calling all claustrophobics

Well, I sure can't blame menopause! Mine started with some health problems I had about 12 years ago (age 40). I don't ever recall having the claustrophobic episodes before that. I remember going on the submarine ride several times & enjoying it. Just thinking about it now makes me nervous! Thank you to everyone who's shared--it is nice to no I'm not the only one.
I posted the "Dorky Question about Spaceship Earth" thread-- I'm not SUPER claustrophobic (I'm OK in elevators, for instance), but certain things set me off, like total darkness.

I also get claustrophobic with turtlenecks! I have one that doens't bother me at all, I guess it's pretty loose, but if I wear the average turtleneck, I tug at the neck all day long and start feeling like I can't breathe!

Re: MRIs--I had an MRI last summer after my dr. told me there was a 20% chance I had a brain tumor!! (Happily, I did not.) He gave me 10 mg of Valium--5 mg to take 20 minutes before, and 5 mg to take as I walked in the room for the MRI. The MRI folks were very accomodating (apparently a lot of people have to take Valium for MRIs) and told me exactly when to take the doses.

Also, when the tech who operated the MRI heard I was claustrophopic, he put a little mirror device in front of my eyes that reflected the area in front of the MRI machine where my DH was standing. So it was like a little window. It was very reassuring to have that.

However, once the MRI started, I kept my eyes closed the entire time (the way I do when I inadvertantly end up on totally-dark WDW rides :flower: ) and spent the entire 45 minutes walking through Epcot, going on rides, browsing around the World Showcase, having a drink at the Rose and Crown, etc. At least, my mind walked through Epcot while my body was stuck in the MRI machine!
Hi: I am the same when the monorail just sits still, I often wonder if we would be able to get out of the car if we needed to, so I look at the windows and try and figure out if they would open in an emergency. Then I think how silly am I.

I guess I get thinking about the power blackout on the eastern seaboard united states and canada ours was 22 hours without power, then I plan my emergency exit to get out of an electric monorail. How far can I jump to the ground. lol

My kids were thrilled to point out to me that some windows say to pull out in case of emergencies. So guess you could get out if there was a need. Just my luck though the thing always stops in high places or over water so figure that might be worse then staying in and waiting! I really find it worse when a lot of people are on it and my brain says it could tip. (not true but hey who uses logic when you are panicked?) I have found that I like the ferry ride over much better and it is usually less crowded. :blush:
ladydancer said:
Maybe we don't have the "open" machines as my doctor said "You wouldn't be a candidate for an MRI" because of your problem. So assuming she would have known if they were available. I will ask of course.

I had the closed MRI this past summer (left arm went numb, admitted to the hospital, I have a nerve that is being pressed on in my neck-not severe according to 3 Dr's), but regardless....the MRI was horrible.

I kept my eyes TIGHTLY shut, not just closed. I am a smoker, so my "treat" was to get through this- was I could step out and smoke before the ambulance came back to get me to return me to the hospital (yes, I know a "horrible" treat) but I get it over with.

Maybe a bribe to yourself might work, it did for me.

As for Disney, HM waiting in the "lobby" was the worse, a few made me "think" I might panic, but for some reason I didn't. The next closet was the Living Seas at Epcot.
I remember my first 'adult' visit to DL - my friend and I paid $3 to ride in the front car from the DL hotel and back (no park ticket required, but no exit into the park). We were sooooooooo scared and it was hot inside and I got panicky. I am usually ok at WDW on the monorail, but the much shorter ride at DL gets to me. The station platform is usually packed and the cars very hot - I have backed out last minute several times.

I worked at a Worlds Fair when younger, escorting VIPs (heads of state, movie stars, etc) around the site. Part of the day usually included a monorail ride - I would load my VIPs into the train, run back down, race along the back road, and try and catch up to them at the next station. (In heels and a suit!) Luckily, my coworkers knew about my problem, and would usually be around to meet my guests until I arrived, or even to ride with them.

Thanks again for sharing all of this - it makes me feel better, and hopefully all of you, to know that we are not alone!
Hi: Being hot in any type of enclosed room or car will make me get a migraine within one min. That seems to make enclosed things worse I guess cause you feel like you cannot breathe properly.

I really want to try the test track, but I am afraid of being stuck in the hot room and getting sick and ruining my day or a couple of days depending on my migraine. I hear of test track being down and that instantly turns me off but I wonder how long you would have to sit there.

Hey BadgerBruce:

This is just a joke but there is a male form of menopause called andropause, it starts in the 40's, I keep joking my hubby about it, but of course he deny's that he could have it and he is 52. lol

I also think back of the things that I could do before with no panic or breathing problems and just cringe at doing some of those now, and just wonder why this happens.

Like OP said I could never ride the water flumes that are enclosed. I think about what if 1 person stops and then everyone else stops how would we get out? Even thinking about it freaks me out.
I don't even consider myself a hard case claustrophobic. I can handle elevators and airplanes. But the last time I was on Tower of Terror I almost lost it. Just as the elevator doors were closing a scream was coming out of me I stopped it at my throat. I was almost in a sheer panic. Needless to say that was the last time I rode on ToT and that was 8 yrs ago. We've been back about 25 times and I will sit on those wooden benches or in the basement for my family. LOL what a chicken I am and proud of it.

Just wondering, when put in a situation that brings on a panic like attack, do other people need to keep drinking water, or is it just me. I feel like my throat is closing up and thank god I have my water bottle with me to sip.

Oh yes, air on in the car! I usually keep my moon roof open all year round and hate driving a car without one - even the closed one where I can see the sky is better than none at all!

I have ridden Test Track 100's of times no problem, also got stuck in the hot room. At least it was better than being stuck in the cold room!

But we all get set off by different things........
ladydancer said:
My doctor wants me to go in for an MRI. That scares me a little but I'm hoping I can do it!

I wasn't claustrophobic much (except for the thought of climbing in caves that had close walls) before I had an MRI. I was in the tube for 2 hours. I'm claustrophobic now. Felt too much like a coffin.
Hey Bavaria: When you get stuck in the hot room do they eventually turn down the heat?

Midnight: I don't know how you did that for two hours, to me that is so frightning, I would have to be put to sleep first.

Cottontail, I'm very heat intolerant (we have annual passes but can't go to WDW from April through September due to my problem with heat--I even collapsed last year in Epcot on a beautiful, breezy 80-degree March day and had to be brought by wheelchair to the First Aid Center!) and I was nervous about the hot room, but it wasn't bad at all. It's very brief.

If I got stuck in the hot room, I wouldn't hesitate to get out of the car and walk out!
cottontail said:
Midnight: I don't know how you did that for two hours, to me that is so frightning, I would have to be put to sleep first.

I don't think they would have been able to put me to sleep because I was 5 months pregnant at the time with my first child. I didn't even know what an MRI was before I had it. By the time I found out ... too late!
I don't recall them turning off the HOT or the COLD in Test Track when we got stuck...

I have to tell you all though that last week I rode a glass elevator several times during the week up 50 floors to teach a class!!! WOOO!! I was so proud of myself, but it was really really scary.

I don't think that 'it's all in your head', especially since there are common themes here. (I too used to suffer from migraines 2x a week since age seven, but they are almost non-existent now) One small step does make me feel better most times.

Now having said that, last week on the plane I ended up in a middle seat 2nd row from the front in Economy Plus, and almost ran up and down the aisle like Marge Simpson ('let me off the plane, let me off the plane!!!') I took extra pills and hunched forward for most of the trip. The man next to me looked a little worried, but nobody would switch an aisle with me. (I recall a Delta flight were the flight attendant INSISTED that someone switch with me, and went up and down the aisle until she found a kind person to switch my near the back aisle with a near the front aisle)
Didn't mean to put anyone off by saying that they didn't turn off the 'hot'. We weren't stuck that long. Test Track has never set me off, except maybe the seatbelts, but you do get quite a bit of time to do them up. The building is very open inside and even sitting in the back seat I am ok.
Hello Bavaria

If a person was stuck in the hot room for a l0 or l5 min frame, can you get out of the car and walk out of the attraction. Is there a safe area to walk onto, or would you just have to sit and try and bear it. Just wondering. I really would like to try this attraction, but when I see it is down again, it kind of gets the panic button going inside me.

20,000 leagues under the sea use to do me in! Hated the feeling of being closed in there..... also the sinking room in the haunted mansion.....creepy!
I'm so glad I'm not the only weirdo out there! I absolutely love roller coasters, but have had to give up many because of the strap-em-down technique they use now. I cannot tolerate those harness things! Also, I avoided HM for years because I was convinced I couldn't handle the shrinking room. When I finally worked up the courage to ride it, I loved it!! Go figure.


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