Andreu Disney First EVER Pre Trip Report(Dec 2008)

I'm waiting to hear about the drama from last year!:rotfl: I followed you over from another TR and enjoy the sisterhood that you share. My oldest DD and youngest DD are 8 years apart and do not get along. I'm hoping that one day they can be like the two of you.
Just so you know, you're not the only family that has drama while at Disney. The first time we took our DD9, she was almost 5, our oldest two fought the ENTIRE time. This would've been their 3rd trip and our youngest's first. It was so upsetting because DH and I were so excited to see our little ones face and had spent all of this money to have a nice vacation and they completely ruined it! The next trip was better, so hopefully you have better success than your last trip. :thumbsup2

Tarah: Hello and thanks for the comment. Me and Breanna are five years apart. We were VERY close when we were little. We played POKEMON for hours! Then we went through a period where we didnt talk anymore and argued all the time.. But I guess since we are both older now we can actually have a conversation and laugh. :hug:

breanna: heyy. =] yeah me and tarah are pretty close now. haha. we have to stick together :banana: i'm sure your kids will get closer when they get older... me and tarah couldnt stand being in a room together a while back, but now we laugh all the time.:hug: =) i remember once we went to disney world and we fought a LOT and we couldnt stand each other so much we wouldnt even sit by each other in family pictures or anything or ride rides toegther. :confused3 but now we are close as crap. :) :woohoo:
I WANT TO GO TO DISNEY!!!! RIGHT NOW! I dont want to wait another month.... I am going crazy! I need my disney fix. :rotfl2:< thats me throwing a fit... Not laughing
Hey girls. :D Sorry it took so long to sub in...lots going on in this house as we get ready for our trip.

It'd be cool to see ya'll there and say hello. I'll have my LGMH on my stroller. :D
Hi Tarah and Breanna! I finally got over here and boy, am I glad I did! You guys are too cute and I love the way you are writing this report!

When you said you were going in Dec., I didn't realize it was for Christmas! LUCKY!!!! I still say, someday, I'm going to bite the bullet, face the crowds and book a trip during Christmas - I think it would be so magical!

A few comments on what I've read so far:
- great ADRs! You will love LeCellier. We go every year - and it's one of our faves!
- Primetime Cafe is a blast. And, don't worry about Atticus; the staff usually picks on the adults; and they're pretty good about feeling you out - if anyone seems uncomfortable, they will leave you alone.

And, Breanna - you HAVE to give ToyStory Mania a chance! It is soooo much fun! While it's not a rollercoaster, it does whip you around and it's very frenzied. Some people are under the assumption it's like the Buzz Lightyear ride - which it's not! So much better! So suck it up and give it a try!;) :laughing:

Can't wait to read more!
Include me in on this PTR how could I sounds as if it will be a trip in itself.
Having two sisters of my own and two brothers I can just imagine all the trouble you all could cause in a place like Disney:rotfl2: BTW I am the middle child, having said that I don't need to mention that I am TROUBLE. :confused3 So this sounds as if it'll be right up my alley.
I think it would be wonderful to have the whole family celebrate at Disney but unfortunately my family is so large and with everyone working we can't seem to take vacation time at the same time.:sad1:

I totally love Atticus he is adorable especially while eating that over priced ice cream.

Looking forward to reading more.
hey everyone!
tarah will be home soon and then we will reply to all your comments. =]
thank you all!
Hey girls. :D Sorry it took so long to sub in...lots going on in this house as we get ready for our trip.

It'd be cool to see ya'll there and say hello. I'll have my LGMH on my stroller. :D

breanna: well thank ya fer joining =] :D hope you keep reading. and yeah!! haa. if you see us say hellllo! :goodvibes :cool1:

Tarah: I think I am gonna try to find a lime green scarf and put in on our stroller.... would that kinda be the same??? anyway thanks for reading! I hope you stay tuned!!
Hi Tarah and Breanna! I finally got over here and boy, am I glad I did! You guys are too cute and I love the way you are writing this report!

When you said you were going in Dec., I didn't realize it was for Christmas! LUCKY!!!! I still say, someday, I'm going to bite the bullet, face the crowds and book a trip during Christmas - I think it would be so magical!

A few comments on what I've read so far:
- great ADRs! You will love LeCellier. We go every year - and it's one of our faves!
- Primetime Cafe is a blast. And, don't worry about Atticus; the staff usually picks on the adults; and they're pretty good about feeling you out - if anyone seems uncomfortable, they will leave you alone.

And, Breanna - you HAVE to give ToyStory Mania a chance! It is soooo much fun! While it's not a rollercoaster, it does whip you around and it's very frenzied. Some people are under the assumption it's like the Buzz Lightyear ride - which it's not! So much better! So suck it up and give it a try!;) :laughing:

Can't wait to read more!

breanna: you should, it is sooo pretty during christmas! ehh... i'll ride it but i dont promise that i will like it. :D haha hopefully it'll be good. hopefully

Tarah: Hello! I know! I have told Nanna that I have heard really cool things about Toy Story Mania. I cant wait to ride it!!! And yes, you HAVE to go for Christmas. It is sooooo nice!:love: :santa:
Include me in on this PTR how could I sounds as if it will be a trip in itself.
Having two sisters of my own and two brothers I can just imagine all the trouble you all could cause in a place like Disney:rotfl2: BTW I am the middle child, having said that I don't need to mention that I am TROUBLE. :confused3 So this sounds as if it'll be right up my alley.
I think it would be wonderful to have the whole family celebrate at Disney but unfortunately my family is so large and with everyone working we can't seem to take vacation time at the same time.:sad1:

I totally love Atticus he is adorable especially while eating that over priced ice cream.

Looking forward to reading more.

Tarah: Hello! Thanks for commenting! I am the middle child too!! I used to be a lot of trouble (Hint: havin a kid at 17) but I guess I am kinda better now. Thank you for saying Atticus is adorable. That is very nice of you. Keep readin!!!!:cutie:
Hiya! This is a cool idea for PTR! And Atticus is adorable. Definately.

Tarah: Thanks! I hope you keep reading!

breanna: =] thanks. and i hope you come back and read some more.! :cool1:
and thanks! i think he is adorable too!! haha
breanna: in this post we are gonna be talking more about our last trip to disney :mickeyjum i just got a really good idea. haha. me and tarah are going to be asking each other questions and answering them =] yayya. i am awesome. okay here we go. :thumbsup2

breanna: what was your favorite restraunt? and why?
tarah: I LOVED the Coral Reef:love: . I thought everything about it was awesome (besides the steak). I loved the dessert-i got the jack daniels mousse thing.

Tarah: What was your favorite form of transportation at WDW?
breanna: umm.. i didnt like any of the transportation. the boat was freezing. but it was pretty. the monorail atticus was crying the whole time. i just liked being there, not getting there. =]:rolleyes:

breanna: hmm... if you had to pick one ride you'd never be able to ride again what would it be?
Tarah: ITS A SMALL WORLD:headache: . our family has apparently made it a tradition to ride that ride first and last thing... the only thing that made it ok for me last year was that it was atticus' first time being on there....

Tarah: What did you like the most about Downtown Disney?
breanna: i like the fact that it was the first place i ever saw pins and i was like... wha????! :eek:
=] and i liked that big lego dragon thing. it was coool.

breanna: what was your least favorite thing about last year's trip?
Tarah: I hated the crowds on Christmas day.. and i HATED sci fi diner:snooty: ... I wanted to kill someone the whole time we were there.. everything about that place sucked in my opinion. Plus Atticus was a brat:mad: ....

Tarah: Are you looking forward to riding Toy Story Mania?
breanna: NO. that's gonna be retarted. i like fast rollercoasters that make you puke up blood :rolleyes1 . =] not slow rides. haha

breanna: what is one thing you are NOT looking forward to on this trip?
Tarah: SOME certain people bringing the group down.... the LOOOONG drive there.... The LOOONG drive back....Long lines...

Tarah: What one character do you want to get a picture with?
breanna: peter pan. =] my favorite movie and character. =] yyapppy.:woohoo:

Tarah: So anyway.. Last year, and the year before that, we stayed at Fort Wilderness Campground. We all loved it and wanted to stay there again this year. But, we would have had to get two cabins and it would have been WAY to much money for each of us to come up with:sad1: . So, we got the cheapo option and are now staying at ALL STAR MOVIES. Three rooms. We have never stayed here before so if anyone wants to let us know some positve things about it go ahead.
One good thing I have heard is that there are people there that you can trade pins with 24/7. Does anyone know if this is true:confused: ?

breanna: anyywayyy, after all tarah's talking i'm sure you're more than a little bored ;-] haha jk.:maleficen so... here's who is all staying in a room together:

Room numero uno:


-Breanna (on an air matress):goofy:

-Bryan Sr.

Room numero dos

-Uncle Joe

Room numero tres


breanna: as you can plainly see, i got the best deal. =/ well, i dont care. haha. i just hate sharing a room with so many people. it bothers me. but its good that i am sleeping by myself because i move a lot in my sleep.:sad2: =] and also i might wet the bed. hahahahah ahh... wow. :scared1:

Ya'll are going to have so much fun!!!
Its us!

hallo! it's been awhile since we've actually written about our last trip, so we decided we wanted to get started.:thumbsup2 (Also, let me just say that there is only TWENTY TWO days:hourglass until we leave!!!:yay: ) I didn't realize how close it was until I was talking to myself last night on the toilet.I was thinking about how I might try to beat this video game called kingdom hearts before we leave... but then i realized that i dont have enough time!!!!
AHHH! :mickeyjum
Okay, anyway, let's get started.
We work at the flea market on weekends, and last year we left on december 23 after the flea market closed. marmee and dad surprised us with gifts!! daddy gave us each 100 dollars, and marmee gave us a crap load of lottery tickets!! =] we were so happy!(btw, i was the only one who won 25 bucks on one of their tickets.)pirate:
Here was our seating arrangement (we rented a van):



Dad (driving)

Here's how the drive went:

First-second hours:
Atticus is being a good boy and watching a movie on the dvd player.
Tarah, Phillip, Me, and Bryan scratched all our lottery tickets and just talked excitedly.

Third-fourth hours:
Dad stops to let us use the bathroom and get some snacks. Bryan gets stanky beef jerkey <---- the smell didn't go away for like... two hours.
I get a Monster. Tarah gets a coke and some chips and poses with them in a lot of pictures. haha atticus fell asleep at some point in this time frame.
In the fourth hour I was in a bad mood. Bryan was playing a game and he turned the volume up loud!!! while I was trying to read. I asked him politely to turn it down:rolleyes1 but he wouldnt and we got in an argument. :sad1:

Fifth-Sixth hours:
Tarah gets on my nerves because she starts singing out loud while listening to her ipod. (she was singing because we were in atlanta and she loves it there) anyway, she kept singing even though i told her to stop so i got mad at her. atticus wakes up and started crying because he is sick of sitting in his car seat. we decide that we're sick of sitting in the car too, so we stop at Mcdonalds. =] me and atticus play the WHOLE TIME :upsidedow in the playground thing while everyone eats. it was really fun because i was sick of sitting down! ::yes::

i'll let tarah type some now. :D

Tarah: Hello!:) Breanna has summed up the ride down pretty good. I was glad that we stopped when we did because Atticus was freakin out... And the playground in that Mcdonalds was awesome:woohoo: ! I HATED when Bryan opened up the beef jerkey.... it was like he waited untill the smell went away and then he opened it again:sad2: .... While Atticus was sleepin we all watched Dane Cook. We LOVE him. He is sooo funny and it made the time go by pretty fast. The next few hours were pretty uneventful.... Phillip fell asleep at one point like he ALWAYS does..
breanna: i always say i'm going to fall asleep but i never do. even if i could i dont think i would...:simba:

Tarah:Then at around two in the morning dad decides that we need to stop. Our mom NEVER drives when we go to Disney.. I think she offers but Dad just doesnt want her to?? Anyway, he wanted to stop because most of us had been up since seven that morning because we all had to work at the Flea Market (Family Business- my dad owns a tackle shop) so he was pretty tired. We drive around to find a hotel (Howard Johnson). We got two rooms. Phillip, me, breanna, and Atticus shared a room. Mom, dad, and Bryan stayed next door. Me, Phillip, and Atticus passed out. Here is what happened to Nanna while we were sleeping:
well, i was laying there trying to sleep. i couldnt because i was too excited. anyway, all the sudden i heard someone say, "hey!!" it was an african american female, at least that's what i thought from her voice dialect. ;)
then i heard: THUMP!! right on our wall!!! i was like.. "Tarah? Tarah?" she asked if i was okay and she asked if i wanted her to lay with me. i was like.. yeah. haha anyway, phillip got up too and we saw police men and EVERYTHING! it was crazayyyy.

Tarah:Yes. This night was pretty interesting. We found out later that someone was trying to steal things out of a transfer truck. So, me, phillip, and breanna got NO sleep:surfweb: ...
So, enough of that night...... The next day we got up and drove to FORT WILDERNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer2:

Cont. in the next post
You guys are going to have the best trip! I bet your are so excited because it's so close!!!

I am going to Le Cellier for the first time in February, so let me know how that one goes! I also love the Coral Reef, too!
breanna: okay, well as we've mentioned before, we are disney-trading-pin-maniacs.
so, of course, we gotta make a whole post soley dedicated to our disney pins!!
Here's mine:


And here are mine!


AND Since we are such PIN FREAKS (and because we were bored..) We put them into categories!





Evil People:


The Other Originals:

Winnie the Pooh Characters:



Toy Story:

Random "Left Overs":

Atticus HATES when we look at our pins because he is NOT ALLOWED to touch them:

Well... We hope that keeps you busy for a while!!!!
Ha!Ha - LOVE the pins girls! Now do you put them on lanyards and get involved in trading?

Sorry I've been MIA - my computer got infected with a virus; was without it for a whole week!:scared1: Just catching up on all I've missed. You guys are doing a great job with your report. I can't believe your trip is so close!


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