A very sad day -your thoughts and prayers are needed

Like a lot of people here, I had never met or spoken to Bob, but still thought of him as a friend through listening to the podcasts.

My sincerest condolences to Bobs family, friends and DIS-friends.
Our (myself, JCDisneyFan and DD) prayers are with Bob's family and his friends. May he rest in peace. :sad1:
I came to the website today, because I did not know why the podcast was not in iTunes, and was saddened to hear of Bob's passing. I gave him some good natured ribbing in a voice mail last month, and he always took kidding around so well. He will be horribly missed. Maybe Pete can do a "best of Bob" podcast one day, where it is nothing but some of the best of Bawb-isms. Keep your heads up Podcast team. He is watching from Podcast Central in the sky.
I'm very new to the podcast and have been catching up on earlier episodes over the past two weeks. I was just getting to know Bob via his on-air dialogues, larger than life personality and mischievous humour. I'm sorry to hear of his passing, and extend my condolences to his family, his friends, and all of his fans. He will be missed.
My deepest sympathy to Bob's family and his podcast family. Bob brought joy to my day with every podcast that I listed to and with every cartcam video that I watched. :grouphug:
Bawb had attained the status of Rockstar. We hear his wit and wisdom every week, and felt like he was our friend. Even though the vast majority of his listeners never met or never knew what he looked like. He sounded like the type of person who you could walk up to and talk to and have a conversation with him like you had known him your entire life. Everyone at The Dis should know that for everyone writing in there are tenfold that number of people sad and yet happy Bob was a part of our lives. My prayers are with you all. God Bless.
I was so sorry to hear about Bob. It was clear from the podcasts that the whole crew loves and cares about each other deeply. You all have my deepest sympathy.

I am also very saddened by the sudden passing of Bob. He always made me laugh. You will be sorely missed and the pod cast won't be the same.

Please take care podcast team and don't ever give up....or Bob would come and kick you with his big boot. LOL.

My thoughts and prayers are with Diana and family.

God speed Bob.....
My condolences to Bob's family and the DIS unplugged crew. I am a relative newcomer and have listened to the whole back catalog over the past few weeks. I feel like I know all of the group and am very sad to hear the news.

Thanks DIS team for this thread - I stop by every morning when I first log on at work. It is like coming to a wall, reflecting and remembering. It is helping me work through the saddness of Bawb's passing. I would agree a best of Bawb podcast would be a fitting (if that is possiable) celebration of his life and what he has given to so many through his involvement with the DIS. I am even reflecting that this "pause" is not only respectful but a very Bawb thing too.
It's been years since I've done much posting... but I had to take the time to post and let his family and his podcast family know that my prayers are with them and Bob.

We'll miss you BAWB.

As others have mentioned I am also surprised at how sad I am to lose somebody I never met, but then again... I'm not surprised. Not even the coldest hearted Disney villan could listen to a DIS Unplugged episode without having an immediate affection for Bob.

He was truly, wonderfully unique and kind, friendly, and fun loving and that all came across in spades on the podcast. I think he and his family would be very shocked at the number of people around the world that are going to sorely miss him.

I looked forward to the day that I would be strolling through one of the parks and all of a sudden I'd see the Christmas lights of Kaht Kam, and the excitement of getting to meet a friend I'd never met.

Next time I'm in The World, I'll have a dole whip and a nap for you Bob!

Rest in peace.

I have no words at this time, only tears :sad1:

My love to the Varley Family and the Podcast Family....

Dolewhips just won't be the same...:angel:
Our heartfelt sympathies to Diana, Brian and the rest of Bob's family. Please know that he will always be with us. Bob brought joy to all of us! We smile whenever we:flower3: think of him, his nap reports and all the other happy times we had with him. What a wonderful legacy and testament he has left us on Earth.

Bob is our newest star in heaven - he will be shining brightly over us!

Cynthia and Kelsey Jorgensen
I'm relatively new to the DIS and only started listening to the podcasts a few months ago. But in that short time, I have come to realize how special "Bawb" was to the program. I always enjoyed his commentary. My deepest condolences to his family (and podcast family)...
Every time I visited the World, I've kept an eye pealed hoping to see "Cart-Cam" - I never met Bob, but (like so many others) I felt like he was a friend - this is such sad news - my love and thoughts to his family and friends.

- Andy
Why is this my first post…because I have been listening to the podcast for a few years as a lurker. Tuesday when the podcast did not load on itunes, I went to the forum to see why. As with most of us shock and disbelief do not begin to describe how my heart sank. Like many of us I did not have the privilege to meet Bob, but feel like I lost a good friend I heard so much about. I was really looking forward to meeting him on the Podcast cruse.

To the family my deepest condolences to you all during this difficult time.

To the Pod cast team where does one start. In the loss of a friend, co worker, comedian, and all the other titles Bob had it leaves such a huge gap in so many ways. As you struggle to find your footing and begin to figure out where to go from here remember just how much you mean to so many people. It is my hope that everyone will understand that you have so much to sort through on so many different levels during this difficult time. Please let us all know how we can support you, the family and the memory of Bob. If there is any type of Scholarship set up for Brian then I want to contribute to his future endeavors.

Oh no!!! This is just such sad news. I just found this post because we are on a trip to WDW right now. I had a few minutes to log on and check out the DIS and this is what I find. SHOCKING!!!!:sad1: Bob, his family, and the rest of the podcast are in my thoughts and prayers. So, so very sad.
We are very sad to hear this new. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob's family.
I have to say....Bawb is loving this....35,436 people have viewed this thread....637 posts within 5 days.

This is on his thread watch list....he loves it when they are about him.

Bob really touched a lot of people, one amazing man.


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