Am I the only one who doesn't get the "Occupy Wallstreet" movements

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They are failing miserably in that regard.

Eh, I give them credit for continuing to stress keeping it peaceful. There are a lot of angry people out there. The issues with the police in Oakland didn't help matters. Look at it this way..... Polls, run by groups on both sides, continually show overwhelming support for things like increasing taxes on those who make a million dollars or more, and for getting rid of citizens united (among other things). The more politicians dig in their heels, the more they are proving the point that politicians only listen to the wealthy, the more pissed the people get. Considering how many people are involved and the challenges they've run up against, I think they're doing a pretty good job of keeping things peaceful. But, if changes aren't made soon, yeah, I could see things turning ugly fast. I think the country is on the brink of a revolution, and the true one percent are going to have to make some decisions rather quickly - do they want to hold out on their stance? do they want to hold politicians to the pledge of not raising taxes on the wealthy? Do they want to only focus on the ultimate profits no matter who they hurt??? Do they truly consider themselves to big and powerful to fail??? They have to ask themselves, do they want to risk losing everything just so they can line their pockets a little bit more???

Maybe there's some truth to the world ending in 2012. Maybe they're talking about the world, As we know it, ending. So yes, considering the alternative I think their doing an amazing job of keeping things peaceful.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";43155581]You missed my point....they are the top 1% and are a greedy ice cream company.....yet they are there supporting the 99%'s like Michael Moore....he is worth 50 million bucks yet hangs with the protesters as if he is one of them....hes far from one of them...

As for jobs the protesters are not protesting they want jobs....many had jobs they left To protest...many were offered jobs they refused them...many dont want to work they want the GOVT to pay their rent with the 1% money....

Yes we need jobs but their protesting is not going to give them jobs and sleeping in tents being fed by the unions and others are not going to get them jobs.....[/QUOTE]
Actually, Ben & Jerry's is supposed to be a wonderful place to work but that aside you are saying that anyone rich shouldn't have a say-so in any of this? I would think that it would be good if rich people joined in.

I don't begrudge anyone for having money. I get the impression that many here make way more money than I do but that is life. :confused3

As for the jobs part of it, I agree with you except that I find it hard to believe that people left jobs to protest. That would seem like a goofy thing to do.
And last night in DC, when the protesters were protesting the Koch brothers at their gala for prosperity, a person leaving the gala mowed down several protestors in their Lexus. Should we blame the Koch brothers for that?

OWS is continually stressing non-violence and to let the safety officers know if there are any agitators who are encouraging violence.

As far As the situation in Colorado, I'm curious why they didn't arrest the 4 homeless people who had been seen sleeping there for weeks, and been burning trash in a can to stay warm, but instead arrested one of the protestors. But I guess we'll let the courts do there job and sort that one out.

First of all, according to a DC policeman, "the three pedestrians "either ran toward or jumped in front of the moving vehicle." He said one pedestrian jumped on the hood of the car." The driver had a green light. Doesn't sound like somebody being "mowed down".


Second, it wasn't a "gala for prosperity", it was a dinner honoring Ronald Reagan hosted by Americans for Prosperity, a group which: "is committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process." Among other things, AFP is for less government, less taxes, fiscal responsibility, and 'restoring fairness to our justice system'.


The Occupy DC protestors crossed a line when they tried to stop other people from leaving. Want to demonstrate peacefully, standing there with your signs? Whatever, go for it - the courts have proved that that's in your first amendment rights even for the utter morons at the Westboro Baptist Church. Want to assemble? To petition the government for a redress of your grievances? Knock yourself out! I'm all for first-amendment rights.

But Occupy DC arbitrarily decided that while it's okay for THEM to get together and do their thing, it's not okay for a conservative group to do that same. That's hypocritical and wrong.
One of the tv interviews featured a young black man who said
for all the talk about this movement being for the little guy, protesters were blocking the entrance to his "ma and pa store" so no customers could get in - how is that thinking of the working man?
Not to mention all the blue collar longshoreman who couldn't go to work. This is NOT a movement for the middle class, this is nothing but a POLITICAL AGENDA and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
There is a line between protesting and rioting. One is not like the other.

The OWS movement has crossed that line many times. Then they cry "foul" and "rights". It's a little late for that when they force their will on other people and violence erupts.
First of all, according to a DC policeman, "the three pedestrians "either ran toward or jumped in front of the moving vehicle." He said one pedestrian jumped on the hood of the car." The driver had a green light. Doesn't sound like somebody being "mowed down".
If someone hasn't already done so, I great idea for a web page would be a Random OWS Claim Generator. Just press a button and it takes random proper noun ("AIG", "The 1%", "Bankers", "The Government", "99%", "Middle Class" etc.), an adverb ("greedily", "secretly", etc.), a verb ("steals", "taxes", "raises", "accepts", "corrupts", etc.) combined with other parts of popular catch phrases to form a claim that's good to use in a blood pumping rant, but likely isn't fully based in fact.

The Occupy DC protestors crossed a line when they tried to stop other people from leaving. Want to demonstrate peacefully, standing there with your signs? Whatever, go for it - the courts have proved that that's in your first amendment rights even for the utter morons at the Westboro Baptist Church. Want to assemble? To petition the government for a redress of your grievances? Knock yourself out! I'm all for first-amendment rights.
The Atlantic's Megan McArdle, after the Oakland "riot" this week pointed out the dangers to the "Occupy Parks" movement in the fact that some of them are struggling to come up with stunts like this to try and keep the attention on them and remain relevant:
Then there's the group of 500 people who surrounded Jamie Dimon's hotel in Seattle and promised to make a citizen's arrest. I assume they were looking for a stunt, not trying to invoke echoes of a lynch mob--but citizen's arrest is for people who have been caught in the commission of a clear violation of the law. Muttering "There oughta be a law" doesn't count. And having a large, angry group gather for the proclaimed purpose of taking a single person into physical custody is creepy--yes, even if it's impractical. Plus, it affords obvious opportunities for something to go spectacularly, catastrophically wrong.

As I said to the tea partiers who carried guns to protests: this sort of thing should stop. Not because you don't have a right to it, but because it frightens people. And large political protests should strive to avoid things that make others afraid for their physical safety, even if you know in your heart that you mean no harm. Whoever organized this should have known better.


Camping in a public park is a harmless extension of one's public rights. Barricading ports, shutting down streets, breaking into buildings, and setting bonfires . . . these are not.

I think that goes too far for most people. It certainly does for me. And the latest poll from Quinnipiac seems to indicate that the growing public disorder is costing them the high levels of support they once enjoyed.
The WaPo noted that outside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center last night there were a number of small fights that broke out while the protesters were blockading the dinner. The skirmishes, the Post suggests, appear to have likely been between the protesters and local residents... instead of with those attending the AFP event. My guess is that the locals didn't appreciate the antics of the protesters doing things like blocking mass transit buses and trying to stop their movement. "Hearts and minds" people, "hearts and minds".
Across the country, the figures are growing. In New York City, overtime costs are $3.4 million. In Minneapolis, the sheriff’s department reports spending $200,000. And in Boston, the tally is $2 million and counting.
ABC News

So how is this movement for the middle class when our taxes are paying for your party? Let your billionaire backers pay back these cities!
ABC News

So how is this movement for the middle class when our taxes are paying for your party? Let your billionaire backers pay back these cities!

OWS has protesters carrying signs that they want to collapse the system. Our system. Our way of life. Seems they are working on that.
nice attempt at a strawman argument. Won't work on me.


Crap, got me with that one so I will throw out the weak Strawman defense.

You talk about others being in denial? Guess who else is? You refuse to see what is going on. Typical.

What wont work on you is showing you the reality of what OWS has become.
The OWS march down by me is now taking on a different view once they heard our Food Bank Truck was stolen and the Food Bank is in need of food.. they are going to start collecting food and donations while protesting so they can donate them to the Harry Chapin Food Bank. I think this is awesome that they are doing this.. not all of these people who are protesting are evil criminals as some make them out to be.... They were also moved from the park where they were because of a Taste of the Town Festival. They are now protesting in front of court house.
If you happen to open this link, please take the time to view the people in the picture. You aren't going to see only "young" college kids with signs, there are some silver haired folks there too... in fact, I think there are more of the laid off working people than the college aged crowd protesting down by my way...|topnews|text|Home

here is another picture of the movement a little further south of me.. maybe 45 minutes south.. again.. look at the age group here, not all college kids... older people again are in this picture... I am trying to clarify for some, that this movement is not just about the 20something's looking for a hand out.. but the older folks too
Harry Chapin would be proud. One of America's greatest!
I guess you don't trust Reuters News Organization?
The movement is keeping its money at Amalgamated Bank, which was started in the 1920s by a garment-workers union and was until recently 100 percent union-owned.

That sole union ownership ended in September just as the protests were starting. Nine days after the demonstrations began, Amalgamated sold 40 percent of its stock to two of America's best-known investors, Wilbur Ross and Ron Burkle.

Ross buys and merges distressed companies in industries such as steel, coal and auto parts. Burkle is best known for his investments in grocery companies and has good relations with unions. Both Ross and Burkle are billionaires.
Did anyone get an infraction notice or private message for posting something about political or religious views? I did. I thought that was very very weird. Does that mean someone flagged me and did not like what I wrote, or that the board moderator believes that my comment(s) were very political or religious?
[QUOTE="Got Disney";43155581]You missed my point....they are the top 1% and are a greedy ice cream company.....yet they are there supporting the 99% [/QUOTE]
Why are they greedy - because they are successful?
Why are they greedy - because they are successful?

No ...they come claiming to back the 99% stating they understand there plight...yet they are multimillionaires....they are part of the capitalism that the 99% say they hate yet welcome them with open arms... they charge an arm and a leg for their ice cream...most of the 99% can never afford to buy their ice cream....if they cared about the 99% like they say they do instead of the mighty buck Than i would not call them hypocrites....that goes for them both

I have no problem with what they charge and glad they are successful...but to act as if they understand what they are going through after people like Michael Moore arrives and leaves in his personal jet or the movie stars hop in there jets and rolls royces...that is being a hypocrite...

I'm all for being successful....I am the 53% that works hard and pay taxes and am all for supporting the old ,the handicapped and the poor....but not the stupid.

I will never ever agree with sharing the wealth...
[QUOTE="Got Disney";43171931]No ...they come claiming to back the 99% stating they understand there plight...yet they are multimillionaires....they are part of the capitalism that the 99% say they hate yet welcome them with open arms... they charge an arm and a leg for their ice cream...most of the 99% can never afford to buy their ice cream....if they cared about the 99% like they say they do instead of the mighty buck Than i would not call them hypocrites....that goes for them both

I have no problem with what they charge and glad they are successful...but to act as if they understand what they are going through after people like Michael Moore arrives and leaves in his personal jet or the movie stars hop in there jets and rolls royces...that is being a hypocrite...

I'm all for being successful....I am the 53% that works hard and pay taxes and am all for supporting the old ,the handicapped and the poor....but not the stupid.

I will never ever agree with sharing the wealth...[/QUOTE]
I believe that they are self-made and if I'm right then they might remember what it's like.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";43171931]No ...they come claiming to back the 99% stating they understand there plight...yet they are multimillionaires....they are part of the capitalism that the 99% say they hate yet welcome them with open arms... they charge an arm and a leg for their ice cream...most of the 99% can never afford to buy their ice cream....if they cared about the 99% like they say they do instead of the mighty buck Than i would not call them hypocrites....that goes for them both

Who is "they"? you know Ben and Jerry's is owned by unilever, right?

However, the original Ben and Jerry made sure the company retained its mission after the sale - with plenty of giving back to the community. They have a charitable trust, and did you know the brownies in their ice cream are produced by a company that trains low income people for long term self sufficiency? They also source all the dairy locally, and use fair trade coffee and chocolate, with a pledge to use 100% fair trade by 2013

So really, them supporting companies being better "citizens" is right up their alley - regardless of how much money they have that they worked very hard to attain.
Did anyone get an infraction notice or private message for posting something about political or religious views? I did. I thought that was very very weird. Does that mean someone flagged me and did not like what I wrote, or that the board moderator believes that my comment(s) were very political or religious?

:welcome: to the DIS!!!
[QUOTE="Got Disney";43171931]No ...they come claiming to back the 99% stating they understand there plight...yet they are multimillionaires....they are part of the capitalism that the 99% say they hate yet welcome them with open arms... they charge an arm and a leg for their ice cream...most of the 99% can never afford to buy their ice cream....if they cared about the 99% like they say they do instead of the mighty buck Than i would not call them hypocrites....that goes for them both

I have no problem with what they charge and glad they are successful...but to act as if they understand what they are going through after people like Michael Moore arrives and leaves in his personal jet or the movie stars hop in there jets and rolls royces...that is being a hypocrite...

I will never ever agree with sharing the wealth...[/QUOTE]

Paying fair taxes isn't sharing the wealth. It's the responsibilities of those who live and do business in America.

Again, OWS isn't against corporations, or people making money. It's about corporate greed. And the unfair advantage that major corporations have. If you think it's fair that a large corporation, such as GE, can donate a few million dollars to politicians, and then help rewrite the tax codes, which result in GE not paying any taxes here, then that is your right. Many feel differently about this. And knowing that many large corporations have "hidden" their profits off shore, and are currently asking our politicians for a tax holiday so they can bring those billions back to this country, tax free, how can you not see the difference between profitable corporations, and corporate greed. I'm disgusted with what we allow major corporations to get away with all in the name of profits. And by saying this, it doesn't mean I'm against profits, it means I'm against those profits being used to hurt America and Americans.
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