An AP Virgin Eats the World - 10/21-10/31 with PICS! ***Completed on 1/31***

I had this exact same problem...and I have ridiculously small wrists, too! I spent the whole time thinking I'd stupidly not noticed they offered different sizes, and had gotten the child's size small, or something. :confused3
I'm glad it wasn't just me!

That's too bad about WCC. I've looked at the menu a few times, but nothing has ever really jumped out at me. I'm not in any rush to get over there to eat.
Yeah, I wouldn't make it a top pick anytime in the near future if I were you.

Loving these! Can't wait to read the rest!

Have to agree on WCC. I thought it was awful (as was the service) and my DH got sick on the ribs/chicken (and we know it was that as I was so disgusted with all of the other food, that I never touched the ribs/chicken).
We had great service - probably helped that we didn't have any menu options except for drinks and even those were limited and we were there on a tour - but the rest was not impressive.
The creme brulee didn't satisfy my sweet tooth and so late that night I moseyed over to Everything Pop for some ice cream. My downfall was definitely the long wait I had in line. I saw what everyone else was ordering and kept changing my mind over and over again. I ended up getting a Brownie Sundae with Butter Pecan, Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookies and Cream ice creams. I had them add whip cream and sprinkles because, well, why not?


It was delicious...much better than creme brulee :rotfl2:
Today's breakfast was pretty boring, but it did the job of filling me up until lunch and really, that's all that matters, right?

I got a bagel and cream cheese and a side of breakfast potatoes.


The bagel was almost a tragic experience when it got caught in the toaster! We have the same type of toasters at work, the conveyor belt kind, and there is a bagel massacre almost every day. They get stuck in the back of the toaster, right at the point where the bagel is supposed to fall out and then burn to a crisp. On this morning, my bagel got stuck...but thankfully it did NOT burn. A nice CM came to my rescue and saved my bagel from certain death.

The potatoes were potatoes. I like that they are the little square kind rather than the actual potato kind that they serve at some other resorts. for some reason I like my potatoes a little on the fake side. Although, once you drown them in ketchup and syrup like I do it's all the same.
I hadn't eaten since breakfast so when my ADR time for Sci-Fi rolled around at 1:40 I was starving. I checked in a little bit early but I ended up being seated right around my ADR time anyway. They were turning away a LOT of walk-ups telling them they could try coming back later or show up really early for dinner. I wondered how many of those people were on the dining plan and had no clue they had to make reservations.

I was seated right near the door in the back of a car. When I got in the car I was the only one in it. Not too much later a family of four was seated in front of me. I didn't have the experience that many report of being introduced as the hitch hiker. In fact, my waiter did a pretty mediocre job in general.

It may have been my mistake, but since this was my first meal using Tables in Wonderland I wasn't sure about the rules. I told him up front that I'd be using the card. I'm not sure if that changed his attitude, I don't think it did, but it certainly didn't help. He did seem relieved that I wasn't on the dining plan though.

I ordered two drinks - a sprite and a Marcia's Martian Milkshake. The Marcia's Martian is chocolate and vanilla milkshake mixed with Bailey's and Kahlua. The milkshake came with a glow cube but I put it in my sprite instead. Now my cat plays with it.



For an appetizer I ordered the Onion Rings followed by the Reuben for my entree. The onion rings came so quickly I couldn't believe it. I don't know how the guy even had time to put my order in. It was clear that they sell enough of these to keep them in the fryer at all times. They were hot and cripsy though, didn't taste at all like they were sitting around under a heat lamp.


I had about 2 minutes alone with my onion rings when my Reuben was brought out - not cool. I would have liked to have had time to enjoy the onion rings. Not only that, but the little tables you sit at are small. I was back there alone and had trouble organizing everything on my spot not to mention the fact that it was so dark in there that I couldn't see what I was eating.


There was too much sauerkraut on the sandwich and not enough Thousand Island dressing for my liking. I ate what I could but didn't finish it and barely touched the fries - after all, I still had a plate full of onion rings.

My waiter came by to push dessert at me, but since I already had a milkshake I decided to pass. He gave me the check where I got my first taste of the TiW included tip. He didn't mention that the tip was included, which I didn't mind because as the cardholder it is my responsibility to know that, but they put the slip on the top that you are supposed to sign and it just shows the total and then a line for the tip. If you aren't familiar with the way TiW works, you wouldn't know that you didn't have to tip extra unless you wanted to. This guy definitely did not receive an extra tip.

Unfortunately, I left Sci-Fi pretty disappointed and I doubt that I will return.
Who doesn't love vodka? I lurrrrv it, so this was a natural choice for me when selecting my F&W events. I actually met up with a fellow DISer - Connie - for this event. She had booked a bunch of events for her and her friend and when her friend could no longer join her on the trip, I graciously stepped in to help her use that extra ticket on two of the events :thumbsup2

We got in line for the event a few minutes early although there wasn't much of a line to speak of. They had long tables set up for everyone and unlike the culinary demos they were directing people to seats.

I can't remember if Pam Smith did the introductions, I'm pretty sure she did, but nevertheless, Trish Linden was the presenter. She was from the Chopin Vodka company. Chopin is a super premium potato based vodka - and it is delicious.


The vodka samples were on the tables and waiting for us when we were seated, but I resisted the urge and waited until Trish told us to take a sip. She gave some background on Chopin and then on vodka in general. There was some interesting information that I did not know before hand.


The first sample was a Rye Vodka, then the Chopin and finally a Strawberry Balsamic Martini.

We were first asked to take a sip of the rye vodka to see what we could taste. She suggested there would be hints of white pepper and vanilla. I could taste the white pepper, but not so much the vanilla. I figure this had to be a store brand vodka as it was pretty harsh.

Then we took a sip of the Chopin Vodka. WOW! It didn't smell harsh like a cheap vodka does and it was very creamy and didn't burn your lips. Instead, there was a very slight burn that lingered in the back of my throat. It was definitely a sipping vodka if that's what you like. You could taste things like Green Apple which Trish said comes from the soil.

Finally, we had the martini.


It was really really good. I am a fan of sweet drinks and this was right up my alley. It wasn't too sweet though. The balsamic really cut the sweetness without masking the strawberry flavor. You could distinctly taste the two flavors but they blended together very well. I plan to make this at home. Trish was kind enough to give us the recipe.


For my first F&W event, this was a winner. I will definitely make a point to try and go to some of the other spirit seminars in coming years. I'm not a wine drinker so it's nice that they have alternatives for us liquorholics.
I'm glad you liked the vodka seminar - we enjoyed ours, too. That strawberry balsamic martini was terrific!

We were supposed to go on the 23rd to the same one you did but ended up switching it to the day before because we knew we were going to run out of time to pack to leave otherwise - we had to leave obscenely early Saturday morning to catch our flight home. We also missed a mini-DISmeet because of that. In the long run it was probbaly for the best ... I've been sick off and on since coming home on the 24th and would have felt twice as bad if I'd passed it along to a fellow DISer.
I'm so glad thatI was able to change my Sci-Fi ADR to a Brown Derby ADR. It doesn't sound like a great meal at all.
I'm glad you liked the vodka seminar - we enjoyed ours, too. That strawberry balsamic martini was terrific!

We were supposed to go on the 23rd to the same one you did but ended up switching it to the day before because we knew we were going to run out of time to pack to leave otherwise - we had to leave obscenely early Saturday morning to catch our flight home. We also missed a mini-DISmeet because of that. In the long run it was probbaly for the best ... I've been sick off and on since coming home on the 24th and would have felt twice as bad if I'd passed it along to a fellow DISer.
No worries - I'm glad you still got a chance to do the seminar. I wonder if I caught the same cold you did anyway...I too have been sick on and off since about the 26th - mostly on, it's getting really old. I was finally starting to feel better last Monday and by Friday I was feeling awful again.

I'm so glad thatI was able to change my Sci-Fi ADR to a Brown Derby ADR. It doesn't sound like a great meal at all.
Yeah, I won't be back!
Before leaving DHS for the day I decided that I needed a drink. I had drank so much Sprite already on this trip that I needed something else. On my way out of the park I passed a bunch of people with some frozen goodness and I decided that I needed one. Turns out it was the Frozen Lemonade from Anaheim Produce.


It hit the spot and quenched my thirst despite the fact that it was especially tart.

An amusing anecdote while I was waiting in line - the two guys in front of me were Australian I think, could have been British and they ordered a soft pretzel. They had no idea what it was, even asked the lady what it was made of. I didn't stick around to see if they would like it, but I didn't realize pretzels weren't a common food around the world or at least in English speaking countries.
I had seriously considered skipping dinner on this night, but at about 9:00 I decided I was too hungry to wait until morning. I thought briefly about ordering pizza but didn't think I would be that hungry so I hoofed it to Everything Pop assuming it would be pretty empty in there.

Surprise, surprise, the place was packed!

I went to the pizza/pasta line where it seemed like everybody else was too. I ordered the Chicken Penne Alfredo. I didn't get my food right away because I had to wait for a breadstick. The lady helping me was nice though and served me first once the breadsticks were ready. It was nice to not get a cold plate of food.


What can I say about this? I shouldn't have ordered it. The chicken was way too thick. From the pictures it looked like a thin breaded cutlet but it ended up being a rather thick breast. The pasta was okay, but there was barely enough sauce. That would have been okay with me if it was marinara, but since it was alfredo I wanted my pasta to be drowning in sauce! The breadstick was pretty good although it was kind of flavorless. Maybe if I had some extra alfredo to dip it in it would have been okay...

I also got the tie dye cheesecake. Not because I wanted it or needed it, but because I felt obligated to. I knew this would be my last chance to have it and it was a Pop right of passage. It was pretty good - I am a big fan of red velvet cake. It was more than I wanted or needed though.


I should have listened to my instincts instead of my stomach and skipped dinner that night. I spent most of the night and into the morning feeling pretty awful.
Still feeling rather ill from the Chicken Penne Alfredo the night before I elected to have a boring old blueberry muffin for breakfast. It was not too bad, but it was really just a regular muffin.

By about 11:00 I was feeling much better so I elected to have an early lunch at my favorite place - Flame Tree BBQ.

I was disappointed to see that the Beef Sandwich was taken off the menu, that was my favorite. I had to settle for a Pork Sandwich although it wasn't too far to settle. It took a while to get through the line, soooo many people on the dining plan! A family behind me had a girl, maybe 7 or 8 who wasn't happy with the kids choices. And her mother wasn't too happy with the fact that she wasn't happy. She basically told the kid that she could pick between a hot dog and a drumstick and if she didn't like it, she didn't eat. Hopefully the girl chose wisely and actually got to have a lunch!

Even though it took a while to get through the ordering line, my food came rather quickly. I got a Pork Sandwich and substituted coleslaw for beans. I love the flavor and smell of the beans, but I can't get past the texture so coleslaw it is!


I went to BBQ sauce up my sandwich and get some napkins and utensils when I noticed they had moved the sauce station! I asked a CM where it was and she pointed me to the closest one rather than informing me that they were now located at all the seating areas. I was happy to see this change. The sauce/utensil station got really crowded and it was difficult to manage a tray full of food and drinks while trying to be quick and getting all your stuff. The other change I noticed was that they got rid of the other BBQ sauce - there used to be a spicy one and a regular and now there is only regular.

I made it to my favorite location - the one down by the water with a perfect view of Everest.


The sandwich was good, not too different from every other time I have had it. The coleslaw was better than the coleslaw I had at Whispering Canyon, much mayoier (yes, I said mayoier).

I also had a lunch buddy, but don't worry, I didn't feed him. He did watch me eat the entire time I was there though. I guess I looked messy!

Ooooh....that sandwich looks so good. That is what I had last time we were there and I absolutely love the sandwich. I like the beans...but I can understand not being able to "get past the pasty"...they are kind of pasty and I don't like that part of them...but they are tasty.
Ooooh....that sandwich looks so good. That is what I had last time we were there and I absolutely love the sandwich. I like the beans...but I can understand not being able to "get past the pasty"...they are kind of pasty and I don't like that part of them...but they are tasty.
I tried them once, I'm glad I did, but I'm such a texture person I couldn't do it again.

I love Flame Tree, but I usually just get the fruit plate. Yours looks delicious!
The fruit plate, huh? Too healthy for me!

I think "mayoier" should be a word in everyone's vocabulary! :thumbsup2
Agreed! I'll submit it to Webster.

That chicken alfredo LOOKS good, sorry it wasn't great!
Looks can be deceiving :rotfl:
On a walk from Africa to Asia I kept seeing people with my favorite form of ice cream, soft serve! I had to get some and I knew just the place - that crazy blue truck in Asia. I got a twist cone and it hit the spot.

I went into this demo blind. I'm sure I'll shock all of you, but I'm not foodie. I had no idea who Claire Clark was, I had no idea what the French Laundry was, I just knew I liked dessert and so a pastry chef would be right up my alley.

I got to Epcot with not a ton of time to spare and got in line kind of close to the front. Turns out that I needed to get a ticket, so I got out of line and then got back in without losing my spot. We were let in to the demo area about 5 minutes or so before it started.

I got lucky and was able to get a front and center table. Being a solo really pays off in that respect. The tables are set for 6 so there are often 1 or 2 seats left vacant at the front tables. The people at my table were really nice. The two ladies at the front spots were super friendly and while I didn't know it then, they'd come to be a big help the next day. There was also a couple at my table who knew all about the French Laundry and told me all about it.

Apparently it's this super famous restaurant in California. The reservations are almost impossible to get and book up faster than Le Cellier at 180 days. Their son lived in California and had been trying for years to get in without success. I guess I got lucky that I was able to get a spot at the demo since I doubt I'll never be dining at The French Laundry.

Pam Smith welcomed us to the demo and talked a little bit about the wine we'd be having. I can't remember why, but the wine guy was not there - he might have been doing a bottle signing or something, but I can't remember what the real excuse was. The wine was an Ice Wine from Chateau des Charmes. I'm not a wine drinker, but this was nice. Very sweet which is right up my alley.

Then Pam introduced Claire Clark. She is this tiny little blond woman, not at all what I was expecting from an English Pastry Chef. Maybe I've been watching too many Cake Challenges on the Food Network.

Claire did a lot of the cooking herself which was cool. She also told a bunch of stories from her career. She seemed very comfortable in front of the crowd which must be hard to do.




Claire made 3 things - Lemon Posset, Shortbread and Fudge.


The Lemon Posset was amazing! It's about the simplest thing you can make - just three ingredients - lemons, sugar and cream and you don't even have to bake it or anything. It was light and really wonderful. She used Meyer Lemons which brought out the flavor quite a bit. They put it in these little glasses and gave us regular plastic spoons to eat it with. We soon discovered that it just wouldn't work. The glass was too small and the spoon was too big. Without prompting from anybody, nearly everyone turned their spoon around and started eating with the handle, it was that good! It was topped with a sugared rose petal. I did eat the rose petal even though Claire warned us that it hadn't been given time to properly set. It was still kind of moist from the egg wash it was dipped in. I'm not sure it was worth the time to eat, but it was interesting to taste nonetheless.

The shortbread was really light but not crumbly at all. Not what I would think of as shortbread, but still very delicious.

The fudge was very rich and very dense. She made two kinds, I think one had pistachios and the other was just chocolate? I can't even remember, but it was tasty. I wish we had gotten more than the two very small pieces that were served.

All in all I think I made a good choice with this demo. Turns out it would be my least favorite demo, but only because poor Claire Clark had a lot of competition. She was popular among the F&W attendees. I heard that her book sold out and her book signing line was pretty long.
That deminar looked amazing! I don't know who the chef is but have definitely heard of French Laundry ... would love love love to dine there some day and if we'd still been at WDW I would have booked this in a heartbeat for us. And if this ended up being your least favorite I can't wait to see what beats it out!


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