Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

That would be a silent "Q" right? :confused3

Yes. With an umlaut.

That's OK, right now it's something for me to kill time with since I canceled all my trips so far this year.

Oh? May I ask why?
Share if you wish. Don't if you don't.
I won't be offended if you just ignore me.

I'm used to it. I have teens.

Pretty much just a photo blog about all the DIS friends who ARE taking vacations out at Disneyland and I come out for the day to join them.


Actually yes. This winter we had a couple heat waves where it was over 95 before Spring hit! :faint:

Oh. My. God....


I thought you said you were over saturated. :scratchin

I may have skimmed a bit... :rolleyes1

Well my dalek dress is packed for my cruise, maybe some shots of me lounging in it once I get back.

Wait.... cruise? I thought you said you canceled all your trips?

Disney, Doctor Who and Ponzi Trip Reports. All of my favourite things!


Wait.... I'm number three on that list???
I don't have much in the way of lingerie. It's mostly shorts and t-shirts or tanks. I did just score a dalek dress though. And the only fighting I do with a pillow is getting into the right position for my head.
yeah all my "lingerie" has mickey or Minnie on it and pillow fights here are over who gets the chillow (the one you put in the fridge to chill it)
pppsssttt pssstttt is he here is he still not posting our up date?
let's go mermaids

I actually got my Dalek dress at an outlet store for $5. I'll probably wear it to the comic book convention we're going to later this month. I really need some spanx to wear with it though.

I want a chillow! I get really hot sometimes!
1. Awwww.... you know you're welcome any time.
What am I saying? Of course you know that. You're in my harem!
2. Funny. I feel the same way about your skilz!

Taking a break tonight after I spent my evening cleaning my house. Oh my GOSH, does it ever feel great to see my toilet bowl again! (And yes, I know I can pop in here and there... but be careful not to misread that and think I'm referring to my last senence.)

I will likely take a photog class at school after Nursing school just for fun. I really need to learn the editing process and programs a LOT more.
Yes. With an umlaut.

Could you please show me the phonetic pronunciation? :confused3

Oh? May I ask why?
Share if you wish. Don't if you don't.
I won't be offended if you just ignore me.

I'm used to it. I have teens.

I have no problem sharing. Just keep in mind, you asked and it's kind of a long story.

It's been a while since I went down that whole dark path on my TR, I'm over it and we're through the rough parts. First I have to preface this with a few facts. I am a faithful, devoted, partner, spouse, and Fran and I have been together for almost 20 years. She was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 1998, and I'm not talking about the kind that you see in the Aleve commercials where someone has a bad day and their joints hurt. We're talking about debilitating arthritis, the kind that when she doesn't have an active medication in her system her joints freeze up to the point that she can't lift a beverage to her mouth or feed herself, not to mention take care of other human necessities. I know this because I was reminded of it when she had to go off her meds this past winter. We don't do things separately and haven't for over 16 years. Even when I had a day job, she traveled with me on business since the only extra expense was her plane ticket and food, it was just easier on her not to be left home alone.

So we had many trips planned this year, April, a trip to WDW with Naked Jim (you have to read my TR for that story, it's on the first page), May we had a B2B on the Wonder for 5 nights. July there was a car club meet planned in Cambria on the coast of CA and August there was the LGBA conference in Indianapolis with over 200 fellow band members from all over the US, Canada and possibly the world.
However, all these were beginning to be jeapordized because on our trip last Fall, her last arthritis med started to fail.

She had two choices, 1) an incredibly expensive pill ($1200 per month) taken twice daily 2) a new drug study which would start in April. She started the expensive pill in December and took that for a while, but to get on the drug study, she needed a shingles vaccine and needed to be off the arthritis pills for two weeks before receiving the shot, and needed to stay off the pills for two weeks after the shot. It was during the time after the shingles vaccine where she could not take the arthritis pill that she was on heavy duty pain killers which caused drowsiness. She ended up falling and breaking her leg in two places about a month before our April vacay to WDW and on the Dream.

So we canceled that trip, filed for vacation insurance and were able to rent out the DVC points and get some money back. Even though she would have been able to bear weight on the B2B Wonder Cruise in May, she said that she would not like to take a trip that soon after the leg break. So we canceled that and got the travel insurance as well.

Then the drug study came up. Fran had to quit the expensive pills a month before the study and it was an infusion in two parts. She took the first part, but she was barely convinced to do it due to the pain she was experiencing as to being off the pills for so long. Her joints had frozen up so badly she could hardly move and was absolutely miserable. She made it through the first dose, but couldn't make it to the second dose two weeks later, and decided on her own without doctor's consent to start taking the pills again.

A short lesson in RA drugs. They suppress your immune system. Each drug suppresses a different part of the immune system. When you are on one RA drug, your immune system is depressed by X%, when you are on two RA drugs your immune system is depressed by X% squared.

So it turns out that her immune system was extra compromised starting with her double dosage of arthritis drugs in May and the RA doctor told her that she was compromised through September. The Doctor advised her not to travel to our band convention in August where we would be in a room of 200 of our best friends rehearsing and blowing hot air for 10-15 hours out of a 4 day weekend. In addition we decided that going to the classic car club meet in July with a couple hundred folks would also put her at odds for catching something.

So that was the canceling all of the vacations. We did have plans in the end of March to visit my parents that we did reschedule for Sept. And we did make that visit. We already had the October Cruise booked, in fact there were supposed to be three other DISers with us, but the others all canceled. When it looked like we would be canceling the May cruise (back in the end of March), I added the 2 day in advance of the 5 day so that we could have the B2B experience.

I did also rebook the Dream Cruise and WDW vacay for December so we will get to see the Osborne lights before they go away. As far as the Naked Jim trip, he had some major expenses come up, so it was good for him to postpone the trip as well. We have rebooked that trip for next April/May. So all the trips (Disney based) are getting a redo, just a delayed redo. Sorry about the long answer and trip report hijack, but you asked. :confused3

Wait.... cruise? I thought you said you canceled all your trips?

See above. Boy, I can't wait for this one!!!!!!!!
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Now I know why I like all my fellow mermaids (and yes, Alison, that includes you...everyone is beautiful in their own way so don't say you're not!)...most of us seem to be Doctor Who fans! Disney, Doctor Who and Ponzi Trip Reports. All of my favourite things!

Awww Susan, you're really sweet to say this. And it's not that I don't feel beautiful in my own special way, I just am not that gal that gets whistled at and stuff like I did 30 years ago! I have plenty of folks who love me for my inner beauty and don't worry on that one, I just know that the outer beauty has sagged quite a bit! :lmao:

It is funny that many of us do love our Dr Who! And of course our Pkondz! In reverse order of course!
Nice moon pics! We just couldn't keep our eyes open long enough to catch it. Looking forward to an update popcorn::

You too? You're putting me third on that list???

yeah all my "lingerie" has mickey or Minnie on it

That'll work.

and pillow fights here are over who gets the chillow (the one you put in the fridge to chill it)

Chillow? I've never heard of that. Is that a specific brand?
Or does that refer to any pillow you put in the fridge?

pppsssttt pssstttt is he here is he still not posting our up date?
let's go mermaids

I'm here... although not much right now.
This course is leaving me little time for DISing.

Most of the update is done, but...

I actually got my Dalek dress at an outlet store for $5.

Nice! Practically free!

I'll probably wear it to the comic book convention we're going to later this month. I really need some spanx to wear with it though.

Why do I get the feeling the spanx will be more than the dress?

I want a chillow! I get really hot sometimes!

Yes. Yes you do. Really hot. ;)

Taking a break tonight after I spent my evening cleaning my house.

Cleaning your house? Shouldn't you be studying?

Oh my GOSH, does it ever feel great to see my toilet bowl again!

:lmao: Well, Hello Bowl!

(And yes, I know I can pop in here and there... but be careful not to misread that and think I'm referring to my last senence.)

You spelled "poop" wrong.

I will likely take a photog class at school after Nursing school just for fun. I really need to learn the editing process and programs a LOT more.

Good for you! I've been photoshopping for years and I know that I know so little.
Gotta get back to work. More shout outs later!
Could you please show me the phonetic pronunciation? :confused3

Sure! No problem!
Here ya go:


Does that help?

I have no problem sharing. Just keep in mind, you asked and it's kind of a long story.

Those are the best kind.

See above.

I did.
Rather than quote line after line, (as is my wont) I'll just say a few things.
I had no idea about the struggles you guys have been having with Fran's Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I'm so sorry that it's not only affecting you on a daily basis, but then you throw in the broken bones!
And then there's the whole cancelling of the trips.
Trips are wonderful. It's what keeps me going forward.
And then to have to cancel them?
$1,200 for meds? per month???? :eek:
And then the whole imuno-suppression issue.

Wow. You guys have been through a lot.
I don't even have words. I'm so sorry.
Thank you so much for sharing that with me/us.

I just am not that gal that gets whistled at and stuff like I did 30 years ago!

So you get your bum pinched now, too, huh?

I have plenty of folks who love me for my inner beauty and don't worry on that one, I just know that the outer beauty has sagged quite a bit! :lmao:

All my life, I thought gravity was our friend.
Then I got older.

It is funny that many of us do love our Dr Who! And of course our Pkondz! In reverse order of course!

I'm glad someone gets the right order!

Nice moon pics! We just couldn't keep our eyes open long enough to catch it. Looking forward to an update popcorn::

Thanks Tammie!
Working on it!
Could you please show me the phonetic pronunciation? :confused3

I have no problem sharing. Just keep in mind, you asked and it's kind of a long story.

Oh my gosh, poor Fran! My late mom had RA, but it was nowhere near as severe as what you've described. Even so, she went from being constantly active and involved with family and friends to spending a lot of her days taking her pain meds and watching TV. It's sad that Fran wasn't able to continue with the study and that you had to cancel your trips, but at least now you both have more of them to look forward to! Over the years I've had some health issues myself (for me it's fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue), and having something special (like my Disney trips, of course) to think about and plan for has helped me get through the rough patches. Having to cancel just adds to the pain, maybe not physically but definitely emotionally.

Sending you and Fran gentle hugs! :hug: :hug:
Frozen Goats

The alarm didn't go off.
I opened my eyes and tried to figure out
why I was only a few inches away from the door.

Ah, yes. The cot.
I actually slept quite well on it, thank you CM who sent it.
And the reason my alarm didn't go off is because it was 8:44am.
I had set it for 9:00.

A lot later than I'd normally get up at Disney,
but since Kay wasn't going to be up, no sense in me being so.

Kay likes to sleep. She likes to sleep late.
I know, I know...
I've shocked you all, haven't I.
"A teenager who likes to sleep in!?!?"

Hard to believe, but true.

I will further shock you by telling you that
it takes her a while to get ready.
In a pinch, I can be up and out
(including shave and a shower)
in about 10 minutes.
Kay's standard "get ready" time is an hour.
Possibly more.
Probably more.

This was just something I was going to have to adapt to.
Kay likes to take things slow.
I like to Go! Go! Go!

Before we even arrived in Disney, I had told her that I'd always let her know
when there were hard and fast set times that we had to meet (like an ADR time)
and when those times could be bent (one hour FP window)
or disregarded altogether. (A show time we don't care if we miss.)

But today, we had a time that couldn't be bent or skipped.
We had a DISmeet for lunch.
Which means no sleeping 'til noon.

So I got myself ready to go, then woke Kay up at 9:30.
And she didn't complain. She just got up.
I must admit that I was a little surprised by that.
Pleasantly so, actually.
Considering the hour we got in earlier that morning.

I told Kay that I was going to head down to the food court
to grab us some mugs.
Since we had the free dining plan, mugs were included.
Nice little extra perk right there.
That's a $783.95 savings right there!

I squeezed past the cot, exited the room and headed off
in the opposite direction from which we'd come just a few hours earlier.

Of course I found the elevators right away.
I didn't bother to wait for one, going down is easy.

I zipped down the stairs,
(of course I did. It's my first day at Disney! Energy to spare!)
And skipped over to the food court.
(Don't judge. I was happy, okay?)

That place was packed!
There were people lined up for everything.
Food, drinks, cashiers, tables.
I really did not regret that I didn't feel like eating.
Two reasons for not wanting to eat.
1. I often am not overly hungry in the mornings. And;
2. I figured I'd be eating a fair bit today anyway
with a (free!) QS and (free!) TS meal.

I eeled my way through the throng over to the mugs.
Uh, oh. There are different colours to choose from.
I know enough not to pick Kay's colour for her.
If she didn't like it, there'd be no way to return it.
I didn't know enough to know what colour she'd like.
But I did know that she wanted some water, so...
I grabbed a bottle of water for her and a mug (green of course) for me.
I filled it with... something. Probably Coke.
Your choices are a bit limited, but it's free, so...

By this time, I had already remembered what I had forgotten.

Before my February trip, I had done a fair bit of walking in preparation.
I had done a bit more for this one.
I had advised and admonished Kay to do some walking as well.
But she's a teenager and you can't make them do anything.
("Honey... breathe.".... face turns blue.)

A teenager is kind of like an old car.
Completely unreliable. And when it does work, you're a little surprised.

So I knew, even before setting one foot in our first park,
that she was probably going to develop blisters on her feet.
And I had forgotten to pack some moleskin and scissors.
Moleskin, for the uninitiated, is a thicker Band-Aid.
It's less likely to slip like a Band-Aid, though.
But it comes in a large sheet, so you have to cut it.
Hence the scissors.
I headed over to the gift shop, hoping to find something.
And lo and behold... they had moleskin!
I grabbed a package and a small sewing kit that had
an even smaller pair of scissors.
Seriously, those things were ridiculous.
Look at your thumb (or any digit if you're all thumbs)
now look at just the first joint of your thumb.
It was about that big.

I paid for my wares, topped up my mug and headed back to the room.
I did go towards the elevators, but I took the stairs anyways.
It's still early in the game, folks.
Lots of energy.
The official loathing of the stairs starts a little later.

Soon, Kay was ready to head out to the parks.
But first we had to pack everything up,
since they were going to move us while we were out.

That meant that I had to bring our passports with us.
Not a big deal, I just stuffed them in my camera bag.
Had to bring my wallet, too. Don't usually, but... :confused3

I didn't know if I'd have time,
but I knew I wanted to take some photos around the resort.
I had brought a standard zoom
and this time I remembered to bring my wide zoom!
And I didn't want to be caught short,
so I also brought a telephoto zoom and a macro lens.

Now all that stuff weighs extra.
But I was only going to bring one or two lenses with me.
The rest would sit in the hotel room until I needed them.
If I needed them.

But since we were being moved, I had to bring them along.

A few extra pounds isn't the end of the world...
unless you have to lug it around all day...
and it's super hot...
and you're going to walk somewhere in the vicinity of 100 miles.

I wasn't thrilled.
But... We're in Disney! So let's make the best of it!

We headed out and arrived at the bus stop at 10:57am.
The bus arrived less than a minute later.
Maybe 45 seconds wait time?
Let's just call it a minute, okay?

There was hardly anybody in line, so we were on the bus
and on our way very quickly.
Soon after we arrived at Animal Kingdom.
I briefly explained how the tapstiles worked to Kay,
we swiped, got fingerprinted for the FBI and we were in!

We marched purposefully in, rounded the corner and...
stopped dead in our tracks.


The Tree of Life will do that to you.
And I love how you don't see it right away.
You're in a treed area with some paths and suddenly...
You're in Disney's Animal Kingdom!

We each took another photo.
Kay took this one.
(She asked for photo credit, so there ya go.)


And I took that one:


Now we had to decide what we were going to do first.
My gut was telling me to hop in the single rider line at EE,
but the Disney app was telling me it was
a 15 minute wait for Dinosaur.
Since it's on the way to EE, (well it's on one way) why not?

We were going to meet some people at 12:30,
so I figured we had time for two rides... maybe.

Kay snapped this pic as we headed over to Dinosaur.


We soon arrived at our destination.
Looks pretty dead around here.
I suppose everyone else is off riding EE or KS.


Yeah.... no.
As we approached the ride, I looked up at the posted wait times.
50 minutes!!!

Nope. Nope. Nope.... nope!
I do not stand in line for nearly an hour.
Heck, I don't stand in line for half an hour!
That's why I do rope drop.
That's why I make FPs.
That's why I do single rider lines.

"Okay, Kay. It's gonna be about an hour in line.
But we can do single rider line at EE."

"But I want to ride this one. I don't care if we have to wait."

So we waited.

The line:


And it took its sweet time moving forward to the interior of the building.
You know... where they have air conditioning?

And it didn't take long for our first rude guest interaction.
Not with us, luckily. We just witnessed it.
As we made our way back towards the entrance,
a man in an ECV rolled up to the CMs.
He asked if there was a handicapped entrance.
The CM motioned to the line.
The man entered the line and stopped.
"I can't navigate this! Don't you have some place for handicapped people?"
"Sir, there's room in this line."
"There's no way I can manoeuver through there!"
He then made a very nifty three point turn and exited the queue.
"It's unbelievable that Disney won't accommodate the handicapped!" He declared.
And then he scooted off in search of a ride with a more easily cowed CM.

Moving on.

When you first enter the building for Dinosaur,
you see this sign directly in front of you.


It's quite flawed, scientifically.
It's a very simplistic depiction of the possible causes
for the extinction of the Dinosaurs.
Now I don't expect Disney to go into great depth, obviously.
It's entertainment, not a dissertation.
But they missed at least two theories.
And since not everyone is familiar with them,
allow me to elucidate and educate.
(Would you please stop that groaning!)

1. As the dinosaurs evolved, their societal conventions developed.
They eventually learned self-organizing relationships and recreational activities.
And considering how long it took to get from outside this building,
where the combined heat and humidity caused me to leak from every
conceivable pore, to the interior where the air conditioning saved my life...
I'm quite convinced that Dinosaurs may have become extinct
by standing in line in the heat until they died.

2. Again, the dinosaurs evolved. They had millennia to do so.
Is it really so hard to believe that given vastly more time,
they evolved societies to parallel our own?
The alphabet, writing, records, internet, cell phones.
I'm pretty sure that it's possible that while updating Facebook
and posting dino-selfies ("Look! A raptor's biting my leg! Isn't that cool?")
they became so involved that they began to die off by walking off of cliffs,
or in front of dino-busses, etc.

Yes, they're theories. But they're scientifically sound ones.

Eventually, we wound up here and then in the pre-show area.


Total wait time turned out to be 45 minutes.
Not too far off the posted wait time,
but a far cry from the 15 minutes the app had told us.

As we approached the boarding area,
Kay started to get very nervous.
I guess she remembered riding this when she was eight.
I don't remember her saying much about it back then,
but I guess it scared her.
Either that, or her memories of the ride were scaring her.
Either way, she was starting to get pretty worked up.
Now Kay is a very independent girl in some ways.
She is like a lot of teens. Too cool for her parents.
But you'll notice in the shot below, that she's holding my hand.

Still Daddy's little girl.
Melts my heart.


When we exited the ride, she began to speak excitedly.
"That was fun! That wasn't at all like I remembered it!
I was really scared at first! But it was fun! I wasn't scared at all!
I really liked it!"
(And she meant it. It became her #4 favourite ride.)

I just smiled and told her I was happy she liked it,
but we had to skedaddle.
We had to meet some people and we were a bit late.

We were meeting Marie (@mmeb144) and her daughter.
My phone doesn't work in foreign countries,
so we had exchanged email addresses.
I had emailed her while in line for Dinosaur with time updates,
but she hadn't emailed back.
When we exited, I emailed her again
to let her know we were on our way.
Again, no answer.

I don't know if she gave me the wrong address or if I just copied it wrong,
but I got a message later saying none of the emails had gone through.
Good thing I was so diligent about sending her updates... :sad2:

We got to Flame Tree right around 12:30 which was our scheduled time,
and Marie spotted us first, waved and came over.
We said our hellos and I introduced Kay.
A minute later, her daughter joined us and we got in line to order.
I had met Marie and her daughter at a previous meet in Chicago.
It was really nice to be able to see her again!

Marie and her DD were ahead of us and by the time we got our food,
they had disappeared.
Kay and I stood looking and then started walking around, looking for them.
We couldn't find them.
I had no idea where they might be, since this was my first time eating here.
I parked Kay at a table with our food and set out to find them.
A couple of seconds later, Marie found me again.
(She must have good eyes... or mine are worse than I thought... probably the latter.)

Marie showed us where they were seated,
I went back, collected Kay and our food and we soon joined them.


We had a very nice meal with them and we chatted about this and that.


I think Marie had the pulled pork sandwich while her DD had
the turkey breast sandwich.
Kay and I decided to split our meals,
so we ordered the Ribs & Chicken combo and the Jerk Chicken Salad.
For dessert (free dining!) we got the Lime mousse and Chocolate mousse.
Everything was good, too!
We were pleasantly stuffed by the end of our meal.
Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and parted company.

Now, with our hunger satiated,
it was time to ride a real ride.
(Well... according to me, anyway. And since this is my TR...)
We began our trek to Asia.
We were going to conquer Everest or die trying.
Literally. It was that hot.
Have I mentioned the heat yet? No?


As we were walking towards our inevitable encounter with a yeti,
the strangest thing of the whole trip occurred.

We just happened to be walking a few paces behind a middle age-ish,
heavy-er set woman.
She was wearing a skirt that fell to just above her knees.

I did mention the heat, right?
You know, the kind of heat that makes you sweat?
The kind of heat that makes you sweat enough
that certain parts of the human anatomy start to chafe?
When you walk?
In an area that's somewhere below your waist and above your knees?

Now you've got the picture!
(And I'm so, so sorry about that.)

As we are walking along, following this woman,
she suddenly stops.
So we stop too.
I mean, there isn't really anything around to look at.
There's no characters or animals or refreshment stands...
So why did she stop?
We don't know. So we stop too, about six feet behind her.

She suddenly bends forward and lifts her skirt up a bit.
No, not that high! Get your minds out of the gutter boys.
I said a bit!

Remember the chafing? So did she.
But she came prepared!
She liberally applied some baby powder to the affected area.
Not sure how, exactly.
Was it a squeeze bottle? Did she fan it towards the appropriate location?
I don't know.
All we saw was a burst of baby powder come shooting out between her legs.

Now how shall I put this...
One must be delicate, yet descriptive.
Respectful, yet informative.

It looked like she was farting puffy clouds.

I was really hoping to see a rainbow between her knees.

Alas, no such luck.

She finished her ministrations, straightened her skirt and
continued nonchalantly on her way.

Kay and I stood there for a few minutes in shock and mirth.
This was going to be a fun trip!

When we got closer to EE, I saw the wait time was posted as 40 minutes.
Good thing there's a single rider line here!
As we approached, I told Kay what the wait time was and where the
single rider line started.

"Dad." She said. "I came to Disney with you. I don't want to ride by myself.
I want to ride with you!"

Well, I can hardly fault that logic.
"Are you sure? It's a 40 minute wait. Single rider would be just a few."

She was sure.
Line up it is.
Good thing it's not hot.

As we approached the entrance, two things happened.
1. The wait time changed from 40 to 30 minutes. Yay! A reprieve!
2. The CM handed Kay a red card.

A red card, for those who may not know, is a card that Disney uses to
track how long you were in line.
As a matter of fact, some other guest must have just handed in their red card,
which is probably why the wait time changed from 40 to 30 minutes.

And Kay was over the moon thrilled at being chosen.

She took a pic:


And then asked me to take one too:


(Don't let her expression fool you. She's a teen, gotta look cool.
But when the camera was gone, she was gushing about it non-stop.
And why is she not sweating? I was a mess and she still looks beautiful!)

The line wound in and out of buildings,
or as I like to think of it, oasis of air conditioning in a desert of heat.





Anyone who isn't impressed with the theming in this ride cue...
You're dead to me.
No. Don't argue. Just move on.

Thankfully, even when we were outside, they had these fans set up in the trees.
They helped a lot.




I just love the attention to detail.
No matter what direction you look, you'll see something interesting.




Lost expedition? Uh, oh. What are we doing???

Just going on one of Disney's best rides... That's what!
Love EE.
Not my favourite coaster, but it's up there.

Before we got on, Kay asked me where the Yeti was.
I told her where and that I'd point him out when we got there.
She has been on this ride before, when she was eight.
(When she was four, we didn't go on it.)
But she never saw the Yeti.
Admittedly, he's easy to miss if you're not looking for him.

Suffice to say the ride was a blast (as always)
and Kay was super excited to finally see the Yeti.
At least I think she was.
All I heard was "I see him!! I see him!!" :laughing:

Continued Next Post!
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Continued From Previous Post!

After exiting EE, I suggested that if she wanted to ride again,
we could go do the single rider line.
Nope. She still wasn't having any of it.
So off we went.

I had asked Kay what she might like to do in AK beforehand.
One of the few things she wanted to do was pet animals.
Kay loves animals.
She's always asking to go to the pet store
and when we get there, she always tries to convince me
that some critter needs a real home.

The upshot is, that meant a trip up to Rafiki's Planet Watch.
We had done this when she was four...
and she wanted to go again.
Okay! Let's go!


On the way, we paused briefly to watch some monkeys,
spotted an owl out with its handler, some waterfalls,


and some drums.

Now these drums are kinda special.
We had visited these drums when Kay was eight.


After playing with them for a while,
the only thing she wanted was a drum of her own.
We couldn't bring one back with us, due to luggage constraints,
but we did buy one for her for her birthday or Christmas that year.

She didn't keep up with the drumming, but since then she has learned,
or is learning to play, two types of clarinet, the saxophone and the guitar.

So when I spotted the same drums, I asked her to go and pose.


Shortly after, we arrived at the Wildlife Express train station.
I did not record how long we waited.
It wasn't long, however. Less than 5 minutes. Probably 1 or 2.
But... it's a train.
I guess I don't really think of a train ride at Disney as simple transportation.
It's a ride.
Yes it is!
Walt says so!


We boarded the train, waited a few more minutes and then headed out.
It was a nice little trip.
The motion of the train was just fast enough to create a pleasant little breeze.
Did I mention it was hot?
God, how I loved that breeze...

We arrived at Rafiki's and set out for the petting area.

Compare the smile on her face at age 14...


and at age 4.


Pretty similar, don't you think?? :goodvibes

There were quite a few goats and sheep milling about.
At one point, a CM entered a fenced in area and most of the animals
scampered over.


They were pretty disappointed when he didn't feed them right then and there.
They did, however, follow him around until he started to drop food for them.
Then they were happy.
Happier, I suppose.

It's right around then that it happened.
We started to make our way around the periphery of the enclosure,
to see the other animals like this moo-moo cow (technical term,)


when I had to stop dead in my tracks.
I was following a couple of paces behind Kay,
and this goat ambled out between us.
It was quite close to me, actually.
Really close.
So close, that it stopped...
and leaned against my legs.

Uh... okay. Want a scratch there, fella?
<scratch> <scratch>
No movement from the goat.
Maybe a pat?
<pat> <pat>
Um... gotta get going there, big guy.
I gave him a little nudge with my knees.
Nothing. Didn't budge a bit.
I called out to Kay.
"I can't move! I've got a frozen goat here!"
She turned around to see what I was talking about.
Of course she assumed that the goat was simply
standing there for a second and would soon move away.
All the other ones did.


After a few more seconds, she started to laugh.
"Let me take a picture. This is funny."
She took her camera out, turned it on, shot the pic.

Goat still hadn't moved a muscle.
Finally, we decided that we couldn't stay there all day
(did I mention it was hot? No?)
so I backed away from the goat and walked around it.
It still didn't move.
Kay took another pic but unfortunately accidentally deleted it.
But it would've looked like I'd photoshopped myself out of the picture.
That goat still hadn't moved!
We left the immobilized goat and moved on.

We laughed about the frozen goat for the rest of the day.
Indeed, even after the trip.
Heck if you mention it, you might even get a bonus point or two.


We visited a few more outlying animals
before heading inside to get away from the heat for a bit.



Inside, we simply sat for a bit and cooled down.
We were fortunate enough to be present
when a CM was showing people a Lesser Tenrec.
I believe he said it was related to Hedgehogs,
but lived exclusively in Madagascar.


Cute little guy, isn't he?

Kay wants one now.
I told her she could have a hedgehog when she moved out.
In fact, she could have as many animals as she wants.

(Before you say I'm being mean, we already have a dog and two,
count 'em, two guinea pigs. It's enough!)

By now, it was getting later in the day and we had to start
heading out for our dinner ADR.
It wasn't in AK, so it was time to go.


Did I mention it was hot?
We decided that a little cooling snack was in order.
And we both picked something that neither of us had eaten before.

I'm almost ashamed to admit that I've never had one of these.
I mean... it's almost synonymous with Disney snacking, right?


I probably haven't mentioned this, but it was pretty hot.
Which explains why a bite took precedence over a picture.
Hey, it's either that, or I try to convince you that they're Wounded Mickey bars.

Now if I had been on another solo adventure,
I would've eaten as I walked.
But Kay thought otherwise.
She figured it would be nice to sit and enjoy our snacks.
And she was right.
It was a very nice little interlude.
Have I mentioned that she's smarter than her dumb ol' man?

I spotted some stairs leading down and decided to follow them.
It was shaded, so that was good enough for us.


We relaxed and watched the fishies as we munched.
It was a nice little spot.
And we could put our feet up!

Oh. And you people were right.
Those things are good!!

Cool! I screamed.
What? Whoops! Typo.
That should be: cooled and ice creamed...
we left AK and walked over to the bus stop.

We were heading to another park.
We got park hoppers... we're gonna use 'em!

We arrived at the bus stop at 4:14pm.
The bus arrived at... 4:14pm.
We arrived pretty much simultaneously.
We were winding through the loops as the bus pulled up.
We boarded and were shortly on our way to...
Well, let's leave that for next time, shall we?


Disney Transportation Wait Time to date (3 busses): less than 1 minute.

ForeverDance - 105
SnowWhiteOz - 123
DizzneyDi - 148
Thumper_Man - 170
chookie94 - 172
irene_dsc - 175
Terra Nova guy - 204
Saturn23 - 205
ougrad86 - 210
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 221
jandlinz - 222
Tracy161 - 224
Gracefulskinny - 225
orangecats2 - 230
DisneyAndrew - 232
Steppesister - 238
Captain_Oblivious - 240
TGM - 240
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 247
Kiren - 256
Mr. lncredible - 270
afwdwfan - 271
Kiotzu - 273
DonnaBeeGood - 282
Backstage_Gal - 310
queenbetsey - 315
TruLovesKiss - 323
SimplyGoofy - 332
cinderkelly - 345
BibbitybobityLu - 358
Mrs T 2009 - 360
Curiouser&curiouser! - 363
franandaj - 363
Mac Brew - 489
Susan R - 600

Feel free to change your guesses if you wish.
You may do so up to and including the August 25th update.

Bonus question and answer:
Guess who had to make several... lousy... stinking trips...
up and down and up and down and up and down those flippin' stairs?

Anyone who answered pkondz just earned themselves 4 bonus points.
It was free points, people!!

Mac Brew (inferred), ForeverDance, afwdwfan, cinderkelly, chookie94,
Captain_Oblivious, GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes, Gracefulskinny, Susan R, irene_dsc,

Bonus questions, point values and answers from last round.

1. What time does Kay get up?
Answer: 9:30 (6 points. 2 points if within 30 minutes, 1 point if within an hour)
2. The first ride we do becomes one of Kay's favourite rides (top 4).
Answer: Dinosaur (4 points)
3. What common snack do we both try for the first time?
Answer: Mickey Bars. (3 points)
1 bonus point for getting all three correct

You're guesses and points won:
Backstage_Gal - 10:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
DonnaBeeGood - 10:45, EE, Mickey Bar - 3 points
Mac Brew - 9:47 (9:30), EE, Mickey Bar - 6 points (+1 point for the time)
SnowWhiteOz - 8:15, Dinosaur, Popcorn - 4 points
Saturn23 - 9:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
ForeverDance - 8:30, Dinosaur, Frozen Lemonade - 5 points
afwdwfan - 7:45, EE, Churro - 0 points
cinderkelly - 9:55, Dinosaur, Mickey Pretzel - 6 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 8:45, EE, jalapeno stuffed pretzel - 1 point
TGM - 7:00, Prime Evil Hurl, pretzel - 0 points
jandlinz - 9:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
Kiotzu - 10:15, EE, Mickey Bar - 4 points
Steppesister - 10:10, EE, Mickey Bar - 4 points
chookie94 - 9:30, KRR, Churro - 6 points
Captain_Oblivious - 8:30, EE, Churro - 1 point
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 10:00, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
Gracefulskinny - 9:00, EE, Dole Whip - 2 points
queenbetsey - 7:30, EE, Pretzel or Churro - 0 points
MAGICFOR2 - 10:00, EE, Frozen Lemonade - 2 points
Mr. lncredible - 9:00, Dinosaur, Churro - 6 points
Susan R - 9:58, EE, Cream filled pretzel - 2 points
ougrad86 - 9:45, EE, Dole Whip - 2 points
irene_dsc - 10:01, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points (feeling generous)
orangecats2 - 10:30, EE, Frozen Lemonade - 1 point
SimplyGoofy - 9:00, Dinosaur, Pretzel - 6 points
Mrs T 2009 - 9:15, EE, Pretzel - 2 points
Terra Nova guy - 9:45, EE, Churro - 2 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 8:45, EE, Churro - 1 point
TruLovesKiss - 9:30, EE, jalapeno cheese pretzel - 6 points
DisneyAndrew - 9:00, KS, Mickey Bar - 5 points
franandaj - 9:45, EE, Mickey Bar - 5 points
DizzneyDi - 10:29, EE, Mickey Bar - 4 points

Flattery points (aka suck-up points)
Curiouser&curiouser! - Finds me charming. 2 points
jandlinz - Knows what dad are for. 1 point. And for the hug. 1 point
Steppesister - Looks great in her one piece - 4 points
chookie94 - Knows my physique - 3 points
MAGICFOR2 - Thinks I'm awesome - 3 points
SimplyGoofy - I think she wants to be my young wife, (if I'm wrong I'll deduct...) - 2 points.
Terra Nova guy - Lived to tell the tale - 2 points.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - The doctor's in da house - 3 points.
queenbetsey - Knows I'm wise and wonderful - 2 points.
Dentam - Knows a great story when she sees it - 2 points
DisneyAndrew - He's lovin' it - 2 points.
franandaj - Understands the order of the universe - 3 points.

Miscellaneous bonus points
DonnaBeeGood - 2 points for sympathetic falling, 2 points for Carol
cinderkelly - 1 point for sending ET over to fix my finger, 1 point because she's nobody's fool
Steppesister - 2 points for unsolicited, free medical advice, 2 points for asking for points, 1 point for snack choice
chookie94 - 1 point for tilting her head at an angle
Captain_Oblivious - 2 points for planes, trains & autos
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 1 point for the yell
Gracefulskinny - 2 points for the Holy Grail
queenbetsey - 4 points for the grape nehi, 2 points for the award
Susan R - 2 points for trying to cheer me up... although I almost deducted a small point. :rolleyes1
SnowWhiteOz - 2 points for chocolate. Could've been 10 if you'd actually sent some!
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 2 points because I'm her one and only.
jandlinz - 3 points for mooning.
franandaj - 2 points for the mighty Aphrodite. 4 points for sharing.

Points standings:

chookie94 – 18 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes – 18 points
queenbetsey – 18 points
cinderkelly – 15 points
DisneyAndrew – 15 points
ForeverDance – 15 points
Gracefulskinny – 15 points
Mac Brew – 15 points
Steppesister – 15 points
Susan R – 15 points
franandaj - 14 points
DonnaBeeGood – 13 points
jandlinz – 13 points
Captain_Oblivious – 12 points
Mr. lncredible – 12 points
Backstage_Gal – 11 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 – 11 points
TruLovesKiss – 11 points
Afwdwfan – 10 points
irene_dsc - 10 points
SnowWhiteOz – 9 points
DizzneyDi – 8 points
ougrad86 – 8 points
Saturn23 – 8 points
SimplyGoofy - 8 points
MAGICFOR2 – 7 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 6 points
Kiren – 5 points
Mrs T 2009 – 5 points
Kiotzu - 4 points
Terra Nova guy - 4 points
Dentam - 2 points
orangecats2 – 2 points
Tracy161 - 2 points
BibbitybobityLu – 1 point

Still lots of points available in future updates!

Bonus questions, round 3!
What park are we going to? (This should be an easy one... if you've read my last TR.)
Where's our ADR?
We get a new room! Where is it?
(Partial points for Which building, Which side, Which floor (you got a hint on that one)
example 50s, Lake view, 3rd floor)

Good luck!

Last edited:
My answers will have to come in 2 parts, because I need to ponder (possibly research) which park you go to next, and therefore also, which ADR you have.

But I'm guessing you got 50s, pool view, top floor.

You know, they have frozen margaritas, frozen Mickey Bars, (and the FAR superior frozen Minnie bars), and even a new attraction called Frozen. Why not just stick with what works and add Frozen Goat? Seems legit. You were just doing up a soft opening for the new rage.
I'm probably the only one who was actually excited when you said you had two more dinosaur extinction theories. My 6 year old son is a self proclaimed paleontologist so I've done a lot of dino research with him. I can't say I've heard of yours but I like them! T-Rexs wouldn't have been able to take selfies though. Short little arms.

LMAO at the baby powder scenario. Did you get a picture?

What day of the week were you at AK? I have to admit I cringed when I read that you were getting in a 50 minute dinosaur line. It was worth it for the great picture you got though. I haven't seen them use the outdoor portion of Everest since it first opened. I think the worst part of waiting in stand by is seeing all the people entering with FP and cutting in front of you so that you don't really know how long your wait is.

Loved the comparison of Kay's pictures from when she was little, so cute!

I'm too tired to think about the bonus questions now so I'll post later. For now.. FROZEN GOAT!!!!
I zipped down the stairs,
(of course I did. It's my first day at Disney! Energy to spare!)
And skipped over to the food court.
(Don't judge. I was happy, okay?)

So no trudging for you this day then? I’m surprised you didn’t frolic over though – far more fun than skipping

That place was packed!
There were people lined up for everything.
Food, drinks, cashiers, tables.
I really did not regret that I didn't feel like eating.
Two reasons for not wanting to eat.
1. I often am not overly hungry in the mornings. And;
2. I figured I'd be eating a fair bit today anyway
with a (free!) QS and (free!) TS meal.

Another reason- on the whole, the food at Everything Pop is terrible.

I peeled my way through the throng over to the mugs.
Uh, oh. There are different colours to choose from.
I know enough not to pick Kay's colour for her.
If she didn't like it, there'd be no way to return it.
I didn't know enough to know what colour she'd like.
But I did know that she wanted some water, so...
I grabbed a bottle of water for her and a mug (green of course) for me.
I filled it with... something. Probably Coke.
Your choices are a bit limited, but it's free, so...

If in doubt go purple – all girls love purple!

We headed out and arrived at the bus stop at 10:57am.
The bus arrived less than a minute later.
Maybe 45 seconds wait time?
Let's just call it a minute, okay?

The buses at Pop are awesome. I never waited more than 5 or so minutes the entire week I was there.

Now we had to decide what we were going to do first.
My gut was telling me to hop in the single rider line at EE,
but the Disney app was telling me it was
a 15 minute wait for Dinosaur.
Since it's on the way to EE, (well it's on one way) why not?

Yay I got it right!

"But I want to ride this one. I don't care if we have to wait."

So we waited.

Aww bonus dad points for you!

I'm quite convinced that Dinosaurs may have become extinct
by standing in line in the heat until they died.


As we approached the boarding area,
Kay started to get very nervous.
I guess she remembered riding this when she was eight.
I don't remember her saying much about it back then,
but I guess it scared her.
Either that, or her memories of the ride were scaring her.
Either way, she was starting to get pretty worked up.
Now Kay is a very independent girl in some ways.
She is like a lot of teens. Too cool for her parents.
But you'll notice in the shot below, that she's holding my hand.
Still Daddy's little girl.
Melts my heart.

Gorgeous photo – even if the ride itself is terrible.

We just happened to be walking a few paces behind a middle age-ish,
heavy-er set woman.
She was wearing a skirt that fell to just above her knees.

I did mention the heat, right?
You know, the kind of heat that makes you sweat?
The kind of heat that makes you sweat enough
that certain parts of the human anatomy start to chafe?
When you walk?
In an area that's somewhere below your waist and above your knees?

Now you've got the picture!
(And I'm so, so sorry about that.)
As we are walking along, following this woman,
she suddenly stops.
So we stop too.
I mean, there isn't really anything around to look at.
There's no characters or animals or refreshment stands...
So why did she stop?
We don't know. So we stop too, about six feet behind her.

She suddenly bends forward and lifts her skirt up a bit.
No, not that high! Get your minds out of the gutter boys.
I said a bit!

Remember the chafing? So did she.
But she came prepared!
She liberally applied some baby powder to the affected area.
Not sure how, exactly.
Was it a squeeze bottle? Did she fan it towards the appropriate location?
I don't know.
All we saw was a burst of baby powder come shooting out between her legs.

Now how shall I put this...
One must be delicate, yet descriptive.
Respectful, yet informative.

It looked like she was farting puffy clouds.

I’m glad I’m not reading this at work today or everyone would have heard me guffawing. That’s right not just lolling but full on guffawing! I probably wouldn’t have been as restrained as you and Kay though and would have burst out laughing on the spot. :rotfl:

"Dad." She said. "I came to Disney with you. I don't want to ride by myself.
I want to ride with you!"

Well, I can hardly fault that logic.
"Are you sure? It's a 40 minute wait. Single rider would be just a few."

She was sure.

Double extra bonus dad points for you.

As we approached the entrance, two things happened.
1. The wait time changed from 40 to 30 minutes. Yay! A reprieve!
2. The CM handed Kay a red card.

A red card, for those who may not know, is a card that Disney uses to
track how long you were in line.
As a matter of fact, some other guest must have just handed in their red card,
which is probably why the wait time changed from 40 to 30 minutes.

And Kay was over the moon thrilled at being chosen.

Tell Kay I can relate – I love getting the red card – makes me feel super powerful.

Compare the smile on her face at age 14...

and at age 4.

Pretty similar, don't you think??


It's right around then that it happened.
We started to make our way around the periphery of the enclosure,
to see the other animals like this moo-moo cow (technical term,)
when I had to stop dead in my tracks.
I was following a couple of paces behind Kay,
and this goat ambled out between us.
It was quite close to me, actually.
Really close.
So close, that it stopped...
and leaned against my legs.

Uh... okay. Want a scratch there, fella?
<scratch> <scratch>
No movement from the goat.
Maybe a pat?
<pat> <pat>
Um... gotta get going there, big guy.
I gave him a little nudge with my knees.
Nothing. Didn't budge a bit.
I called out to Kay.
"I can't move! I've got a frozen goat here!"
She turned around to see what I was talking about.
Of course she assumed that the goat was simply
standing there for a second and would soon move away.
All the other ones did.


After a few more seconds, she started to laugh.
"Let me take a picture. This is funny."
She took her camera out, turned it on, shot the pic.

Goat still hadn't moved a muscle.
Finally, we decided that we couldn't stay there all day
(did I mention it was hot? No?)
so I backed away from the goat and walked around it.
It still didn't move.
Kay took another pic but unfortunately accidentally deleted it.
But it would've looked like I'd photoshopped myself out of the picture.
That goat still hadn't moved!
We left the immobilized goat and moved on.

We laughed about the frozen goat for the rest of the day.
Indeed, even after the trip.
Heck if you mention it, you might even get a bonus point or two.

I’ll mention it and show you some real ones – how many points is that worth?



Oh. And you people were right.
Those things are good!!

I’m one of those people who didn’t enjoy it. Give me a Dole Whip anyday.

Miscellaneous bonus points
SnowWhiteOz - 2 points for chocolate. Could've been 10 if you'd actually sent some!

I wasn’t sure on the Candian postal and quarantine service. I thought if I sent a package solely addressed to Pkondz containing animals I might get in trouble :scared1:

Bonus questions, round 3!
What park are we going to? (This should be an easy one... if you've read my last TR.)
Where's our ADR?
We get a new room! Where is it?
(Partial points for Which building, Which side, Which floor (you got a hint on that one)
example 50s, Lake view, 3rd floor)

1. Epcot (because Japan is your favourite) but it could also be Magic Kindgom (for the Haunted Mansion and Ariel) – this is tough :confused3 – I’ll stick with Epcot
2. Via Napoli (because that would be an awesome use of free dining!)
3. I’m guessing you get the room that I left the night before – 50’s building (#2), semi lake view (i.e you can see it from the walkway outside the door) and top floor (2426 I believe?)


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