Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

Yeah… about that…
OK, there’s no rational explanation. As I’ve said, there is no real logic to what things I remember nor are those things generally the more common references that most folks normally remember.
And as for how I got there… I don’t know…
something about trying to think of a proper name for a “Frozen” goat (btw: does that count?) got me thinking of the names of the actual characters, and that got me onto the “He is Ollie, You are Sven” line and that got me onto the song form the episode (an episode that included a cameo by Yogi Bear for that matter, but he wasn't frozen, and no that has no bearing on this dissertation... at least I don’t think it does?), and then the next thing you know…

Lord it gets tiring dealing with my thought patterns (or lack there of) at times.
(I’ll try to keep it more in focus... but I ain’t makin’ any promises, here)

Wow. That was a lot of verbage to say you have no idea what you're talking about.

I think I like that.

And yes it does.

Well, at least then you’d know that you actually made it to the target and might not have as much clean-up to do latter on…

Unless the next day's news has an article about an accidental toilet drowning...

And... you're welcome.

I actually did enjoy it.
It was a documentary that was filmed not too long before Don Adams' passing.

I suspected as much; that’s my favorite hue as well.
Well, actually it’s the one that I’m forced to settle on until science devises something darker.

Gotta find something to match your soul?

What’d you say?
Wait a minute…
I’ll have to tune off the cone of silence.

It’d be hard to beat that one out.
It got me side tracked for a long while scouring the web for other examples

I believe you!

What was that?
Hallucinate and obfuscate?
Dang, this cone of silence may be more trouble than it’s worth…
(or did I activate the cone of truth instead)

Funny. I was just thinking that there are some people who could really use a cone of silence sometimes.

Or often...

You can be sure that if the first line is ever stated out loud for any reason, someone in the house is going to come back with the second one.

You should've been snarky.
I get a kick out of it.
I'll give it my best. Just call me Snarky Shelly! You do seem to enjoy the harassment. I do believe bonus point have happened for such a thing.

Hey! Congrats! And it's close enough to one year for a dance!
I know!! I'm sure tomorrow I will be doing the year from today ..getting on plane.. arriving to the Happiest Place!

but to get 36 years of service out of someone and then kick them unceremoniously out the door
It was frustrating. I know he's my husband but I know he did good work assembling parts. He would get upset with some of the others who would not care. Two others were laid off at the same time both with 20 & 30 years service. They said the work was slowing down. Husband thinks it was because he went home when back hurt and stayed home next day -Friday (they had no sick leave so rarely would he). They called him at home and told him he HAD to go to doctor. He came back to work on Monday and went on working. Just thinks they worried something else would happen. After he left (brother still works there) they started to work overtime! They did treat people poorly, I always said if we won the lottery I'd let him get out of there before I left mine. Sorry for rambling again

Even a short trip to Disney is a good trip
I will take 2 week off work (I get 5) and if we shorten it that would be okay. I just want to be there Oct 12 for our anniversary! CBR was where we stayed for honeymoon. It was the 1st time both of had been to Disney World. So if we need to save $ we could fine a better price resort too.

Hey I think I quoted right this time! Going to go away tomorrow for an overnight stay for an early 24th anniv. Have a long weekend -Monday is holiday -it's Columbus Day!
Hopefully there could be an update here when I get back. Hint Hint
:laughing: Thanks! It's actually coming up again.

Funny how that happens!

I'd like to, but I doubt I'll ever get the chance.

Why not? :confused3 It's not that far from you. Aren't you sort of equidistant from either part of the coast? You could also try an In And Out Burger if you visited Disneyland. Both totally worth the trip!

You were?!?!?!?!?!?!
You want in? You're in.
Please post your preference for bikini or one piece at the door on the way in.

Uh, one piece please. as a lifelong swim team kind of gal, I don't think I ever even owned a bikini.

:lmao: You just made that up!

Maybe, maybe not. If you read it on the internet, it's true!

Oh? Why? It's pretty easy.
Actually, I made a ton one time since Elle had to bring something to her class
and she was doing a project on France at the time.

I guess I was confusing it with it's counterpart the Croque Madame. But even so, I haven't met a lot of straight guys who can successfully boil water, so I'm always impressed when guys can cook. I also read on your other TR that you can make spaetzle, I'm definitely impressed! My ex-husband would have one night a week that he was in charge of dinner and I made sure there were a sufficient choice of "frozen entrees" for his night.

I'm going to share a story even though you didn't ask. On my College Band Tour when we went to Europe we spend two weeks touring and with the exception of the first three nights, it was one of those drive, stop at hotel, play a concert, next day, repeat, kind of deals. Towards the end of the trip we were in the swankiest hotel of the entire trip. It was the only place we stayed that had a bar in the lobby. One night we had stayed in a nunnery (the gals) and the guys were in a monastery. Other nights we had homestays, and the nights we were in traditional style hotels, they were like the traditional B&B type European hotel.

Our concert that night included a prix fixe meal before the concert and we left the hotel around 4PM, had dinner around 5PM and played at probably 8PM for several hours. After that we got back on our bus and went back to the hotel. Being that it was the first night we were all in the same hotel, those of us who might not be inclined to go right to bed hit the bar upon returning. Well, by the time we got back to the hotel it had been a long time since dinner (or supper? not sure the terminology) and after a few drinks food was definitely in order. No one knew what any of the bar food on the menu was. However, me being the budding young foodie, immediately recognized that the Croque Monsieur was simply a grilled ham and cheese (at least to our college palates).

I don't even know how many of those suckers we ordered, but I'm pretty sure we closed down the place eating Croque Monsieurs and tossing back drinks. I know that I didn't feel so good when they took us to the cemetery the next morning to pay tribute to the fallen American soldiers. So I have a fond memory of my first one of those.

OK. Sorry to hijack!

Looks like you'll be out of luck if you want to try it.
It's already changed to a Mexican restaurant now.
If you look at the current lunch menu, you'll see fajitas and burritos.

That doesn't sound so bad either.

Whoa! Family board!

Oh. Nevermind.

I KNEW you would go there, which is why I put the disclaimer!

I know very few people who wound up doing
what they thought they'd be doing when they graduated high school.

I went to music school and now I'm a landlord, read landlord, NOT slumlord!

Just thought I'd share a little exciting news. Went and officially booked our anniversary trip. Oct 9-22, 2016 at the CBR!:flower1: Now hopefully a year of some pixie dust to save all the $$ up!

How cool! During Food & Wine too! I'm going to be there starting the 18th and leaving around the 28th!!
Woo! Another update!!!!
Kay likes to sleep. She likes to sleep late.
I know, I know...
I've shocked you all, haven't I.
"A teenager who likes to sleep in!?!?"

To defend the teenagers here and the people who enjoy sleeping late, the issue is that everyone else gets up waaaaay to early!!!!

I zipped down the stairs,
(of course I did. It's my first day at Disney! Energy to spare!)
And skipped over to the food court.
(Don't judge. I was happy, okay?)

Next time, you should polka over to the food court! much more festive :cool1:

I paid for my wares, topped up my mug and headed back to the room.
I did go towards the elevators, but I took the stairs anyways.
It's still early in the game, folks.
Lots of energy.
The official loathing of the stairs starts a little later.

Taking the stairs gets easier if while your doing it, you think of the elevator stopping whilst you are in it and how little air there would be because there would always be other people in it and how hot it would get and how it would take forever for someone to come a rescue you. Not that i have a slight phobia of getting stuck in elevators and always take the stairs when possible or anything :rolleyes1

We each took another photo.
Kay took this one.
(She asked for photo credit, so there ya go.)


And I took that one:


Now we had to decide what we were goin

Which is the bigger compliment, that your image of the tree of life is amazing or that your daughter has your talent of taking beautiful shots of the tree of life??

Nope. Nope. Nope.... nope!
I do not stand in line for nearly an hour.
Heck, I don't stand in line for half an hour!
That's why I do rope drop.
That's why I make FPs.
That's why I do single rider lines.

Single rider line = best invention ever. The person who decided to place them in parks might be the brightest and smartest man around. How can people want to volunteer to stand in line for an hour!!!!!!!!!

Remember the chafing? So did she.
But she came prepared!
She liberally applied some baby powder to the affected area.
Not sure how, exactly.
Was it a squeeze bottle? Did she fan it towards the appropriate location?
I don't know.
All we saw was a burst of baby powder come shooting out between her legs.

Now how shall I put this...
One must be delicate, yet descriptive.
Respectful, yet informative.

It looked like she was farting puffy clouds

:rotfl2:Thats hilarious! Talk about disney creating magical moments hahahaha.

"Dad." She said. "I came to Disney with you. I don't want to ride by myself.
I want to ride with you!"

Well, I can hardly fault that logic.
"Are you sure? It's a 40 minute wait. Single rider would be just a few."

Thats so sweet!!!!!!!! Any teenage girl publicly wanting to do something with their dad is so sweet.

It's right around then that it happened.
We started to make our way around the periphery of the enclosure,
to see the other animals like this moo-moo cow (technical term,)

I feel stupid that I didn't know there were cows with horns... and my school was on a farm where we had cows and I had an assignment where our class raised a cow. maybe they just don't have that sort where i live. maybe that type of cow isn't the technical moo-moo cow but anther variety.

I'm almost ashamed to admit that I've never had one of these.
I mean... it's almost synonymous with Disney snacking, right?


I probably haven't mentioned this, but it was pretty hot.
Which explains why a bite took precedence over a picture.
Hey, it's either that, or I try to convince you that they're Wounded Mickey bars.

Perfect way to finish a day and make people reading your report really really want ice-cream!

Bonus questions, round 3!
What park are we going to? (This should be an easy one... if you've read my last TR.)
Where's our ADR?
We get a new room! Where is it?
(Partial points for Which building, Which side, Which floor (you got a hint on that one)
example 50s, Lake view, 3rd floor)

Question time!!!

I think you go to Hollywood Studios and you eat at 50s Prime Time (just a feeling from your last report that you want to go back) and your new room is on 3rd floor, pool view and 60s.
Wow. That was a lot of verbage to say you have no idea what you're talking about.


I can’t do it!
I tried to leave it at one word, but Nooooooooooo!
Couldn’t keep my mouth shut that long.
That would have been so much easier if we were all in the same room; cause then you’d have to beat me into submission just to get me to say something, but here…
Here I can’t keep my mouth shut (or would that be: keep my fingers quiet?), well whatever it is it does prove one thing for sure, and it’s the very thing that you alluded to begin with:

I’ve gots no idea what-so-ever as to what I’m talkin’ about.

question for dad - its a secret.JPG

I think I like that.
Remind you of someone, does it?

And yes it does.
(unless of course I just seceded In loosing that point…)

Unless the next day's news has an article about an accidental toilet drowning...
But then you wouldn’t have been waking up there and as such wouldn’t have known about it.

Gotta find something to match your soul?
My cadre of esteemed counselors have advised me that this is one of those instanced where I should probably evoke my Fifth Amendment rights.

Funny. I was just thinking that there are some people who could really use a cone of silence sometimes.

Or often...
But then I’d never make out a word you were saying.
I'll give it my best. Just call me Snarky Shelly!

Hi Snarky Shelly! :wave:

You do seem to enjoy the harassment. I do believe bonus point have happened for such a thing.

Not as many as for flattery, though.
I have my standards.

No matter how low they might be.

I know!! I'm sure tomorrow I will be doing the year from today ..getting on plane.. arriving to the Happiest Place!


It was frustrating. I know he's my husband but I know he did good work assembling parts. He would get upset with some of the others who would not care. Two others were laid off at the same time both with 20 & 30 years service. They said the work was slowing down. Husband thinks it was because he went home when back hurt and stayed home next day -Friday (they had no sick leave so rarely would he). They called him at home and told him he HAD to go to doctor. He came back to work on Monday and went on working. Just thinks they worried something else would happen. After he left (brother still works there) they started to work overtime! They did treat people poorly, I always said if we won the lottery I'd let him get out of there before I left mine. Sorry for rambling again

Ramble away!
Any company that lays off a 36 year employee for taking a couple of days sick leave
is beneath contempt.

I will take 2 week off work (I get 5) and if we shorten it that would be okay. I just want to be there Oct 12 for our anniversary!

An October anniversary! We just celebrated our 25th a few days ago.

CBR was where we stayed for honeymoon. It was the 1st time both of had been to Disney World. So if we need to save $ we could fine a better price resort too.

As much as I'd like to stay at a Deluxe,
I know myself well enough to know that it would be a waste of money.
On my solo trip I was never at the resort except to sleep.
I'd be gone by 7 or 8 am and back around midnight, 1am.

Hey I think I quoted right this time!

You did!

Going to go away tomorrow for an overnight stay for an early 24th anniv. Have a long weekend -Monday is holiday -it's Columbus Day!

It's a long weekend for us too. Thanksgiving weekend!

Hopefully there could be an update here when I get back. Hint Hint

That's not only possible... it's likely.

Funny how that happens!

Every year I wonder if I'll have one...
and sure enough, I do!

So weird.

Why not? :confused3 It's not that far from you. Aren't you sort of equidistant from either part of the coast? You could also try an In And Out Burger if you visited Disneyland. Both totally worth the trip!

I am much more likely to have an In And Out burger.
I've never been to the west coast... well, of the US, anyway.
So if I did, I strongly suspect that I'll be doing lots of other things.
Disneyland, believe it or not, would be not at the top of that list.
If I had plenty of time, maybe.
But that seldom happens.

Uh, one piece please. as a lifelong swim team kind of gal, I don't think I ever even owned a bikini.

Consider yourself in the harem.
Play nice with the other mermaids.

Pillow fights encouraged, though.

I guess I was confusing it with it's counterpart the Croque Madame. But even so, I haven't met a lot of straight guys who can successfully boil water, so I'm always impressed when guys can cook.

Well, I suppose I could do a Croque Madame since it's the same as a Monsieur except with a fried egg on top.
Now that I'm saying that... maybe I'll make one tomorrow for lunch... hmmm...

My mom always made my DSis & I cook at least once a week when we were growing up.
At first it was just, "Put this in the oven for an hour at 350."
But then I started adding in stuff.
When I got married, DW made supper once... Kraft pizza out of a box.
I think that was the last time I let her in the kitchen.

She snuck in from time to time, though.
Ask me to tell you about the "dog and butter" incidents some time.

I also read on your other TR that you can make spaetzle, I'm definitely impressed!

I have to! Kay goes nuts over it!

My ex-husband would have one night a week that he was in charge of dinner and I made sure there were a sufficient choice of "frozen entrees" for his night.

:laughing: Occasionally, when I'm lazy, I'll go to the grocery store
and buy something premaid, usually a roast chicken.
Once the cashier asked me if it was my day to cook dinner.
I looked her straight in the eye and told her, "No. It's my wife's turn."

I'm going to share a story even though you didn't ask.

Oh, goody. Those are the best ones.
Okay, shoot.

On my College Band Tour when we went to Europe we spend two weeks touring and with the exception of the first three nights, it was one of those drive, stop at hotel, play a concert, next day, repeat, kind of deals. Towards the end of the trip we were in the swankiest hotel of the entire trip. It was the only place we stayed that had a bar in the lobby. One night we had stayed in a nunnery (the gals) and the guys were in a monastery. Other nights we had homestays, and the nights we were in traditional style hotels, they were like the traditional B&B type European hotel.

Our concert that night included a prix fixe meal before the concert and we left the hotel around 4PM, had dinner around 5PM and played at probably 8PM for several hours. After that we got back on our bus and went back to the hotel. Being that it was the first night we were all in the same hotel, those of us who might not be inclined to go right to bed hit the bar upon returning. Well, by the time we got back to the hotel it had been a long time since dinner (or supper? not sure the terminology) and after a few drinks food was definitely in order. No one knew what any of the bar food on the menu was. However, me being the budding young foodie, immediately recognized that the Croque Monsieur was simply a grilled ham and cheese (at least to our college palates).

I don't even know how many of those suckers we ordered, but I'm pretty sure we closed down the place eating Croque Monsieurs and tossing back drinks. I know that I didn't feel so good when they took us to the cemetery the next morning to pay tribute to the fallen American soldiers. So I have a fond memory of my first one of those.

:laughing: Thanks for sharing that!
I don't know if I'll be able to look at a Croque Monsieur the same way again!

One thing though, it's not just a grilled ham and cheese.
The bread should be dipped in egg
and the whole thing should be topped with more cheese, too.

OK. Sorry to hijack!

No, no, no!
Don't apologize! I love the stories!

That doesn't sound so bad either.

It does if you want to put a bunch of fixin's on a burger!
Besides, I'm not a fan of burritos and fajitas unless I make 'em myself.

I KNEW you would go there, which is why I put the disclaimer!

You know me too well! :laughing:

I went to music school and now I'm a landlord, read landlord, NOT slumlord!

That's what all slumlords say...


To defend the teenagers here and the people who enjoy sleeping late, the issue is that everyone else gets up waaaaay to early!!!!

I have no idea to whom you may be referring.

Next time, you should polka over to the food court! much more festive :cool1:

Oooohhhh.... I like that.
Gonna have to remember that one.

Taking the stairs gets easier if while your doing it, you think of the elevator stopping whilst you are in it and how little air there would be because there would always be other people in it and how hot it would get and how it would take forever for someone to come a rescue you. Not that i have a slight phobia of getting stuck in elevators and always take the stairs when possible or anything :rolleyes1

Oh, don't be silly.
I've ridden in lots of elevators and only been stuck in one once.

Which is the bigger compliment, that your image of the tree of life is amazing or that your daughter has your talent of taking beautiful shots of the tree of life??

That's gonna net you some points.

Single rider line = best invention ever. The person who decided to place them in parks might be the brightest and smartest man around. How can people want to volunteer to stand in line for an hour!!!!!!!!!

They do it when their DDs force them to.

:rotfl2:Thats hilarious! Talk about disney creating magical moments hahahaha.

Surreal, yes.

Sure! Why not! :lmao:

Thats so sweet!!!!!!!! Any teenage girl publicly wanting to do something with their dad is so sweet.


I feel stupid that I didn't know there were cows with horns... and my school was on a farm where we had cows and I had an assignment where our class raised a cow. maybe they just don't have that sort where i live. maybe that type of cow isn't the technical moo-moo cow but anther variety.

Reminds me of an old joke:

City slicker is visiting his cousin who happens to live out in the country.
City slicker: "How come that cow doesn't have horns?"
Country cousin: "Well, there could be many reasons why a cow doesn't have horns.
Some don't have horns, some have them removed, some only the males have 'em...
but the reason this particular cow doesn't have horns is because it's a horse."

Perfect way to finish a day and make people reading your report really really want ice-cream!

:laughing: I hope you took care of that!

Question time!!!

I think you go to Hollywood Studios and you eat at 50s Prime Time (just a feeling from your last report that you want to go back) and your new room is on 3rd floor, pool view and 60s.

I can’t do it!
I tried to leave it at one word, but Nooooooooooo!
Couldn’t keep my mouth shut that long.

And you were so close!!!

That would have been so much easier if we were all in the same room; cause then you’d have to beat me into submission just to get me to say something, but here…
Here I can’t keep my mouth shut (or would that be: keep my fingers quiet?), well whatever it is it does prove one thing for sure, and it’s the very thing that you alluded to begin with:

I’ve gots no idea what-so-ever as to what I’m talkin’ about.

Ah. An introvert in public, an extrovert in private (if you can call this private)

I get that.
Truly, I do.

If he would just put out one new, previously unpublished collection....
I'd snap it up so fast it'd make your head spin.

Calvin: Dad, how do people make babies?
Dad: Most people just go to Sears, buy the kit, and follow the assembly instructions.
Dad: No. You were a Blue Light Special at K-Mart; almost as good, and a lot cheaper.
Mom (out of frame): Dear, what are you telling Calvin now?!

Remind you of someone, does it?

Not really.
Not at all.
Most definitely not.


(unless of course I just seceded In loosing that point…)

If you secede, I might not loosen the bonus points purse strings.

But then you wouldn’t have been waking up there and as such wouldn’t have known about it.

Not on this plane of existence, anyway.

My cadre of esteemed counselors have advised me that this is one of those instanced where I should probably evoke my Fifth Amendment rights.

One should take care of what one's cadre recommends.

But then I’d never make out a word you were saying.

I like that. "Rexie sticks". Could they have used their hands like chopsticks?
And now that I think of it... how would you ban one from a park?

"Excuse me, Mr. T-Rex. But we can't allow you to bring your rexie stick in the park."

"On second thought, go right ahead."

:rotfl2:I think if the T-rex gets in the stick is the least of our problems.

Because that's what people want to see.
Some old out of shape dude filming guests farting clouds of baby powder.

Why wouldn't people want to see that? I think that would be hilarious!! You really should consider it. (I mean the clouds of baby powder, not implying you're old or out of shape)

Good point. Just for the picture, it was worth the wait.


Now you have to post your Jack & Sally pics.
(Please? If you don't want to, just ignore this plea.)

Ok I'll post it... but can I have bonus points?. I don't have this year's pictures yet because I haven't downloaded them from the photo pass site. Here's last year's though. We didn't have to wait 2 hrs then, "only" 45 minutes (because last year September didn't suck). I look like I love Jack, which annoys Sally.

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Well I don't know what happened to the formatting of that last post... it was supposed to have my replies outside of your quote.. stupid computers. :confused3

You can click on the picture to make it bigger. I didn't mean to post it thumb nail sized.
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That's not only possible... it's likely.

Oh Goody! I was hoping there would be an update before I left on my vacation. I need another shot at the contest!

Every year I wonder if I'll have one...
and sure enough, I do!

So weird.


I am much more likely to have an In And Out burger.
I've never been to the west coast... well, of the US, anyway.
So if I did, I strongly suspect that I'll be doing lots of other things.

I supposed that makes sense, but you would have to go pretty south to get one, I don't think they are North of Califorrnia, unless you count Las Vegas. I supposed having spent 90% of my life in one part of California or the other I have been to many of the desirable West Coast locations.

Disneyland, believe it or not, would be not at the top of that list.
If I had plenty of time, maybe.
But that seldom happens.

I know what you mean. I'm lucky it's only half an hour away! :thumbsup2

Consider yourself in the harem.
Play nice with the other mermaids.

Pillow fights encouraged, though.


Well, I suppose I could do a Croque Madame since it's the same as a Monsieur except with a fried egg on top.
Now that I'm saying that... maybe I'll make one tomorrow for lunch... hmmm...

Either way it does take some amount of skilz.

My mom always made my DSis & I cook at least once a week when we were growing up.
At first it was just, "Put this in the oven for an hour at 350."
But then I started adding in stuff.

My mom did a similar thing, but more trial by fire. At about 8 or 9 years old, I complained about the dinner menu. She handed me a set of cookbooks from the 1950's that were about 3 inches thick each and said, "Fine, you plan and cook the menu for next wee." I did. We ate things like undercooked scalloped potatoes, my favorite polka dotted macaroni & cheese (hot dogs for polka dots), and all sorts of other stuff. I had fun, but I think she couldn't wait for my week to be up. I think she had to have the cleaning lady come in for overtime after I was done! :lmao:

When I got married, DW made supper once... Kraft pizza out of a box.
I think that was the last time I let her in the kitchen.

smart move ::yes::

I went through a "pizza phase" in college, I think my friends enjoyed the "testing" process. Even if the dough didn't come out right the first few times, it was always edible, just some were better than others. However, after a while, I became well known for my homemade pizza, I had a pizza stone and everything.

She snuck in from time to time, though.
Ask me to tell you about the "dog and butter" incidents some time.

Sounds rather interesting. :scratchin

:laughing: Occasionally, when I'm lazy, I'll go to the grocery store
and buy something premaid, usually a roast chicken.
Once the cashier asked me if it was my day to cook dinner.
I looked her straight in the eye and told her, "No. It's my wife's turn."


:laughing: Thanks for sharing that!
I don't know if I'll be able to look at a Croque Monsieur the same way again!

One thing though, it's not just a grilled ham and cheese.
The bread should be dipped in egg
and the whole thing should be topped with more cheese, too.

I knew about the egg part, but figured that it was something that I didn't need to share with drunk, starving, musicians! I had fed enough of them in my day, that the less they knew about what they were eating, the more likely they were to eat it!

No, no, no!
Don't apologize! I love the stories!

I got a ton of 'em. :rolleyes1

That's what all slumlords say...



Yeah but how many slumlords rent units with kitchens like this?

On my solo trip I was never at the resort except to sleep.
I'd be gone by 7 or 8 am and back around midnight, 1am.

:faint: I could never tour like that. I hear people talk about it, but I'd be dead after the first day and have to spend the entire second day sleeping it off. We alternate rope drop, with leisurely day in the room, and almost always come back for a mid day break. Sometimes, we actually come back to the room for the whole night, I fix us a nice dinner and we watch a DVD. I guess that's what DVC and living half an hour from DL can do to you. And age. I think age is the biggest factor.
How to make a Ponzi trip report even better? Add Calvin & Hobbes! I still mourn that strip... So I didn't go back and reread the solo report for clues, but the overwhelming consensus is that your next park is DHS and dinner is at 50s Primetime. So do I run the risk of being boring, and most likely right, or do I go against the flow?? Boring it is--I need the points!! I DID take a look at a resort map, though, and I'm going with 50s top floor water view.

Just checking in. Do me a fave... PM when you've updated or tag me. Pretty please.... (Does saying please get me any suck up points, or would reminding you that you get a special invitation to my 1 Year Dance Party that is IN PROGRESS get more?)
Ah. An introvert in public, an extrovert in private (if you can call this private)

I get that.
Truly, I do.
People are exhausting.
Well, being around them is.
It’s a lot easier to collect up the ciaos that is my thought process and wright them out.

As for this place, it’s fairly private. I don’t speak on all that many threads and I’m fairly certain that I’m skimmed over by a good percentage of the other readers.

It’s kind’a like you’re carrying on a dozen separate conversations at once and not everyone is actually listening.

If he would just put out one new, previously unpublished collection....
I'd snap it up so fast it'd make your head spin.
The speed of that action would be something akin to...

fast as a light particle.jpg

Calvin: Dad, how do people make babies?
Dad: Most people just go to Sears, buy the kit, and follow the assembly instructions.
Dad: No. You were a Blue Light Special at K-Mart; almost as good, and a lot cheaper.
Mom (out of frame): Dear, what are you telling Calvin now?!

:laughing: another good one.
And it made me think of this one…

questin for dad - was i ever a grub.jpg

If you secede, I might not loosen the bonus points purse strings.

:worship: :worship: :worship:
All hail the Illustrious Grand Poohbah…
Imparter of wit and insight
Protector of the harem
Bestower of bonus points
We bow before the
:worship: :worship: :worship:

We hold sacred our battle cry!
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Frozen Goat, Frozen Goat, Frozen Goat,

One should take care of what one's cadre recommends.
Most certainly…
The blokes in that cadre are almost as scary as the ones in my cabal

My butt hurts…

:rotfl2:I think if the T-rex gets in the stick is the least of our problems.

That's very true... I hear that a lot of T-Rex's are line cutters.

Why wouldn't people want to see that? I think that would be hilarious!! You really should consider it. (I mean the clouds of baby powder, not implying you're old or out of shape)

Do you think I would get in trouble
if I wandered around the parks all day
filming the bottom of women's skirts?

That should be okay, right?


Ok I'll post it... but can I have bonus points?. I don't have this year's pictures yet because I haven't downloaded them from the photo pass site. Here's last year's though. We didn't have to wait 2 hrs then, "only" 45 minutes (because last year September didn't suck). I look like I love Jack, which annoys Sally.


Awesome pic!
Oh, you're gonna get points, all right.
(cute costume, too!)

Well I don't know what happened to the formatting of that last post... it was supposed to have my replies outside of your quote.. stupid computers. :confused3

You can click on the picture to make it bigger. I didn't mean to post it thumb nail sized.

All taken care of! :)
Oh Goody! I was hoping there would be an update before I left on my vacation. I need another shot at the contest!

:laughing: I'll do my best.
I'm working evening shift tonight and tomorrow.
Weekend evenings are slow, so I'll have time to write.

I supposed that makes sense, but you would have to go pretty south to get one, I don't think they are North of Califorrnia, unless you count Las Vegas.

Been to Vegas a couple of times. Next time, I'll have to look for one.

I supposed having spent 90% of my life in one part of California or the other I have been to many of the desirable West Coast locations.

I get that.
It's like when people from hot countries come to Canada and marvel at the snow.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are cursing it.

I know what you mean. I'm lucky it's only half an hour away! :thumbsup2

Half.... an hour.... :sad2:

Either way it does take some amount of skilz.


My mom did a similar thing, but more trial by fire. At about 8 or 9 years old, I complained about the dinner menu. She handed me a set of cookbooks from the 1950's that were about 3 inches thick each and said, "Fine, you plan and cook the menu for next wee." I did. We ate things like undercooked scalloped potatoes, my favorite polka dotted macaroni & cheese (hot dogs for polka dots), and all sorts of other stuff. I had fun, but I think she couldn't wait for my week to be up. I think she had to have the cleaning lady come in for overtime after I was done! :lmao:


smart move ::yes::

I went through a "pizza phase" in college, I think my friends enjoyed the "testing" process. Even if the dough didn't come out right the first few times, it was always edible, just some were better than others. However, after a while, I became well known for my homemade pizza, I had a pizza stone and everything.

I'm constantly being begged by the family to make pizza.
I stopped making my own dough, though.
We have a small local pizzeria nearby that has been called Canada's best.
She sells her dough which is really good.
So instead of spending the hour or so on it, I just get hers.

Yeah but how many slumlords rent units with kitchens like this?

I was so going to photoshop a giant cockroach cooking at the stove...
but thought you might be offended, so didn't.

And yes, it looks very nice. Hardly slummy at all! :laughing:

:faint: I could never tour like that. I hear people talk about it, but I'd be dead after the first day and have to spend the entire second day sleeping it off. We alternate rope drop, with leisurely day in the room, and almost always come back for a mid day break. Sometimes, we actually come back to the room for the whole night, I fix us a nice dinner and we watch a DVD. I guess that's what DVC and living half an hour from DL can do to you. And age. I think age is the biggest factor.

The big part of it for me is the time factor.
When you want to see all four parks,
and as much of them as possible,
and you only have four days...
How to make a Ponzi trip report even better? Add Calvin & Hobbes!

::yes:: And I have Rob to thank for that!

I still mourn that strip...

You and me both... you and me both.

So do I run the risk of being boring, and most likely right, or do I go against the flow?? Boring it is--I need the points!!

:laughing: Gotcha!

your next park is DHS and dinner is at 50s Primetime. I DID take a look at a resort map, though, and I'm going with 50s top floor water view.

Noted... hmmm..... you say "water view".... hmmm....
Does that mean lake view or pool view or both?

Just checking in. Do me a fave... PM when you've updated or tag me.

I can... and will do that! @Steppesister
Anything for my harem.

Pretty please.... (Does saying please get me any suck up points, or would reminding you that you get a special invitation to my 1 Year Dance Party that is IN PROGRESS get more?)

I guess you'll just have to wait and see...
People are exhausting.
Well, being around them is.
It’s a lot easier to collect up the ciaos that is my thought process and wright them out.

As for this place, it’s fairly private. I don’t speak on all that many threads and I’m fairly certain that I’m skimmed over by a good percentage of the other readers.

It’s kind’a like you’re carrying on a dozen separate conversations at once and not everyone is actually listening.

I have nothing to say to this, except... ::yes::

I will always accept an invitation to a DISmeet,
and I will even suggest, or ask for them, but...

I live in fear that people will discover just how incredibly boring I really am.

The speed of that action would be something akin to...


I'm going to stop saying "I remember that one!"
because I remember all of them!

And, you could probably paste the entire 10 years
of strips in here and pretty much every one would be great.

Except now the punch line would be "Mr. Google!"

We hold sacred our battle cry!
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

With the requisite response!
Si marmota chuck silvam vult chuck unum funiculum lignum ac semissem

Frozen Goat, Frozen Goat, Frozen Goat,

Oh, for the love of...


Most certainly…
The blokes in that cadre are almost as scary as the ones in my cabal

Oh? I know a lot of people have gotten rid of their cabal in favour of Netflix.

My butt hurts…


I forgot to ask-----when is the next chapter?

Here's the deal as it stands right now (Saturday morning.)
I'm catching up on a few shout-outs (yours included!)
I have two or three TRs to reply to.
I have all the points for the contest allocated
(and trust me... it's becoming a full time job!)
I have all the photos cropped and loaded to P-bucket.
So all I have to do now is...

Write it!
Kay's standard "get ready" time is an hour.
Possibly more.
Probably more.

This sounds so familiar. I have a 15 year old DD. I swear it's like a magazine cover shoot every morning before school! She gets up at 5:30am to catch a 7:30 bus...eating is only 10 minutes of that, because the priming and pruning is obviously more important :rolleyes:

2. Again, the dinosaurs evolved. They had millennia to do so.
Is it really so hard to believe that given vastly more time,
they evolved societies to parallel our own?
The alphabet, writing, records, internet, cell phones.
I'm pretty sure that it's possible that while updating Facebook
and posting dino-selfies ("Look! A raptor's biting my leg! Isn't that cool?")
they became so involved that they began to die off by walking off of cliffs,
or in front of dino-busses, etc.

You're on to something here :) A quick story to back up your extinction theory #2 (it could have happened, right?). This one is a honest to goodness true story, and here's your Newfoundland history lesson for the day. Bison were brought from Alberta in the 1960's to a small island here in an attempt to establish a herd, but being native to the prairies, the bison simply walked off the cliffs of the island to the sea below (plus some scientific-ey stuff about different vegetation, nutrition, blah, blah) So, there you go, your dinosaur extinction theory may have happened...seriously! (If you or anyone should have the interest in the full story, Google it: Brunette Island Newfoundland)

She is like a lot of teens. Too cool for her parents.
But you'll notice in the shot below, that she's holding my hand.

Still Daddy's little girl.
Melts my heart.

I have been on Dinosaur with my teenage DD, just the two of us, but I did not get my hand held. I have to say, that's a real heart melter right there.

All we saw was a burst of baby powder come shooting out between her legs.

Now how shall I put this...
One must be delicate, yet descriptive.
Respectful, yet informative.

It looked like she was farting puffy clouds

Even if you write nothing else in this report, that wins it, right there!! :rotfl:

So when I spotted the same drums, I asked her to go and pose.

Great idea. I need to try something like this with my girls next time.

"I can't move! I've got a frozen goat here!"

Why does a (terrible) movie idea suddenly pop into my head...Frozen 2: Frozen Goat - Sven Gets a Friend :p

So, my answers for the contest:
Hollywood Studios (seems like a good choice for the other half day, plus it seems a ride on RnRC is in order)
Sci Fi Dine-in (in case you decided to try something different than last trip)
50's section, pool view, top floor (although you asked for 60's, I'm going to shake it up and guess that 60's wasn't available and you got a room overlooking the bowling pin pool)


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