Bitterness of the Non-Diser


DIS Veteran
Sep 10, 2011
This is partly to vent, but partly to see if anyone else has similar stories to share (we all need to let off some steam sometimes).

We know someone who is extremely jealous of our trips to WDW - we realize we are very lucky to go three years in a row and stay in the hotels we stay in, but we also know the value of a dollar (we saved for five years straight and that paid for our first two trips).

So when it started getting around that we were going back to the World this year, we heard that she replied with the snarky response of, "How do they get to do that? Oh wait, Daddy must be footing the bill."

Daddy being my FIL. A little backstory: my FiL is a wonderful and generous man (helped us pay a big chunk of medical bills when we were first married and helped us out by renting us a house in our first few years of marriage). We have been insanely blessed in the supportive father department (on both sides), but hearing this, I nearly snapped.

No, "Daddy" is most certainly not paying for it - other than owning the business where my husband works 50 hours a week and thus providing him a paycheck. Even when he traveled with us to WDW last year, he didn't foot the bill. We paid our own way and they bought us a couple of meals when we all ate together (one of which was our anniversary meal) and they bought our kids a souvenir or two.

This year will be the first year we haven't saved and saved for a Disney vacation, but with careful planning and budgeting, we'll have the trip paid off before we leave. We're not extravagant, the only "vices" we have is that we both like to read, so we buy a lot of books. There are definitely worse things we could be spending money on!

I have no plans to confront this person, she's very bitter because she resents a lot in life (I could go into detail, but I won't) and she feels like she would have to pay the way for a huge extended-family trip if they were to go to WDW, so I don't see what the point would be in saying that we are only paying for a family of 4. If it wasn't her ranting about this subject, it would be something else, so I just leave her be.

So that's my vent. Anyone else want to join me? I will be happy to commiserate with anyone who needs it. :goodvibes
While my first instinct would be that you should put this bitty in her place, tell her that it's not your problem that her no-count family can't deliver themselves to disney on their own, but that you're proud of what your family has done with and without the help of DFIL, and this trip was paid for without...

That's probably not the best way to deal with this. It sounds like this person would likely carp on whatever situation she can glom on to. I kind of get a kick out of people like this. It's really interesting to hear how they try to make up for their own shortcomings by minimizing the accomplishments of others.

So I guess, if they lady was saying hurtful things about my kids or fam, I'd have to tell her what I thought of that. But if she's just letting jealousy get the best of her, I say let her make herself look like the south end of a north-bound horse. I'm sure that most people know her for who she is and take her with a grain of salt.
Lol! My instinct is the same, Marty, but since it's nothing about my kids specifically, I can bite my tongue. If it's not this, it's the cars we drive (Fords) or the house we live in (in a fantastic neighborhood, but not the high-class area of town, that's for sure!). She's just one of those people. Her kids are all in their 30s, so they can well afford to take themselves and their families to Disney (they all have great jobs) but I guess it's more fun to harp on about other people going vs. actually planning and saving for a trip themselves.
Ignore people like that. My best friend growing up let jealousy ruin our friendship. She couldn't handle me marrying a guy with some money. It's best to leave people like that behind and not let them bring you down. ;)
OP, you don't owe anyone any financial justifications! And it's not your fault that the sniper's life is apparently so boring that they have to live vicariously through you! ;)
Say yep, sure is, then make an off color implication that if she wants the same treatment, she should play the game. Give her a wink, and laugh about it while you enjoy your dole whip.


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