Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

:eek: And you're okay? Feeling a little woozy, maybe?
No? Queasy?

And now that I've made it page 37 my head is spinning!

Ah! Well belated happy birthday and congrats! :)

Well thank you and Happy Belated to you as well! :bday:

Sure! They all just sorta flow together anyway.

OK, you got it coming up! I like commenting over here. I get fun comments (and sometimes irreverent ones) back!

However, I don't find BTMRR jarring at all.

You haven't ridden (not sure the actual correct verb) the new one at DL, if you had you would notice a difference!

Right now I have exactly zero in the hopper.

:sad2: But actually isn't that good? Since you stopped planning trips you have been on what? five?

OK comments on the last TR....

So, glad to see you weren't a fan of the stupid hat either!
I remember the Pre-hat days and never understood why they thought it should be there, it never made sense. I have seen pictures from friends who went last week and it looks great sans hat!

As I read your Day 2 postings I see you fancy yourself as a modern day Walter Mitty!
I never saw the movie, but James Thurber was required reading back in the day.
I have no idea what kids read today, but your daydreams sure conjure up his spirit!

Also, I now understand why your harem is full of mermaids.
Did I mention that before my last job turned my hair gray, I was a natural redhead?

When I was catching up on the first day of your last trip, I skipped all the comments to catch up quicker.
However, since I got my (hopefully close) answers before I posted my contest answers I started reading the comments on the second day.
I think you should give bonus points to the readers who pay attention to what you say.
When you tell people that you didn't ride Space because your Dr. advised against it and they still choose it, I thought it was gracious of you to point that out and let them choose another ride. Everyone loves bonus points, and maybe just paying attention and not choosing something that you clearly said was off the table should be rewarded. :flower3: Or maybe I'm just being an idiot, never mind.

I read on a blog somewhere today that in the new attraction at Epcot with Anna and Elsa that they were going to have a Frozen Goat.

I'm also impressed that you can make a Croque Monsieuer. Glad you got that BoG reservation. I wonder how long they had that braised pork and if it was on the menu when I went almost four years ago.

Also that rude lady who got in your face, what a little vixen! Next thing you know she'll turn on her friend Peter too!

Never been to Pecos Bills, but the fixins bar is legendary. We ate at a place in DCA last week with a fixins bar but they didn't have mushrooms and onions, just different kinds of chili peppers in addition to the regular toppings. Must be a California thing. I would have rathered the mushrooms and onions.

Oh yeah, and my first trip to WDW was in 1993, but not sure I did the CoP on that trip. Definitely hit it in 1997 on the second trip, and I can't believe that they replaced that song even for a moment! Just like you are outraged at the renaming of the WEDWay, how could they change the Sherman Brother's absolutely perfect song for that attraction??????
I have seen Richard Sherman in concert many times, and once in a pretty intimate (don't take that the wrong way, I mean 50 people as opposed to 500 people) setting and he tells the story of Walt and the CoP song. So touching!

That has got to be one of my most favorite "park tunes". It certainly ranks higher than that one about all the kids in the world....

I guess if I was commenting in real time I would have more to say, but now I'm all caught up and it appears that many of my friends writing TRs are busy and not updating so I have time on my hands, so I can continue reading back issues of TRs.

I bet you were thrilled when they announced that selfish sticks were banned from the parks. I never used one nor was hit with a camera suspended by one, but they are definitely annoying.

Besides I'm in single digits for my cruise and at this point all I want to do it immerse myself in Disney lala land. Who wants to worry about moving stuff out of our house that we've been gone from for a year and half? Or put away things in the new house that we have already run out of space for. Unlike you, my spouse is a hoarder. Supposedly these things are "investments", things that we are going enjoy and then sell for lots of money. Maybe the stuff we have put on the wall or in glass cabinets, but all the other stuff, that keeps coming in the door. That's just cra...precious items that we will sell on eBay. Yeah right someday. In the meantime, it just keeps piling up and I have nowhere to put it, and it just depresses me to keep opening the boxes of stuff we have nowhere to put!
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Now, I know there’s a “Frozen” reindeer. That’d be Sven. But I wasn’t aware of the “Frozen” goat. Could that be Ollie? No… too close to Olaf; it must be named Ingmar than.

"He is Ollie, you are Sven…"

Dang shame I couldn’t find a vid of them singing “I Love My Vilma” (but I did try)

Oh, wait!
It’s actually called “Ey Yi Yi Wilma”, and I did find it… here…
(but the video that goes with it is a completely bazar collection of things – so you were warned)

Now how did I get off on that tangent?

Good Lord! What the heck was that??????
Funny that I don't recognize that skit.
I used to watch the Flintstones religiously back in the day.

Hay, beats waking up inches away from The Loo…
(with no memory of how you got there)

Or with your head in the loo.


(now, there was a bit of obfuscation in that question though :rolleyes1 )

Sorry about that, chief.

(And then, right after I typed the above and before I typed this...
I spent 45 minutes watching a You Tube show on Get Smart)

That’s the exchange rate working for you there, I’m figuring.

$783.95 is about $3,860 CDN.

No, no… no judgment…
just assuming that the heat hadn’t really picked up yet.

It's funny. I'm sure it was hot... but I think I was too tired and/or too excited to notice.

::yes:: rope drop matters in the resort dining halls just as much as the parks.
(something I’ve re-re-learned fairly often)

Usually I'm long gone before the food courts are busy.

If that were to become a bonus question, I’d be voting that she chooses black.
(well, that’s what I’d pick – assuming it was an available option of course)

It wasn't an option... but yeah, I'm sure it would've been black.

Dude! It’s too early in the morning for such abstract philosophy…
At least wait until after I’ve had my coffee.

Sorry about that Chief.
Didn't I already say that?
Oh, well. Don Adams must've said it a few dozen times.

I like the analogy, but…
Maybe more like a brand new Yugo. Still unreliable, still surprised when it works, and…
you’ve still got to make all the payments.

Nice one.

Venkman: “Where are we?”
Stantz: “Looks like the mid-teens. “
Venkman: “Well, when we get to twenty let me know. I'm gonna throw up.”

And then I went out into the Florida heat and got slimed by the humidity.

I love that name for the contraptions.

I believe Gracefullskinny introduced me to it in the last TR.

I predict we’ll be hearing variations on that sentence more than once on this trip.
And of course you waited (it’s written in the daddy bylaws)

I never should've showed her the manual.

I remember that one.
Was that possibly the best comic ever?
If not, it was up there.

(love the quizzical expression you brought out there as well… nicely done)

Thank you! You're the first one to mention it!

“This and that” always needs to be chatted about. Cool that you got to meet up.
Good choice on the local as well. That’s some of the best QS dinning on World.

Yep. Nice little meet and pretty good grub, too.

Oooooo… is that anything like slaked?

Yes, Radar.

That’s one way to put it…
I wasn’t even there and I don’t belive I be able to un-see that. :laughing:

Sorry about tha.... Geez. There I go again.

(and she invoked that contractual obligation again; obviously she’s read the fine print)

And here I was so sure that since it wasn't a video, she'd never read it.

Oh, just a little jaunt over to Forbidden Mountain.
(I’d tell you that you’ll never make it to Everest, but that might be interpreted as a bit of a spoiler).

One of these days they're going to fix those broken tracks
and shock the heck out of everybody.

Cool… we haven’t done that one since my boy was about six.
My but that was a good long while ago…

I honestly thought I'd never go up there again.

I have to stay away from those…
I’ll spend too much time on ‘em if I get started.

(and little kids start whining to their parents:
“Moooom… Daaaaad… That big ugly old man won’t share the drum!”)

:laughing: Ditto!

Yep. That kind of thing can happen (and I’ve got the tuition bills to verify it)

Disney interactive drum displays…
the musician’s gateway drug.


And so do I, so there!
And monorails are rides too.

But there's a big difference between monorails and trains.
I didn't note the wait time for the trains.

Thanks for that… I may be presumptuous to say so, but
I believe we may all have gotten a similar :goodvibes set of feels for those two pics.

:goodvibes Thanks!

Nice to see that you’re maintaining very high standards for factual and technical excellence in this here TR.

Elucidate and educate. This TR's watchwords.

Oh please tell me that now free of support, gravity took over…
and it toppled over - still frozen - and did a full barrel roll.

Sorry, no. He just... stood there.

Hay, remember when you ran across that frozen goat?
Good times… good times.


Hummmm… I’m trying to think…
Ya’ know what? I believe that it’s just possible that you did.
Now, I’ can’t be positively certain of it, but there is this slight chance that you just might…
Might, mind you… have said something about it at some point in the past.

Are you sure? Because I really don't recall if I mentioned the heat or not.

Got that one at least (good thing I didn’t go with the frozen goatcicle on a stick over the more traditional chocolate covered ice-cream Mickey head on a stick)


My wife loves that picture. I think we first saw it on an Easter card.
That card stuck around for a long time.

That’s a great picture, right there.

And… proof that calm, quiet (and even relatively crowd free) moments are possible.
Even at WDW

It was a very definite change from my normal touring style.
And it was so nice.

I’m going with Hollywood Studios this time around.

Hummmmm… well if I got the park right, I’m thinkin’ Kay might see the SciFi Diner as a bit of a hoot…
and as such, Daddy would surely be accommodating, so we’ll be going with that one.

Well, you’re in a “preferred” room now (which should limit where they might move you and rule out the 80s, 90s, half the 70’s, 2/3 of the 50s and most of the water views). I suspect that y’all started off in Building-5 as well (and just as a wild guess, it’s possible that you may just have been in room 5403 or maybe 5405, but that’s just a 2-in-144 hunch there). I also suspect that they aren’t going to move y’all very far if they don’t have to. So with all that pointless nonsense as my bases of purely scientific recollection (and a useful smoke screen while in actuality I was merely throwing random darts at an inverted map of Pop Century printed up in 2001), let’s just say that…

y’all remain on the top floor, still in the 60’s (probably building-5) and still overlooking the pools.
(now to wait and see just how spectacularly wrong I am.)

Finally had a few minutes to catch up here.

Kay likes to sleep. She likes to sleep late.
I know, I know...
I've shocked you all, haven't I.
"A teenager who likes to sleep in!?!?"


Your choices are a bit limited, but it's free, so...

If it's free, it's for me! That's my motto.

A teenager is kind of like an old car.
Completely unreliable. And when it does work, you're a little surprised.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: I'm totally stealing that one.

The Tree of Life will do that to you.
And I love how you don't see it right away.
You're in a treed area with some paths and suddenly...
You're in Disney's Animal Kingdom!

Yes! Same strategy the Imagineers employed with the castle. Purposefully building the anticipation.

No people! Nice!

"Okay, Kay. It's gonna be about an hour in line.
But we can do single rider line at EE."

"But I want to ride this one. I don't care if we have to wait."

:faint: Kay, I'm sure you're a great kid and all. But you're killing me.

"It's unbelievable that Disney won't accommodate the handicapped!" He declared.
And then he scooted off in search of a ride with a more easily cowed CM.

:sad2: Sadly, I've seen several people trying to abuse the system like that.

Yes, they're theories. But they're scientifically sound ones.

:rotfl: They make perfect sense! Although I guess we can't say we've evolved much since then.

Now Kay is a very independent girl in some ways.
She is like a lot of teens. Too cool for her parents.
But you'll notice in the shot below, that she's holding my hand.

Still Daddy's little girl.
Melts my heart.


We got to Flame Tree

Hang on, I have an appropriate photo for this somewhere...

Ah, here it is.


We were going to conquer Everest or die trying.
Literally. It was that hot.
Have I mentioned the heat yet? No?

In Florida? In August??:faint:

I keep picturing my baby son saying, "Hot!"

All we saw was a burst of baby powder come shooting out between her legs.

Now how shall I put this...
One must be delicate, yet descriptive.
Respectful, yet informative.

It looked like she was farting puffy clouds.


So if pixie dust makes you fly, what do pixie farts do?

"Dad." She said. "I came to Disney with you. I don't want to ride by myself.
I want to ride with you!"

Man you are scoring major dad points on this trip.

"Are you sure? It's a 40 minute wait. Single rider would be just a few."

She was sure.
Line up it is.
Good thing it's not hot.


And Kay was over the moon thrilled at being chosen.


Anyone who isn't impressed with the theming in this ride cue...
You're dead to me.
No. Don't argue. Just move on.

The whole park has some of the best theming! So great.

I just love the attention to detail.
No matter what direction you look, you'll see something interesting.

::yes:: I especially love the photos from the Yeti attack on the camp. Because I'm sick like that.

I guess I don't really think of a train ride at Disney as simple transportation.
It's a ride.
Yes it is!
Walt says so!

By and large I love the trains, but that one...

The motion of the train was just fast enough to create a pleasant little breeze.

Are you sure? I didn't think it went fast enough to create any air movement whatsoever.

I gave him a little nudge with my knees.
Nothing. Didn't budge a bit.
I called out to Kay.
"I can't move! I've got a frozen goat here!"

Wow! I've heard of fainting goats before, but not freezing ones.

That goat still hadn't moved!
We left the immobilized goat and moved on.

So weird!

Heck if you mention it, you might even get a bonus point or two.

What's that? A frozen goat?:rolleyes1

(Before you say I'm being mean, we already have a dog and two,
count 'em, two guinea pigs. It's enough!)

Ah, guinea pigs. We had 2 ourselves. The most useless creatures on earth.

That's one of my favorite photo spots in all of WDW.

I'm almost ashamed to admit that I've never had one of these.
I mean... it's almost synonymous with Disney snacking, right?

Sure! But at the risk of blasphemy, I'd choose a Dole Whip over these every time.

Anyone who answered pkondz just earned themselves 4 bonus points.
It was free points, people!!

Whew. Good thing, because I suck at the random guesses!

What park are we going to? (This should be an easy one... if you've read my last TR.)

I'm guessing Hollywood Studios so you can get a spin on RnR.

Where's our ADR?

50's Prime Time Cafe, to expose Kay to the madness.

We get a new room! Where is it?
(Partial points for Which building, Which side, Which floor (you got a hint on that one)
example 50s, Lake view, 3rd floor)

Um...50's building, pool view, top floor.
How did you manage to stay asleep so late????

It's this new thing all the kids are talking about.
It's called "exhaustion".

What? No sashaying?

Nope. Too hot. More swaying... from almost passing out.

That's what happens when you wait till 9:00... :rolleyes1

Yeah... I'm usually long gone before 9:00 rolls around.

For Dinosaur?????? :faint:

I know! I couldn't believe it!

And this, Kay, is why Dad likes to get up before 9:00 at Disney World.

Listen to the man, Kay. He knows what's what.

Ok... I'm stuck on this one thought now... You're talking about dinosaurs and selfies. And now I've got a picture in my head that is cracking me up.

Just imagine it.

A T-Rex.

An iPhone

An attempted selfie

The T-Rex goes off in a fit of rage, leading to the downfall of dinosaur society as a whole.

:sad2: No, no, no.
I already mentioned this, but...
Where do you think selfie sticks came from?
The Cretaceous period, of course!

The food there really is great. One of my favorite counter service meals in the parks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

It was good. The salad was pretty good, but the ribs were very good.

I thought Everest was cold? :rolleyes1

Not at base camp.

This had me rolling. Literally laughing out loud at my desk.

It was.... different. I've never seen anything like that before.
God willing, I never will again.

That's sweet! And shocking. But mostly sweet. Take it while you still can!

Yep. Who knows how long that will last!

She's 14. She's not old and out of shape yet.

Ah. Well, that would explain it then.

Love the comparison shots!


Um... nudge him harder. Is it one of those fainting goats???

:laughing: I remember that video! Never thought of that.

If I just stand here and don't move, maybe the little kids won't come over and pull on my ears.

Yeah, they'll just climb on top of him instead.

Still trying to figure out when they moved Elsa over to AK...


Crap... I read it... but it still isn't easy. I can see an argument for any of the 3. But I'll go with EPCOT.

Teppen Edo... Rose & Crown... Teppan Edo... Rose & Crown...
Ummm... Teppan Edo. :scared:

60's, Pool view, third floor. You ain't getting away from those stairs that easy.

I meant the golf dinosaur commercial, but that one was funny too.

I only just saw that one after you posted this, but before I replied!
Timing is everything.

Well, whenever you're in my neighborhood, let me know and then you can "come and knock on my door." ( most should get that reference, not showing me age with that, though since it was before my time.)

Showing my age, though, since I totally get the reference.
Free dining is the absolute best!

::yes:: I love not having to worry about the massive bill at the end of the stay.

Uh oh, do I smell trouble brewing??

Oh, no. Not at all.
It's just that I really like the idea of just going to the park with the magic band,
and maybe a few bucks, just in case.
Having to bring my wallet made it feel like I was defeating the purpose.

Nice photo skillz Kay!

I'll let her know!

How did you get the crowd to disappear??

Mentioned this to someone else too.
That's my wide angle lens, so that shot is from a lot closer in.
It's where people kept going, in two's and threes for a PP shot.
When I took the shot, there were three people there,
but I found them distracting, so I took them out.

AWWW! But the passenger I love is the one in the far back on the left, she looks thrilled!

::yes:: I purposefully didn't comment on my fellow passengers.
I was going to, even had some specifics in mind,
but then decided to let you all just enjoy on your own.

So was it hot when you were there?

Gee! I really don't remember! Was it?
I'm really not sure.

I love getting the red card too! Makes you feel so special

Kay looked for it at every ride after that one.

Frozen goat, frozen goat, frozen goat :lmao:

:laughing: Noted!

I have a photo I took that looks almost identical to this! Perfect photo spot!

Well, when you see a PP stationed somewhere, it's probably because it's a good spot!

Next park - Epcot because you ( and Kay) love the Japan pavilion
ADR - Teppan Edo, might as well stay with the Japan theme
New room- 60's, pool view, 3rd floor :bitelip:

Going to school for computer engineering, had two exams this morning, they went well thanks!

Glad to hear that.
I actually started out at university with the intention
of getting a degree in computer science.
Turned out to be nothing like playing video games!

:laughing: That's it!

you mean like this?

Yup. That's the one.

Rexie sticks would have worked! :yay: Except they only had two fingers on each hand. It would have been hard to hold the stick. Let's just assume they evolved more fingers and opposable thumbs. It could have happened. We just haven't seen the fossil evidence of it... yet...

I like that. "Rexie sticks". Could they have used their hands like chopsticks?
And now that I think of it... how would you ban one from a park?

"Excuse me, Mr. T-Rex. But we can't allow you to bring your rexie stick in the park."

"On second thought, go right ahead."
Maybe just bring a film crew with you next time.. that way you won't miss anything. Your trip report could be a series of half hour videos on youtube.

Because that's what people want to see.
Some old out of shape dude filming guests farting clouds of baby powder.

Just think of it as 45 minutes of waiting for a picture you'll love forever. (Don't feel bad, we waited 2 hrs for pictures with Jack and Sally at the halloween party :crazy2: It was on our list so we didn't have a choice)
Good point. Just for the picture, it was worth the wait.


Now you have to post your Jack & Sally pics.
(Please? If you don't want to, just ignore this plea.)

Definitely... I've gotten so used to never waiting that it stresses me out to get into a standby line.


Sneaking in here and going with EPCOT; I think it's your favorite park. And I think you chose to hit up Teppan Edo because it's showy and ecclectic as I imagine Kay kinda being. If I recall she's REALLY into anime, right? (In a good way!)

My guesses for bonus questions:

So I read the hint that I should go back to day one of your previous trip. If I hadn't done that my answers would have been very different. I would have guessed EPCOT for your park since it has the best restaurants of all 4 parks. MK for BOG would have been an option too but I don't think you planned your trip far enough in advance to get that. I would have said Tutto Italia in Epcot. Great food and value on free dining.

Since I read what you did previously, my guesses are now The Studios for 50's Prime Time.

I know nothing about POP (seeing as I said 3rd floor thinking it was the top floor last time). I'll still say top floor and 80's pool view (if that exists).

Glad to hear that.
I actually started out at university with the intention
of getting a degree in computer science.
Turned out to be nothing like playing video games!

haha yea not much the same but I find it very relaxing writing programs, i could spend hours doing it.

I was previously a business major with the intentions of being a lawyer, I've got the people skills for it but not the patience for everything else in the mean time.
And now that I've made it page 37 my head is spinning!

Sorry about that.
My TRs should be taken in small doses... or not at all.

Well thank you and Happy Belated to you as well! :bday:

:laughing: Thanks! It's actually coming up again.

OK, you got it coming up! I like commenting over here. I get fun comments (and sometimes irreverent ones) back!

Irreverent ones?
Point out the miscreant and I shall have him figuratively tarred and feathered!
The cad!

You haven't ridden (not sure the actual correct verb) the new one at DL, if you had you would notice a difference!


I'd like to, but I doubt I'll ever get the chance.

:sad2: But actually isn't that good? Since you stopped planning trips you have been on what? five?

Hey! That's right! Woot!

OK comments on the last TR....

Hang, on. Lemme grab a drink and put my feet up....

Ahhh... Okay. Shoot.

So, glad to see you weren't a fan of the stupid hat either!
I remember the Pre-hat days and never understood why they thought it should be there, it never made sense. I have seen pictures from friends who went last week and it looks great sans hat!

I was so glad to see it completely gone this trip.
I have no idea what they were thinking!

As I read your Day 2 postings I see you fancy yourself as a modern day Walter Mitty!
I never saw the movie, but James Thurber was required reading back in the day.
I have no idea what kids read today, but your daydreams sure conjure up his spirit!

I did see the movie.
Enjoyed it. Thought about it... thought about it some more.
Bought it.
I've seen it three times now.
There's just something about it that strikes a chord in me.

Also, I now understand why your harem is full of mermaids.
Did I mention that before my last job turned my hair gray, I was a natural redhead?

You were?!?!?!?!?!?!
You want in? You're in.
Please post your preference for bikini or one piece at the door on the way in.

When I was catching up on the first day of your last trip, I skipped all the comments to catch up quicker.
However, since I got my (hopefully close) answers before I posted my contest answers I started reading the comments on the second day.
I think you should give bonus points to the readers who pay attention to what you say.
When you tell people that you didn't ride Space because your Dr. advised against it and they still choose it, I thought it was gracious of you to point that out and let them choose another ride. Everyone loves bonus points, and maybe just paying attention and not choosing something that you clearly said was off the table should be rewarded. :flower3: Or maybe I'm just being an idiot, never mind.

Interesting. I suck at keeping everyone straight myself,
so I don't think I'm in a position to complain!

I read on a blog somewhere today that in the new attraction at Epcot with Anna and Elsa that they were going to have a Frozen Goat.

:lmao: You just made that up!

I'm also impressed that you can make a Croque Monsieuer.

Oh? Why? It's pretty easy.
Actually, I made a ton one time since Elle had to bring something to her class
and she was doing a project on France at the time.

Glad you got that BoG reservation. I wonder how long they had that braised pork and if it was on the menu when I went almost four years ago.

I was glad too. I think it's been on there since the beginning.
And I could be wrong about that, too.

Also that rude lady who got in your face, what a little vixen! Next thing you know she'll turn on her friend Peter too!

It wouldn't surprise me in the least! :)

Never been to Pecos Bills, but the fixins bar is legendary. We ate at a place in DCA last week with a fixins bar but they didn't have mushrooms and onions, just different kinds of chili peppers in addition to the regular toppings. Must be a California thing. I would have rathered the mushrooms and onions.

Looks like you'll be out of luck if you want to try it.
It's already changed to a Mexican restaurant now.
If you look at the current lunch menu, you'll see fajitas and burritos.
I'm glad I went when I did!

Oh yeah, and my first trip to WDW was in 1993, but not sure I did the CoP on that trip. Definitely hit it in 1997 on the second trip, and I can't believe that they replaced that song even for a moment! Just like you are outraged at the renaming of the WEDWay, how could they change the Sherman Brother's absolutely perfect song for that attraction??????

It was when they changed sponsorship and the new sponsor wanted a song
that would encourage people to buy their stuff.

I have seen Richard Sherman in concert many times,


and once in a pretty intimate

Whoa! Family board!

(don't take that the wrong way, I mean 50 people as opposed to 500 people) setting

Oh. Nevermind.

and he tells the story of Walt and the CoP song. So touching!

Wow. That would've been awesome.

That has got to be one of my most favorite "park tunes". It certainly ranks higher than that one about all the kids in the world....

Do NOT mention that song!
Just.... don't.

I should start deducting points whenever someone does... Hmmm...

I guess if I was commenting in real time I would have more to say, but now I'm all caught up and it appears that many of my friends writing TRs are busy and not updating so I have time on my hands, so I can continue reading back issues of TRs.

Well, I have a bunch, so feel free.
Meanwhile, I'm still here and posting away.

I bet you were thrilled when they announced that selfish sticks were banned from the parks. I never used one nor was hit with a camera suspended by one, but they are definitely annoying.

::yes:: Hate those things.

Besides I'm in single digits for my cruise and at this point all I want to do it immerse myself in Disney lala land.

:dogdance:Single digit dance!

Who wants to worry about moving stuff out of our house that we've been gone from for a year and half? Or put away things in the new house that we have already run out of space for. Unlike you, my spouse is a hoarder. Supposedly these things are "investments", things that we are going enjoy and then sell for lots of money. Maybe the stuff we have put on the wall or in glass cabinets, but all the other stuff, that keeps coming in the door. That's just cra...precious items that we will sell on eBay. Yeah right someday. In the meantime, it just keeps piling up and I have nowhere to put it, and it just depresses me to keep opening the boxes of stuff we have nowhere to put!

My Mom and Dad are like that.
Dad keeps everything.
But he's got so much stuff, that from time to time
Mom will chuck some of it and he doesn't even notice.

Or if he does, he knows enough not to say anything.
If it's free, it's for me! That's my motto.

Beats my company's motto.
"We're not happy until you're not happy."

:rotfl2::rotfl2: I'm totally stealing that one.

As long as you give me full credit...
and a royalty.

Yes! Same strategy the Imagineers employed with the castle. Purposefully building the anticipation.

::yes:: I thought as much... and then I thought of the stupid hat
(that they thankfully got rid of) at DHS.

No people! Nice!

Welllll..... :rolleyes1

There were three. But I didn't like 'em so I made 'em go "poof" with photoshop.

:faint: Kay, I'm sure you're a great kid and all. But you're killing me.

"Hey Dad! How about I sleep in and you sweat like a pig in line!"

:sad2: Sadly, I've seen several people trying to abuse the system like that.

It was pretty ridiculous. The guy could drive that thing like a pro.

:rotfl: They make perfect sense! Although I guess we can't say we've evolved much since then.


Hang on, I have an appropriate photo for this somewhere...

Ah, here it is.


:laughing: Ah, yes. I do seem to recall seeing that somewhere before.

In Florida? In August??:faint:

I keep picturing my baby son saying, "Hot!"

:laughing: Yep! He would've fit right in!

So if pixie dust makes you fly, what do pixie farts do?

Oh, you fly too. It's just not nearly as pleasant.

Man you are scoring major dad points on this trip.

I better! Ungrateful little... uh... I mean... Thanks!

The whole park has some of the best theming! So great.


::yes:: I especially love the photos from the Yeti attack on the camp. Because I'm sick like that.

I'd love to kindly explain it to some impressionable, little kid.

"And then, in the middle of the night... blood-curdling screams...
slashing with great sharp claws... etc."

By and large I love the trains, but that one...

Is your absolute favourite???

Are you sure? I didn't think it went fast enough to create any air movement whatsoever.

Actually... yes.
Seriously. Even with the not-so-great speed,
it was just enough to make a bit of a breeze that was
very welcome.

Wow! I've heard of fainting goats before, but not freezing ones.

:laughing: You're the second person to mention that.

What's that? A frozen goat?:rolleyes1


Ah, guinea pigs. We had 2 ourselves. The most useless creatures on earth.

But they sure are loud when they want their morning carrot!

That's one of my favorite photo spots in all of WDW.

Great minds...

and then there's us.

Sure! But at the risk of blasphemy, I'd choose a Dole Whip over these every time.

Oh, I agree... 100%.
Make mine a Dole Whip float though.

Whew. Good thing, because I suck at the random guesses!

Plenty of points to come still.

I'm guessing Hollywood Studios so you can get a spin on RnR.

50's Prime Time Cafe, to expose Kay to the madness.

Um...50's building, pool view, top floor.

haha yea not much the same but I find it very relaxing writing programs, i could spend hours doing it.

I used to love writing programs too...
but that was when we had to chisel them onto stone tablets.
We had a project to write a program on anything we wanted
when I was in high school.
My program was easily the longest.

Turns out, though, that Computer Science involved a lot of math.

A lot of math.

I was previously a business major with the intentions of being a lawyer, I've got the people skills for it but not the patience for everything else in the mean time.

I know very few people who wound up doing
what they thought they'd be doing when they graduated high school.
Continued From Previous Post!

After exiting EE, I suggested that if she wanted to ride again,
we could go do the single rider line.
Nope. She still wasn't having any of it.
So off we went.

I had asked Kay what she might like to do in AK beforehand.
One of the few things she wanted to do was pet animals.
Kay loves animals.
She's always asking to go to the pet store
and when we get there, she always tries to convince me
that some critter needs a real home.

The upshot is, that meant a trip up to Rafiki's Planet Watch.
We had done this when she was four...
and she wanted to go again.
Okay! Let's go!


On the way, we paused briefly to watch some monkeys,
spotted an owl out with its handler, some waterfalls,


and some drums.

Now these drums are kinda special.
We had visited these drums when Kay was eight.


After playing with them for a while,
the only thing she wanted was a drum of her own.
We couldn't bring one back with us, due to luggage constraints,
but we did buy one for her for her birthday or Christmas that year.

She didn't keep up with the drumming, but since then she has learned,
or is learning to play, two types of clarinet, the saxophone and the guitar.

So when I spotted the same drums, I asked her to go and pose.


Shortly after, we arrived at the Wildlife Express train station.
I did not record how long we waited.
It wasn't long, however. Less than 5 minutes. Probably 1 or 2.
But... it's a train.
I guess I don't really think of a train ride at Disney as simple transportation.
It's a ride.
Yes it is!
Walt says so!


We boarded the train, waited a few more minutes and then headed out.
It was a nice little trip.
The motion of the train was just fast enough to create a pleasant little breeze.
Did I mention it was hot?
God, how I loved that breeze...

We arrived at Rafiki's and set out for the petting area.

Compare the smile on her face at age 14...


and at age 4.


Pretty similar, don't you think?? :goodvibes

There were quite a few goats and sheep milling about.
At one point, a CM entered a fenced in area and most of the animals
scampered over.


They were pretty disappointed when he didn't feed them right then and there.
They did, however, follow him around until he started to drop food for them.
Then they were happy.
Happier, I suppose.

It's right around then that it happened.
We started to make our way around the periphery of the enclosure,
to see the other animals like this moo-moo cow (technical term,)


when I had to stop dead in my tracks.
I was following a couple of paces behind Kay,
and this goat ambled out between us.
It was quite close to me, actually.
Really close.
So close, that it stopped...
and leaned against my legs.

Uh... okay. Want a scratch there, fella?
<scratch> <scratch>
No movement from the goat.
Maybe a pat?
<pat> <pat>
Um... gotta get going there, big guy.
I gave him a little nudge with my knees.
Nothing. Didn't budge a bit.
I called out to Kay.
"I can't move! I've got a frozen goat here!"
She turned around to see what I was talking about.
Of course she assumed that the goat was simply
standing there for a second and would soon move away.
All the other ones did.


After a few more seconds, she started to laugh.
"Let me take a picture. This is funny."
She took her camera out, turned it on, shot the pic.

Goat still hadn't moved a muscle.
Finally, we decided that we couldn't stay there all day
(did I mention it was hot? No?)
so I backed away from the goat and walked around it.
It still didn't move.
Kay took another pic but unfortunately accidentally deleted it.
But it would've looked like I'd photoshopped myself out of the picture.
That goat still hadn't moved!
We left the immobilized goat and moved on.

We laughed about the frozen goat for the rest of the day.
Indeed, even after the trip.
Heck if you mention it, you might even get a bonus point or two.


We visited a few more outlying animals
before heading inside to get away from the heat for a bit.



Inside, we simply sat for a bit and cooled down.
We were fortunate enough to be present
when a CM was showing people a Lesser Tenrec.
I believe he said it was related to Hedgehogs,
but lived exclusively in Madagascar.


Cute little guy, isn't he?

Kay wants one now.
I told her she could have a hedgehog when she moved out.
In fact, she could have as many animals as she wants.

(Before you say I'm being mean, we already have a dog and two,
count 'em, two guinea pigs. It's enough!)

By now, it was getting later in the day and we had to start
heading out for our dinner ADR.
It wasn't in AK, so it was time to go.


Did I mention it was hot?
We decided that a little cooling snack was in order.
And we both picked something that neither of us had eaten before.

I'm almost ashamed to admit that I've never had one of these.
I mean... it's almost synonymous with Disney snacking, right?


I probably haven't mentioned this, but it was pretty hot.
Which explains why a bite took precedence over a picture.
Hey, it's either that, or I try to convince you that they're Wounded Mickey bars.

Now if I had been on another solo adventure,
I would've eaten as I walked.
But Kay thought otherwise.
She figured it would be nice to sit and enjoy our snacks.
And she was right.
It was a very nice little interlude.
Have I mentioned that she's smarter than her dumb ol' man?

I spotted some stairs leading down and decided to follow them.
It was shaded, so that was good enough for us.


We relaxed and watched the fishies as we munched.
It was a nice little spot.
And we could put our feet up!

Oh. And you people were right.
Those things are good!!

Cool! I screamed.
What? Whoops! Typo.
That should be: cooled and ice creamed...
we left AK and walked over to the bus stop.

We were heading to another park.
We got park hoppers... we're gonna use 'em!

We arrived at the bus stop at 4:14pm.
The bus arrived at... 4:14pm.
We arrived pretty much simultaneously.
We were winding through the loops as the bus pulled up.
We boarded and were shortly on our way to...
Well, let's leave that for next time, shall we?


Disney Transportation Wait Time to date (3 busses): less than 1 minute.

ForeverDance - 105
SnowWhiteOz - 123
DizzneyDi - 148
Thumper_Man - 170
chookie94 - 172
irene_dsc - 175
Terra Nova guy - 204
Saturn23 - 205
ougrad86 - 210
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 221
jandlinz - 222
Tracy161 - 224
Gracefulskinny - 225
orangecats2 - 230
DisneyAndrew - 232
Steppesister - 238
Captain_Oblivious - 240
TGM - 240
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 247
Kiren - 256
Mr. lncredible - 270
afwdwfan - 271
Kiotzu - 273
DonnaBeeGood - 282
Backstage_Gal - 310
queenbetsey - 315
TruLovesKiss - 323
SimplyGoofy - 332
cinderkelly - 345
BibbitybobityLu - 358
Mrs T 2009 - 360
Curiouser&curiouser! - 363
franandaj - 363
Mac Brew - 489
Susan R - 600

Feel free to change your guesses if you wish.
You may do so up to and including the August 25th update.

Bonus question and answer:
Guess who had to make several... lousy... stinking trips...
up and down and up and down and up and down those flippin' stairs?

Anyone who answered pkondz just earned themselves 4 bonus points.
It was free points, people!!

Mac Brew (inferred), ForeverDance, afwdwfan, cinderkelly, chookie94,
Captain_Oblivious, GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes, Gracefulskinny, Susan R, irene_dsc,

Bonus questions, point values and answers from last round.

1. What time does Kay get up?
Answer: 9:30 (6 points. 2 points if within 30 minutes, 1 point if within an hour)
2. The first ride we do becomes one of Kay's favourite rides (top 4).
Answer: Dinosaur (4 points)
3. What common snack do we both try for the first time?
Answer: Mickey Bars. (3 points)
1 bonus point for getting all three correct

You're guesses and points won:
Backstage_Gal - 10:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
DonnaBeeGood - 10:45, EE, Mickey Bar - 3 points
Mac Brew - 9:47 (9:30), EE, Mickey Bar - 6 points (+1 point for the time)
SnowWhiteOz - 8:15, Dinosaur, Popcorn - 4 points
Saturn23 - 9:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
ForeverDance - 8:30, Dinosaur, Frozen Lemonade - 5 points
afwdwfan - 7:45, EE, Churro - 0 points
cinderkelly - 9:55, Dinosaur, Mickey Pretzel - 6 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 8:45, EE, jalapeno stuffed pretzel - 1 point
TGM - 7:00, Prime Evil Hurl, pretzel - 0 points
jandlinz - 9:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
Kiotzu - 10:15, EE, Mickey Bar - 4 points
Steppesister - 10:10, EE, Mickey Bar - 4 points
chookie94 - 9:30, KRR, Churro - 6 points
Captain_Oblivious - 8:30, EE, Churro - 1 point
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 10:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
Gracefulskinny - 9:00, EE, Dole Whip - 2 points
queenbetsey - 7:30, EE, Pretzel or Churro - 0 points
MAGICFOR2 - 10:00, EE, Frozen Lemonade - 2 points
Mr. lncredible - 9:00, Dinosaur, Churro - 6 points
Susan R - 9:58, EE, Cream filled pretzel - 2 points
ougrad86 - 9:45, EE, Dole Whip - 2 points
irene_dsc - 10:01, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points (feeling generous)
orangecats2 - 10:30, EE, Frozen Lemonade - 1 point
SimplyGoofy - 9:00, Dinosaur, Pretzel - 6 points
Mrs T 2009 - 9:15, EE, Pretzel - 2 points
Terra Nova guy - 9:45, EE, Churro - 2 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 8:45, EE, Churro - 1 point
TruLovesKiss - 9:30, EE, jalapeno cheese pretzel - 6 points
DisneyAndrew - 9:00, KS, Mickey Bar - 5 points
franandaj - 9:45, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
DizzneyDi - 10:29, EE, Mickey Bar - 4 points

Flattery points (aka suck-up points)
Curiouser&curiouser! - Finds me charming. 2 points
jandlinz - Knows what dad are for. 1 point. And for the hug. 1 point
Steppesister - Looks great in her one piece - 4 points
chookie94 - Knows my physique - 3 points
MAGICFOR2 - Thinks I'm awesome - 3 points
SimplyGoofy - I think she wants to be my young wife, (if I'm wrong I'll deduct...) - 2 points.
Terra Nova guy - Lived to tell the tale - 2 points.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - The doctor's in da house - 3 points.
queenbetsey - Knows I'm wise and wonderful - 2 points.
Dentam - Knows a great story when she sees it - 2 points
DisneyAndrew - He's lovin' it - 2 points.
franandaj - Understands the order of the universe - 3 points.

Miscellaneous bonus points
DonnaBeeGood - 2 points for sympathetic falling, 2 points for Carol
cinderkelly - 1 point for sending ET over to fix my finger, 1 point because she's nobody's fool
Steppesister - 2 points for unsolicited, free medical advice, 2 points for asking for points, 1 point for snack choice
chookie94 - 1 point for tilting her head at an angle
Captain_Oblivious - 2 points for planes, trains & autos
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 1 point for the yell
Gracefulskinny - 2 points for the Holy Grail
queenbetsey - 4 points for the grape nehi, 2 points for the award
Susan R - 2 points for trying to cheer me up... although I almost deducted a small point. :rolleyes1
SnowWhiteOz - 2 points for chocolate. Could've been 10 if you'd actually sent some!
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 2 points because I'm her one and only.
jandlinz - 3 points for mooning.
franandaj - 2 points for the mighty Aphrodite. 4 points for sharing.

Points standings:

chookie94 – 18 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes – 18 points
queenbetsey – 18 points
cinderkelly – 15 points
DisneyAndrew – 15 points
ForeverDance – 15 points
Gracefulskinny – 15 points
Mac Brew – 15 points
Steppesister – 15 points
Susan R – 15 points
franandaj - 14 points
DonnaBeeGood – 13 points
jandlinz – 13 points
Captain_Oblivious – 12 points
Mr. lncredible – 12 points
Backstage_Gal – 11 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 – 11 points
TruLovesKiss – 11 points
Afwdwfan – 10 points
irene_dsc - 10 points
SnowWhiteOz – 9 points
DizzneyDi – 8 points
ougrad86 – 8 points
Saturn23 – 8 points
SimplyGoofy - 8 points
MAGICFOR2 – 7 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 6 points
Kiren – 5 points
Mrs T 2009 – 5 points
Kiotzu - 4 points
Terra Nova guy - 4 points
Dentam - 2 points
orangecats2 – 2 points
Tracy161 - 2 points
BibbitybobityLu – 1 point

Still lots of points available in future updates!

Bonus questions, round 3!
What park are we going to? (This should be an easy one... if you've read my last TR.)
Where's our ADR?
We get a new room! Where is it?
(Partial points for Which building, Which side, Which floor (you got a hint on that one)
example 50s, Lake view, 3rd floor)

Good luck!
I used to love writing programs too...
but that was when we had to chisel them onto stone tablets.
We had a project to write a program on anything we wanted
when I was in high school.
My program was easily the longest.

Turns out, though, that Computer Science involved a lot of math.

A lot of math.

WOW, forward thinking school? Most public high schools in my area do not offer anything of the sort.

I wish that we had a little bit more freedom on what we build in our classes but since we don't I spend time doing that on my own time.

I know very few people who wound up doing
what they thought they'd be doing when they graduated high school.

I hear that, A LOT of my friends from high school have switched majors, dropped out, changed trades etc.

What did you end up going to school for?
I'm hoping that a Disney Degree pops up before I graduate!
Good evening Dr. Pkondz

Sorry, still a bit of a newbie to posting here. Sure clicked on something wrong earlier!

Enjoyed your update a couple of days ago. Finally commenting & think I may have decided on my guesses. I'm sure I'll be wrong

Great pictures of the tree! What a site when you start your day : ) I never thought of Dinosaur as being the favorite ride, since I've never been on it! Kids were too little, then when older only husband and son rode it while I stayed with daughter. Will be on my must do list. Loved that she knew she could still reach for daddy's hand when she needed to.

Looking on your EE pictures, I don't remember the line going into the trees. Maybe I had a shorter line. Glad Kay saw the Yeti -It's the best part.
Hopefully you will have a few more flash back photos of Kay then & now!

Wow, what's with the goat?! I could have been snarky and say she didn't want her favorite "old goat" to get away. But maybe her name was just Elsa.

Guesses: Went to HS
Prime-time 50's café

Building 60's (My decade 1966)
Water view
Top Floor

Just thought I'd share a little exciting news. Went and officially booked our anniversary trip. Oct 9-22, 2016 at the CBR!:flower1: Now hopefully a year of some pixie dust to save all the $$ up!

Hubby was laid off of a job a little over 5 years ago after being there for 36 years! Never called back after the first year, no thank for you your years here . Just a letter from 401K asking if he no longer works there. I guess not. No pension, just what ever was in 401K account. Sorry- still a sore spot for me and him. Didn't plan on being retired yet. So that and raising teenagers at the time sure took some hits to that "Disney vacation account"
But I'm determined to go even if we have to shorten length or resort!
Haven't been keeping up. Sorry. Stuff going on here and I have the flu! So glad you got my package. How is university for Elle?

Going to get my guesses in before its too late.

You go to DHS and eat at 50's.
You stay in the 60's section on the top floor looking at the hippy dippy pool.
The past and present photos of Kay are amazing :goodvibes I think it's so special that you two were able to take this trip, just father and daughter. The picture near the fish when you're eating your Mickey bars... it's moments like those that just make a trip so special I'm sure. My dad lives in Florida and I'm heading down next month and we'll spend a day at Epcot... I'm so excited! :hyper:

It took a bit for me to catch up but I finally am! I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to more :goodvibes
First off, I have to say that the Frozen Goat is awesome.

I apologize if somebody else already posted this picture, but this is the first thing I thought of:

I also love the fact that this is a daddy-daughter trip. That's something I can see me doing in the future. My wife tolerates my Disney obsession, but she doesn't nearly love it like I do. However, my daughter is a different story. She just told me this morning that she had a dream that I told her it was only 20 days until we go again. In reality, it's 54!

As far as my guesses, I am going to say MGM (Yes, I'm old school) to go to Sci-Fi.
I think your new room is on the top floor of the 60s with a pool view (That's a shot in the dark, isn't it?)
Good Lord! What the heck was that??????
Funny that I don't recognize that skit.
I used to watch the Flintstones religiously back in the day.

Yeah… about that…
OK, there’s no rational explanation. As I’ve said, there is no real logic to what things I remember nor are those things generally the more common references that most folks normally remember.
And as for how I got there… I don’t know…
something about trying to think of a proper name for a “Frozen” goat (btw: does that count?) got me thinking of the names of the actual characters, and that got me onto the “He is Ollie, You are Sven” line and that got me onto the song form the episode (an episode that included a cameo by Yogi Bear for that matter, but he wasn't frozen, and no that has no bearing on this dissertation... at least I don’t think it does?), and then the next thing you know…

Lord it gets tiring dealing with my thought patterns (or lack there of) at times.
(I’ll try to keep it more in focus... but I ain’t makin’ any promises, here)


Or with your head in the loo.
Well, at least then you’d know that you actually made it to the target and might not have as much clean-up to do latter on…

Sorry about that, chief.

(And then, right after I typed the above and before I typed this...
I spent 45 minutes watching a You Tube show on Get Smart)
And... you're welcome.

It wasn't an option... but yeah, I'm sure it would've been black.
I suspected as much; that’s my favorite hue as well.
Well, actually it’s the one that I’m forced to settle on until science devises something darker.

Sorry about that Chief.
Didn't I already say that?
Oh, well. Don Adams must've said it a few dozen times.
What’d you say?
Wait a minute…
I’ll have to tune off the cone of silence.

And then I went out into the Florida heat and got slimed by the humidity.

That describes it rather well.

I never should've showed her the manual.
Well there’s your problem…

I remember that one.
Was that possibly the best comic ever?
If not, it was up there.
It’d be hard to beat that one out.
It got me side tracked for a long while scouring the web for other examples

Yes, Radar.

But there's a big difference between monorails and trains.
I didn't note the wait time for the trains.

Elucidate and educate. This TR's watchwords.
What was that?
Hallucinate and obfuscate?
Dang, this cone of silence may be more trouble than it’s worth…
(or did I activate the cone of truth instead)

Are you sure? Because I really don't recall if I mentioned the heat or not.
Well, now I’m not so sure…
I’ll have to mull on it for a while and get back to you.

My wife loves that picture. I think we first saw it on an Easter card.
That card stuck around for a long time.
Same story for us, and yep, that one hung around a long time.
And gets quoted very often in my house. You can be sure that if the first line is ever stated out loud for any reason, someone in the house is going to come back with the second one.

WOW, forward thinking school? Most public high schools in my area do not offer anything of the sort.

Well.... yes and no, I guess.
Our school had just gotten their first computers
(Radioshack TRS-80s, with a cassette tape external drive!)
and the teacher had just learned how to teach about computers during the summer.
He taught us some basics (Ha! And Basic, too!) and then I think didn't know what else to do.
So he told us to write a program on whatever we wanted,
but it would be worth a good chunck of our final grade.

I wish that we had a little bit more freedom on what we build in our classes but since we don't I spend time doing that on my own time.

Wish I could still do it... but my skilz ain't nearly up to recreating
what you can get by downloading the simplest of apps.

I hear that, A LOT of my friends from high school have switched majors, dropped out, changed trades etc.

Yep. No surprise there.

What did you end up going to school for?
I'm hoping that a Disney Degree pops up before I graduate!

:laughing: That would be sweet!
I wound up just getting a BSc and then moving on into the real world.

Good evening Dr. Pkondz

Good evening, now what can I help you with?
Perhaps a prescription for a trip to Disney?

Sorry, still a bit of a newbie to posting here. Sure clicked on something wrong earlier!

:laughing: I noticed that!
I kept scrolling, looking for something you might have posted!

"But she hasn't said anything!!"

Enjoyed your update a couple of days ago. Finally commenting & think I may have decided on my guesses. I'm sure I'll be wrong

You never know. You may be completely right.

Great pictures of the tree!


What a site when you start your day : )

::yes:: Love coming around the corner and... there it is!

I never thought of Dinosaur as being the favorite ride, since I've never been on it! Kids were too little, then when older only husband and son rode it while I stayed with daughter. Will be on my must do list.

Just be warned, some people love this ride... a lot of people... not so much.

Loved that she knew she could still reach for daddy's hand when she needed to.

:goodvibes: I was actually a little surprised by that.
Pleasantly so.

Looking on your EE pictures, I don't remember the line going into the trees. Maybe I had a shorter line.

That was a first for me too.
I guess they only open that section when the line gets too long.

Yay us. We got to experience it.


Glad Kay saw the Yeti -It's the best part.

It's so obvious... if you know to look for it.
I've heard of a lot of people that haven't seen it.

Hopefully you will have a few more flash back photos of Kay then & now!

Oh, I think there might be another one or two in updates to come...

Wow, what's with the goat?! I could have been snarky and say she didn't want her favorite "old goat" to get away. But maybe her name was just Elsa.

You should've been snarky.
I get a kick out of it.

Guesses: Went to HS
Prime-time 50's café

Building 60's (My decade 1966)
Water view
Top Floor


Just thought I'd share a little exciting news. Went and officially booked our anniversary trip. Oct 9-22, 2016 at the CBR!:flower1: Now hopefully a year of some pixie dust to save all the $$ up!

Hey! Congrats! And it's close enough to one year for a dance!


Hubby was laid off of a job a little over 5 years ago after being there for 36 years! Never called back after the first year, no thank for you your years here . Just a letter from 401K asking if he no longer works there. I guess not. No pension, just what ever was in 401K account.

That sucks. That's just not right.
I get it, if the company's gone bankrupt or closed...
but to get 36 years of service out of someone and then kick them unceremoniously out the door
shows that's not a company anyone would want to work for.
Or certainly not to show any loyalty to.
No pension? Then don't be surprised if I leave and go somewhere better.

Sorry- still a sore spot for me and him.

I totally get it. Don't apologize.

Didn't plan on being retired yet. So that and raising teenagers at the time sure took some hits to that "Disney vacation account"
But I'm determined to go even if we have to shorten length or resort!

Even a short trip to Disney is a good trip.

Haven't been keeping up. Sorry.

I noticed and I'm hurt.

Deeply hurt.

Stuff going on here and I have the flu!

In that case, you're forgiven.
Can I send you some chicken soup?
Might be a little cold by the time it gets to you.

So glad you got my package.

Me too! I was a little worried that it had disappeared somewhere between here and there.

How is university for Elle?

A little rough to start, but since then she's been doing okay, I think.
Lots of work, which is as it should be, I think.

Going to get my guesses in before its too late.

You go to DHS and eat at 50's.
You stay in the 60's section on the top floor looking at the hippy dippy pool.


The past and present photos of Kay are amazing :goodvibes

Thanks, Tracy! :goodvibes:

I think it's so special that you two were able to take this trip, just father and daughter.

It's just something that had to happen.
After going on several trips, all revolving around Elle's dancing, it just had to happen.

The picture near the fish when you're eating your Mickey bars... it's moments like those that just make a trip so special I'm sure.

It was a very unexpected (for me at least), yet very nice little interlude.

My dad lives in Florida and I'm heading down next month and we'll spend a day at Epcot... I'm so excited! :hyper:

No way! That's awesome! Take me, too! :laughing:

It took a bit for me to catch up but I finally am! I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to more :goodvibes

So nice to see you again, Tracy! :goodvibes

First off, I have to say that the Frozen Goat is awesome.

Awesome? Or bizarre??? :laughing:

I apologize if somebody else already posted this picture, but this is the first thing I thought of:

Yep. Someone else posted the exact same thing, so you're not alone!

I also love the fact that this is a daddy-daughter trip. That's something I can see me doing in the future. My wife tolerates my Disney obsession, but she doesn't nearly love it like I do. However, my daughter is a different story. She just told me this morning that she had a dream that I told her it was only 20 days until we go again. In reality, it's 54!

I'm in a very similar situation.
Kay wants to go again (although she did say "Maybe not right away")
but Ruby (DW) is most definitely not a fan.

As far as my guesses, I am going to say MGM (Yes, I'm old school) to go to Sci-Fi.
I think your new room is on the top floor of the 60s with a pool view (That's a shot in the dark, isn't it?)



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