**~~Chris & Wendy's 10/25/2013 Swan & Dolphin Wedding~~**


Earning My Ears
Sep 12, 2010
I feel so behind the 8 ball on getting our Planning Journal started even though there has already been lots of talk, lots of planning on this end and contracts signed! There's no time like the present to start, I guess...

This is a second marriage for both of us. I won't go into the morbid details of my first because I've made my peace with it. Suffice it to say that I didn't HAVE a wedding last time. It was a quick & dirty non-planned affair in my ex husband's house with a notary. So this time, I'm having a wedding, gosh darn-it! Neither of us can think of any other place we want to be more for that day than Disney World. We weren't actually planning on PLANNING a wedding for a little while given that we were just engaged on October 19, 2012, but the more we talked about it, the more excited we got. We realized my dad's 70th is next October 18th and he LOVES Disney World. What better place to celebrate? Our best couple friends' anniversary is October 10th as is my brother's birthday. My sister's birthday is October 21st. My mom's birthday is November 15 and my fiance's birthday is November 3rd. My step son to be's birthday is November 7th. There's just a WHOLE lot of celebrating to do so why not?

I was incredibly excited about planning a DFTW and we agreed on the Escape package mostly because it was a nice price set point for us as we have other financial goals we want to meet in the next bit. Originally, we thought we were thinking that because it was destination we wouldn't have many guests. That turns out to be so very wrong. We figured we could get away with the 18 count cap on the Escape. Unfortunately Disney does not budge and there's a $7000.00 difference between Escape and Wishes. At the time, we only really needed to include an extra 3-4 people above the cap of 18 so paying an extra $7000.00 for us was not a consideration.

Luckily, I was pointed in the direction of the Swan & Dolphin, which I didn't even know was an option. I'm so glad that I was turned on to Just Marry because it's made our wish of being married at Disney with everyone who wants to attend feasible.

So about us...



I'm 36, (I'll turn 37 on March 30 -Yikes!) and currently my "real" job is as a health technician for an organization. I moonlight as a lighting designer for productions and that's looking like it's going to become a permanent gig for me very shortly *fingers crossed* I've been a Disney girl pretty much all of my life and I visit WDW as much as I can - usually twice a year. Here are a few of my Disney Faves:

Time of Year to Visit: Food & Wine Fest/Halloween
Resort: Polynesian
Restaurant: 'Ohana
MK Ride: Space Mountain
Epcot Ride: Mission Space
Studios Ride: Rockin' Roller Coaster
AK Ride: Mount Everest
Fireworks: Happy Hallowishes



Christopher runs his own business fixing everything "i". iPhone, iPad, iPod. He also moonlights in production and has been picked up on the same show I've been working with as head carpenter/stage manager. Awesome gig! We both love it a lot! He's semi new to Disney being reintroduced by me in 2007. Now he's he biggest little kid in the world and practically vibrates when we see the Mickey shaped power line pole. Here are a few of his Disney Faves:

Time of Year to Visit: Food & Wine Fest/Halloween
Resort: Wilderness Lodge
Restaurant: 'Ohana/Whispering Canyon
MK Ride: Pirates of the Caribbean
Epcot Ride: Mission Space
Studios Ride: Rockin' Roller Coaster
AK Ride: Mount Everest
Fireworks: Happy Hallowishes

So the engagement story. Here we go...

Having both been married once before to other people, we often joke and say "Why couldn't we have just found one another first and avoided all of that craziness?", but we both know on a much deeper level that everything happens when it is supposed to and that obviously the universe felt we both had some lessons to learn before bringing us together.

While we were engaged in October of this year, (2012), we have been together for almost 6 years slogging through messy divorces. Ever the gentleman, Christopher refused to ask a technically married woman to marry him while he himself was still married. Point taken. Finally in July of this year, we both found ourselves finally released from the bonds of our pasts and able to close those chapters of our lives.

On October 19th, we visited Disney World for a few days while our best couple friends were there celebrating their 10th anniversary. When we arrived at 7:30 PM my girlfriend, Julie, pointed out that Wishes was happening at 9:00 and that she wanted to get drinks in pineapples at the bar outside of 'Ohana and take them to Luau Beach to watch the fireworks. I argued that I was really hungry and joked that we should try to sweet talk the hostess at 'Ohana into sneaking us in somewhere, ('Ohana is one of my favourite restaurants but we hadn't been able to get a reservation on such short notice). We went back and forth and finally Julie won out and we got our drinks, (minus the pineapple since they had sold out), had headed to the beach. Meanwhile, I had no idea that this had been the plan all along.

Christopher and I snuggled up on a beach chair to watch Wishes across Bay Lake with a full on view of Cinderella Castle. May I just say that watching the fireworks from that vantage point gives you a whole new perspective of just how BIG they are? Wow!

After Wishes ended, Christopher got up off the chair and I readied myself to get up too, but he was standing in my way. Before I knew it, he was on his knee in the sand. Needless to say, I was gobsmacked... The only thing I could think of to say was "Are you kidding me?" So I tease him that I still haven't answered technically. He says "You kissed me. You took the ring! That's a yes!" After he got up out of the sand, (after I unlatched myself from around his neck), he said "Oh, I have something else for us" and proceeded to pin a Disney 'Just Engaged' button to each of us. Everywhere we went, cast members offered their congratulations and parade characters also made a big deal. We had our photo taken with Mickey and he pointed to our buttons and cheered and kissed my cheek. I won't lie - I got a little teary. Of course that happened again when Cinderella saw my button from her float in the Dreams Come True parade at MK. She got a big happy surprised look on her face, blew me a kiss, mouthed Congratulations! and hit me with one of those incredibly radiant smiles that only a Disney Princess can pull off.

I like to say that I had an engagement weekend. I didn't have a moment. It was awesome and I couldn't have asked for a better time!


Love your engagement story !!

Can't wait to follow along. We both need to get moving on making our PJs up to date.
And of course, love my new Swalphins sister
Hi, twin :) I'm so excited to follow along with your pj! I think you guys' story is really beautiful. I totally agree that there must be a reason why you both had to go through those other relationships before finding each other. I bet you will be able to appreciate your wedding even more because of it.

I love your proposal story! What a great way of doing it and I love that you got to celebrate all weekend. We didn't get engaged AT Disney but we did go there to celebrate like 2 days or something later and they do make it so special. I got a picture with Aurora that day and she made the biggest deal out of the engagement and my ring! I was giddy like a little girl. Nothing like a Disney princess to make you feel like one yourself <3

Can't wait to read more!
Hi girls!

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to getting all of this written down so that I don't forget details!
Let’s see... Where to begin? The beginning, I suppose.

As I stated in my initial post, we didn’t really mean to start planning a wedding so soon. But the more we talked about the possibilities of being married at Disney and having just come from a great time at Food and Wine Fest and the crazy fun we had at Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, the more we got excited. We talked about how great it would be to be married at that time of year with everything happening in Disney World. Then we realized that October 18th, 2013 would be my dad’s 70th birthday. My dad LOVES Disney World. And then it snowballed from there!

As I said in my introduction, we had completely planned to go with DFTW's Escape Package, but my first frustration came with the venues. We knew we would have more than 8 people for sure which ended up limiting us. We had wanted a beach themed wedding hoping to be married at Luau Beach which is where we were engaged. Only 4 guests are accommodated there. Then we thought, "Ok. Sunset Point at the Poly will do." But there we were only allowed up to 8 guests. We then decided that we could change the theme we wanted and we could do something totally fun like a "Boardwalk Empire" themed wedding at the Boardwalk. Sadly, we hit a roadblock with the 18 guest limit for the Escape package. At that point we thought we were at 23-24 max. Still Disney doesn't budge on these things. I was really torn as to what to do. Do we tell people they can't come? We had already committed to a week before the wedding in Disney since we have to go get our marriage license anyway and we decided that we really wanted to do a Disney Cruise for our honeymoon since neither of us has ever experienced one. So the idea of adding another $7000.00 plus taxes to have those extra 4-5 guests just didn't seem to make sense for us. Thankfully, we got hooked up with Just Marry.

Since the guest count is unlimited with the Swan & Dolphin, we've opened up our guest list and we now have approximately 40 people planning to attend. Most of them are using it as an excuse to take a vacation and this is going to be the first time that most of them have even been to Disney World. I'm so excited to have friends and family join us for the week previous!

My wedding planner at Just Marry is Erin C. She's been nothing but sweet and helpful even though we haven't had an over amount of correspondence thus far.

Next up - The Dress & Bridal Party
A few weeks after our engagement, my girlfriend convinced me that we should go dress shopping at a boutique an hour away. I had originally thought I would drive to the nearest David’s Bridal, (4 hours away), as I’d seen a few dresses I liked online. She insisted we go have a fun day trying on dresses in the area just to “get in the mood”. Well, it happened. I found my dress that day!

I knew that I wanted something more fitted because I just don't see myself in a poofy dress. After entering my measurements into an online body shape calculator, it spit out the result that I am an hourglass shape. This was news to me because I've always seen my body as more of a straight block. Colour me surprised. I then set to searching about body shapes and wedding dress silhouettes and learned that trumpet/mermaid is best for the hourglass. I did try on different silhouettes, but after 17 dresses, this is the one that had me really excited. I apologize for my face. I’m not sure what’s going on in this picture. I think I was talking or something.


What I love about it is the simplicity and the shape it gives me. I like that there is some sparkle but not a lot. I also love that there is a hint of a sweetheart neckline, but not overly stated. There is a bit of a train, but I'm going to have that bustled so that it doesn't drag.

It fit almost ideally off the rack, but it needs to be taken in in the waist as there is still quite a bit of room there. The hips are also big. I decided that I would have the zipper taken out of the dress by the in house seamstress and have a corset closure put in. The idea of a zipper just freaks me out completely. There's no wiggle room. With a corset closure, I can gain or lose 10 pounds and it's not such a big deal. My guess it may be the gain since Food and Wine Fest is happening! Maybe I can counter that by exercising like a mad freak in the months leading up to our departure to Disney World! Hmm... But the BEST part about the dress? After I decided that it was "The One", the store owner informed me that although it had only come out this past spring, it had been discontinued and if I wanted this exact dress and took it off the rack, she would take 50% off. Um, hi. She said she would have her seamstress go over every inch of it to make sure it is perfect. Score!

In the beginning, I hadn't really planned on a bridal party but Christopher voiced his desire to have groomsmen. He says that he feels he really missed that at his first wedding. He smirks and says his ex wife didn't really have any friends to stand up with her so he couldn't have anyone on his side. So check and check... I love the idea. We've decided on 4 each.

One his side:

His oldest best friend Shaun
His newest best friend Anthony
The guy half of our best couple friends Kevin
His good buddy and once business partner Joe

On my side:

My oldest best friend Karri
My Floridian long lost "twin" Whitney
The girl half of our best couple friends Julie
One of my best friends Kristy, (for those of you who are into Broadway and know Wicked, Kristy has played Elphaba on Broadway understudying for Idina Menzel and in the Chicago production as well as opening the tour for an injured Stephanie Block)

Next - The Theme
We’re both really in love with the Hawaiian life style and the beauty of the culture. We’re both also fans of Lilo & Stitch so we’re going to incorporate a little of that into our wedding day.

So first of all we all know that it’s all about the bride, right? :rotfl2: This is the bouquet I’ve chosen out of those sent to me in the brochure from Just Marry. I really love it!


My colour for bridesmaid dresses matches the blue.This is the blue I’ve chosen for bridesmaids. They can pick their own style according to body type. I’m not a bride-zilla hell bent on everyone wearing the same dress.


I was having a bit of a tizzy over jewelry. I didn’t want to be completely blinged out considering that my fiancé is not super fancied up in a tux. And, it’s a beach. So I went looking for some Hawaiian inspired accessories and found these. They’re plumeria.



I also found some sweet gifts on the website for my bridesmaids and flower girl. The plumeria twist earrings will be for bridesmaids.


I’m getting the initial pendant for my flower girl who is named Charlee.


I was really concerned over the fact that the groomsmen will have no colour, (they’re wearing linen pants and white shirts like Christopher). So I can up with the idea that instead of carrying large bouquets, the bridesmaids will carry a single stemmed flower up some sort, (probably a lily – not necessarily calla), and that when they greet their matching groomsmen at the top of the aisle, they would give him a lei. Erin really likes this idea a lot and so I’m having her price me out some leis with local florists. She assures me they can be done. I have also priced them out having them shipped from Hawaii via 2-Day Fed-ex and the price is very reasonable. I think the ones I’m looking at are $48.00 per and for 4 of them the shipping cost is $28.95 total. This is the color I am wanting:


Next: The Shoe Dilemma
Just catching up- and finally have access to a computer to respond. Not sure why I can never respond to other threads on my DIS app.:confused3

Anyway. . I think its so cute that you thought of your dad when picking your wedding date. SUPER SWEET !
I can totally relate, as you already know with the DFTW vs Swan wedding debate. Glad to have my wedding sister, since we are only a DAY apart :hyper:

You look gorgeous in the dress. It is so pretty and I love the mermaid fit. How are you going to wear your hair? I know you are doing a laid back beachy vibe- so long loose waves? Or a cute loose updo ?

The bouquet is so pretty !! Very tropical. Did you get your floral quote back yet from JM?
What single flower do you think you will have the girls carry? I love the lei idea, its very original.

The jewelry that you got for Charlee is very cute- im sure she will love wearing it. What are you doing for your BM gifts?

Cant wait to follow on with the rest of your plans :goodvibes
Hi Swan Sister!

I heard from Erin today. She's working on the floral quote as we speak! So you do know you're totally welcome to come to my wedding, right? :)
Oh duh, I didn't think to answer your hair question! I'm thinking up-do with flower. Something not too terribly formal.
chris&wendy said:
Hi Swan Sister!

I heard from Erin today. She's working on the floral quote as we speak! So you do know you're totally welcome to come to my wedding, right? :)

Can't wait to hear about the floral !!
Aww thank you <33
I think we should definitely be getting together in WdW
I also love LILO & Stitch. We apparently are twins
chris&wendy said:
Oh duh, I didn't think to answer your hair question! I'm thinking up-do with flower. Something not too terribly formal.

Love the flower idea ! Like the blue In your bouquet ?


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