Andreu Disney First EVER Pre Trip Report(Dec 2008)


Disney Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Tarah: Hello and welcome to our trip report! I say OUR because me and my sister are going to be writing this together.

Breanna: Wassup?? =] We're both writing this pre-trip report together so we are gonna show who's talking by typing either breanna: or tarah:
=] yay. okay, so we're leaving for disney on Decemeber 21 and we'll be back on December 26. :santa: I guess we should start by introducing all the lucky ladies and gents that are going :D We'll start with me and Tarah, since we're the people writing this. :dancer:

Tarah (20)-:laundy: :angel:

breanna: okay, i love tarah to death. haha. she is hilarious and she is my favorite family member. we have become very close over the last couple of months and i know we're gonna have so much fun this year. i think of tarah as an over achiever. one thing everyone should know about her is she tries her best and she does stuff for people even if she doesn't have to. she is the best mom, sister, and daughter in my opinion. she takes care of a two year old with only a little help, does her college work, goes to work, cleans the house, and still finds time to help me out and laugh at my dumb jokes. =] i love her like a fat kid loves cake.

Breanna(14) :banana:

tarah: What can I say about this girl? she is hilarious. we can have the most random conversation about anything and laugh about it for months... im serious. No one gets us...... She shares my crazy obsession with pins. She is also the one person that helps the out the most with Atticus (when Phillip's not here)... Even though I am sure we are gonna argue a lot this trip she is still gonna be my number one ride buddy ;-) Unless she flatulates....(spelled?) Which she does..... A LOT.... Uncontrollably.

Atticus (tarah's child)- (2) :worship:

breanna: atticus is prolly the best one of our whole "group" besides me =]. He is mean to me a lot. he calls me a "dook head" and a "poop face" even though that's kind of my fault because i call everyone that. haha. now i'm calling him "corn leg" so he'll stop calling random people poop faces. the thing about atticus is, if he's not happy, no one's happy. that's the darn truth :D

tarah: pretty much the smartest kid i ever met. i know all people say that about their kids but i really mean it. he is a genuis. he loves all disney movies. definately a thrill seeker. I really hope is as good as he was last year.

Phillip (tarah's baby daddy/boyfriend)- (20) :hippie:

breanna: umm, not much to say. haha jk. he is nice to me, except we kind of have to fight for tarah's affection!! =( haha. not really. she'd pick me over him any day =/ he is kind of funny but i dont get all of his jokes. i feel bad for him sometimes. i would not wanna be poop faced tarah's lover =]

tarah: we've been together since we were sixteen. dad to atticus. didnt seem to like disney last year, but he swears he is excited about this year's trip.He almost didnt get to go this year beacuse of work but now he can and me and Atticus are very happy.

Bryan(our brother) (23):mad:

breanna: one thing everyone should know about bryan before they meet him is he gets mad easy. he can be extremely nice or extremely crappy. there is no inbetweens with him. he is kind of corny. haha =] he has a little kid on the inside of him even though he tries to act all grown up. :D p.s. he is a momma's boy!!

tarah: he was pretty mean to me last year and ended up making me cry while waiting for a bus back to the resort(more on that later...he did apologize). he is pretty good at starting drama so i'm pretty sure there will be a lot of stories about him in our trip report.also, he eats beef jerky in the car so i'm glad i'm not riding with him. (breanna: i am... thanks for reminding me tarah =/) also, he is mom's favorite kid

gramma (dad's momma)- (65):headache:

breanna: hmm. what to say about this foxy young lady?? :D she is hilarious. she takes her teeth out and eats crunchy chips. it's wonderful =] she tells stories all the time and she used to make me walk on her back when i was little. i always thought i was gonna break her in half because she weighs like six pounds. not kidding. =) she is one of the weirdest family members but i love her. she complains a lot though and is stubborn as crap!!!!!! she can be rude too. she is going to make this disney trip extremely interesting...good or bad?? no clue yet. hoping good, thinking bad.

tarah: DEBBIE DOWNER!! (thats for all you saturday night live fans) (breanna: dorkkkk!!) she doesn't want to hear anything about disney! (ie- i send a countdown to everyone thats going about every two weeks) I know that deep down she is really excited... She just has to pretend she isn't. I dont know why... But she does..

uncle joe (daddy's brother) (45)-:rolleyes:

breanna: i love this man. =] he is a whiner though. believe me, if you ever play a game of golf with this man you will regret he is funny though... except if he tells a joke and you laugh at it, he will tell that same joke everytime he sees you because he doesnt believe that jokes get old. =/ i'm looking forward to riding Expedition Everest with him. it will be ha ha hilarious. also mom gets mad at him because he'll get on our computer and change all of mom's stuff. it cracks me up!!! he has a santa clause belly, he shakes it like a bowl full of jelly :D

tarah- very nice person. he drives a truck so we dont get to see him that much but when we do he is fun. he is pretty excited about disney cause he hasnt been in ten years. he is gonna ride behind me on space mountain, my second favorite ride. (breanna: and in front of me :D)

Bryan(Our dad) (40)-:thumbsup2

breanna: i dont really see this man much. haha. but he can be the funniest person or the meanest person. he's a really good salesman. haha :D we get in fights a lot because both of us dont like to admit we're wrong and we are both hard headed. we have a lot of different views on things and believe me, there have been a bunch of crazy fights. i love playing playstation football with him when we go to clarksville, except he's a sore loser!!!=] my least favorite thing about him is when you'll be talking to him on the phone talking a crap load and he'll be like.. uh huh... okay?? he wasnt even listening!!! ugggh! haha. =/

tarah: awesome person. i love this man. he is THE FUNNIEST PERSON I KNOW. he is a very generous person and last year gave everyone a hundred dollars to spend at disney on top of paying for the whole trip. however, get on his bad side and you're going to regret it. he has a very bad temper. i'm sure you're going to see that a lot on our trip report.

Carrie(Our Mom) (41)-:laughing:

Tarah:Her favorite movies are Monsters Inc., The Incredibles, and Pinocchio.. I love her! Her food is AMAZING!! She is pretty funny and says some pretty random things.. She is my # 1 shopping buddy. She can always find the best deals.

Breanna- umm, well let's see. we didnt really ride a lot of rides together last year... and she made fun of me for almost crying on tower of terror... i wasn't afraid of the ride!!! i was afraid of those ghosts they show!:guilty: haha. anyway,,, i bet she is looking forward to not cooking everynight.

Ryhan (Bryan's friend) (23)

breanna: we dont know too much about him since he is bryan's friend and bryan doesnt live near us. but he took a trip up to florida with us and he is perttty funny. =] me and him rode this ride together.. it was this thing that flings you highhhh into the air and flips you around. it was terrifying but awesome. me and him and phillip were the only ones who would do it. everyone else are babies!! =] but yeah he's pertty cool. :rotfl:

tarah:Breanna pretty much summed it up... We dont know him but he seems nice I guess.... He will be hangin out with Bryan the whole trip I'm sure..


In the next post: -Pics from last trip
-Stories from last trip
-How this trip came to be
- ADRs
-FUN FACTS! (about us
Tarah:Hello! My sister is asleep right now so I figured I would go ahead and start writing our dinner reservations. I am very excited about the places we are going to eat this year!

Monday December 22nd
Chef Mickey's
(Contemporary Resort)

Tuesday December 23rd
-Coral Reef

Wednesday December 24th
La Cellier Steakhouse

Thursday December 25th
50s Prime Time Cafe
(MGM) (yes, I still call it that)

Now, all of these restausants (except Coral Reef) are new to us. We had Coral Reef last year and EVERYONE loved it:cloud9: ! We are a crab leg eatin family (Breanna: except me, i hate crab legs. it takes too long to eat them and it hurts my fingers.) and the ones they had there were SO GOOD! I didnt really like the steak though... I thought it was just.... Blah. (Breanna: I agree. It was nasty. but i really liked their was sooo good.) Phillip said it was good though. I LOVED their Jack Daniels dessert thing:love: !! That was amazing! We were seated kinda far away from the tank.. Well, very far... Like, right when you walk in the room.. We were the first table on the right. It wasnt bad though.. I figured Atticus would freak out because he wanted to be close to the fish but he didn't... I hope he is just as good this year. I might reguest a tank seat.... Can you request it when you get there and just wait till one gets open?
Anyway.. I know we are all going to love Chef Mickeys and I am so glad we are going there on our first day. We have never been to a character dinner. I am nervous about how Atticus will react though. I am sure he will be scared..
I have heard SO MANY good things about La Cellier and I am SO EXCITED we get to eat here! All the guys in our group LOVE steak and I know they are going to be very happy with this restaurant.
I am the one that booked Prime Time because I have read so many good things about it on the Dis.:) I am nervous about how Atticus will react to the Waitress.... He is very much a mamas boy and freaks out a little bit when other women talk to him. Its crazy....:confused:
well, thats all of our reservations.... You can share your input if ya want! MORE LATER!!

breanna: sorry i slept a really long time. anyway, i really wanted to eat at a chinese restaraunt this year because that's my favorite thing to eat. i'm sad that we're not. but i'm most excited about Chef Mickeys because i love buffets. =] i'm excited because we hardly got to take pictures with any characters last year. and we had a signature book for atticus and we only got two. and that was woody and jesse. hopefully we'll get a lot more this year. and the thing i am most excited about is pin trading. i have 58 right now. =] i can't wait to trade a lot and get more!! i'm addicted. tarah is too! she has 45! last year we didn't know about pin trading until like... the last day. so this year we're gonna be trading like psychos!! =) :p

anyway, thanks for reading, hope everyone keeps reading. woooot! =]
Great start girls!!! I'm coming along for what is promising to be a really fun ride!!

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::

Great start girls!!! I'm coming along for what is promising to be a really fun ride!!

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::


Tarah: Hello! Thanks a lot! We are really excited about writing this and glad that you like it so far!

Breanna: thank ya so much. i like you TR a lot, so i am very glad you like ours!! :p check back up soon, there'll be a lot more!! :banana:
Hey girls! I just got a chance to read through the report and you guys are so much fun! I love how close you are, me and my brother are the same way. Atticus is such a cutie! I love his name too. Your whole family seems like a ton of fun; you're all in for a crazy trip. I can't wait for more!
Wow.. I am in for this one. How can I not be with such a wild cast of characters!

Tarah: Hello! And welcome to our Pre trip report! I am so glad you are gonna read! You are gonna love our family! They are quite interesting.

breanna: thank you so much! there is a lot more to come, i am glad we have another person interested. :lovestruc just stop by because we will be updating! :mickeyjum
Hey girls! I just got a chance to read through the report and you guys are so much fun! I love how close you are, me and my brother are the same way. Atticus is such a cutie! I love his name too. Your whole family seems like a ton of fun; you're all in for a crazy trip. I can't wait for more!

Tarah: HELLO!! Thank you for reading:) !! Yeah, we are pretty close! thank you! i think Atticus is a cutie too!:love: My mom picked his name out from To Kill a Mockingbird. :flower3:

breanna: thank you! and he is a cute, isn't he?? :cutie: (proud aunt, haha) thanks for reading, i hope you read more when we update! :thanks:
Hi Tarah and Breanna!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!:goodvibes
okay, guys. we gotta get off for tonight because our parents wanna watch a a movie and they say we're being to loud because we were so excited about ya'lls comments! :rotfl: :rolleyes1
thanks so much for everyone who has read or commented!:woohoo:
we will be definately updating tomorrow, so look back then!!


Tarah: Goodnight, guys!:grouphug:
Tarah: HELLO!! Thank you for reading:) !! Yeah, we are pretty close! thank you! i think Atticus is a cutie too!:love: My mom picked his name out from To Kill a Mockingbird. :flower3:

breanna: thank you! and he is a cute, isn't he?? :cutie: (proud aunt, haha) thanks for reading, i hope you read more when we update! :thanks:

I thought that was where his name probably came from, I love it. It's so unique. :goodvibes
I thought that was where his name probably came from, I love it. It's so unique. :goodvibes

breanna: well thank ya! =] always happy to brag on meh dear nephew's name. haha. ;)

Tarah: Yeah, I love it now but I really hated it at first. I was like who would ever name their kid that?! But, it grew on me :)
breanna: 'ello, it's us again ;)


breanna: hmm, well there's a lot of things i liked about the last trip, but my favorite would have to be when me and tarah discovered the magic of disney pins!! :mickeyjum also, i loved how it was decorated for Christmas.:santa: it was really freakin' pretty! i also loved seeing atticus at disney for the first time. he had so much fun!! =] i am hoping that this time will be even better than last time. it will prolly be a lot more hectic with so many people though!:confused3 i'm going to try to make this trip last longer and be have less arguments and less angry pictures. :scared1:

Tarah: Hello everyone!!! What was my favorite thing about Disney last year?? Definately discovering pins! And seeing Atticus see all that for the first time was cool. But I think this year will be better for him because we have gotten him so excited about it! He says he wants to ride Dumbo and Peter Pan. I dont think he remembers them but since I have talked about them so much he knows what to say. Another thing that was amazing last year was the TOWER OF TERROR! We rode it so many times during extra magic hours at MGM. I think like five times in a row, untill they closed at 2 A.M.

Anyway, here are some pictures from last year:

At a pit stop on the way to Fort Wilderness!

In the car on the way there:


Animal Kingdom

Tarah: This park is definately not my favorite. Especially since we didnt get to ride the Safari ride.... But Everest did make it a little better

breanna: sorry bout covering up half the sign with my monkey arms :p and i also look pregnant in this picture. i do not know why i look so extremely fat in this picture. please ignore the fatness. =] thank ya shoogs. anyway,
i LOVED Everest so Animal Kingdom was a lot better last year. =] i dont like the safari ride so it didnt bother me that we didnt ride it. haha


Mom and Atticus on Tricera Top Spin

Tarah: My mom rode this with Atticus because we (me, Breanna, Phillip, and Bryan) were riding Dinosaur! (which was awesome) I heard he was a major brat so Im kinda glad :)

breanna: i dont really know what to type since i didnt ride this ride. haha. all i know is mom said atticus beat the crap outta her on this ride and cried the whole time. so i didnt miss anything good. =]

Mickey Icecream:

Tarah: I love this picture but I can't believe how expensive these nasty icecreams are!!

breanna: haha he is so cute. =] but everytime i look at these pictures i wanna throw up my own pelvis. haha. that ice cream was nasty. it was expensive and right when we bought it it melted and it was hot and all over the place and sticky. blegh!!! =/

I love the fake happiness!!

tarah: I am gonna try to make this a tradition to take a picture with him every year.
Sorry but this is all for today... I am VERY tired... MORE TOMORROW!!!:surfweb:
breanna: wasssup?? we asked some questions to the people who were available. haha. some people weren't able to answer the questions right now so we will post theirs later.

ride: rock n' roll rollercoaster and mission to mars
character: mr.incredible
part about last year: the whole family got to spend time together at the same time.
what are you hoping for this year: no arguments

ride: tower of terror and expedition everest
character: peter pan or jack skellington or ursula or scar... or.. i dunno. i like everyone!
part about last year: trading pins with tarah
what are you hoping for this year: hmm... overall i just wanna laugh and have fun like last time =]

ride: space ship earth and expedition everest
character: jiminy cricket
part about last year: going home (hahaha he laughs loud) magic hours was
what are you: world peace. haha no arguments.

Ride: Tower of Terror
Character: Dumbo and Stitch
Part about last year: Trading pins with Breanna and riding all the rides with Atticus
What are you hoping for this year?: Just a good time.... Some drama but not a long lines!!

Ride: tower of terror
Character:chesire cat
Part about last year: first time riding tower of terror
What are you hoping for this year?: no drama

Ride: Spaceship Earth, Expedition Everest, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (even though its not there anymore)
Character: Stitch and Jack Skellington
Favorite part about last year: Epcot- The World Showcases
Looking forward to this year: Going to the World showcases and drinking and eating
breanna: in this post we are gonna be talking more about our last trip to disney :mickeyjum i just got a really good idea. haha. me and tarah are going to be asking each other questions and answering them =] yayya. i am awesome. okay here we go. :thumbsup2

breanna: what was your favorite restraunt? and why?
tarah: I LOVED the Coral Reef:love: . I thought everything about it was awesome (besides the steak). I loved the dessert-i got the jack daniels mousse thing.

Tarah: What was your favorite form of transportation at WDW?
breanna: umm.. i didnt like any of the transportation. the boat was freezing. but it was pretty. the monorail atticus was crying the whole time. i just liked being there, not getting there. =]:rolleyes:

breanna: hmm... if you had to pick one ride you'd never be able to ride again what would it be?
Tarah: ITS A SMALL WORLD:headache: . our family has apparently made it a tradition to ride that ride first and last thing... the only thing that made it ok for me last year was that it was atticus' first time being on there....

Tarah: What did you like the most about Downtown Disney?
breanna: i like the fact that it was the first place i ever saw pins and i was like... wha????! :eek:
=] and i liked that big lego dragon thing. it was coool.

breanna: what was your least favorite thing about last year's trip?
Tarah: I hated the crowds on Christmas day.. and i HATED sci fi diner:snooty: ... I wanted to kill someone the whole time we were there.. everything about that place sucked in my opinion. Plus Atticus was a brat:mad: ....

Tarah: Are you looking forward to riding Toy Story Mania?
breanna: NO. that's gonna be retarted. i like fast rollercoasters that make you puke up blood :rolleyes1 . =] not slow rides. haha

breanna: what is one thing you are NOT looking forward to on this trip?
Tarah: SOME certain people bringing the group down.... the LOOOONG drive there.... The LOOONG drive back....Long lines...

Tarah: What one character do you want to get a picture with?
breanna: peter pan. =] my favorite movie and character. =] yyapppy.:woohoo:

Tarah: So anyway.. Last year, and the year before that, we stayed at Fort Wilderness Campground. We all loved it and wanted to stay there again this year. But, we would have had to get two cabins and it would have been WAY to much money for each of us to come up with:sad1: . So, we got the cheapo option and are now staying at ALL STAR MOVIES. Three rooms. We have never stayed here before so if anyone wants to let us know some positve things about it go ahead.
One good thing I have heard is that there are people there that you can trade pins with 24/7. Does anyone know if this is true:confused: ?

breanna: anyywayyy, after all tarah's talking i'm sure you're more than a little bored ;-] haha jk.:maleficen so... here's who is all staying in a room together:

Room numero uno:


-Breanna (on an air matress):goofy:

-Bryan Sr.

Room numero dos

-Uncle Joe

Room numero tres


breanna: as you can plainly see, i got the best deal. =/ well, i dont care. haha. i just hate sharing a room with so many people. it bothers me. but its good that i am sleeping by myself because i move a lot in my sleep.:sad2: =] and also i might wet the bed. hahahahah ahh... wow. :scared1:
I'm waiting to hear about the drama from last year!:rotfl: I followed you over from another TR and enjoy the sisterhood that you share. My oldest DD and youngest DD are 8 years apart and do not get along. I'm hoping that one day they can be like the two of you.
Just so you know, you're not the only family that has drama while at Disney. The first time we took our DD9, she was almost 5, our oldest two fought the ENTIRE time. This would've been their 3rd trip and our youngest's first. It was so upsetting because DH and I were so excited to see our little ones face and had spent all of this money to have a nice vacation and they completely ruined it! The next trip was better, so hopefully you have better success than your last trip. :thumbsup2


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