Christmas Shopping '09

He guys. How is everyone doing with their shopping? Can you believe Thanksgivig is a week away?!?!? Where has the time gone? I haven't even bought food yet! My sister and brother in-law and cutest baby nephew moved in with me so they can save some money and I will have someone here with me while Kevin is gone. I am excited to have them all here, but I feel like its such a blessing to be able to be with my nephew when he is this age. He is only 5 months old and is only 2 months younger than my youngest, Maddie. I love this age where they change everyday. I really am blessed to be able to spend this much time with him. Now that they are in, I HAVE to get shopping for Thanksgiving.

I am trying to decide if I am going to get the girls Band Hero or not. Walmart has a deal starting Saturday that you get the game for 199 and then you get a 40 gift card. Thats probably the best deal I am going to get, but its still alot of money.

So, whats eveyone thinking about Black Friday? I can't wait, its my 2nd favorite holiday after Christmas? :rotfl: Walmart has some deals I would like. I told my mom I want that 50inch tv for 600, but she told me I would get trampled on. She may be right. People can be crazy for a deal. I love my bargains, but not at the expense of hurting someone.
Yikes!!!! She better not tell it!!!! My oldest has been great about keeping it quiet...dd told me last year...maybe before that she KNEW it was us and we couldn't "trick" her!!! WOW...made me feel like a heel....ds10 still believes I think!! I am too scared to ask.... Iwould like at least ONE of my children to still have some magic!!

The magic will still be there. I "know" who buys the gifts but I still believe in the Spirit of Santa. Our children know...but we still leave milk and cookies and food for the reindeer. Santa still leaves a thank you note for the cookies. We still try to figure out ways he gets in and out and around, etc. If you didn't know my kids "knew" you would not know that they did. Because they still believe in the Spirit of Christmas.

Santa allows people to give give without expecting a thank you or the "credit. It is fun to "play" Santa and give a gift without them knowing who it was from.

It is also fun when they do, to learn about the "Santas" around the world throughout history, so many wonderful stories. Then they can make up their own versions. Why do you think there are new movies every year? Because many of us still believe and like to tell our story of how we think it all happens.

Who fills your stocking?
Graciesmom~How great is that?!!! I am happy for you~~ Ya'll can both be a blessing to each other!! I know your dh is probably glad that someone is there to help take care of you til he can get home!!!!

Gerber~ You are soooooo right!!! I absolutely love Santa...I try to remember to always tell them when the sub. comes up about how he was a real person and what he did.Very unselfish!:santa:

Polar Express is one of the TOP Christmas movies EVER made!! In my oh so humble opinion!!!!! Cartoon wise!! It's a Wonderful Life is the best drama and The Grinch with Jim Carrey is the best Comedy!! We watched PolEx on Wed and guess who cried like a baby?:sad1: Not the kids!!!!! Oh, and no... I cannot believe Tday is one week away!!!!! I am going to my moms this weekend and when I get back I will get the turkey. Got my yams, and my green bean stuff....just salad stuff and a Turkey are gonna be the main thing to look for! I want to go early Monday and beat everybody else....but our school districts have decided to give the kids allllll week off:scared1: We got out at 1 on Wed and were happy for that!!! Oh well.... I can't begrudge those little chicks a few extra days...even if they do clog up the stores!!!:laughing:
Well, can ya'll believe this:

5 Weeks!!!!:santa:

I know some of you are waiting for BF...but the rest of us need to hurry up!!! If you have a goal of finishing before BF you better get a move on...this is your LAST weekend before it goes officially bananas!!:banana: Well, I gotta get a move on..we have school and packing to do today to head out for the weekend.....Monday we are finishing up the last few odds and ends of school for this semester...turkey shopping....and starting to do what I can for Thanksgiving day...Probably start chopping veggies on Tuesday..and make some Oatmeal cookies!!! Wed...make sure I got it ALL, do what I need to and Th morning up and at 'em with my Turkey and Sweet Potatoe Casserole!!!! Have a blessed, safe and Happy Weekend friends!!!
Thanks OP for this thread. I just finished my christmas shopping last night - placed my photo orders that I needed to and ordered my Christmas cards.

Tonight I will be shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks for keeping me motivated we will be decorating for christmas next week and I can start wrapping and baking cookies to freeze.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope all have a very productive, or relaxing, weekend, whichever you need it to be. I've decided to paint our lower level this weekend so that its done before the Christmas decorations go up next weekend. Can you say impulsive? I picked out the colors today, tan for three walls and one brick red accent wall, spackled holes and dents and moved furniture yesterday, as well as began taping. I'd like to start tonight since my girls will be at a sleep over.

On the shopping front, I ordered my eldest DD's boots and picked up some Bella Sara cards for the younger DD's stocking, so not much. I'm waiting for BF to pick up the icoaster from TRU.

We're going to the inlaws for Thanksgiving, 2 hours away, and always bring Pilgrim Pies, which are whoppie pies made with pumpkin cookies and cream cheese filling. So yummy!

Graciesmom-what sweet words about your nephew. You're so right! I miss squeezing my sweet babies. Every once in a while I tell my 12 year old that I need to kiss her soft cheeks. Thankfully, she still lets me!:rotfl:

Congratulations to those of you done with your shopping already.:)
Thanks for the kind words about Santa. I truly love Christmas, and while most of the time we try to remember what Christmas is all about, we get all caught up in the presents. One of my friends says, "three gifts were good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for us." Touche'

Well I think I'll keep it alive and we will have new AG dolls in 5 weeks. :) :santa:

I really should have gone over to MOA to the AG store today, but I just have too many other things to get done. I'm baking cookies now, listening to DIS radio! I went to the grocery store, got some other shopping done - got the girls cute fuzzy socks at Old Navy for their stockings. I also found myself a jacket at Penney's that was part of a pantsuit, missing the black pants. It was $7.50!!! Yeah, I have about 4 pairs of black pants!! Got a cute sweater too.
Tonight DH and I are going to the Wild game - anyone need any MN Wild gifts I can pick up for you??? :)

Tomorrow - it's back to baking! My freezer will be full before I leave for WDW! Two weeks from today I'll be in the car somewhere between MN and FL!
YAHOO. I'm down to my last few gifts to buy, and they are all going to be gift cards along w/some homemade treats :banana::banana::banana::

So, I posted this on the community board, but I'll do it here too and see what help I get :goodvibes

This is the first year I am having buy gifts for a bus driver and dance teachers, so, here are my thoughts. Am I on the right track?

Bus driver - he's an older gentleman, I'd say late 60's. I was thinking a gift card ($10/$15) to Cracker Barrel or Panera Bread Co. and a small tin of some homemade cookies

Three female dance teachers - same as above but maybe the gift card to either Target or the movies. They are all single gals.

Book Buddy - this is a high school girl that tutors my DD 2x/week in reading through the school (so it's a free service, I don't pay her already). I was thinking same as for the dance teachers?

I am going shopping on Black Friday for the first time in the my life, BUT, I am only the cart pusher. My friend (since Kindy) has recently seperated from her husband and just needs the company. It's going to be a rough holiday season for her. I told her I would tag along, but ONLY if she does not make me go to Wal-Mart. She promised only Kohls & Target and then we can eat breakfast at Cracker Barrel or IHOP. She had me at breakfast :goodvibes

I am going to get all my Cmas decorations down tonight so I can get decorating for thing in the morning. I want to get it all done this weekend so that I can clean and grocery shop next week. My aunt is coming over on Tuesday to cook the fam dinner for her son's 29th birthday (my house is mid way for the clan) and then on Wed when DH is settled after his travels home on Tuesday I want to get the outside decorated and the tree up with lights on so Friday after my post-shopping nap, we can decorate the tree. Oh, note to self - must get apple cider. DH's favorite :)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I'm so excited this year :)
I like your ideas. For my girls' dance teachers I got some little tubes of foot scrub and foot cream at Bath and Body Works. I figured they dance, sore feet...
In all my 4 years of having a kid in school, I never until this year heard anyone giving a gift to the bus driver! Hmm, maybe some goodies for him too.
I think gift cards and treats would be great for the single women or for the tutor. itunes maybe?

Sounds like you'll be busy now too!! YAY for the holiday fun!!:santa:
For my DD's school teachers (2), Sunday School teachers (3), piano teacher and Chinese school teacher (all women, some married, some single), I'm giving the same type of thing:

Vera Bradley's transparent travel pouch - I bought a whole bunch of them last month when they were $6 each (they're $7 on the site now)

For the school teachers, I filled the pouches with a whole bunch of Burt's Bees products I got from a Burt's Bee grab bag I heard about on the Budget Board last month.

For the other teachers, I filled the pouches with a bottle of Bath and Body Works anti-bacterial hand soap and a travel size anti-bacterial hand gel (bought a whole bunch at a recent BBW sale I heard about on the Budget Board)

I may have to do something a little different for the piano teacher since I already gave her a VB cosmetic bag last Christmas but she'll still get some of the BBW stuff (she's also a school teacher during the day so I figure she could always use the anti-bacterial stuff for school!)

It was nice being able to do so many gifts so easily.

Last year I got my kids' bus drivers a nice throw, she must have really liked it because she uses it in her lap every morning on the bus since it's gotten cold this year so I'm giving one to my middle school kids' bus driver this year.

For teachers I also did Vera Bradley, I got the ID wallets (clearance patterns a few weeks ago) and I am putting a Borders GC in each one.
I got an awesome deal today at WM on Guitar Hero! I would have never known about it- but the Electronics associate was nice enough to tell me. When you buy Guitar hero right now (the pack with the Guitar) you get a $40 gift card. This particular store had them on clearance for the PS3 for 59.99, and PS2 for 49.99- so 10-20 each after the GC! I picked up one for DBF, and an extra for a last minute gift if I need one!
Thanks OP for this thread. I just finished my christmas shopping last night - placed my photo orders that I needed to and ordered my Christmas cards.

Tonight I will be shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks for keeping me motivated we will be decorating for christmas next week and I can start wrapping and baking cookies to freeze.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Aw Brenda!! You are welcome!! I love our thread!!:love: Good for are doing splendidly!!!
Hope all have a very productive, or relaxing, weekend, whichever you need it to be. I've decided to paint our lower level this weekend so that its done before the Christmas decorations go up next weekend. Can you say impulsive?

Maybe...but how fun!!! You are motivated...gotta strike while the iron is hot!
Thanks for the kind words about Santa. I truly love Christmas, and while most of the time we try to remember what Christmas is all about, we get all caught up in the presents. One of my friends says, "three gifts were good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for us." Touche'
Tomorrow - it's back to baking! My freezer will be full before I leave for WDW! Two weeks from today I'll be in the car somewhere between MN and FL!

I have heard that saying before and I love it!! ...yep...2 weeks from tonight, we will be strolling down Main Street...or in our great rooms at the CR/BLT!!!!:cool1:
YAHOO. I'm down to my last few gifts to buy, and they are all going to be gift cards along w/some homemade treats :banana::banana::banana::

So, I posted this on the community board, but I'll do it here too and see what help I get :goodvibes

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I'm so excited this year :)

All your ideas sound great!! And my word honey!! You have a very busy Black Friday!! It made me tired!! ha!!!!!
It was nice being able to do so many gifts so easily.


It all sounds fantastic!! Glad you had an easy time getting it all!!!
Ok do you guys think there will be a better deal on the DSI's after BF than what Target is offering on BF? The $20 gc for spending over $100 and the extra $10? I don't need a bundle just the DSI.....DD wants the pink!
Hi shoppers! I got a few more knocked off my list this weekend! I bought the Kohl's Cares book and stuffed animals for all my day care kiddos! :woohoo: I have to go back there one more time when they get more in though becasue they were out of the mouse ones. So I guess I ALMOST knocked that one off my list. :lmao:
Does anyone know if there will be any good bf deals on lego stuff?

On Black Friday, Toys R Us has Lego Agents Mobile Command Center ($53.99), Lego Indiana Jones Temple Escape ($42.99), and Lego Star Wars The Twilight ($59.99). The first 2 are on my list for DS ..... but will probably pass on the Start Wars one since that one actually goes on sale at midnight. We already have him a couple of small Star Wars sets bought. Right now the Blue or Pink Lego Tubs are $24.99 on sale at Toys R Us ..... got DS & DD one of those each.

Target has Lego Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or Castle Collection Troll Warship for $49.99 on Black Friday ..... think I will skip these, already spending way to much on Legos.

Ok do you guys think there will be a better deal on the DSI's after BF than what Target is offering on BF? The $20 gc for spending over $100 and the extra $10? I don't need a bundle just the DSI.....DD wants the pink!

I'm looking for a deal on the pink DSi as well, but doubt that it will happen. That is what we have decided to get DD10 for her birthday (which is 2 weeks before Christmas) since she lost her DS Lite awhile back (and has recently been borrowing her brother's DS Lite alot). I noticed that the ones on sale on Black Friday were the blue & white ones ..... not gonna work since we need a PINK one of course. Let me know if you do see any good sales on them.

The pink DS Lites (along with other colors) will be $99 at Walmart on Black Friday. This is a great deal, but I really wanted to get her the DSi instead.
On Black Friday, Toys R Us has Lego Agents Mobile Command Center ($53.99), Lego Indiana Jones Temple Escape ($42.99), and Lego Star Wars The Twilight ($59.99). The first 2 are on my list for DS ..... but will probably pass on the Start Wars one since that one actually goes on sale at midnight. We already have him a couple of small Star Wars sets bought. Right now the Blue or Pink Lego Tubs are $24.99 on sale at Toys R Us ..... got DS & DD one of those each.

Target has Lego Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or Castle Collection Troll Warship for $49.99 on Black Friday ..... think I will skip these, already spending way to much on Legos.

I'm looking for a deal on the pink DSi as well, but doubt that it will happen. That is what we have decided to get DD10 for her birthday (which is 2 weeks before Christmas) since she lost her DS Lite awhile back (and has recently been borrowing her brother's DS Lite alot). I noticed that the ones on sale on Black Friday were the blue & white ones ..... not gonna work since we need a PINK one of course. Let me know if you do see any good sales on them.

The pink DS Lites (along with other colors) will be $99 at Walmart on Black Friday. This is a great deal, but I really wanted to get her the DSi instead.

OOh, thanks for that info. We are planning to get another DS lite and we already have one pink, so maybe another color would be okay. How much are they on BF at Target?
Just wanted to stop in and say "hi" :wave2:since I haven't seemed to get back to this thread yet ..... although I have been keep up in reading, just haven't had much DISboard time lately to respond. Looks as though everyone is doing really good on their Christmas shopping. Can you believe we only have 3 days until Thanksgiving .... time sure is flying by this year!

Shawna, I started reading your PTR last night (only got a few pages into it so far), but have to say that you have a beautiful family! :) No, I haven't started a PTR on our first trip ..... I should, but I have just stayed so busy with the kids lately. Yes, we have talked before on the homeschool thread, but it was a long time ago. I was the one with the 2 nieces in Beaumont, and the one niece in Lumberton (she just passed away this Sept though). We live about an hour and a half from you (in Houston, right on the other side of Baytown).

So far you guys have all given me some great ideas, and are even inspiring me to save a little money as I go. Thanks for passing along the savings tips. I did manage to get my DS5 the Leapster Tag System for $19.99 by using both the Target $10 off coupon & the Leapster $10 off coupon ..... I never knew that you could do that. For those getting the Tag, the Wendy's kids meals have a $5 off coupon on the bag that you can use on the Tag books, and right now all the Tag books are on sale at Toys R Us for $9.99. We ended up getting DS four of the Tag books for $4.99 a piece! All this coming from someone who is not usually a coupon person .... my hubby asked me what was up with all of the coupons lately, lol (he thought it was a great savings though).

Besides all of that, I have made a big dent in my Christmas shopping ..... you guys really have inspired me ..... still waiting on Black Friday to get some of the smaller things on my list. I did get the iPod Nanos ordered for all 3 of the kids with their names on them ..... went ahead and got DS5 one since he is always borrowing his daddy's iPod Touch .... plus he will want one if the girls get one. Also found him a Lego table at Toys R Us, and got DD 10 the Baby Care Center that she wanted. I'm surprised that was on her "wish list" since she seems to be outgrowing most of her toys. I'm happy to see her playing with her dolls more lately ..... they grow up way too fast! I want her to enjoy being little for as long as possible!
OOh, thanks for that info. We are planning to get another DS lite and we already have one pink, so maybe another color would be okay. How much are they on BF at Target?

I just went back and looked at the Target ad, didn't see any DS Lites .... only the DSi bundle packs.

The Walmart ad is showing the DS Lite for $98 and says that it comes in 4 colors ..... it shows red, pink, white, and a dark one (can't tell if it is blue or black).

Anyone wanting to view the ads can go to Black hyphen Friday dot net, and all the stores are listed on the right side of the page. Once you click into the store then right under the store logo click "ad scan" and the actual ad will pop up.
I started and finished all on the same day almost.DD5 only wanted Liv Dolls.She asked 2 of them,2 wigs and the salon. WOW! I am shocked her list has been so small but we are so bad about buying things right then when we see them for her.
She asked my mama for the as seen on tv toothpaste dispenser and a picture frame to paint a picture to put behind the glass of me,her,daddy and Dran *my mama*.
This was her list.She is very spoiled but not in a bratty way.She is very thankful for everything she gets.I jokingly told her that "Dran" was going to get her a dust pan..She said.OH MAMA that's SO VERY NICE OF HER! :) Just melts my heart because she is this way.

Rest assured that she has way more than she asked for..LOL And her biggest surprise is going to be annual passes to Disney and we are leaving the 26th for 4 days! She isn't going to have any time to play with all the things she gets and I am sure that she won't care :)

I wasn't in the holiday mood until I saw the Small World commercial on here for Disney.And that set it off.I went on a shopping spree while she was in school and got it all done at once! YAY

HAPPY SHOPPING to everyone and hope that you get it all done in enough time to relax and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones :)


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