Bibiddi Bobiddi Boutique...princessy fun or pageant-y creepy?

Sometimes cutesy but sometimes they go overboard and it looks stupid
The BBB is pure fun! My DD has gone four times and neither of those did I think it was creepy. Mine even got to see the Fairy Godmother (the real deal) right after she had her session at the BBB! She got compliments wherever she went and we never got any disapproving looks. Then again, if someone had said something negative I don't hesitate to say, "Mind your own business".

I don't like pageants at all (just my personal preference) but I had no issues taking my daughter the BBB. She has fun and I have fun watching the priceless expression of joy on her face. The BBB gives me hives but I'm a Pixie at heart--not a Princess. ;)
It's a matter of preference, just like everything else in this world! Don't focus too much on it and those who want to do it will and those who don't, won't. It is a fabulous experience for little girls and that is exactly how they are treated at BBB! It is not teaching them to "perform" like a paegent, it is just a way for them to feel extra special in an extra special place!

One of the differences between the BBB and playing dress up with Mother's clothes (and makeup) is that the dress up is done in the privacy of one's home.

The children clearly are living out a fantasy, and that really is what Disney is about. I do not think the clothing, makeup or hair tightly pulled on top of the child's head is particularly comfortable in the heat. The hair can't be comfortable at all. It's easy to do, so that is the style the BBB selected. It's not a princess hairstyle though.

The make up can be too much. I saw a three (?) year old over the weekend and she was made up for the stage. Clearly not something done at BBB, but given her shash, and hairdo, she'd been there. Someone else must have had the heavy hand with the makeup.

All in all it's not a huge issue for me. I'd not offer the exerience to any girl in my family, but if they asked, I'm not certain I'd feel comfortable refusing.

I would encourage them to have one of the cotton dresses though, or at least those that aren't 100% polyester with crinoline. I'd provide flat shoes (albeit pretty ones) over the plastic heels. That's just unhealthy.

I do often wonder why there isn't something comparable for little boys. What message is being sent? Girls are special, but boys aren't? Not sure I like that implicaton too much.

Couldn't be too hard to come up with a Prince Boutique or Pirate one. :confused3
I don't think it's "creepy". The make-up is really just part of the experience of playing dress up. I think there's two different make-up phases, the dress up, princess make-up phase and the high school, trying to look grown up/sexy make-up phase. My DD13 was huge into that about until she was six, then it went away and really hasn't come back. This isn't Disney's first thing with it anyway, after all isn't face paint make-up too?
DD went in Dec 06, when she was 3. She loved every second of it. They never went heavy on her make up, just a light eye shadow and a bit of gloss. She never complained about the hair, and has had me redo the hairdo quite a few times over the past year! She will be doing it again this upcomming October. I do agree that they seem to be going heavier on the make up lately though. This past weekend I did notice quite a few girls with very heavy make up, it just seemed a bit too much. Like pp's said, each to his own...I am sure it makes a lot of little girls dreams come true! (as well as giving a few headaches to some!~from the tight hairdo's~)
My vote is creepy!

Dd (6.5yo) did just fine wearing her princess (and Minnie) dresses to various character meals w/o doing BBB beforehand.

If it was just hair/nails I would consider it but the makeup is inappropriate for the target age group IMO.

I didn't tell dd about it before we went but there were a lot of ads on buses as well as on the disneyworld channels on tv. We talked about it a bit but she wasn't overly interested.

We did see a lot of the girls walking around the parks. It is weird that they are ALL done up exactly the same way. One evening at the GF I ran into a young girl with her grandmother in the ladies room. They were wrapping her feet in cold paper towels to try and reduce the swelling. The poor kid's feet were bright red and swollen from her princess shoes. The grandmother was going off on the ridiculousness of wearing them all day in the parks!

Dd wore her Cindy dress w/ her pink Minnie crocs that night to dinner at 1900 Park Fare!

Dd and I are going to WDW in July for her birthday...I gave her a choice of doing BBB or another kid's pirate cruise...she picked the pirate cruise!
We did the Pirates and Princess party last weekend and we took DD4 to BBB and she LOVED it. I have a writeup about it on my website with a short movie of her getting made up. She had the most awesome time getting made up and I think the pics came out beautiful.
We did the Pirates and Princess party last weekend and we took DD4 to BBB and she LOVED it. I have a writeup about it on my website with a short movie of her getting made up. She had the most awesome time getting made up and I think the pics came out beautiful.

Your little princess looks adorable! Some are posting how tight their hair looks when pulled back. I would bet part of that look is products.
Yes, it is gel and spray to get that look. My DD4 has very long hair for her age so that whole bun is all her. The lady's jaw dropped when she turned her around and saw how much hair she had.
Well you guys did good at something. You solved the delima of weather or not to take my Aspie DD10 to BBB. If the hair dos hurt she will turn hostile on the hair person so I will not be taking her. You saved me a good bit of money. Thanks guys. You rock.
I do often wonder why there isn't something comparable for little boys. What message is being sent? Girls are special, but boys aren't? Not sure I like that implicaton too much.

Couldn't be too hard to come up with a Prince Boutique or Pirate one. :confused3

There is a boy BBB deal. It is glittery spiked hair. However I do not know if it is the same price as the low level girl package or what. Considering they get more than hair in theirs, it should be cheaper.
Well you guys did good at something. You solved the delima of weather or not to take my Aspie DD10 to BBB. If the hair dos hurt she will turn hostile on the hair person so I will not be taking her. You saved me a good bit of money. Thanks guys. You rock.

Hair dos hurt??:confused3
I wonder whose fantasy it really is...the parent or the child? Not casting judgement, just posing a question. During our Christmas trip we saw many, many...(oh, think of all that money the Mouse was raking in) little girls who had experienced BBB. It seemed to us that the make up in almost all cases was applied with a trowel and for that reason we vote with the "creepy" crowd. Sure little girls love to play "dress up" but how about letting them do it at home for free and not putting them on display?
See I don't think it is creepy but honestly it is one of those things DD6 will not be doing on our trip. Trust me she would say she would want to but the hair thing- she hates it when I tie her hair up for dance, I can't imagine her letting someone else do it.

My DD6 does Comp Dance. She auditioned at her studio and made the team, the make up they wear on stage (and the costumes) make me freak but she is happy, works hard, and understands that makeup in for Recital and Comp. Only. She doesn't own lipgloss and doesn't even have her ears pierced yet. Sometimes I feel mean, every other little girl in dance has their ears pierced and most of them walk around with purses with lipgloss and several have highlights put in but in the end that isn't okay in our home. If that makes me a mean mom so be it.

When we were there Saturday, it was a mad house. Our appt was for 4:50 but they were so backed up it was around 5:30 before we went back. They sat her in the chair and DD4 is very shy, but it only took her a moment to catch on. There was one lady behind her doing hair while another was in front doing lips, eyes, blush, and fingernails. Being the dad I'm sure I'm biased, but I don't think they over did the makeup at all. Now I did see other kids in the park that looked like clowns but they also give you the rest of the makeup that they used on you, so I would wonder if these kids used some of it. They used so little on my DD4 that I basically have full bottles of everything. A kids with these bottles and not much attention from a parent could easily go crazy with it. I also happen to think that there are some kids that just don't look like princesses and attempts shouldn't be made to make them look like one. Matter of the fact, the Snow White that was there Saturday was pretty scary looking herself and this was "professionally" applied makeup I'm assuming. You be the judge, but I'm imagining this to be closer to Raggedy Ann looking than a Princess.
I wish it was not as made up as it is. My girls are not into the hair or make up but I think they would like parts of it.
It's just fun really. The kids aren't being paraded around and judged. Who doesn't like to dress up? As to the earlier comment about giving the boys pirate tattoos, haven't you ever seen temporary ones? Kids love those! That's all the BBB is really, a temporary thing. The kids aren't being done up like this all the time. Saying it's creep is like saying dressing up for Halloween with all the trimmings is creepy!


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