calling all claustrophobics

My mom had to excuse herself from the Drew Cary sound show, not closed in but totally dark. She wouldn't go on bugs life, Spaceship Earth, TOT, Space mountain...actually tons more but she's a trooper. She waits outside holding everyone's stuff when they go and never complains.
Same thing for me, but how wonderful to know I am NOT the only one!! :cool1: My DH doesn't understand it so he's always like "Come on, you'll be okay", yeah, right before I knock you out trying to find a way out!! :rotfl:
bavaria said:
The queue area of Great Movie Ride - will only ride immediately after park opening, have had to try and get out of that twisty line before, and that was not fun! (excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me..... etc!)

That one does it to me every time. I always thought I was the only one. I do fine everywhere far at least.
I dont do "elevators and the queue for bodywars just about did me in. I always ask in the resorts for a room where I dont have to us an elevator. Silly for some but I reallly dont like them.
Hello...I'm not completely claustrophobic, but I have moments of panic...mainly in the heat. I hated going to the parks in June because the heat and crowds just made things a bit uncomfortable for me. If I get hot in a crowd, I will kinda panic. Lucky for me, my wonderful husband knows this, so I just crowd up by him to give me more space from everyone else...makes it more bearable somehow.

My only real problem at WDW was Mission Space. I made it okay, but only because they pump COLD air on your face.
the over the shoulder harnesses at old alien encounter bothered me
I puffed myself up really tall so the bar could not come down real far & then I relaxed so the shoulder thing wasn't tight against me

I have a thing with bars and such that come down by themselves. I try to stop them before they get to tight. I think hunnypots were same way.
I also have had some pretty bad episodes on the busses when they are really crowded. I find if I get a window seat & stare out the window I can get by ok. I also always carry a small, very quiet fan with me to keep the air flowing when I have trouble breathing. I always try to get a seat not too far from the aisle for the shows at WDW. I know the best viewing is in the center of the theatres, but my wife is very understanding of my problem!
Badger Bruce, I went thru the same thing last april in magic kingdom for mickey's philharmonic (sp)

I wanted to let others go by so that I could be by the aisle and my hubby who is not as understanding made me go to the middle I felt a panic attack coming on and I did not enjoy the show (in fact I shut my eyes thru most of it) because I felt overwhelmed by the crowds , started with the can't get my air thing etc,
I would have been fine if I could have held out and sat in the aisle like I wanted to. It just ruined the show for me. My hubby says why do you keep wanting to come here if you can't take the crowds, but I can if he would let me just sit where the heck I want to sit it would be a little better for me.


I cannot fly because of the same feeling, it is a shame. But I get where I feel like I am suffocating and clammy.
I start to panic when those harness things come over my shoulders too. I have to breathe deeply and look somewhere else. I did MS once, but don't think I'll ever do it again. No problems on the other rides.

As a side note (a little off the subject) I had a MAJOR panic attack at a hospital in January. I had been in a car accident and was strapped down to one of those back boards. I started feeling like I couldn't breathe and tried to move my head. IT WAS STRAPPED DOWN TO THE BOARD AT MY FOREHEAD!! I then realized that I had a neck brace on and couldn't move my head AT ALL. There was a strap around my chest, waist, thighs, and ankles. I didn't have a nurse button or ANYTHING. I thought I was going to DIE! I started crying and that made me hypervenilate. Someone came in (I couldn't see them) and I told them I was having trouble breathing. The only thing I could see on the wall above me was a clock and the ceiling tiles. NO one came in for over 1/2 an hour. I don't know HOW I survived!!! NEVER AGAIN!!! Next time I'll be screaming like a mad woman and they can throw me in the psych ward!!! :crazy:

I really have a hard time with elevators, but if no one is in them and I make sure I have my bottle of water (I seem to get like my throat is closing up and dry) I may try them only if I am going over 8 floors, anything lower I will walk.

Also this might sound weird but I get a little panicky when I put my arm in the cuff of those drugstore bloodpressure machines and they go so tight, I am always thinking what if the machine broke or the hydro went out (blackout like a couple of summers ago) and my arm is stuck in the sleeve. lol.coast.

I used to be able to take the monorail, but one time we were sitting on the seat as were others across from us, which was fine, but the doors opened and a bunch of people pushed in with strollers, standing room only at this point, and I felt the panic attack starting, I can't figure it out, I was okay when we were all sitting but somehow the crowded condition just did me in.
So I am thinking we spent all the money on a monorail resort and I don't enjoy the monorail if it is crowded. I often wonder if councelling with a psychologist would help.

Wow Joshsmom that would have been a horrible experience. But I guess screaming would be the thing to do to get some help.

I had a cast on my foot up to my knee one of those heavy plaster ones and I got a blister on the back of my foot, I felt like I had claustrophobia on my leg and foot cause it hurt like heck and I could not get to it, I hated that. I even got it cut off at one point cause my foot was bruised and swelled , but had to go back and get it put back on a little looser.

my first bout of claustophobia kicked in on that seven leagues under the sea or whatever it was called ride... it's now gone, thank goodness. I couldn't wait to get out of that ride!!! None of the other rides at WDW really bother me or maybe I've avoided the claustophobic ones and not even realized it.

My daughter loves to put her arms around me and hold me tight so I can't move, she's such a lovely jerk sometimes!!! :rotfl: I can do crowds as long as no one is "right" in front of me, as long as I can see and no one is right on top of me, I'm fine... I threatened to throw up on one guy who decided standing right in front of me was his best place to see the fireworks. :confused3
so glad we're not alone! hope we all feel better for sharing - I know that I do, knowing that I am not the only one.....
Have I got one for you. I was in the waiting area for muppets 3-d 10 yrs ago I always get up against the wall with my husband in front of me he acts like a line backer to keep people out of my space. Oh yeah did I mention I am only 5 feet tall. So everyone is taller than me except most little kids. Well here is where the panic lies. There was this lovely little one that escaped from his parents and was flying below my husbands radar. This litte one was getting a great thrill getting between me and my wall.Which is where I keep my back so no one can get too close. At first I moved to let the little one go by thinking he would let me be or at least be caught by his parents. Well this did not happen instead the little guy decided to hide behind me. while he is behind me I am movin out of his way and the father gets between me and the child no mind you there is about 6 inches between me and the wall. I am in instant panic my husband feels me pushing against him wondering what I am doing. I then begin to state a little louder than I should have "Would someone please take care of their rowdy child!" I was never so ready to get out of a room I all of my life. I thought my husband was going to have to fight. So I am with you on being just a little hypersensitive in the right circumstance. Now my husband and I laugh about it but at the time I was crying. :crazy: :crazy:
Hi: Just wondering is there anyone else who has trouble on the monorail with anxiety or claustophobia.

I feel alot better knowing I am not alone also reading about others with this same problem.

My problems started believe it or not now I am dating myself at menopause. I seem to have more anxiety and a closed in feeling over things that never would bother me before.

cottontail said:
Hi: Just wondering is there anyone else who has trouble on the monorail with anxiety or claustophobia.

I feel alot better knowing I am not alone also reading about others with this same problem.

My problems started believe it or not now I am dating myself at menopause. I seem to have more anxiety and a closed in feeling over things that never would bother me before.


Same here. Never had a problem in my life until then.
I have a bit of a problem on the monorail. Just make sure I get a seat and that helps a bit. I really get anxious though when it stops to wait on other monorails. I just sit and breathe and my kids laugh! :guilty:
My mom had a panic attack in the elevator at Disney Quest. Luckily we were the only people in there. She kept screaming, when is this over, open the door. It's only a 45 "ride". But it was the LONGEST 45 seconds of her life!


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