! Love having things accomplished!!!!! So...I am getting close to having it allllll ready in time for my trip! I did decide something today...I am just doing regular Christmas cards this year.....I wanted to get a pic card again, but I really don't want to squeeze in a shopping trip to find a matching shirt for all 3 kids over the week.....tooooo much going on!! Well....gotta go!! Talk to ya'll later!!
Wow Shawna!! Sounds like a great shopping trip! Those are so fun when you find great gifts and a little something for you or your house too!

I have to go and write everything down that I have and make sure I'm not missing anyone. I am pretty sure I have it all covered - either have bought or know what I'm getting. By the time we leave, the only thing left will be stuff I'm getting at WDW and cash toward a group gift for daycare.

We decided our Christmas cards will probably be late this year, we want to use pictures from Disney since there will be lots of photo ops with the Christmas decorations. So even if I hurry when I get home to process it and order cards, I figure the very earliest they will go out is around the 20th! And that's if I rush.

I'm having a candle party tomorrow night so I'm baking and getting some food together, and have to do a little cleaning (dog hair is everywhere!). DH took the girls to gymnastics so I don't have to stay up too late getting it done. So of course, I had to hop on the DIS boards! hee hee!
Hey girls!!! Got my nephews Christmas toys today!!! CUTE!! Its new to you all know my younger son is a Lego maniac...well, he left some at my moms to play with when we are there and my nephew has been playing with them and loooves them. So...on the Lego aisle(@Target) they have Fisher Price lego type things...they are called FP TRIO. They are awesome!!! If you have little boys (or girls!!) that like Legos..these are a younger kid-friendly type of Lego. So...he is all wrapped up and ready to go!!! DONE with all the kids on my list!! Also, go some lights for my outside pear trees and a little reindeer, & snowman for our front yard and a winter scene rug! So...I am really getting it done!! Also got a baby gift for our youth pastors' baby shower!!!! Love having things accomplished!!!!! So...I am getting close to having it allllll ready in time for my trip! I did decide something today...I am just doing regular Christmas cards this year.....I wanted to get a pic card again, but I really don't want to squeeze in a shopping trip to find a matching shirt for all 3 kids over the week.....tooooo much going on!! Well....gotta go!! Talk to ya'll later!!

Those Trios look super cute! You've been a busy bee. Congratulations for having so much done.:goodvibes
Wow Shawna!! Sounds like a great shopping trip! Those are so fun when you find great gifts and a little something for you or your house too!

I have to go and write everything down that I have and make sure I'm not missing anyone. I am pretty sure I have it all covered - either have bought or know what I'm getting. By the time we leave, the only thing left will be stuff I'm getting at WDW and cash toward a group gift for daycare.

We decided our Christmas cards will probably be late this year, we want to use pictures from Disney since there will be lots of photo ops with the Christmas decorations. So even if I hurry when I get home to process it and order cards, I figure the very earliest they will go out is around the 20th! And that's if I rush.

I'm having a candle party tomorrow night so I'm baking and getting some food together, and have to do a little cleaning (dog hair is everywhere!). DH took the girls to gymnastics so I don't have to stay up too late getting it done. So of course, I had to hop on the DIS boards! hee hee!

I had thought the same thing about the cards...but I want them to go out before I leave..I usually mail mine the very beginning of Dec--I could do it...but I don't want to do ANY thing like that when I get home from the World:lmao: After that I am gonna need some rest!!! ha!!!! Hope your party is a smash!!!!
Those Trios look super cute! You've been a busy bee. Congratulations for having so much done.:goodvibes

Thanks!! Yep..the Trios are great...I got the airplane set for ds10--it was only $4.99----he played with it all day, took it with us to eat & look for Christmas cards,, and took it to bed to play with!! They are really cuter than legos...a little chunkier and you can build faster with them! I don't know how many different planes/helicopter-lookin' things he did with it!
So...other than my goody bags for friends, I need to order my Grandparents a Harry & Davids basket--which I will do the first week of Dec....and decide what to get my mom & step-dad.:rolleyes: That's not gonna be easy. I usually get them separate things...but I thought about getting them a fruit basket too----they loooove all the stuff that comes in them. But.. I like to buy stuff for my mom that she doesn't buy for herself....clothes, good bras, new socks,...something frivolous like VB...they have been struggling financially--he lost a lot of business when the economy I really would like to get things they need. I know he needs clothes---last year I got him a GC to Dillards...he needed nice pants for church...and shirts. I got her a GC one year so she could get some new stuff too...but guess what she did!! She used it to buy gifts for family!!!! Dang! That was for her!!!! I have to just get what I want her to have--of course there is always the hassle of returning because of sizes...but she didn't obey me:rotfl:
Oh...ds10 did see the new Rubiks 360 yesterday and his eyes got big as saucers....MOM Look At THIS!!!!!!! I guess he will get that in his stocking! I was gonna do just candy...but I may do that from ds13 and dd...then I'll get something small like that for the other 2 from each other also.....DD has thought of a ton of stuff she wants to buy for ds10:hug: they crack me up...she is such a little mother hen....and ds10 is sooooo patient with her and you should here him explain things to her. Slowly and on her level...I love it! Ds13 just acts like parent #3 and orders them around...but no one else better say anything to them! True brotherly love!!!:grouphug:
Can ya'll believe Tday is one week away?:eek: WOW!! I feel like it was just Easter!!! Which always reminds me of hearing the grown-ups talk about time flying when I was a kid...I thought it dragged......on & on & on...... but it is sure moving on now! Well I hope ya'll have an awesome Wednesday!! TTFN :tigger:
Well, Disney has ruined my Christmas spirit today. Went to order Ds a Monorail set and DD a Castle set (the only things they asked for) and the monorail set is "no longer available!" Called the store and they do not sell them - website or parks only! I am SOOO upset. I promised my son one when we were in Disney. I had no idea I would not be able to get one! I am SOOOO upset and I was so mad that I did not even order the castle playset! I can not give one a big Disney item and not the other!
Oh that's a bummer!! Maybe Ebay? There's always tons of Disney stuff there.

I had a great productive lunch hour. I went to Target and got DD6 the LPS adoption center that was on sale from $44.99 to $29.99. She wants that from Santa. (She better not change her mind!) Plus I got each of the girls a Snuggie! It's sort of a joke at our house, but they actually wanted them! So other than stocking stuffers and whatever DD8 asks for from Santa, I'm done with the kids!! YAY! I think she's going to ask for some AG big accessory (I'm talking her out of another doll) so I saw a cute trundle bed at Target from Our Generation that I think I can get with a coupon for $45. Hopefully that will fly! I also bought some new bathroom stuff - shower curtain, rug, hand towels and wastebasket. I think I forgot the toothbrush holder. I want to change stuff and have to paint too (probably after vacation and maybe after Christmas). Found a shirt on clearance and a simple sweater for $9.
I even bought a .99 stocking to decorate to be my FE on the cruise! I LOVE TARGET!!!
I've really enjoyed following this thread! :)

I have a question for you guys! I've always been the type to buy year round with only buying a few things last minute (my kids are still little so I can get away with it!) and I saw something at Kohl's the other day that I wanted to get. It's the Barbie Glamour plane and they had it on sale for $59.99 - well, I didn't really want to spend that much more but I've never seen this in the stores before and after I got home I looked online and no one has it and it's about $100 on Amazon. Well...then I start digging around and find out that Kohl's is going to offer it for $30 on Black Friday (they open at 4am).

So, now I'm thinking I have to get this thing. My DD is getting into Barbies and is so fascinated with planes and so excited for our trip in a few weeks. I think she's more excited about going on a plane then Disney!

Anyway....what I'm wondering is that I haven't been out on Black Friday in a LOOONG time and they only had about 15-20 of those airplanes sitting there. And I don't know how crazy things get and do I really want to go out at 4am? Should I buy one now and then try to also get it on Black Friday? And then if I don't just take back the one I paid $60 or? Or should I just take my chances and try to get it that day? And what if I bought it a few days before Black Friday - do they give you money back if it goes on sale? I know many stores do that normally but for some reason I'm thinking Black Friday is excluded.

I hope this all makes sense....but this is my latest Christmas shopping dilemma!
Oh that's a bummer!! Maybe Ebay? There's always tons of Disney stuff there.

I had a great productive lunch hour. I went to Target and got DD6 the LPS adoption center that was on sale from $44.99 to $29.99. She wants that from Santa. (She better not change her mind!) Plus I got each of the girls a Snuggie! It's sort of a joke at our house, but they actually wanted them! So other than stocking stuffers and whatever DD8 asks for from Santa, I'm done with the kids!! YAY! I think she's going to ask for some AG big accessory (I'm talking her out of another doll) so I saw a cute trundle bed at Target from Our Generation that I think I can get with a coupon for $45. Hopefully that will fly! I also bought some new bathroom stuff - shower curtain, rug, hand towels and wastebasket. I think I forgot the toothbrush holder. I want to change stuff and have to paint too (probably after vacation and maybe after Christmas). Found a shirt on clearance and a simple sweater for $9.
I even bought a .99 stocking to decorate to be my FE on the cruise! I LOVE TARGET!!!

Me too!! You would probably faint if you knew how much I spent there yesterday!!! But... I had several occasions to buy for.....sounds like you were quite productive!!
I bought one more gift today from the comfort of my own home. Bought a years subscription to Seventeen Magazine today for $7 from Amazon.

Making progress even if it is slow. :)
I just came across this thread and read quite a bit of it! I'm chomping at the bit to start some shopping, but I'm trying hard to wait until DH gets paid next week! We are going to be in Disney for a weekend trip this weekend so I'm hoping to pick a few things there. I have a DD2 who will be 3 in Feb, any ideas for her?
WTG, Shawna! It feels so good to be so productive, doesn't it?

I was looking for something fun they could do as a family. I did the Knoxville Zoo before and a children's museum. I was hoping for something different, but if I don't come up with anything I guess it will be the zoo again.

What about Dollywood? Or Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies? A membership to Ijams Nature Center? That's all I can think of right now. I'll keep trying to come up with ideas.
I was thinking of you today, I got a catalog from a place called "Back to Basics Toys" that sells Kewpie dolls! Their website is .

Thanks for the heads up. We usually get their catalog, but I guess since we hadn't ordered from them they gave up on us.:rotfl: That's a cute kewpie, but do I like her $40 worth?:confused3 I don't know. The cute ones on ebay aren't much better price wise. Hmmm.. The Mrs. Beasley doll they have is just like the one I had as a girl. She's creepy!!
WTG, Shawna! It feels so good to be so productive, doesn't it?

What about Dollywood? Or Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies? A membership to Ijams Nature Center? That's all I can think of right now. I'll keep trying to come up with ideas.

I'm going to look at the aquarium and see how far away from them that is, I think they would like that :thumbsup2 Thanks!
I was thinking of you today, I got a catalog from a place called "Back to Basics Toys" that sells Kewpie dolls! Their website is .

Thanks for the heads up. We usually get their catalog, but I guess since we hadn't ordered from them they gave up on us.:rotfl: That's a cute kewpie, but do I like her $40 worth?:confused3 I don't know. The cute ones on ebay aren't much better price wise. Hmmm.. The Mrs. Beasley doll they have is just like the one I had as a girl. She's creepy!!

Yeah, I thought the kewpie doll in there was pricey, too, I guess it's a collectible since I think it said ages 14+. Come to think of it, I'm not sure why we get that catalog either, I've never ordered from them that I can remember, but I LOVE that wooden treehouse toy in there, I wish I could buy it, but I don't think my kids would play with it much if at all.
Well, after my five minutes of "I'm done with the kids shopping" glory, DD8 burst my bubble. She started talking about how she knows the secret of Santa and mom and dad. She thinks because I ask her what she's going to ask Santa for, it must be us. So I tell her no, it's just that we want you to get different things from us and from Santa. So she goes and makes a list, separating which gifts should be from him and which from us.
My new dilemma - if I don't let Santa get her what she wants, she will have proved me wrong. DH says, return a couple of the AG gifts we got them and go get the AG doll that she's asking Santa for. ARGH! I don't want her to "know" yet. And she better not spoil it for her sister, or there will be NO gifts from Santa or otherwise! :laughing:
Yikes!!!! She better not tell it!!!! My oldest has been great about keeping it quiet...dd told me last year...maybe before that she KNEW it was us and we couldn't "trick" her!!! WOW...made me feel like a heel....ds10 still believes I think!! I am too scared to ask.... Iwould like at least ONE of my children to still have some magic!!


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