A Daily Lesson in Parenting and Manners: A TR by a real life Wicked Stepmom!

Great trip report MissCammie!

I have spent the last 3 days reading your TR - at home and at work (but that'll be our little secret!).

BTW I hate to be wet too. And pools gross me out. Oh, and hot tubs are the nastiest things ever invented! I actually saw a little boy snorkeling in one once. I think he's dead now.


:lmao: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha im sorry to be a bit off topic miss cammie but i just had to comment about this. debbie, im still laughing! thats hilarious :rotfl: hot tubs are abosolutely disgusting. even the smell of them..the chlorine all hot...ickkk

back on topic: another great chapter, miss cammie! cant wait for the next!
:lmao: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha im sorry to be a bit off topic miss cammie but i just had to comment about this. debbie, im still laughing! thats hilarious :rotfl: hot tubs are abosolutely disgusting. even the smell of them..the chlorine all hot...ickkk

back on topic: another great chapter, miss cammie! cant wait for the next!

It was one of the most disturbing things I have EVER seen! We were at a resort in Southern Indiana and wouldn't you know our room overlooked the outdoor pool :-)scared: ) AND the hot tub :-)scared: ). My DH checked out the view when we first got into the room and started laughing .. "Hey Deb, come check this out, you are gonna LOVE the view!". :sad2:

And I agree that hot steamy chlorine smell is terrible. I gag just thinking about it!

I once heard someone call a hot tub a "frothy human cappucino". Blech. Does that sum it up or what?

It was one of the most disturbing things I have EVER seen! We were at a resort in Southern Indiana and wouldn't you know our room overlooked the outdoor pool :-)scared: ) AND the hot tub :-)scared: ). My DH checked out the view when we first got into the room and started laughing .. "Hey Deb, come check this out, you are gonna LOVE the view!". :sad2:

And I agree that hot steamy chlorine smell is terrible. I gag just thinking about it!

I once heard someone call a hot tub a "frothy human cappucino". Blech. Does that sum it up or what?

Ok you guys are making me NOT LIKE Hot Tubs! Not Fair! I do try not to get into public ones but DH and I are planning one for ourselves out on our new deck.
Miss cammie still loving the REPORT
Can't wait for the next update MissCammie!! I just love your trip report!!! I am very interested to find out where you ended up eating!! I hope you stayed reasonably dry.
I :love: :love: :love: your TR!!! You should be an author, you write in a way that makes me never want to stop reading!! You are an amazing step-mom and your kids are so lucky to have you as a second mom! You make me wish I was part of your family LOL! It takes a special person to step up and be the "hero" as Dr. Phil would say, putting kids first in the obviously difficult situation you face with the ex and all the baggage that brings.... You are definiteley THE HERO! :flower3: Your love for those kids and your husband shines through in every word and action! :woohoo: I can't wait to read more of your report.... I am hooked to your TR and to your future TR's!
:laughing: :surfweb: Miss Cammie, I'm really enjoying your TR and your family's adventures. I see a lot of Sally in myself; I too am an ardent rule follower and have been known to let people know when they are WRONG. I read an article in a national magazine last month and was not happy with some of the statements the author made (regarding my place of summer employment). I took a few minutes to type a letter to the editor, spell-checking and proofreading to make sure it made sense. I e-mailed it to the magazine, and they are going to print it in the "letters to the editor" in next month's issue!!! I think Sally and I would get along very well. Teddy is like a combination of my two younger brothers; young boys' craziness must be Disney-induced! The last time I was there, with my brother and parents in March 2005, he was almost 13. I don't know what on earth got into him, but when I was in the backseat of the rental car with him he would lick my arm CONSTANTLY, like an untrained puppy.:dog: He didn't seem to understand why I thought this was rather gross and unaccaptable, but I know Sally would...:rotfl:
Another lurker here who had to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading this report! Can't wait to read what happens next!:)
My inner Donald says: Quack! Quack! Quack-Quack! (Translation: Great Report, thank you!)

I took me about 1 week to catch up once I found it.

I am a Yankee living in Texas, so I understand a lot of what you are saying.

Maybe we will cross paths in August in WDW (we will be there for 2 weeks, QUACK!!). I will look for 2 very tan kids.

p.s. You will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Animal Kingdom Lodge! We stayed there for a long weekend last October and LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!! The beds are sooooo comfy....
Okay, Miss Cammie, this is my first post. I have been lurking for the past month or so and decided that I needed to reply. I have enjoyed your TR. Your writing is very engaging and I can't wait for more, hopefully soon? I hope all is going well for you and your family.
Hey everybody!!!
Sorry this chapter is on the later side. I got slammed with work and drama drama drama. It's been a busy weekend!!

memorial day parade tomorrow!!! Sally and Teddy LIVE for parades!! NOthing like having candy being pelted at your head while trying to keep your over eager Teddy from darting into the parade traffic!!!

I hope everyone is having a lovely Memorial Day weekend!

chapter will be done just as soon as I get a spare few...if I don't put some scoot in my boot I'll be on this year's trip before the TR from last years trip is done!!

how TACKY!!!


Miss Cammie -- thought I'd reply after reading your trip report. My sister in law (miabellarose) sent me the link to your trip report. It's been thoroughly entertaining and I can't wait to read more! Reading your report makes me wish my trip were that much closer. :)
Oh wow!

I wondered what happened with you and your family!

(Custodial step mom here, raised my three bonuses for 15 yrs, have a borderline biomom).

Off to catch up!
Hey everybody!!!
Sorry this chapter is on the later side. I got slammed with work and drama drama drama. It's been a busy weekend!!

memorial day parade tomorrow!!! Sally and Teddy LIVE for parades!! NOthing like having candy being pelted at your head while trying to keep your over eager Teddy from darting into the parade traffic!!!

I hope everyone is having a lovely Memorial Day weekend!

chapter will be done just as soon as I get a spare few...if I don't put some scoot in my boot I'll be on this year's trip before the TR from last years trip is done!!

how TACKY!!!



New to the TR but it's amazing!

I think not finishing your TR before your next trip is against the rules. Maybe ask Sally? ;)

I think our trips overlap a bit (I think I saw on another thread you'll be there the end of August for 10 days and we arrive on Sept 1st for 14 days) so I'll be on the lookout for 2 fellow pale people with 2 really adorable and tan kids.
I love your stories but my heart breaks for Sally every time somebody tells her the crazy stuff. My husband and I asked our 22 year old daughter what she wanted as a gift from us for her college graduation. Yup, you guessed it, a trip to wdw. So we are going in Sept. so she can enjoy the halloween party and we are dressing up in costumes. You are never too old for disney.

P.S. She already has her disney wedding planned and she isn't even engaged!
Hey Miss Cammie -

Just giving your trippie a bump!

Hope the drama from last week has subsided and that the kiddos had a great time at the parade!

Have a great day! I don't know how it has been in Jersey but here in PA we are thrilled to finally have some sunshine and nice weather!
LOVE this trip report!!!!!!!!!...Love that you respest children enough to have high expectations of them!!!:thumbsup2

I laughed out loud (in the best way) reading your report....My 9 year old was so intrigued by my engagement that I read her the second part (plane trip.) She also laughed in empathy! You have a great wit:stir: !!

We are NYC born and bred...my daughter mastered sarcasm at age 3, so your report is like a familiar song from childhood!!

We encounter bad (guilty) parenting here on the upper west side of manhattan that makes us want to puke:confused3 : no one makes thier kids responsible for their behavior anymore, so my poor muggins is the only one who knows what "no" is. (I was a HEADSTART teacher.)

I feel sorry that our children have to grow up with this uneven, strange, dualistic seeming playing field, but I believe ours will be better prepared to succeeed because they understand how to meriit things and believe in fairplay.

You deserve the wonderful family you are part of....They are lucky to have your eyebrow around!:maleficen
(My daughter wanted to add to my earlier post)

Dear Miss Cammie,

I really like your story. Are you okay ? I am sorry about what that boy did to you. My teacher last year had ADD, but she wasn't loco like that! I know I'm only 9, but you are really good at writing! Before you said what your job was, I thought you were a writer. My mom said I'm a lot like SallyRally
( except no food issues.) You're an inspiration for my writing at school.

Your story sounds like what happiens to me and my mom ,bad things always happening when everything is perfect:thumbsup2 .:mickeyjum :goofy: I love Disney as much as you do.I love to read your writing.

Sincerly,chloe, your biggest fan. :surfweb:


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