A Daily Lesson in Parenting and Manners: A TR by a real life Wicked Stepmom!

Loved the update, I do feel bad that poor Sally had to endure a black out at Disney though. :hug:

yep..it's the end of the year frenzy where kids think that since things are all wonky and loosey goosey that perhaps it's okay to tell your teacher to shut up...

oops...it isn't.

"WHAT?! I can't get a consequence the last week of school! Can I?"


as a matter of fact...YES you can!

;) How about on a field trip? Does it count if you tell the teacher to shut the h*** up on a field trip? Oh it does. Well then how about if my mom comes in and complains loudly about me having to miss half my field trip? Do you still get a consequence then? That is still to be determined! :headache:
Woohoo!! A new Miss Cammie episode!!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I so enjoy the little extras you give us:goodvibes I call my family "Fred, Wilma, Betty, Barney" You should hear them clamor to be anybody but Fred. The MickeyD's at DW is the only one in the world every one in our family enjoyed and it didn't mess with anybody's tummy...a side bonus!!:thumbsup2

Thank you Miss Cammie for giving me the smilies:lovestruc

Another update!
I hope that you had fun splashing around like Ducks!!

I want you to know I was think of you last night not directly but your name came up. I was watching CNN and Campbell Brown was on and I said to DH Oh look Campbell Scott went to CNN.... Dh said WHO oops I meant Campbell Brown CampbellScott is from the DIS boards!!!oooops my bad! I spend way to much time on the boards!
Loved the update, I do feel bad that poor Sally had to endure a black out at Disney though. :hug:

;) How about on a field trip? Does it count if you tell the teacher to shut the h*** up on a field trip? Oh it does. Well then how about if my mom comes in and complains loudly about me having to miss half my field trip? Do you still get a consequence then? That is still to be determined! :headache:

Gosh my answer would be ABSOLUTELY he still gets a consequence...hopefully a pretty big consequence...parent or no parent...to say such a thing to a teacher is extremely disrespectful and inappropriate and to not follow through on a consequence is sending the WORST message out there! The mom should mortified that her child has such a sassy mouth on him!

I'm not a big fan of being undermined by parents. The kids know the rules at school...and I'm the boss of them while they are school...or on school outings...

don't. test. me.:cool2:




Another update!
I hope that you had fun splashing around like Ducks!!

I want you to know I was think of you last night not directly but your name came up. I was watching CNN and Campbell Brown was on and I said to DH Oh look Campbell Scott went to CNN.... Dh said WHO oops I meant Campbell Brown CampbellScott is from the DIS boards!!!oooops my bad! I spend way to much time on the boards!


I love it!

I'm working my way in to your subconscious!!!pixiedust:
Next time show Teddy the Donald Duck comic books.. This is the only place in all of WDW that I saw them. Loving the updates. Hopefully now that school is out you can finish before the next trip starts:laughing: :rotfl2: Look forward to more Cammie-isms soon:cool1:
:banana: WOO-HOOOO!!!!! NEW CHAPTER FROM MISS CAMMIE!!!!!:banana:

What a nice Friday surprise!!!:cloud9:

Unfortunately for my DH, I do not have as much restraint as you do when it comes to filling the house with Disney paraphenalia!!! Disney stuff is EVERYWHERE!!!! I too love buying stuff . . . as long as it is DISNEY stuff!!!
:clown: hate clowns.hate clowns. hate clowns. enuf said. :cool2:

Great report. can't wait to buy stuff
Oh my word! One of the best TRs ever! I recognized your name from the Disboutiquers thread, and had to pop in the other night. Hours and hours later... I was sobbing when Minnie remembered Sally--DH thought I'd lost my mind. I thought of you this morning when there were two little girls going from the parking lot to the pool with only their suits. My stepmom raised me well too. ;) And I call DH and DS "Fred" for no apparent reason--I noticed you called Teddy "Fred" a couple of times. I wonder where this came from? :confused3
My daughter is scared to death of clowns too. It's bad so I know what you must feel like. Great update! I hope the rain ends up clearing for you guys to shop!
I have been reading your trip report for awhile now and it is just so heartwarming and hilarious. Are you a writer? Have you ever been published? I think that you should be sending out chapters of this to various publishers to find the right one who would get this into bookstores. (That is if you haven't already done this...);)

You have a real talent for the art of writing and this IS a book. I can see it as such. It is so great, not only for the Disneyphiles, as we all are here, but it has some real life lessons in family and the re-arrangement of family that sometimes happens for everyone who has a family at some point in life...I guess that makes all of us!;)

I should think that many readers would find a connection to your words of wit and wisdom. I truly think you should seek a publisher for this material and continue to write other things as well in the future. I am enjoying your take on the Disney vacation and the way your family interacts. I have no children and my husband and I go to Disney Parks together as a couple only, or with other couples. Yet, even I, as a childfree adult, find much wisdom in your words and certainly a great deal of humor and insight. You are a lovely person, your family is wonderful and I am sure that sharing your story would be a great thing.

Any publisher could find an artist to do drawings or artwork for your book should you choose to protect your family's pictures in a book. On the other hand, they are already published on the internet in this trip report.:)

Please do us all a favor and continue to write and write and write and GET PUBLISHED!!!!!:) ...I am so looking forward to your next chapter.

I know how long it takes to get them out sometimes. I am a writer as well, though our styles differ greatly. I have not worked on anything for some time, due to other commitments in life, but your stories here inspire me. It seems I am getting itchy fingers from reading your adventurous tales.

Thanks for your unique take on the "Disney Family Trip" and your wonderful style of writing that brings it to life right here in my computer room as I read it with a smile on my face.:)
We wandered a bit more, looking at the Art of Disney for a while. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to decorate the kids playroom in Disney art. Oh who am I kidding, I'd love to decorate my whole HOUSE in Disney art...but I am able to restrain myself for fear of going a LITTLE bit overboard.

It was fun to look though...someday someday...

I just had to add, "You should see my house!!!!!" It is like a Disney museum or some sort of Disney shrine! EVERY room has Disney in it. And I have a 6100 sq ft house! Disney art prints, lithos, figurines, toys, clothes, doll collection, pin collection, plushies of every character...you name it it's here! It is a BIG BUNCH O' DISNEY DECORATING!!!!! LOL!

AND...I still have so much stuff in boxes. Not enough room to put up all the Disney stuff. I really LOVE Disney and I REALLY love shopping in Disney stores on property and of course the Disney Store in the mall and Disneyshopping.com and...(well, just about anywhere you can get Disney stuff!) and I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE buying Disney stuff! LOL!!!

Keep collecting! It is fun and keeps you in the magic mood even when you can't be at a Disney park! It is sorta like "the next best thing to being there" but you really cannot beat actually being on property where you can actually sniff the Disney magic dust!:) You know...from Tinkerbell's wand!;)

There really is no other feeling like being on property, even a Disney collection covering every inch of space in the house does not have the same effect! But it helps...;)

OMG!!! I just got caught up - I started at Page 1 about 2 weeks ago, and finally, the light at the end of proverbial tunnel!!!!

btw my sister is a Kami - I don't think there is an accurate spelling as there's not too many of y'all out there, no matter how you spell it!

Lovin your report - your writing style is so much fun, which could explain the 108 pages of devoted readers!
That was cool that they gave the kids stickers and pencils! Ankle-deep puddles at Disney aren't as much fun as one might think. Been there.
Great installment ;-)
Here's another one y'all! I need to shake a tail feather if I want to get this finished!!! :hippie:

Well if we were fixin to buy stuff, there was really only one place to go...okay well there were several places to go...but one place I wanted to go:

The World of Disney Mega super Everything you could EVER want and NEVER knew you NEEDED until you were standing in front of it Store...

(that's the official name...)

Teddy, on the other hand, caught sight of the Lego store!

The bouncing began...

"MissCammie, DADDY I wanna go in THERE!!!"

So we went in there.

Teddy is a builder. He's a little engineer in the making. He's got his father's mind for that kind of thing. Teddy can look at a picture of what something is supposed to look like, and inside of five minutes he's got it built. His father and grandfather are exactly the same way. It amazes me. I do NOT have that kind of brain. At all.

Teddy had gotten a K'Nex Roller Coaster set for Christmas. It was incredibly intricate and had 84,000 parts...Jay had that thing built in under an hour.


A week later they took it down and built something of their own design.

brilliant men in my family.

good thing I'm the boss of everybody or I might feel insecure...


so Teddy and Jay had a grand old time looking at Lego stuff.

Sally and I stood it for about 15 minutes.

Luckily Teddy had found a couple of sets he wanted and declared himself ready to BUY STUFF.

It was so cute watching him hand "HIS VERY OWN EARNED" money to the cashier. He was very proud of himself. It's not easy to earn Disney money when you've got a naughty streak a mile wide, made worse by an impulsive nature. That money was hard won and we all applauded his first purchase.


Teddy took a bow.

Then we had a little dance party.

cuz that's how we roll.


FINALLY time for World of Disney.

My personal holy grail of browsing.

Disney browsing.

My inner child comes to the forefront and I am enchanted and delighted by every sight and sound.

I am completely taken in by Disney marketing.

to the nth degree.

I could spend hours and hours in here.

Jay, being the wonderful husband that he is, took the kids in one direction and told me go look for a bit.


this man knows me well!

so I wandered and looked. I patted fuzzy pooh bears and hugged a stuffed Donald.

I looked at scrapbooks and picture frames and flip flops and tee shirts.

I was in a happy place!

my "artistic" Disney shot!:lmao:

As I was wandering I thought I heard my name called by someone other than the kids or Jay...

I turned and looked and saw one of my friends from college! :-)wave2: Linlea! Here's your shout out girl!!!) She ran over and gave me a big old bear hug! Wow!

It's a Small World After All!!:rotfl2:

we chitty chatted a bit. Linlea and her family were also here on vacation...staying with family in Celebration. She turned to introduce me to her daughter...but her daughter was busy making friends with Minnie!


Super Big Minnie!!

this little one was feeling the Disney love too!!!

This child looks exactly like her mother...right down to the blond ringlets!

Sally had seen me and come running over. She threw her arms around me and waited to be introduced.

(Sally is very funny about meeting people that I know but Jay doesn't...she's a little possessive and always takes the stance of arms wrapped around me to make it clear just who MissCammie belongs to!:lovestruc )

I was about to make the introductions when Linlea said in total astonishment,

"How on EARTH did you manage to have such a BROWN child?! She looks just like you...but...she's so dark!"


Linlea was always one for speaking her mind outright!

The following conversation went like this...

Sally: I'm part Italian!

Linlea: Oh wow Cam, you married an Italian?

Sally: No Daddy is Scottish. My mom is Italian.

Linlea: No she's not, she's Irish!

Sally: No, MY mom is Italian.

Linlea: There isn't an Italian bone in her body! She's the original Irish Princess!

Once I was able to get a word in edgewise, I was able to explain and put a stop to the "Who's on First" style routine!

My Irish coloring had been a running joke in college, especially amongst my sorority sisters...who all seemed to be bronzed goddesses. I was unique!:3dglasses

Once the relationship puzzle was explained Linlea had to laugh!

After that, Linlea introduced her daughter to Sally and Sally helped her find another HUGE lovey to hug on for a bit.

It was nice to run into a friend. It's always an odd shock to me to see people I knew during my wild girl days (well not too wild) having kids and being all grown up.

I don't think I'll EVER feel like a grown up!

After introducing Linlea to Jay and Teddy, she had to get going. We gave hugs all around, exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

Good to see you Lin!!!!:goodvibes

I quickly browsed the Disney PET section and made a purchase for my puppy...(Pluto snacks and a chewie toy!). Then I joined Sally and Teddy at the Penny Smasher machine they had found!

Teddy NEVER got tired of watching this!


They each got two pennies to put into their albums. I think this was one of their FAVORITE activities of the entire trip. They just can't get enough of "hunting" things!

We wandered about a bit more. Sally oohed and ahhhd over the huge Disney pin section. She founds lots of pins she liked...but never felt the urge to buy one with HER money.

I think the nature of pin collecting appeals to Sally. She had really liked the Mickey and Minnie "Just Married" pin I had gotten on our honeymoon, along with some others. She loves to collect and understands "exclusive" ie:not everyone can get one and "retired" and having these sorts of things gives her a thrill...(this is thanks to her vast Webkinz collection!). I think she'd enjoy starting a collection. I figured though, we'd start that next year...on our next trip...which I was already planning!

(Animal Kingdom Lodge Here were come!!!:cool1: )

Sally wandered with me through the kitchen section and we pointed out things we'd like to have in our dream Disney Kitchen! There was just so much stuff to look at!!

Jay was a very good sport. We were there for a good long time!

It had been a fun night overall...even if it was wet!!

We made sure to stop at the Disney's Days of Christmas store! I am a Christmas lovin girl! I got a red glass Mickey Head ornament that had hand painted "Mickey Parts" all over it. I had it personalized with our name and the year. We also utilized the "send it back to the resort for you" service, which was REALLY handy. That way we didn't have to worry about smudging the still drying paint, or worrying about the ornament getting smashed on the way home.

One less thing to worry about is always a good thing in my book!

We also made stops at Once Upon a Toy (very nice bathrooms in that store!), and Pooh Corner!

Sally had found a stuffed Pluto that she just had to have. (Sally is a dog person all the way!) She was very excited to make her purchase and looked very grown up as she took the money out of her Minnie wallet and gave it to the cashier. I was proud of her...not too long ago Sally wouldn't have DARED to be so bold as to make a purchase her own self. She was growing in leaps and bounds!

It was fun just being together and wandering around, not rushing...just hanging out and having a good time. It was one of my favorite evenings of the trip!

We finally decided it was time to head back to the Wilderness Lodge. We were tuckered...and wet...

On the way out I got a couple more pictures!

Teddy informed us that these guys were called TweedleDeedle and TweedleDoodle...:lmao:

Christmas Card!! (not really...ponchos do not a Christmas card make!)

We had a nice ride home on a nearly empty bus.

Upon arrival back at the Lodge, Jay decided he was hungry! Again!

He decided to order up some room service pizza!

we were going to have to get back on the healthy track when we got home!:laughing:

I got the kiddies bathed and into their PJ's. Jay was able to hook up our portable DVD player so that we could watch a DVD on the television.

I set out fish crackers and baby carrots and some slices of mozzarella cheese for Sally and Teddy. (having the mini fridge in our room ROCKED!)

We ended our night having a bed picnic, eating snacks and pizza and watching Peter Pan. I don't think the kids made it past the first verse of "You can Fly!"

It was an excellent way to end the day!

Up Next: The park formerly known as Disney's MGM Studios!
WOO HOO! Two in a row :goodvibes

Sounds like a lovely eveneing after all. Great updates again, MissCammie :thumbsup2
Hi Miss Cammie,
I really really enjoyed living the night vicariously thru you. I can just picture the rain and lightening and the excitement of shopping. What a loverly time! :banana: Thats so cool that you met up with a sorority sisters! I never kept up with anyone in mine. I feel kinda bad about it. I think its cause I hate talking on the phone. I am the only female alive in the United States who hates talking on the phone. I have never texted someone either. Perhaps you should analyze me :crazy: Well thanks for the double update! Make sure you put Earl of S. on your list of things to do this year! So how many more days till your trip? Do you have a LMGH count-down calender going? :bitelip: Love ya...I am off to clean house! :(
You sure do have a way with telling a story!! :worship: It sounds like you guys had a great evening! Very cozy!

And, clowns freak me out too!! :scared1:
Wow what a great evening! Sounds like some good ole family fun to me! Perfect way to end the day, snuggled up on the bed, just like LIONS! Thanks for the great double update Miss Cammie! :)


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