A Summer Wedding and a Disney Trip CANCELLED, HELP DECIDE WHEN WE'LL GO IN 2011

I would be in the same boat. We definitely want to plan park days around EMH because of the heat , so the later we can be in the parks the better. I can't see Disney letting everyone book 180 days out and not having park hours out. EVERYONE that booked would be calling back to change reservations, it would be a big mess.

So me and the girls just finished making our Halloween countdown calendar. While we sat here and cut out Halloween designs we had the dis radio playing. The kids LOVED it. They're going to be asking me to play it all the time now. OH, Manny is going to LOVE it... :rotfl:

So, there's 35 days until Halloween. My kids LOVE Halloween, now we can countdown. I can't wait to make our Disney countdown calendar next. I think I want to get that up this weekend or sometime this week. We had a lot of fun making that last time. I won't have days to count down yet, for now we'll have it up in "months" of course or else I'd drive everyone crazy and they would be asking me every day how much longer is 300 days :eek:
So today is a rainy day!!! Which I am kind of glad about, I kinda just felt like staying in today. Emily and Anthony are playing a video game in the parlor, Sam is playing a Hannah Montana in my room and Manny's watching. And me and Lizzie are watching Finding Nemo in her room!!! :goodvibes How I LOVE Nemo!!! It's making me want to go to Epcot RIGHT NOW!!!!
Some of my designs that Shadowryter made for me, her designs are great.














So those are some of the newer ones I've got in the past 2 days. I found this diser, Shadowryter, and her disigns are great. Not that they all aren't because they are ,but she had so many that I wanted.

I have some more that I'll post later.
Pam, I love those....I have not seen them! I think I have viewed three threads so far...I soooo like those...their a person who has awesome names for the back of the shirt that I really like...I need to start marking these sites....
Thanks, I love getting the designs ready. The girls are ready to make their shirts now, and so I am. I may just buy some tank tops in one size up and go with that. They pretty much go one size up on a yearly basis, so I think it's safe. So, maybe we'll start doing some shortly!!!! The most exciting part for me though is that I going to attempt to make little skirts for the girls too out of Disney fabric. :woohoo: I really hope I can pull that off. My friend will be helping.

I had the Chip and Dale one made for Emily because she LOVES them, and then I went back and had Sam and Lizzie's done, I figured if we were going to do the restaurant in Epcot with Chip and Dale those would be cute.

I have some more designs I want to show you but i'm having a problem finding them when I try to pull them up from photobucket, not sure why??? I'll figure it out soon enough I guess.

I've been busy watching the codes and rates board to find out what kind of deal will be announced this week. I know it probably won't carry through to August yet, it's too early, but it's still exciting to get an idea on what Disney's offering for 2010!!!! OH HOW I AM SO HOPING FOR FREE DINING. Or else we'll be purchasing the quick service dining plan again. Which don't get me wrong was great, i'd just like to do some of the character meals and restaurants like Sci Fi and T rex!!!!!! So, I'm hoping.
I love the disigns!!! How cute are they!!!:goodvibes

Waiting on the deals to come out here too!! :rolleyes1 Hopefully, it will be soon!!;)

We were watching Finding Nemo today too, on Disney channel!! Ahh...I just love that movie.:) It was a great thing to do on such a rainy day!!!
Too funny-- Austin was watching Finding Nemo too on the Disney Channel as well today (I think it was on last night too). It was rainy here too. I LOVE those shirt designs they are great. I like how you themed the shirts of where you will be that day. And I also think Anthony will love the Star Wars and Pirates shirts- grown up enough for him.

I found those caramel apple wraps and they were soooo easy and came out GREAT. I may make some for Austin's B-day party in two weeks. We are doing a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed B-day party (gotta keep the Disney magic in it some how between trips ya know?:wizard:) Still lots of planning to do even though we are having it at home. I have to make over 100 meatballs, a macaroni salad, veggie tray, pepperoni/cheese tray, and am attempting a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cake!!! I think I may go to the Disney Store and get the MMCH figurines- I seen how you did it with the Wall-E ones and that was just great. Wish me luck!!!

We too are watching out for the 2010 deals. It is sooo exciting to see them come out. The past two years, I have picked up this book called "Birnbaum's Best Guide to Walt Disney World"- the 2010 ed. should be out by now. It has all of the resorts, themeparks, restaurant lists, activities, and even some coupons. I highly recommend this book. I usually buy it from Borders I think its like $15.00. :confused3
I love the disigns!!! How cute are they!!!:goodvibes

Waiting on the deals to come out here too!! :rolleyes1 Hopefully, it will be soon!!;)

We were watching Finding Nemo today too, on Disney channel!! Ahh...I just love that movie.:) It was a great thing to do on such a rainy day!!!

Oh, I know, I do LOVE Nemo, so don't my girls. It's just SO Disney. I feel like i'm in Epcot when i'm watching it. ( Oh, is that just me, I know i'm a little nuts)

Too funny-- Austin was watching Finding Nemo too on the Disney Channel as well today (I think it was on last night too). It was rainy here too. I LOVE those shirt designs they are great. I like how you themed the shirts of where you will be that day. And I also think Anthony will love the Star Wars and Pirates shirts- grown up enough for him.

I found those caramel apple wraps and they were soooo easy and came out GREAT. I may make some for Austin's B-day party in two weeks. We are doing a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed B-day party (gotta keep the Disney magic in it some how between trips ya know?:wizard:) Still lots of planning to do even though we are having it at home. I have to make over 100 meatballs, a macaroni salad, veggie tray, pepperoni/cheese tray, and am attempting a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cake!!! I think I may go to the Disney Store and get the MMCH figurines- I seen how you did it with the Wall-E ones and that was just great. Wish me luck!!!

We too are watching out for the 2010 deals. It is sooo exciting to see them come out. The past two years, I have picked up this book called "Birnbaum's Best Guide to Walt Disney World"- the 2010 ed. should be out by now. It has all of the resorts, themeparks, restaurant lists, activities, and even some coupons. I highly recommend this book. I usually buy it from Borders I think its like $15.00. :confused3

I do just love rainy days when you can stay in and watch Disney movies :goodvibes Nothing better than that. Well, except being in Disney World. And as for the designs, I think that Anthony will be fine wearing those too. I'm not going to make him as many as the girls, i'm sure some days he'll want to just wear his regular clothes. Like, i'm not going to make him one with Chip and Dale on it ;) He does have a few more though, I want to post those too, he's got the Epcot design, which we all love and he has the one that says "Will trade parents for Fast pass" So he does have a lot. And who knows, maybe i'll find some more that I know he would love. He did really love his pirate Mickey one from May, so I know if they're "cool" enough he will enjoy them.
Good luck with Austin's party, and yeah, the Wall-e toys that I used for the top of Sam's cake were the only things I could find to use. But I loved them and she still plays with them. It's definitely money well spent. I think they cost me $12 dollars.

Oh, and i'm glad you did the caramel apple wraps. Aren't they so good!!!

Cute designs! I love the fairy ones.

Thanks, the girls have been so into the fairies lately. Which is good. Even my 10 yr old, so i'm getting them all excited to go see the fairies :goodvibes

And if there's anyone who doesn't know yet, the 2010 deal up until March 27th is posted on the codes and rates board. It's either buy 5 get 2 free for the values or buy 4 get 3 free. Now, I'm just waiting for that free dining announcement. :surfweb:
I'm very excited about my first Christmas gifts purchased. I know, I know it's kind of early, but I found these books on Amazon and i've been spending money like mad lately so I figured if I bought them as Christmas gifts that I would feel better about buying them so........... I did, of course. Emily is going to be so excited. She's been getting more into reading and these books......well, need I say more. They saw the UPS guy too and I told them, just to torture them that it was indeed a Christmas gift for "someone".

Looking at the pages, I do think that some of the words may be a little difficult for her, which gave me an even better idea. That those books would be for me to read to them. They love when I read to them. Right now we're on Charlotte's web. How nice would it be to sit down every night and read a few chapters from these books!!!! :cloud9: We'll have sweat Disney Dreams every night.

They are about teenagers trapped in the Magic Kingdom. The first one is "after dark" and the second one is "before dawn" And you can only imagine what goes on in the Magic Kingdom after dark and before dawn. Need I say more. The books look absolutely amazing. You can check out some sample pages on Amazon.


A close up of each one



I love them, I can't wait for Emily to open them so we can start reading. I read a page and it is just amazing. I highly recommend these books. For kids to read them on their own, they would most likely be around 4-5th graders. So much fun. And what's exciting too is that in April they are coming out with a 3rd one. So we'll be waiting to buy that.

I also wanted to post a picture of this Tinkerbell Fairy set my Mom bought the girls from an Avon book. It comes with 2 different backgrounds, 6 fairies, fairy friends and stick on clothes for the fairies and stick ons for the backgrounds. They've been playing with it for days.


Oh, did I mention that i've been thinking about our next Disney Trip CONSTANTLY!!!!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

And I have decided that we are going to start up our Disney Nights next week!! I can't wait any longer, i'm seeing everyone else's and I don't think I could ever run out of new ideas seeing everything on here. Not sure what our first one's gonna be, i'll let you know!!!
Those books sound like something I would enjoy! I was once the children's lead at the local Barnes and Noble and I love children's books! Might be something I need to look into for my niece and mail them just before Christmas! :yay: thanks for the book report...
the tinkerbell set is really cute!

Have a great day!
happy planning!
:wave2: Connie
They sure do look great, that's why I'm excited to read them to them, cause if Emily ends up wanting to read it on her own, which I doubt cause they love when I read to them, but if she does, I will read them to the younger 2 after her anyway. I can't wait!!! I'll give you an even better book report after we read them :goodvibes

I also just got the Disney Movie Club thing in the mail, so i'm finally going to join, we do need some new Disney Movies, they say it takes 2-4 weeks to come in, so those will be Christmas gifts as well. We got four coming. I got Bedtime stories for Emily, Tinkerbelle for Sam, Bolt for Lizzie and......... I'm drawing a blank on the one for Anthony , the name won't come to me and I don't feel like getting up :headache: I'm lazy!!!! No, not really, Sam and I are getting ready to walk to the girls school to pick them up.

Later, i'll post the movie I ordered for Anthony!! I'm such a dope, I just filled this out about 30 minutes ago! :rolleyes1
I've read both of the Kingdom Keepers books. The first one when I had to serve Jury duty (I never actually got called for anything as there was literally nothing going on at the court and I started on a Wednesday and Thursday at noon so I only served 1 and 1/2 days), the second one I read last year.At times they do mess with the reality of the parks, but they do it in a very creative way that makes it almost believable if you have a lot of knowledge of the parks.
Hi EastyorkDisneyfan: I've haven't came across anyone who's read them yet! Will you buy the new one coming out in April? Were they that good?
So, I really wanted to book my trip soon just to have the reservation in and start paying on it, but, I'm so unsure of what our actual plan is going to be. I mean I have 2 different options!

We would either leave home sunday night and get to Disney on Monday and stay 11 nights.

We could leave home sunday and arrive in Orlando and stay on International drive for 3 nights before checking in to Disney (which was our original plan because Manny loves Orlando) So that would be 8 nights in Disney.

Another thing i'm worried about is Manny. He is currently looking for another job and I'm really hoping that his 2 weeks off for Disney would not be a problem. I guess if he lets them know right up front, it will be ok....... I hope. Also, we are getting married and this is kind of like the honeymoon so, come on!!!!!:wizard:

I guess it will come down to free dining as well. If it's not offered, there is no way i'm staying 11 nights in Disney World!:scared1: We'd definitely be going with plan number 2 and doing Disney for 8 nights.

If it is offered Plan number 1 is looking better. But then I was thinking, maybe will they offer the QDP for free and you would have to pay for the regular ddp upgrade which is what they are doing for sept-dec dining plan, right? That wouldn't be too bad, I mean we really enjoyed the QDP, and then I wouldn't even have to worry about tips.
I was trying to figure out what the upgrade would cost and this is what I got including the upgrade and daily tips (obviously just a good estimate, going by the rest. prices)

11 night stay: $880 for dining to upgrade
10 night stay: $800 for dining to upgrade
9 night stay : $720 for dining to upgrade
8 night stay : $640 for dining to upgrade

So obviously still a good deal, it will just come down to how much extra I will want to pay :headache:

And who knows, maybe the regular DDP will be offered for free and i'll be pleasantly surprised :wizard:
You can go ahead and book your ressies; do room only or room and tickets for now. I would do room only at this time. You can start paying on that! :yay: Than as you get a little closer and you know more certain of what you need you can add your tickets! They ask that you add or change your package up to 10 days before you arrive!
Since you are waiting on the Free dining offer; I would not add the dining until that promotion is offered. I changed my ressies soooo many times; I had told Danny they were going to all ru when they seen my phone number pop up :lmao:

Have a great day!
Happy planning!
You can go ahead and book your ressies; do room only or room and tickets for now. I would do room only at this time. You can start paying on that! :yay: Than as you get a little closer and you know more certain of what you need you can add your tickets! They ask that you add or change your package up to 10 days before you arrive!
Since you are waiting on the Free dining offer; I would not add the dining until that promotion is offered. I changed my ressies soooo many times; I had told Danny they were going to all ru when they seen my phone number pop up :lmao:

Have a great day!
Happy planning!

I bought my son the Kingdom Keepers book when it first came out and he loved it. I haven't even thought about getting the second one yet but now you've reminded me.

I started buying Christmas presents while we were in Disney World in August. If I buy a little at a time, it doesn't seem as big a hit to the pocketbook. I spoil my kids like crazzzzzzy and always go overboard with Christmas gift buying.;)

If I were you, I'd be itching to book my vacation too but I can understand where you're coming from. Maybe you could go ahead and book. That way, when Manny starts his new job he can honestly say he already has his honeymoon/vacation booked. :thumbsup2

Hope you have a fantastic day,



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