A very sad day -your thoughts and prayers are needed

I've been a bit out of the loop the last few days and just found out about Bob's passing and like many others, am shocked. My deepest and sincerest sympathies and prayers go out to Bob's friends and family. I am very sorry for your loss.
I was shocked by the news, but I must say that I was even more shocked by my reaction. Like most of the posters on this thread, I have never met him, but I feel like I've lost an old friend.

We'll miss you, Bob!
We would like to offer our deepest condolences to Bobs family, the Podcast crew and all the Disers.
Despite only starting to listen to the Podcasts a couple of months ago both my husband and myself feel like we know the whole crew, we were deeply upset to find out the sad news.
At times like these you really appreciate the Dis community and see how caring it is.
Many thanks to Bobs family and the Podcast crew for taking the time to keep us all posted during this hard time.

OK we cheat a little, or as we like to call it, we play "Varley Golf"

I'm going to miss our golf adventures. I'm going to miss his wit and his sense of humor. I miss my friend. Rest in Peace Bobby.

I remember him telling us all about "Varley Golf" and thought to myself that was a golf game that I'd enjoy. Thank you for sharing your story and offer my condolences on the loss of your friend.
My name is Angela Roberts and I live in Las Vegas. I registered yesterday so that I can personally thank each and every single one of you for the kind words relating to the early departure of Bob Varley. Diana brought the wonderful blogs to my attention last night and I know that they mean a lot to her. There will be good days and bad days to come in our future, but we know that Bob will be with us forever. So thank you for letting the family know how much Bob meant to all of you, the words, thoughts, and prayers mean more than words can express.

Bob's Vegas Daughter.

Thanks for posting Angela. :goodvibes Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. What a wonderful Dad, to have. :hug: I hope, if you haven't already, you eventually get a chance to listen to the podcasts. Especially the 10th anniversary podcast. :goodvibes Bob really will be missed!
I'm so sad today. I signed up today because I needed to let you know how much I will miss Bob. I've been listening to the podcasts every week for a few months and have come to feel very close to the whole podcast crew. What will Tuesdays be like without Bob? I'm mourning the loss of a friend who never knew me and will never know how much he's touched my life. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, Dis family, and especially "Dianner" and Brian.
Another person here who was heartbroken to hear about Bob's death. He was such a great part of the podcasts! He will be sadly missed.

I was very sadden to learn of Bob's passing, he was always the bright spot of my week always bringing humor and joy to the world. He will be sorely missed. I was so glad i was able to meet this great man and last year podcast me in december of 2007! He was a great friend and I will miss him dearly my whole family will as will the world.

Our sincerist condolents to Diana and all of Bob's Family.

I would like to sharre my Favorite pictures of Bob



First before I start I'll give you bit of a backstory, I heard about it yesterday after doing my newspapers as you can imagine floods of tears quickly filled my eyes and his family and the podcast teams have been in my hearts and prayers since. My condolences to Diana and Brian and all there friends and family once again.

Luke Hutchinson, Nottingham
A very sad time indeed. he will be sadly missed.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and children as well as all of his podcast friends.
I am so sad to hear this. He will be greatly missed. My deepest sympathy to you guys and his family.
So sad to hear this news. I've been a DIS Podcast listener for, it seems, ages.... and to learn today that Bob passed nearly made this 36 year old man cry (at work even).

My prayers go out to his family.

Disney lost a great fan this week. I'm positive he will be sorely missed.:guilty:

Thanks for bringing a smile, and often a great laugh to my life every week Bob.
Oh my gosh! I'm speechless - I don't even know where to begin...what to say.

The world just won't be the same without Bob in it. Every time I heard his voice, he brought a smile to my face. I just knew he was going to same something kind or witty - you could never tell which it was going to be but it was always going to be memorable.

In my heart, he will always be remembered as the Defender of the Defenseless, the Imparter of Wisdome, the Bringer of Joy and Happiness!
My thoughts and prayers go to Diana, family, And the Podcast Team.
Bob toched so many people. He was a wonderful person. I only new him from the boards and Dis Unpluged but i will miss hearing from him.:grouphug:
I am stunned. My heart goes out to his family, his podcast family and all of us fans who gained so much joy from his stories and video. I hope that he knows how much we fans loved him and how many smiles he brought to our faces. My coworkers often wondered why I am at my cubical laughing when I am listening to podcasts and it was always when Bob was telling a story, misprouncing something, talking in his East coast flavor, or sharing a cawt cam story. I am so thankful that I had a chance to meet him at the podcast event in December and tell him how much he makes my day.

Know that our prayers and thought are with his family and the podcast crew.


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