Christina & Geancarlo PJ (10/4/08) WP&GF: Planning 5 year Anniversary back at GF


So glad to have not one update but two in one day. We've been missing you. You look so cute in your costume. Do you have a full shot. It was amazing that your family was able to join you for your wonderful wedding and to spend time with you. And take your time, I'm so slow in updating my TR, I think I 'forget' what happens, but i love to read others. :goodvibes
So glad you are still working on this!! I am sure you are very busy with your new married life and moving in!

The speed race boats looked so cute!!
Awww I love you all.. you all are so sweet

So back to MNSSHP

We walked out of GF and everyone was saying how cute we all looked and to have fun.. We head in the monorail and the party is about to begin...

Oh great I started this and my sister deleted her MNSSHP pics, BRB..

sorry girls
OMG the boats looked so fun.. Is that only a GF think or if you are staying on property can you use/rent them???? My boys would love that... ME TOO LOL

YOur MNSSHP pic of your costume looked adorable!

Cant wait to read more!
Thanks for the updates! Take all the time you need!
Geez Alexis...why did you delete your MNSSHP pics!!! :rotfl2:

Great update Christina!! Can't wait to read more!:thumbsup2
WOOHOO! Gotta love the updates! You two look so cute in your costumes. We can't wait to see more...but take your time...we all know how the holidays are hectic and with the new married life and house...whew, I feel for ya!

Anna Marie
Christina -
I finally have time to read your TR and look at your pics - you were a beautiful bride and your wedding looks like the ultimate fairytale!

I was dying to see some of your pics before my wedding which was a couple weeks after yours.

Can't wait to see more!!!!!!!

Your wedding video was gorgeous!! What a beatiful bride you were...I didn't get to look at the pics yet, but I am planning to do that soon...I want to have ample time to look at them. Keep us updated when you get the time!! :)
OMG I have been such a naughty naughty DisBride...
I need to get my MNSSHP pics loaded
OK continuation of OCTOBER 2, 2008 MNSSHP

Here we are ready to leave GF and head to MNSSHP
we were all so excited


We had so much fun us 4 that it has now become a ritual to do every year.. This year my two cousins (jr. Bm) will be going with us.. We call them our Mini Me's

I always LOVE to hear the train

WE ARE IN.. WOO HOO now for some candy

Of course we had to take a pic with Ghost Mickey

And we were now off to POTC- tradition after we each get an eggroll

We trick or treated.. and then we got our face painted
I got tink

Alexis got Cindy

My Cousin Marissa (BM) got a poodle
After we got our face painted we went to watch the halloween parade.. A favorite parade of mine

There was a balloon maker and he made us each a balloon animal to match our costumes

Alexis got Cindy

My cousin Amanda got swords for her pirate costume- we all took the sword in a different way:lmao:

My cousin Marissa got a poodle on a leash

and I asked for a DragonFly



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